Sponsoring Institution
Agricultural Research Service/USDA
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Feb 3, 2011
Project End Date
Feb 2, 2016
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
FARGO,ND 58102-2765
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The funding will be used to enhance the existing objecives to develop and validate new diagnostic technologies for the detection and to determine the distribution of chemical residues in the food supply and the environment, in particular, endogenous reproductive hormones and pharmaceuticals. Objective 1. Investigate the kinetics of uptake, metabolism, distribution, and excretion of chemicals in food animals with the goal of reducing public exposure to chemical residues in food animal products (milk, meat, eggs). Objective 2. Determine the fate of endogenous reproductive hormones, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals in wastes of food animals, including transport through soil and water. Objective 3. Develop sensitive and accurate analytical tools to rapidly detect and quantify chemicals identified in objectives 1 and 2.
Project Methods
The broad objective of this project is to determine the fate of natural and man-made chemicals in food animals and in food animal systems (wastes, soil, water). Three broad classes of chemicals will be targeted for study: (1) veterinary drugs or feed additives administered to food animals under extra-label use conditions, (2) endogenous steroid hormones, and (3) novel developmental chemicals of potential utility to the livestock industry. Use of veterinary chemicals in an extra-label manner without knowledge of residue depletion kinetics has led to unsafe residues in meat products. Endogenous steroid hormones excreted by livestock are highly potent endocrine-disrupting compounds that are thought to disrupt the development of aquatic species after their entry into surface waters. Finally, chemical technologies developed by the ARS, e.g., chloroxyanions and nitro compounds, are active against Salmonella and E. coli pathogens in livestock immediately prior to slaughter, but the impacts of chemical residues in meat products have not been fully investigated for these compounds. Regardless of the chemical class being investigated, the development of sensitive and accurate analytical tools is critical completion of the objectives. Therefore, a significant portion of the project is devoted to developing the analytical tools required to ensure success of the project. The overall project goal is to understand the broad impact that chemical residues play in influencing food and environmental safety.

Progress 02/03/11 to 02/02/16

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): The funding will be used to enhance the existing objecives to develop and validate new diagnostic technologies for the detection and to determine the distribution of chemical residues in the food supply and the environment, in particular, endogenous reproductive hormones and pharmaceuticals. Objective 1. Investigate the kinetics of uptake, metabolism, distribution, and excretion of chemicals in food animals with the goal of reducing public exposure to chemical residues in food animal products (milk, meat, eggs). Objective 2. Determine the fate of endogenous reproductive hormones, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals in wastes of food animals, including transport through soil and water. Objective 3. Develop sensitive and accurate analytical tools to rapidly detect and quantify chemicals identified in objectives 1 and 2. Approach (from AD-416): The broad objective of this project is to determine the fate of natural and man-made chemicals in food animals and in food animal systems (wastes, soil, water). Three broad classes of chemicals will be targeted for study: (1) veterinary drugs or feed additives administered to food animals under extra-label use conditions, (2) endogenous steroid hormones, and (3) novel developmental chemicals of potential utility to the livestock industry. Use of veterinary chemicals in an extra-label manner without knowledge of residue depletion kinetics has led to unsafe residues in meat products. Endogenous steroid hormones excreted by livestock are highly potent endocrine-disrupting compounds that are thought to disrupt the development of aquatic species after their entry into surface waters. Finally, chemical technologies developed by the ARS, e.g., chloroxyanions and nitro compounds, are active against Salmonella and E. coli pathogens in livestock immediately prior to slaughter, but the impacts of chemical residues in meat products have not been fully investigated for these compounds. Regardless of the chemical class being investigated, the development of sensitive and accurate analytical tools is critical completion of the objectives. Therefore, a significant portion of the project is devoted to developing the analytical tools required to ensure success of the project. The overall project goal is to understand the broad impact that chemical residues play in influencing food and environmental safety. This project formally ended early in the second quarter of the fiscal year and was replaced by project no. 3060-32420-001-00D. Major accomplishments during the life of the project included the development and validation of rapid screening assays for veterinary drugs, determining the withdrawal period of penicillin G in production sows and developing a method to predict violative kidney residues using a urine screening assay, the characterization and prevention of residues remaining on produce sanitized with chlorine dioxide gas, determining the effects of physiologic inflammation on drug disposition in cows, and determining the effects of common waste management practices on the fate and estrogenic activity of animal manures applied as fertilizers.



  • Smith, D.J., Ernst, W., Herges, G.R. 2015. Chloroxyanion residues in cantaloupe and tomatoes after chlorine dioxide gas sanitation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 63(43):9640-9649.
  • Shelver, W.L., Smith, D.J., Tell, L.A., Baynes, R.E., Schroeder, J.W., Riviere, J.E. 2016. Screening and confirmatory analyses of flunixin in tissues and bodily fluids after intravenous or intramuscular administration to cull dairy cows with or without lipopolysaccharide challenge. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 64(1):336-345. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b04793.
  • Hakk, H., Shappell, N.W., Lupton, S.J., Shelver, W.L., Fanaselle, W., Oryang, D., Yeung, C., Hoelzer, K., Ma, Y., Gaalswyk, D., Pouillot, R., Van Doren, J.M. 2016. Distribution of animal drugs between skim milk and milk fat fractions in spiked whole milk: Understanding the potential impact on commercial milk products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 64(1):326-335.
  • Kaur, S., Smith, D.J., Morgan, M.T. 2015. Chloroxyanion residue quantification in cantaloupes treated with chlorine dioxide gas. Journal of Food Protection. 78(9):1708-1718.
  • Shappell, N.W., Billey, L.O., Shipitalo, M.J. 2016. Estrogenic activity and nutrient losses in surface runoff after winter manure application to small watersheds. Science of the Total Environment. 543:570-580.
  • Shappell, N.W., Flythe, M.D., Aiken, G.E. 2015. The effects of steroid implant and dietary soybean hulls on estrogenic activity of sera of steers grazing toxic endophyte-infected tall fescue pasture. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2015.00030.
  • Hakk, H., Shelver, W.L., Casey, F.X. 2016. Fate and transport of the �- adrenergic agonist ractopamine hydrochloride in soil-water systems. Journal of Environmental Science. 45:40-48.
  • Liu, Z., Gao, Y., Kim, Y.M., Faris, J.D., Shelver, W.L., de Wit, P.J.G.M., Xu, S.S., Friesen, T.L. 2016. SnTox1, a Parastagonospora nodorum necrotrophic effector, is a dual-function protein that facilitates infection while protecting from wheat-produced chitinases. New Phytologist. 211:1052-1064. doi: 10.1111/nph.13959.

Progress 10/01/14 to 09/30/15

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): The funding will be used to enhance the existing objecives to develop and validate new diagnostic technologies for the detection and to determine the distribution of chemical residues in the food supply and the environment, in particular, endogenous reproductive hormones and pharmaceuticals. Objective 1. Investigate the kinetics of uptake, metabolism, distribution, and excretion of chemicals in food animals with the goal of reducing public exposure to chemical residues in food animal products (milk, meat, eggs). Objective 2. Determine the fate of endogenous reproductive hormones, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals in wastes of food animals, including transport through soil and water. Objective 3. Develop sensitive and accurate analytical tools to rapidly detect and quantify chemicals identified in objectives 1 and 2. Approach (from AD-416): The broad objective of this project is to determine the fate of natural and man-made chemicals in food animals and in food animal systems (wastes, soil, water). Three broad classes of chemicals will be targeted for study: (1) veterinary drugs or feed additives administered to food animals under extra-label use conditions, (2) endogenous steroid hormones, and (3) novel developmental chemicals of potential utility to the livestock industry. Use of veterinary chemicals in an extra-label manner without knowledge of residue depletion kinetics has led to unsafe residues in meat products. Endogenous steroid hormones excreted by livestock are highly potent endocrine-disrupting compounds that are thought to disrupt the development of aquatic species after their entry into surface waters. Finally, chemical technologies developed by the ARS, e.g., chloroxyanions and nitro compounds, are active against Salmonella and E. coli pathogens in livestock immediately prior to slaughter, but the impacts of chemical residues in meat products have not been fully investigated for these compounds. Regardless of the chemical class being investigated, the development of sensitive and accurate analytical tools is critical completion of the objectives. Therefore, a significant portion of the project is devoted to developing the analytical tools required to ensure success of the project. The overall project goal is to understand the broad impact that chemical residues play in influencing food and environmental safety. Objective 1. Ruminant animals were dosed with ractopamine HCl at approximately 0.1, . 1, and 10% the nominal feed label feed concentration. Ractopamine in urine was measured real-time using a lateral flow assay. Analytical work to measure ractopamine residues in edible tissues is in progress. Fate and disposition studies of 36Cl-labelled chlorine dioxide gas on ready-to-eat meat products were conducted. Residue experiments with unlabeled chlorine dioxide gas with ready-to-eat products were initiated. As a portion of a cooperative study, urine of individuals receiving high and low meat diets was surveyed for residues of three beta-adrenergic agonists, clenbuterol, ractopamine, and zilpaterol. Objective 2. A laboratory-scale soil:water batch study was conducted with unsterilized and steriled topsoils and subsoils to understand the environmental fate and transport of the leanness-enhancing agent ractopamine hydrochloride. Cropland free of previous animal waste application began receiving annual swine lagoon wastewater treatments. Wells beneath the field were sampled weekly and water was analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine the presence or absence of environmental estrogens. Estrogenicity of runoff from manure applied to frozen fields and grassed pasture plots was measured across years. Cations including calcium, magnesium, and potassium were measured and their transport could be useful indicators of estrogenic transport and activity. Objective 3. The applicability of a rapid lateral flow assay to detect penicillin G residues in swine urine is being conducted and the incidence of false positive and false negative lateral flow assay results with respect to known penicillin G concentration in urine is being determined. A mass spectrometric-based method for the determination of chlorate in meat and meat-product matrices is under development. The method sensitivity is expected to be in the low parts-per-billion range. The applicability of a kidney inhibition swab test to detect antibiotic residues in commercially obtained swine kidneys is being conducted. Samples testing positive are being screened with an FSIS-approved multi- residue determinative assay which measures antibiotics and other animal- health drugs. Accomplishments 01 Chlorine dioxide residues defined. Chlorine dioxide gas significantly reduces the numbers of pathogenic and rot organisms on produce, but its regulatory approval has been precluded by the absence of conclusive residue data. ARS researchers at Fargo, ND used labeled chlorine dioxide gas to provide definitive residue fate and distribution studies of chlorine dioxide gas on tomatoes and melons. The major residue remaining on plant tissues is chloride, a nutrient present in all foods. Researchers also provided data demonstrating how the formation of unwanted residues (perchlorate, for example) may be prevented. The data have been submitted to the US EPA for review. If approved, chlorine dioxide sanitation of vegetables, melons, and other produce could play a significant role in ensuring that fresh produce is free of pathogens. 02 Inflammatory response alters drug residue composition. Dairy cattle contribute significantly to the total burden of drug residue violations in the United States. A study was conducted at the ARS laboratory in Fargo, ND to determine if drug residues were related to the route of drug administration or the presence of inflammation (to mimic infection) . The composition of metabolites in liver and urine were correlated with residue concentrations in liver, but only in cows undergoing an inflammatory response. The data suggest that drug clearance could be altered in dairy cattle being treated for inflammatory conditions and provide a rationale for why dairy cattle have a relatively high incidence of violative residues.



  • Magolski, J.D., Shappell, N.W., Vonnahme, K.A., Anderson, G.M., Newman, D. J., Berg, E.P. 2014. Consumption of ground beef obtained from cattle that had received steroidal growth promotants does not trigger early onset of estrus in prepubertal pigs. Journal of Nutrition. 144(11):1718-1724.
  • Bai, X., Casey, F.X., Hakk, H., Desutter, T.M., Oduor, P.G., Khan, E. 2015. Sorption and degradation of 17�-estradiol-17-sulfate in sterilized soil- water systems. Chemosphere. 119:1322-1328.
  • Smith, D.J., Ernst, W., Giddings, J.M. 2014. Distribution and chemical fate of 36Cl-chlorine dioxide gas during the fumigation of tomatoes and cantaloupe. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 62:11756-11766.
  • Leavens, T.L., Tell, L.A., Kissell, L.W., Smith, G., Smith, D.J., Wagner, S., Shelver, W.L., Huali, W., Baynes, R.E., Riviere, J.E. 2014. Development of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for flunixin in cattle (Bos taurus). Food Additives & Contaminants. Part A. 31(9):1506- 1521.
  • Lupton, S.J., Shelver, W.L., Newman, D.J., Larsen, S., Smith, D.J. 2014. Depletion of penicillin G residues in heavy sows after intramuscular injection. Part I: Tissue residue depletion. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 62(30):7577-7585.
  • Taylor, J.B., Smith, D.J. 2015. Continuous, low-dose oral exposure to sodium chlorate reduces fecal generic Enterobacteriaceae coliforms in sheep feces without inducing subclinical chlorate toxicosis. Journal of Animal Science. 93:1942-1951.
  • Smith, D.J., Shelver, W.L., Baynes, R.E., Tell, L., Gehring, R., Li, M., Dutko, T., Schroeder, J.W., Herges, G.R., Riviere, J.E. 2015. Excretory, secretory, and tissue residues after label and extra-label administration of flunixin meglumine to saline or lipopolysaccharide-exposed dairy cows. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 63:4893-4901.
  • Bai, X., Shrestha, S.L., Casey, F.X., Hakk, H., Fan, Z. 2014. Modeling coupled sorption and transformation of 17�-estradiol-17-sulfate in soil- water systems. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 168:17-24.

Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/14

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): The funding will be used to enhance the existing objecives to develop and validate new diagnostic technologies for the detection and to determine the distribution of chemical residues in the food supply and the environment, in particular, endogenous reproductive hormones and pharmaceuticals. Objective 1. Investigate the kinetics of uptake, metabolism, distribution, and excretion of chemicals in food animals with the goal of reducing public exposure to chemical residues in food animal products (milk, meat, eggs). Objective 2. Determine the fate of endogenous reproductive hormones, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals in wastes of food animals, including transport through soil and water. Objective 3. Develop sensitive and accurate analytical tools to rapidly detect and quantify chemicals identified in objectives 1 and 2. Approach (from AD-416): The broad objective of this project is to determine the fate of natural and man-made chemicals in food animals and in food animal systems (wastes, soil, water). Three broad classes of chemicals will be targeted for study: (1) veterinary drugs or feed additives administered to food animals under extra-label use conditions, (2) endogenous steroid hormones, and (3) novel developmental chemicals of potential utility to the livestock industry. Use of veterinary chemicals in an extra-label manner without knowledge of residue depletion kinetics has led to unsafe residues in meat products. Endogenous steroid hormones excreted by livestock are highly potent endocrine-disrupting compounds that are thought to disrupt the development of aquatic species after their entry into surface waters. Finally, chemical technologies developed by the ARS, e.g., chloroxyanions and nitro compounds, are active against Salmonella and E. coli pathogens in livestock immediately prior to slaughter, but the impacts of chemical residues in meat products have not been fully investigated for these compounds. Regardless of the chemical class being investigated, the development of sensitive and accurate analytical tools is critical completion of the objectives. Therefore, a significant portion of the project is devoted to developing the analytical tools required to ensure success of the project. The overall project goal is to understand the broad impact that chemical residues play in influencing food and environmental safety. Objective 1. Twenty dairy cattle that were either treated with lipopolysaccharide or saline were dosed intravenously or intramuscularly with flunixin meglumine on each of three consecutive days. Subsequent to dosing, blood, milk, urine, and saliva were collected for flunixin analyses as were edible tissues at slaughter. Analytical work in blood, milk, and edible tissues is in progress. The applicability of a kidney inhibition swab test to detect antibiotic residues in commercially obtained swine kidneys is being conducted. Samples testing positive are being screened with an FSIS- approved multi-residue determinative assay. Analyses of chloroxyanion residues on vegetables and melons subsequent to fumigation with chlorine dioxide gas were completed and studies to investigate the fate of the gas on ready-to-eat meats were initiated. Objective 2. Colloidal particles from water-saturated soil or swine wastewater were isolated from the dissolved organic fraction of both matrices. All partitioned fractions were spiked with known amounts of 17�-estradiol, and the endocrine disrupting potential was measured by fluorescence polarization. Well water samples were collected across time beneath an agriculture field receiving swine lagoon wastewater ladened with endocrine disrupting estrogens. Initial analyses of estrogen levels in well water with rapid- screening assay kits proved inadequate, necessitating a more labor- intensive extraction-mass spectrometry analysis method to be employed. The reversion of non-endocrine disrupting estrogen metabolites, abundant in animal waste, back to endocrine disrupting parent compound in soil was demonstrated. Soil factors required for the reversion were elucidated in additional experiments where the responsible factors were deleted. Dairy milk was partitioned into various milk products following fortification with the antibiotic sulfadimethoxine. Sulfadimethoxine levels were determined in whole and skim milk, cream, whey, and curd to provide US-FDA with lab-derived data needed to properly assess the impact of commercial dairy partitioning on veterinary drug residues in pasteurized milk. A greenhouse study was conducted with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) grown in two soils differing in organic matter, amended with three different concentrations of ractopamine. Plant tissues were analyzed to determine uptake of ractopamine from amended soils. Ractopamine�s effects on plant growth were also determined. Objective 3. The applicability of a kidney inhibition swab test to detect antibiotic residues in commercially obtained swine kidneys is being conducted. Samples testing positive are being screened with an FSIS- approved multi-residue determinative assay. An �on-site� screening method was used to determine the presence or absence of flunixin in urine, saliva, and milk of dairy cattle dosed with flunixin. The screening method was also applied to the rapid post-mortem determination of flunixin in muscle, kidney, and liver. A sensitive method to analyze chlorate residues in edible and inedible vegetable matrices was developed and validated in support of studies investigating the fate of chlorine dioxide gas fumigation. Accomplishments 01 Pre-slaughter withdrawal time for Penicillin G treated sows extended. The rate of violative penicillin G residues being detected in edible tissues of sows had both regulatory agencies and the swine industry concerned. ARS researchers at Fargo, North Dakota, demonstrated that at least 50 days are required for penicillin G residues to deplete from kidneys of all sows in in a large group treated with the antibiotic. Previously it was thought that 15 days were sufficient, but this estimate was made with a small group of animals. The research also demonstrated that a rapid screening assay, when used with urine, could accurately predict which hogs in a herd harbor violative penicillin G residues. The pre-slaughter withdrawal period recommended for penicillin G treated sows has been increased from 15 to 50 days.



  • Smith, D.J., Taylor, J.B., West, M.S., Herges, G.R. 2013. Effect of intravenous or oral sodium chlorate administration on the fecal shedding of Escherichia coli in sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 91:5962-5969.
  • Hakk, H., Sikora, L., Casey, F.X., Larsen, G. 2014. Fate of 17B-estradiol in anaerobic lagoon digesters. Journal of Environmental Quality. 43:701- 708.
  • Chambers, K.B., Casey, F.X., Hakk, H., Desutter, T.M., Shappell, N.W. 2014. Potential bioactivity and association of 17�-estradiol with the dissolved and colloidal fractions of manure and soil. Science of the Total Environment. 494/495:58-64.
  • Shelver, W.L., Lupton, S.J., Newman, D.J., Larsen, S., Smith, D.J. 2014. Depletion of penicillin G residues in heavy sows after intramuscular injection. Part II: Application of kidney inhibition swab tests. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 62(30):7586-7592.

Progress 10/01/12 to 09/30/13

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Objective 1. Investigate the kinetics of uptake, metabolism, distribution, and excretion of chemicals in food animals with the goal of reducing public exposure to chemical residues in food animal products (milk, meat, eggs). Objective 2. Determine the fate of endogenous reproductive hormones, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals in wastes of food animals, including transport through soil and water. Objective 3. Develop sensitive and accurate analytical tools to rapidly detect and quantify chemicals identified in objectives 1 and 2. Approach (from AD-416): The broad objective of this project is to determine the fate of natural and man-made chemicals in food animals and in food animal systems (wastes, soil, water). Three broad classes of chemicals will be targeted for study: (1) veterinary drugs or feed additives administered to food animals under extra-label use conditions, (2) endogenous steroid hormones, and (3) novel developmental chemicals of potential utility to the livestock industry. Use of veterinary chemicals in an extra-label manner without knowledge of residue depletion kinetics has led to unsafe residues in meat products. Endogenous steroid hormones excreted by livestock are highly potent endocrine-disrupting compounds that are thought to disrupt the development of aquatic species after their entry into surface waters. Finally, chemical technologies developed by the ARS, e.g., chloroxyanions and nitro compounds, are active against Salmonella and E. coli pathogens in livestock immediately prior to slaughter, but the impacts of chemical residues in meat products have not been fully investigated for these compounds. Regardless of the chemical class being investigated, the development of sensitive and accurate analytical tools is critical completion of the objectives. Therefore, a significant portion of the project is devoted to developing the analytical tools required to ensure success of the project. The overall project goal is to understand the broad impact that chemical residues play in influencing food and environmental safety. Objective 1. Kidney inhibition swab tests and LC-MS/MS were used to evaluate the depletion of penicillin G residues from kidney, skeletal muscle, serum, and urine of heavy sows. Correlations were drawn between tissue and urine residues. Tissue depletion data were used to estimate withdrawal periods required for the depletion of penicillin residues from edible tissues. Studies investigating chlorine dioxide-related residues on vegetable matter during fumigation were conducted. Effects of gas concentration and exposure to light on chlor-oxyanion levels in rinse fractions and in edible tissues were measured. Chlorate levels were measured in blood, drinking water, and uterine fluid of sheep that had been dosed with single or multiple doses of sodium chlorate. Analytical methods included ion chromatography and LC-MS/MS. Objective 2. The fate and transport of ractopamine HCl were determined in two soil types using sterile and non-sterile conditions. Soils employed were of relevance to agronomic practices in the Midwest region of North America. Both the sorption and degradation of ractopamine HCl and were measured. Greenhouse studies were also conducted to determine the uptake of ractopamine HCl by alfalfa and wheat from Midwestern soils. The presence of ractopamine in edible plant parts was measured subsequent to plant maturation. The fate of estradiol-sulfate (E2S) in a soil-water system was studied in sterile and non-sterile soil, and with soils of high and low organic content. The contribution of each soil variable to E2S degradation, sorption, and transport in water was measured. Background estrogens in ground and surface water samples from sites not impacted by agricultural practices for over a decade have been measured. Additionally, water samples from fields receiving their first application of estrogen-laden manures are being analyzed. Estrogenic activity in serum from a number of food-animal species including sheep, cattle, swine, and catfish was measured using an in vitro E-screen bioassay. The bioassay was tested for its ability to detect estrogenic activity under normal physiologic conditions and when animals were exposed to natural and man-made dietary estrogens. Estrogenic activity in serum from mares exposed to a fungal estrogen was also evaluated. In an interagency collaboration, the estrogenic activity in 19 streams distributed across 12 US states was surveyed. The streams were in proximity to dairy, grazing, or feedlot cattle; swine, or poultry operations; and 4 areas without livestock (or livestock manure application). Estrogenic activities of all watersheds were consistently below the United Kingdom's proposed Lowest Observable Effect Concentration for estradiol in fish (10 ng/L), regardless of land use. Objective 3. Analytical methods based on UPLC-MS or UPLC-MS/MS were developed and/or improved for the detection of chlorate salts in a number of food matrices including vegetables and melons. The methods have been used to support efforts to investigate the fate of chlorate in food animals and to investigate the formation of chloroxyanion byproducts after chlorine dioxide fumigation of vegetables and melons. Accomplishments 01 Systemic effects of chlorate salts on gastrointestinal bacteria. Copious amounts of data have shown that chlorate salts reduce the fecal shedding of pathogens after oral dosing, however several studies have also shown that chlorate salts are nearly completely removed from the intestinal tract by absorption. ARS scientists at Fargo, ND demonstrated that the fecal shedding of E. coli, a marker organism for intestinal pathogens, was significantly reduced when the gastrointestinal tract was bypassed completely and chlorate salts were dosed intravenously. In fact, reductions in fecal shedding of E. coli in intravenously dose animals were identical to orally dosed animals. This is the first study which shows that chlorate salts have physiologic effects on host animals which affect the ability of bacteria to colonize the gastrointestinal tract. Chlorate's mechanism of interacting with a host animal may be exploited to develop better technologies for reducing pathogenic organisms in food animals. 02 Estrogenic activity of layer hen wastewater. Laying hen farms are a potential point source of estrogen entry into the environment due to the high concentration of female animals and the use of wastewater for irrigation purposes. Scientists at the ARS facility in Fargo, ND determined that the estrogenic activity in wastewater at a commercial laying hen facility decreased as wastewater passed through the farm's lagoon system. Waste-water in the final lagoon contained estrogenic activity below predicted no-effect concentrations. The use of egg wash wastewater for irrigation purposes contributes little, if any, to the estrogenic burden of land receiving irrigation waters from layer hen facilities. 03 Precursors to environmental estrogens. Laboratory studies have shown that unconjugated estrogens are short-lived and immobile in soil, which contradicts the fact that estrogens are fairly frequently detected at concentrations of concern in environmental waters. ARS scientists at Fargo, ND demonstrated that sulfate-conjugated estrogens, which are abundant in swine waste, would probably not be a major contributor to free estrogens (estrogen and estrone) in the environment. Unlike glucuronide-conjugated estrogens, estrogen sulfate was relatively stable in a soil-water system with less than 1% of the applied dose being converted to free estrogens. The study shows that estrogen enters the environment through precursors other than estrogen sulfate.



  • Varel, V.H., Wells, J., Shelver, W.L., Rice, C., Armstrong, D.L., Parker, D.B. 2012. Effect of anaerobic digestion temperature on odour, coliforms and chlortetracycline in swine manure or monensin in cattle manure. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 112:705-715.
  • Shrestha, S.L., Casey, F.X.M., Hakk, H., Padmanabham, G. 2013. A radioassay-based approach to investigate fate and transformation of conjugated and free estrogens in an agricultural soil. Environmental Engineering Science. 30:89-96.
  • Smith, D.J., Anderson, R.C. 2013. Toxicity and metabolism of nitroalkanes and substituted nitroalkanes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61:763-779.
  • Shrestha, S.L., Casey, F.X.M., Hakk, H., Smith, D.J., Padmanabhan, G. 2012. Fate and transformation of an estrogen conjugate and its metabolites in agricultural soils. Environmental Science and Technology. 46:11047-11053.
  • Shelver, W.L., Tell, L.A., Wagner, S., Wetzlich, S.E., Baynes, R.E., Riviere, J.E., Smith, D.J. 2013. Comparison of ELISA and LC-MS/MS for the measurement of flunixin plasma concentrations in beef cattle after intravenous and subcutaneous administration. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61:2679-2686.
  • Shappell, N.W. 2013. Egg wash wastewater: Estrogenic risk or environmental asset? Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 9(3):517-523.
  • Alvarez, D.A., Shappell, N.W., Billey, L.O., Bermudez, D.S., Wilson, V.S., Kolpin, D.W., Perkins, S.D., Evans, N., Foreman, W.T., Gray, J.L., Shipitalo, M.J., Meyer, M.T. 2013. Bioassay of estrogenicity and chemical analysis of estrogens in streams across the United States associated with livestock operations. Water Research. 47:3347-3363.
  • Xu, T., Xu, Q.G., Li, H., Wang, J., Li, Q.X., Shelver, W.L., Li, J. 2012. Strip-based immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of the neonicotinoid insecticides imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in agricultural products. Talanta. 101:85-90.
  • Smith, D.J., Oliver, C.E., Taylor, J.B., Anderson, R.C. 2012. Efficacy, metabolism, and toxic responses to chlorate salts in food and laboratory animals. Journal of Animal Science. 90:4098-4117.
  • Smith, D.J., Taylor, J.B. 2012. Kinetics and disposition of orally dosed sodium chlorate in sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 90:2026-2034.
  • Liu, Z., Zhang, Z., Faris, J.D., Oliver, R.P., Syme, R., Mcdonald, M.C., Mcdonald, B.A., Solomon, P.S., Lu, S., Shelver, W.L., Xu, S.S., Friesen, T. L. 2012. The cysteine rich necrotrophic effector SnTox1 produced by Stagonospora nodorum triggers susceptibility of wheat lines harboring Snn1. PLoS Pathogens. 8(1):e1002467.
  • Bai, X., Casey, F.X.M., Hakk, H., Desutter, T.M., Oduor, P.G., Khan, E. 2013. Dissipation and transformation of 17B-estradiol-17-sulfate in soil- water systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 260:733-739.

Progress 10/01/11 to 09/30/12

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Objective 1. Investigate the kinetics of uptake, metabolism, distribution, and excretion of chemicals in food animals with the goal of reducing public exposure to chemical residues in food animal products (milk, meat, eggs). Objective 2. Determine the fate of endogenous reproductive hormones, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals in wastes of food animals, including transport through soil and water. Objective 3. Develop sensitive and accurate analytical tools to rapidly detect and quantify chemicals identified in objectives 1 and 2. Approach (from AD-416): The broad objective of this project is to determine the fate of natural and man-made chemicals in food animals and in food animal systems (wastes, soil, water). Three broad classes of chemicals will be targeted for study: (1) veterinary drugs or feed additives administered to food animals under extra-label use conditions, (2) endogenous steroid hormones, and (3) novel developmental chemicals of potential utility to the livestock industry. Use of veterinary chemicals in an extra-label manner without knowledge of residue depletion kinetics has led to unsafe residues in meat products. Endogenous steroid hormones excreted by livestock are highly potent endocrine-disrupting compounds that are thought to disrupt the development of aquatic species after their entry into surface waters. Finally, chemical technologies developed by the ARS, e.g., chloroxyanions and nitro compounds, are active against Salmonella and E. coli pathogens in livestock immediately prior to slaughter, but the impacts of chemical residues in meat products have not been fully investigated for these compounds. Regardless of the chemical class being investigated, the development of sensitive and accurate analytical tools is critical completion of the objectives. Therefore, a significant portion of the project is devoted to developing the analytical tools required to ensure success of the project. The overall project goal is to understand the broad impact that chemical residues play in influencing food and environmental safety. Fecal levels of generic E. coli were enumerated after oral or intravenous dosing of equivalent amounts of sodium chlorate. Blood levels of chlorate increased rapidly after oral or intravenous dosing and fecal sodium chlorate levels were low. Fecal E. coli levels were decreased by oral or intravenous chlorate administration. Such results strongly suggest that sodium chlorate salts act at a systemic level to reduce fecal E. coli excretion. Fate and disposition studies were conducted with labeled chlorine dioxide gas on edible fruits, vegetables, and/or melons. Regardless of the crop group tested, the most prevalent chlorine dioxide metabolite was chloride ion (a natural product). In some cases, residues related to chlorine dioxide treatment were completely absent from edible tissues. Such results suggest that chlorine dioxide gas could be a viable method for removing pathogens from produce intended for human consumption. A penicillin G procaine residue depletion study was initiated in heavy sows. Heavy sows were treated in an off-label manner to replicate industry practices and sows were killed with withdrawal periods ranging from 5 to 39 days. Tissues were collected from each animal for qualitative and quantitative analyses. The live phase of the study has been completed and analysis of tissues is underway. The fate of estradiol was monitored for 42 d in laboratory-scale anaerobic digesters. Estradiol decreased rapidly in the liquid layer of the digester and reached steady state concentrations by 4 days at about 20% of the initial dose. Estrogen was rapidly transformed to estrone, which adsorbed quickly to sludge; about 25% of the estradiol was metabolized to methane. A large decline in estrogen will occur during anaerobic digestion and coupling the anaerobic process to aerobic treatment may serve to completely destroy all estrogen. Chlortetracycline is an antibiotic frequently utilized in swine production. Because chlortetracycline is excreted unchanged in the feces, relatively high amounts are found in hog wastes. A sensitive and specific analytical method was developed to measure chlortetracycline and its degradation products in hog wastes. The method was used to determine chlortetracycline and its degradation products as a function of time in swine manure incubated at three different temperatures. Higher temperatures accelerated the decomposition of chlortetracycline and the formation of isochlortetracycline, a product with little or no antibiotic activity. Environmental loads of chlortetracycline may be overestimated if the method of analysis does not distinguish between chlortetracycline and isochlortetracycline. Accomplishments 01 Development of a rapid screening assay for the antibiotic roxarsone. Roxarsone is used in the poultry and swine industries as a feed additive to treat coccidiosis and other intestinal disorders as well as to improv feed efficiencies and weight gain. A rapid screening method was develop by ARS scientists at Fargo, ND, using antibodies against roxarsone in an immunoassay format. The immunoassay was suitable for the determination roxarsone in chicken meat, having good sensitivity and specificity. The assay was able to detect roxarsone well below the maximum allowed food residue level. Because of its sensitivity and specificity the assay cou be adapted to high throughput or on-site residue screening programs.



  • Shappell, N.W., Mostrom, M.S., Lenneman, E.M. 2012. E-Screen evaluation of sugar beet feedstuffs in a case of reduced embryo transfer efficiencies in cattle: the role of phytoestrogens and zearalenone. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animals. 48:216-228.
  • Guy, A.C., DeSutter, T.M., Casey, F.X.M., Kolka, R., Hakk, H. 2012. Water quality, sediment, and soil characteristics near Fargo-Moorhead urban areas as affected by major flooding of the Red River of the North. Journal of Environmental Quality. 41:554-563.
  • Shelver, W.L., Varel, V.H. 2012. Development of a UHPLC-MS/MS method for the measurement of chlortetracycline degradation in swine manure. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 402:1931-1939.
  • Smith, D.J., Barri, A., Herges, G.R., Hahn, J., Yersin, A.G., Jourdan, A. 2012. In vitro dissolution and in vivo absorption of calcium [1- 14C]butyrate in free or protected forms. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60:3151-3157.
  • Medina, M.B., Shelver, W.L., Fratamico, P.M., Fortis, L., Narang, N., Cray, Jr., W., Esteban, E., Tillman, G., Debroy, C. 2012. Latex agglutination assays for detection and of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli serogroups O26, O45, O103, O111, O121 and O145. Journal of Food Protection. 75(5):819-826.
  • Dammann, A.A., Shappell, N.W., Bartell, S.E., Schoenfuss, H.L. 2011. Comparing biological effects and potencies of estrone and 17 B-estradiol in mature fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas. Aquatic Toxicology. 105:559-568.

Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/11

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) Objective 1. Investigate the kinetics of uptake, metabolism, distribution, and excretion of chemicals in food animals with the goal of reducing public exposure to chemical residues in food animal products (milk, meat, eggs). Objective 2. Determine the fate of endogenous reproductive hormones, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals in wastes of food animals, including transport through soil and water. Objective 3. Develop sensitive and accurate analytical tools to rapidly detect and quantify chemicals identified in objectives 1 and 2. Approach (from AD-416) The broad objective of this project is to determine the fate of natural and man-made chemicals in food animals and in food animal systems (wastes, soil, water). Three broad classes of chemicals will be targeted for study: (1) veterinary drugs or feed additives administered to food animals under extra-label use conditions, (2) endogenous steroid hormones, and (3) novel developmental chemicals of potential utility to the livestock industry. Use of veterinary chemicals in an extra-label manner without knowledge of residue depletion kinetics has led to unsafe residues in meat products. Endogenous steroid hormones excreted by livestock are highly potent endocrine-disrupting compounds that are thought to disrupt the development of aquatic species after their entry into surface waters. Finally, chemical technologies developed by the ARS, e.g., chloroxyanions and nitro compounds, are active against Salmonella and E. coli pathogens in livestock immediately prior to slaughter, but the impacts of chemical residues in meat products have not been fully investigated for these compounds. Regardless of the chemical class being investigated, the development of sensitive and accurate analytical tools is critical completion of the objectives. Therefore, a significant portion of the project is devoted to developing the analytical tools required to ensure success of the project. The overall project goal is to understand the broad impact that chemical residues play in influencing food and environmental safety. Several hundred fecal, milk, urine, and serum samples were assayed for chlorate content as a portion of a study to understand how oral administration of sodium chlorate reduces numbers of pathogens in live animals. The data clearly indicate that chlorate is rapidly and extensively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tracts of sheep to the extent that very little chlorate remains in large intestine contents or feces. These data suggest that the efficacy of chlorate salts is not dependent upon its presence in the lower gastrointestinal tract. We determined that the steroid hormone estradiol is associated with colloidal particles in swine lagoon wastewater and have developed a method to isolate colloid-bound estradiol from estradiol dissolved in solution. Further work using fluorescence polarization methods will assess the ability of estrogen-colloid complexes to interact with estrogen receptors. These data will be used to evaluate the biological activity and stability of estrogens bound to colloidal particles. Radiolabeled 17-beta-estradiol-17-sulfate (E2-17S) was synthesized and shown to resist degradation in soil in comparison to estradiol-3- glucuronide. Although a small percentage of E2-17S was degraded to parent estradiol, the most common degradation products were the result of oxidation. The study indicates that estradiol present in ground or surface water is more likely derived from the hydrolysis of estradiol glucuronides than estradiol sulfates. In addition, the study showed that all estradiol conjugates are readily transported in water and are not sorbed to soil. Roxarsone haptens, immunogens, and antibodies were generated and the antibodies were tested towards their activity against roxarsone. The best antigen/antibody combination was used to develop an enzyme linked immunsorbent assay which was sensitive towards roxarsone and had minimal recognition of other structurally related compounds. The newly developed assay is economical, rapid, and user friendly when compared to traditional instrumental methods used for quantitative analysis of roxarsone. Beet by-products were found to contain highly variable amounts of estrogenic activity, and some contained sufficient concentrations to impact reproductive efficiency in cattle. The estrogenic activity of the beet byproducts correlated with the content of zearalenone, a fungal mycotoxin. Wet harvest and storage conditions may increase the fungal and zearalenone content of beets and feeding poorly stored beet products to cattle may reduce reproductive efficiency.

