Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/15
Outputs Target Audience:The target audiences of this work include the scientific community and agricultural production and insect disease vector related researchers. This work was shared at several scientific conferences in the fields of Applied and Basic Entomology, Symbioses, and Molecular Evolution. This project was also shared with undergraduate students at the University of Texas Austin as experiential educational experience. These students participated in actual research projects related to the proposal. Finally, the results of this work have been shared with Agricultural scientist at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, in the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This fellowship provided the basis for a new research focus for Dr. Bennett (PI). This includes agricultural pest species, plant pathogen vectors, and microbial symbioses. Dr. Bennett recently started a tenure track faculty position at the University of Hawaii Manoa, in the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences. The opportunity provided by this fellowship for him to pursue research agriculturally related systems, directly contributed to his career trajectory and goals. It has also expanded Dr. Bennett' collaborative network through agricultural communities. His work will continue to focus on the microbial symbionts and pathogens in native and pestiferous agricultural species. The fellowship further provided collaborative opportunities for Dr. Bennett with European pest insect and pathogen research labs. He has developed active collaborations with Dr. Cristina Marzachi and Dr. Simona Abba at the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, National Research Council of Italy, Torino. During this collaboration, Dr. Bennett visited Dr. Marzachi's lab and conducted molecular genomic work, presented on his projects, and conducted fieldwork in local vineyards. This included work on microbial symbionts and phytoplasma pathogens. Dr. Bennett is continuing collaborations with Dr. Marzachi during his new position at UH. Dr. Bennett mentored two undergraduate researchers for two years under this project. Both participated in several project dimensions. They were trained in experimental setup, insect rearing and experimentation, and molecular bench work. Specifically, they worked to develop an artificial diet for insect experiments, ran insect feeding trials on different nutrient profiles, extracted and sequenced DNA, conducted dissections and microscopy work, and helped organize data from molecular and genomic experiments. They also presented their results to general scientific audiences. Both have gone on to pursue scientifically related jobs in human pathogens and medicinal sciences. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Project results have been presented at multiple conferences and seminars, targeting entomological, phytopathological, and evolutionary scientific communities (see products for explicit list of contributions). All results have been actively published in relevant scientific journals (at total of six publication thus far). Much of this work is still on going, and will be published upon completed. Dr. Bennett, through his new position at UH Manoa's premier Agricultural College, is working with extension personnel throughout Hawaii to share information about microbial symbionts and pathogens in introduced pests. To date, he has made several trips to Hawaii Island to meet with local Forest Service employees, Hawaii Department of Agriculture workers, and Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources land managers. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective 1: Dr. Bennett sequenced the genomes of the two obligate symbionts (Nasuia deltocephalinicola and Sulcia muelleri) of the leafhopper pest, Macrosteles quadrilineatus (Cicadellidae). This revealed the smallest and degraded bacterial genomes known to science. Results show that symbionts are required for the synthesis of essential amino acids (EAA) that animals cannot make de novo and are limited in insect phloem-sap diets. Both symbionts require extensive cellular resources from their host for basic cellular and metabolic functions that include energy (e.g., ATP), cell membrane and transport, and cellular division. However, these requirements differ between symbionts as their genomes encode different functions and metabolisms. Bacterial symbionts further appear to require assistance in initiating the synthesis of EAAs (e.g., methionine) required by the host. Preliminary gene expression analyses with RNA-seq sequencing have demonstrated that Macrosteles quadrilineatus provides functions that are missing from symbiont genomes. RNA expression profiles for host symbiont organs (bacteriomes) and non-symbiotic insect tissues were comparatively interrogated. Results reveal that the host has increased expression in the bacteriomes of genes involved in the transport of amino acids and sugars, cell membrane components, cell division, and EAA synthesis. These outcomes reveal potential targets for future gene expression knockdown experiments to disrupt symbiotic functions (e.g., RNAi). Other pathogenic bacteria were identified in the genomic data for insect tissues. The insect pathogen Arsenophonus sp. appears is present in M. quadrilineatus tissues. While Arsenophonus can have life history and ecological effects on insect hosts, its role in M. quadrilineatus is currently unknown. Project results under Objective 1 were extended through collaboration with Dr. Cristina Marzachi and Dr. Simona Abba at the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, National Research Council of Italy, Torino. This collaboration profiled and assembled the genomes of the microbes associated with the European pest leafhopper, Macrosteles quadripunctulatus. Results demonstrate that M. quadripunctulatus harbors the same microbial symbionts required for nutritional synthesis as M. quadrilineatus. The symbiont genomes pf host species are nearly identical. Sequencing results further found additional microbes infecting M. quadripunctulatus that include "Candidatus Phytoplasma" plant pathogens and the insect pathogen, Rickettsia. Objective 2: Results for Objective 1 have revealed a suite of up-regulated genes for the maintenance and function of bacterial symbionts in M. quadrilineatus. However, these data do not differentiate which genes are targeted for the maintenance of either Sulcia or Nasuia. In order to distinguish the mechanisms that support individual symbiont types, Dr. Bennett developed a micro-dissection technique to split host cells (bacteriocytes) that contain Sulcia or Nasuia, which are sequestered separately. Dissected tissue pools will be interrogated for host and symbiont gene expression (RNAseq). To date, Dr. Bennett has completed dissections and sequencing for three technical replicate series (3 sets of 30 individuals). These pools were sequenced using RNA-seq. Preliminary results of host gene expression show widely different profiles for each symbiont specific cell type. This is because the Nasuia and Sulcia encode for drastically different functional and metabolic abilities and require different input from the host insect. Analysis of differential gene expression, gene identification, and metabolic networks are ongoing. Data collected under Objective 2 has also revealed bacterial gene expression differences between Nasuia and Sulcia. Results show that the most highly expressed bacterial genes are involved in stress repsonse and protein folding, as well as EAA metabolisms required by the hosts. The high expression of stress related proteins are hypothesized to result from the intracellular symbiont environment. Symbiont typically experience reduced natural selection and increased mutation rates that impair gene function. Thus, proteins are likely unable to fold and function properly. Stress response proteins are known to help aid in protein function. These results are being combined with a broader sequencing effort across other sap-feeding insects in the Hemiptera (e.g., psyllids and aphids) to determine if these expression patterns are widespread in symbiotic systems. Objective 3: Dr. Bennett established a lab-reared colony of M. quadrilineatus for environmental and dietary experiments. Two undergraduate research assistants helped develop the tools to conduct these experiments, Allison Joyce and Shivani Patel. To date, they have worked on developing delivery systems of dietary enrichments that include an artificial diet and spiking barley plant cuttings with EAA enrichment solutions. Tests have determined that plant cuttings work sufficiently and that artificial diets are unstable. Finally, they have developed quantitative PCR molecular markers for assaying symbiont population sizes. Dr. Bennett and his mentees completed experiments for age-controlled populations under different temperature and diet regimes: 10-20 individuals for across four different temperature profiles (15, 25, 30, 45 oC for 3 and 24 hours periods); and, four different EAA diet enrichments that are i) redundant with the role of Sulcia, ii) redundant with the role of Nasuia, and ii) complete EAA enrichment, and d) a control. They have extracted symbiont and host DNA and conducted quantitative PCR analyses. These analyses are used to determine fluctuations of symbiont populations in different conditions. Preliminary results show that the populations of Nasuia and Sulcia differ dramatically in abundance. Sulcia is over 3-fold more abundant than Nasuia. This may be due to Sulcia's overall larger contribution to the nutrient pool required by the host (i.e., 8 essential amino acids, as opposed to the 2 synthesized by Nasuia). Finally, females have larger symbiont populations than do males. Presumably this is because symbionts are passed to the next generation directly within the matriline. Insect diet appears to impact symbiont abundance. When available plant nutrients have increased amino acid concentrations redundant with the metabolisms of one of the symbionts, the other symbiont population size is adjusted. Preliminary results show that symbiont populations increase to balance the concentrations of all EAAs. That is, when we increased the EAA concentrations synthesized by Nasuia, Sulcia populations increased, but no difference is found in Nasuia populations. We hypothesize this is a compensatory response by the host to balance EAA profile, which can be toxic if unbalanced. Increasing symbiont numbers is one way to increase amino acid production, since it obligate symbionts generally cannot control gene expression. Project Extensions: In addition to NIFA fellowship project objectives, Dr. Bennett has also completed several side-projects that are extensions of this work. These include the genomic sequencing of bacterial symbionts in other pestiferous leafhopper species, including the blue-green sharpshooter, Graphocephala atropunctata (Bennett et al., 2014, mBio), and the green sharpshooter Draeculacephala minerva (Bennett et al., 2015, Genome Biology and Evolution). Dr. Bennett and Dr. Nancy Moran have also co-authored two perspective pieces on the evolution of obligate symbioses (Moran & Bennett 2014, Nat. Rev. Micrbiol.; and, Bennett & Moran 2015, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA).
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Moran, N.A. and Bennett, G.M. 2014. The tiniest tiny genomes. Annual Review Microbiology. 68:195-215.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bennett, G.M., McCutcheon, J.P., McDonald, B., Romanovich, D., & Moran, N.A. 2014. Differential genome evolution between companion symbionts in an insect-bacteria symbiosis. mBio. 5:e01697-14
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bennett, G.M., McCutcheon, J.P., McDonald, B., Romanovich, D., & Moran, N.A. 2015. Lineage-specific patterns of genome deterioration in obligate symbionts of sharpshooter leafhoppers. Genome Biology and Evolution. [early edition]
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bennett, G.M. and Moran, N.A. 2015. Heritable symbiosis: the advantages and perils of an evolutionary rabbit hole. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 112:10169-10176
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Bennett, G.M., Abba, S., Kube, M., Marzachi, C. 2015. Complete genome sequences of the obligate symbionts "Candidatus Sulcia muelleri" and "Candidatus Nasuia deltocephalinicola from the pestiferous leafhopper Macrosteles quadripunctulatus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) [in press]
- Type:
Book Chapters
Awaiting Publication
Year Published:
Bennett, G.M. The microbial symbionts of leafhoppers. In: Webb, M., and Badmin, J. (Ed.) The Leafhoppers: Form Function and Phylogeny. [In press]