Source: CORNELL UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2012
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2015
Grant Year
Project Director
Harrison, RI.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Non Technical Summary
The European corn borer moth (ECB) is a major pest of corn in the United States and has been responsible for substantial economic damage over the past several decades. The introduction of genetically modified corn varieties containing a gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringensis (Bt) has provided a new line of defense against ECB. However, there remains the possibility that the ECB will develop resistance to Bt, which would render Bt corn much less effective. Current planting strategies attempt to minimize the possibility that resistance will develop, but one issue that has not been confronted is how much gene flow there is among populations of ECB, and therefore how fast/easily Bt resistance would spread, should it arise. Of particular interest is the amount of gene flow between the two different pheromone strains of ECB; in these strains (called E and Z) females produce and males respond to different blends of volatile chemicals. The result is that there is reduced gene flow between strains, due to the fact that mate finding and mate choice are affected by the difference in pheromone communication. This proposal is designed to measure the extent of gene flow between strains (and between populations of the same strain) in upstate New York. We will use hundreds of molecular markers to estimate how similar/different are the E and Z strains at many sites across the genome. Each marker will be placed on a genetic linkage map for ECB, i.e. marker location in the genome will be defined. We expect that the amount of gene flow will vary across the genome. Our estimates of genome-wide gene flow will serve as the foundation for analyzing patterns of spread of Bt resistance, should resistance arise.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The European corn borer moth (ECB) is a major pest of corn (and many other crops) in the United States and has been responsible for substantial economic damage over the past several decades. The introduction of transgenic corn varieties containing a gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringensis (Bt) has provided a new line of defense against ECB, and genetically engineered crops are likely to be an important part of the agricultural landscape for the foreseeable future. A major concern, however, is the possibility that ECB will develop resistance to Bt. Although this possibility is clearly acknowledged, one component of scenarios for the evolution of resistance has not been addressed: the presence in the eastern United States, including New York, of two distinct pheromone strains (E and Z), which are at least partially reproductively isolated. If resistance develops in natural populations, it is likely to occur within a single strain/population. Therefore, the extent of gene flow between strains will determine how easily a resistance allele can move from E to Z or Z to E. The extent of gene exchange may vary across the genome, remaining low in regions subject to divergent selection or regions harboring genes that contribute to reproductive isolation. Here we propose to examine patterns of gene exchange between Z and E ECB in populations from upstate New York. Males caught in pheromone traps will be characterized with respect to pheromone trap type (E vs. Z), genotype at the pgFAR, locus, which encodes the enzyme that determines whether a female produces the E or Z pheromone blend. Then, using a set of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), we will genotype males sampled from sites where E and Z strains occur together and from sites where only Z moths are present. From allele frequency data at multiple SNPs, we can estimate gene exchange across the genome. Each SNP will also be located on the genetic linkage map for ECB These data will provide us with a map of genomic differentiation locating genome regions where the two strains have remained differentiated and genome regions where gene flow is limited or prevented. This map will serve as a framework should BT resistance arise. Once the Bt resistance gene is identified and mapped, predictions of patterns of spread will depend on its genomic location.
Project Methods
We will collect male ECB of both E and Z strains from pheromone traps at 10 sites across central and western New York. This will be accomplished in collaboration with Abby Seaman and Julie Kikkert, who oversee the Sweet Corn Pheromone Trap Network for Western New York. Males will be frozen and then shipped to the Harrison lab, where DNA will be extracted. Using SNPs identified from comparison of E and Z strain transcriptomes, we will genotype males from 10 trap localities at 100-200 nucleotide sites across the genome, using the Sequenom MassARRAY platform, which will give us allele frequency data for populations of males sampled at each trap/site. From allele frequency differences between E and Z strains moths where they occur together, we will estimate gene flow between strains using the introgress software. Each SNP will be placed on a genetic linkage map, by genotyping all offspring of a backcross mapping family for ECB that the Harrison lab has constructed.

Progress 10/01/12 to 09/30/15

Target Audience:The ultimate target audience includes scientists interested in European Corn Borer and farmers who grow crops for which this insect is a pest. Changes/Problems:We have not made as much progress as we hoped, in part because of problems obtaining new samples (see above), but also because of the rapid changes in appropriate methods for DNA sequencing and genotyping. The Harrison lab has been adopting new methods that will ultimately be more efficient and effective for data collection, but this has slowed us down a bit. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Henry Kunerth, now a second year graduate student, is working on the project and has learned sequencing and genotyping approaches and methods for analyzing DNA sequence data. We also trained an undergraduate (Jeeyun Lee) in a variety of techniques used for DNA sequence analysis of insect populations. Jeeyun learned to extract and PCR amplify DNA; she prepared a library for Illumina sequencing and analyzed the data thus obtained. Jeeyun graduated from Cornell and is now in graduate school in evolutionary biology. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The thesis produced by Ben Hamilton has not yet been published, delayed by the fact that Ben moved from Ithaca. I am currently working with Ben to publish his work, which will be submitted within the next 6 months. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? We worked with the New York State Sweet Corn Trapping Network to gain access to male ECB that were trapped during the summers of 2014 and 2015. However, because of the widespread planting of Bt corn, ECB numbers at most trap sites have been low.Because of small sample sizes from most sites, we have used moths collected in previous years and have developed a multiplex PCR assay, through which we can assay 25-35 gene loci and obtain sequences across all loci for 96 individuals on the Illumina Mi-Seq (2 x 300 bp - paired-end sequencing). Because this approach is far more efficient than the approach we initially proposed, we have relied on high-throughput sequencing rather than SNP genotyping to obtain the data on genotypes for E and Z ECB in populations where the two pheromone strains occur together. Developing the new approach has slowed data collection, and we have initially focused on Z-linked loci (that is, markers on the sex chromosome). We have analyzed sympatric populations of E and Z borers from four localities: New York, Delaware, North Carolina, and Italy. The initial panel of ECB used for sequencing consisted of 384 moths. For each sample, two multiplexed PCR runs were carried out, utilizing genomic DNA primers for a total of 46 target loci (all Z-linked). Targets consisted of fragments ranging from 350-500 base pairs. Reactions were carried out using reagents from a Qiagen multiplex PCR kit and generic DNA primers. We filtered out individual samples with substantial missing data, and the final dataset consisted of 350 moths with low levels (< 10%) of missing data. We then estimated pairwise FST for each population and pheromone strain group comparison. FST measures differentiation between populations, with higher values indicating that the populations are genetically distinct. Initial results showed a clear pattern of elevated FST between sympatric pheromone strains within one region of the Z chromosome. This pattern held for two of the four population comparisons (New York and North Carolina); in the other two populations (Italy and Delaware) FST was not elevated, consistent with evidence that the two strains hybridize at these sites. Our data clearly show that at least for a major region on the Z chromosome, the two pheromone strains of ECB are exchanging genes (hybridizing) only at a very low rate. We now must expand our analyses to look at autosomal loci. We have now developed primers that target 50 kb genomic intervals across the divergent region of the Z chromosome and across an autosomal region that includes the pgFAR locus (this has been shown to be the gene locus that determines whether female moths produce the E or Z blend). This ongoing project should help to define the boundaries of the FST peak and the extent to which the pgFAR locus has an influence on the surrounding autosomal region.


  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hamilton, Benjamin 2015. COORDINATION AND DISRUPTION OF TRAITS CONTRIBUTINGTO REPRODUCTIVE ISOLATION IN OSTRINIA NUBILALIS, THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER. M.S. Thesis, Cornell University.

Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/14

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: The two problems we face are the low number of ECB in pheromone traps throughout much of NY state and the degradation of DNA in moth samples when pheromone traps are only checked once each week. In 2015, we intend to identify a few sites, and monitor traps on a more regular basis. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? A new graduate student in the Harrison lab (Henry Kunerth) is working to analyze the initial data set. This is an excellent opportunity for training in genomics and bioinformatics, and Henry has already learned a lot about how to process and analyze large DNA sequence data sets. Training in these areas is essential for students who want to use molecular population genetic or molecular phylogenetic approaches to understand the genetics of natural populations. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Data are still preliminary. These preliminary results have been presented in seminars to colleagues, but are not ready for publication. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? We will expand the scope of our sequencing project - to include both more gene loci and more individuals. We will participate in the pheromone trapping network during the summer of 2015, with modified protocols that hopefully will give us better quality DNA samples when extractions are done from pheromone trapped males.

What was accomplished under these goals? We have worked with the New York State Sweet Corn Trapping Network to gain access to male ECB that were trapped during the summer of 2014. Because of the widespread planting of Bt corn, ECB numbers at most trap sites were low throughout the summer. One site (Seneca Castle) is adjacent to a large organic grower and trap numbers here were substantial. We have obtained most of these moths (through our collaborators Abby Seaman and Marion Zuefle), although some remain frozen elsewhere. DNA extracted from these moths initially produced poor results, but subsequent cleanup of these preps has resulted in good template for PCR and sequencing. Because of small sample sizes from most sites, we have used moths collected in previous years and have developed a multiplex PCR assay, through which we can assay 25-35 gene loci and obtain sequences across all loci for 96 individuals on the Illumina Mi-Seq (2 x 300 bp - paired-end sequencing). Because this approach is far more efficient than the approach we initially proposed, we will now rely on high-throughput sequencing rather than SNP genotyping to obtain the data we need. In developing the new approach, we have initially focused on Z-linked loci (that is, markers on the sex chromosome), have obtained sequence data for sympatric (co-occurring) moths of the E and Z pheromone strains, and are currently analyzing these data. The data analyses are still in preliminary stage, but it is already clear that for many markers on the Z chromosome, the two pheromone strains remain distinct.


    Progress 10/01/12 to 09/30/13

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: We were disappointed in the numbers of ECB collected over the past summer (although that is good news for farmers). We did obtain good population samples from 2-3 populations (had hoped for 5). This is not a major problem, and we have samples from previous years that we can use if numbers are again low. We will not use the Sequenom MassARRAY genotyping assay that we initially proposed, because this approach has essentially become "outmoded." We can obtain more data for less money using other techniques (using mutliplex PCR with barcoding to generate templates for sequencing on the Illumina platform). What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? We have trained an undergraduate (Jeeyun Lee) in a variety of techniques used for DNA sequence analysis of insect populations. Jeeyun extracted and amplified DNA, prepared a library for Illumina sequencing (this is the most efficient of the next generation sequencing techniques), and analyzed the data obtained from Illumina sequencing. Jeeyun has graduated from Cornell, is working in the Entomology Department at North Carolina State, and is preparing to go to graduate school. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The results of our pheromone trap monitoring were included each week in the report of trap catches from many sites as part of the Sweet Corn Pheromone Trap Network. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? We intend to again be involved in monitoring pheromone traps and collecting ECB rom natural populations. We will further develop our methods for identifying and characterizing SNPs and will develop a "new" multiplex PCR approach for obtaining sequence data from multiple individuals for a large number of SNPs. Because technology is changing rapidly, new and better techniques are appearing.

    What was accomplished under these goals? We monitored pheromone traps at two sites (Baldwinsville, NY and Kirkville, NY) as part of the Sweet Corn Pheromone Trapping Network and collected/froze moths of both the E and Z strain from these sites during the entire season. Collaborators monitored other sites and collected moths (by pheromone strain) at those sites. Probably because of the widespread use of Bt corn, the numbers of ECB were low at most sites in NY this past season. DNA has been extracted from the moths that we collected from Baldwinsville and Kirkville. We have used two approaches to identify SNPs that differentiate the two pheromone strains of ECB. One involves comparison of transcriptome sequences (sequences of genes that are expressed in various life stages); the second is a relatively new technique, using next-generation sequencing,that allows sequencing of a defined subset of the genome and comparison of those sequences among individuals from populations. We have used data generated by the second method (called ddRAD) and identified hundreds of SNPs. Analysis with a widely used software package (STACKS) has proved somewhat unsatisfactory - and we are currently exploring other methods for SNP identification and characterization of allele frequencies.
