Source: IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2011
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2016
Grant Year
Project Director
Yu, CH.
Recipient Organization
2229 Lincoln Way
AMES,IA 50011
Performing Department
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Non Technical Summary
Food and biosafety is one of the key national interests. Rapid threat response relies on on-site analysis that recognizes potential hazards at the earliest possible time with high fidelity. Nanotechnology plays a key role in the development of modern sensing methodologies that support rapid response yet miniaturized sensors for quick deployment. The focus of this multistate project is to incorporate nanotechnology research and biosensor development to yield novel technological breakthroughs that will facilitate the advance of technology for in-field foodborne pathogen detection.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Develop new technologies for characterizing fundamental nanoscale processes Construct and characterize self-assembled nanostructures Develop devices and systems incorporating microfabrication and nanotechnology Produce education and outreach materials on nanofabrication, sensing, systems integration and application risk assessment
Project Methods
In the context of this project, nanomaterials will be synthesized and functionalized to generate specific molecular probes for recognizing and capturing foodborne pathogens. Portable biosensor platforms will be developed to utilize these molecular probes for in-field food safety surveillance. The technology developed will be disseminated to the public through series of websites, online demo videos and workshops. New course materials on nanotechnology and biosensors will be developed and incorporated into existing college curriculum.

Progress 10/01/11 to 09/30/16

Target Audience:These works were presented in two peer reviewed conferences, and 5 peer reviewed papers have been published. The audience included engineers and scientists developing novel nanomaterials and sensing platform/technologies for various applications in agriculture, biological and biomedical engineering, chemistry, environmental engineering. The five conferences are also open to industrial personnel as well as general public. Our target audience also includes people who are interested in identifying novel technologies to address their needs for disease diagnosis, monitoring chemical contaminations and biological hazards in water, food and environments, as well as people who are interested in identifying novel ways to evaluate food quality nondestructively. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? IMPACT: There is a growing need to develop a handheld, smartphone-based biosensor that can detect the type and concentration of pathogens from myriads of food (fresh produce and meat) and water (waste and irrigation) samples. These biosensors must be designed and manufactured to be easy-to-use, all-in-one, and extremely sensitive (down to single cell level or picogram protein level). Our work made advances in the field of nanotechnology which may lead to more effective means for biosensing. Our studies furthered understanding of naturally occurring nanoscale processes in food matrix which may lead to better utilization of these nano-phenomena. And we developed methods to make gold nanocages, which can be used as carriers of nano-vaccines for disease control. Objective 1... Develop new technologies for characterizing fundamental nanoscale processes. During the duration of this project, we developed methods to fabricate and functionalize various metallic nanoparticles to be used as nanosensors. We studied mechanisms of nanoprobe/molecular binding, and developed Rama spectroscopic imaging techniques to monitor nanoprobes and their interaction with molecular targets. We evaluated bioimaging potentials of fluorescent nanoparticles presented in commercial beverages. It furthered our understanding of naturally occurring nanoscale processes in food matrix which may lead to better utilization of these nano-phenomena. Objective 2... Construct and characterize self-assembled nanostructures. During the duration of this project, we developed methods to make gold nanocages, to use them as self-assembled carriers to create nano-vaccines for disease control. Objective 3... Develop devices and systems incorporating microfabrication and nanotechnology. During the duration of this project, we developed a microfluidic Raman biosensors which integrated microfluidic device with SERS imaging to achieve single-cell level detection of pathogens in water with sub-strain level specificity. Objective 4... Produce education and outreach materials on nanofabrication, sensing, systems integration and application risk assessment. During the duration of this project, working with colleagues, we aimed to create a versatile, open source potentiostat (electronic instrument required to control a three electrode cell and run most electroanalytical experiments) that can be used as control unit for students learning how to build biosensors. We have a prototype designed and fabricated. We are working to further develop it. The potentiostat, once fully developed, will be shared among all member institutes for student access and learning. The prototype has been used by co-PIs at ISU, UIUC and University of Hawaii for teaching biosensor classes.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Qi, H., Dong, X. Zhao, Y., Li, N., Fu, H., Feng, D., Liu, L., and C. Yu. 2016. ROS production in homogenate from the body wall of sea cucumber Stichopus japonicas under UVA irradiation: ESR spin-trapping study. Food Chemistry 192:358-362.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Kuichaiyawat, C., C. Wang, C. Yu, Z. Han and T. Wang. 2016. Combination of Treatment to Improve Thermal Stability of Egg Albumen. LWT - Food Science and Technology 72:267-276.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Zhao, J., D. Zhou, J. Yang, S. Song, T. Zhang, C. Zhu, Y. Song, C. Yu, B. Zhu. 2016. Effects of abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino) gonad polysaccharides on cholecystokinin release in STC-1 cells and its signaling. Carbohydrate Polymers 151:268-273.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Qi, H., X. Zhe, Y. Li, X. Ji., X. Dong and C. Yu. Seafood flavorings characterization as prepared from the enzymatic hydrolysis of Undaria pinnatifida sporophyll byproduct. International Journal of Food Properties,, published online Nov 21, 2016.

Progress 10/01/14 to 09/30/15

Target Audience:These works were presented at the annual meeting of Institute of Biological Engineers (IBE) on March 7-10 in St. Louis. The audience included engineers and scientists developing novel nanomaterials and sensing platform/technologies for various applications in agriculture, biological and biomedical engineering, chemistry, environmental engineering. The conference is also open to industrial personnel as well as general public. Our target audience also includes people who are interested in identifying novel technologies to address their needs for disease diagnosis, monitoring chemical contaminations and biological hazards and food quality. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?IBE annual meeting. Results are also shared through publication of articles in appropriate scientific journals. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Continue ongoing research on nano-enabled biosensor development, nano-vaccine development, and investigation of nano-biochar applications in environmental mitigation

What was accomplished under these goals? Our work focuses on utilizing nanotechnology to further biosensor and diagnostic imaging technology development. The advance in these fields significantly enhances our capability to detect, characterize and analyze a variety of biological samples, and can lead to major progress in disease diagnosis, environmental surveillance and food safety control. In this period we have made progresses along the direction of developing more effective nanoscale molecular probes, and incorporating these probes in biosensors to achieve higher level sensitivity in target pathogen detection. Objective 1. Develop new technologies for characterizing fundamental nanoscale processes. Nothing to report for this period. Objective 2. Construct and characterize self-assembled nanostructures. We developed methodology and protocols to fabricate and functionalize anisotropic shaped gold and gold/silver nanoparticles, including rods, cubes, boxes, and to put target-recognition agents (antibodies against pathogens) on the surface. These nanoparticles are hence turned into molecular probes which can interact specifically with their target pathogens. Our work resulted in changes in knowledge, a more effective way to functionalize nanoparticles is developed. Objective 3. Develop devices and systems incorporating microfabrication and nanotechnology. We incorporated a microfluidic chip with Raman spectroscopic imaging system to create a biosensor that allows detection of pathogens in water at 1 cell/mL level, a 10 times improvement over existing technology. The biosensor potentially can be utilized in environmental monitoring, which will result in a change in action; currently on onsite pathogen detection method exist that can offer this level of sensitivity; it also has resulted in a change in knowledge, through published papers and presentations at conference, the methodology and technology developed has been disseminated to the scientific community. Objective 4. Produce education and outreach materials on nanofabrication, sensing, systems integration and application risk assessment Nothing to report for this period.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hang Q, X Dong, Y Zhao, N Li, H Fu, D Feng, L Liu, C Yu. 2016. ROS production in homogenate from the body wall of sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus under UVA irradiation: ESR spin-trapping study. Food chemistry 192:358-362.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Liao, H, C Jiang, W Liu, JM Vera, OD Seni, K Demera, C. Yu, and M. Tan. 2015. Fluorescent Nanoparticles from Several Commercial Beverages: Their Properties and Potential Application for Bioimaging. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63:8527-8533.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Ikoba, U, H Peng, H Li, C Miller, C Yu, Q Wang. 2015. Nanocarriers in Therapy of Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases. Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1039/C4NR07682F, published online Feb 2015.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Wang, C. and C. Yu. 2015. Analytical characterization using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and microfluidic sampling. Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology 26:092001.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Peng, H, C Wang, X Xu, C Yu and Q Wang. 2015. An Intestinal Trojan Horse for Gene Delivery. Nanoscale. DOI: 10.1039/C4NR06377E, published on line Jan 2015.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Yang, J, M Yi, J Pan, J Zhao, L Sun, X Lin, Y Cao, L Huang, B Zhu and C Yu. 2015. Sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus intermedius) polysaccharide enhanced BMP-2 induced osteogenic differentiation and its structural analysis. Journal of Functional Foods 14:519-528.

Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/14

Target Audience: These works were presented in five peer reviewed conferences. The audience included engineers and scientists developing novel nanomaterials and sensing platform/technologies for various applications in agriculture, biological and biomedical engineering, chemistry, environmental engineering. The five conferences are also open to industrial personnel as well as general public. Our target audience also includes people who are interested in identifying novel technologies to address their needs for disease diagnosis, monitoring chemical contaminations and biological hazards in water, food and environments, as well as people who are interested in identifying novel ways to evaluate food quality nondestructively. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Attending the IEEE-NEMS meeting. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? These findings were presented in several peer reviewed conferences and journal articles. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Continue ongoing research on nano-enabled biosensor development.

What was accomplished under these goals? The activities during this period included: 1. further development of multiplexing dual-recognition SERS-microfluidic biosensor, three-epitopes target detection is achieved at single cell level; 2. The development of nanophotocatalyst-embedded biodegradable film for food safety control. 3. Further development of Raman spectroscopic imaging system for characterization of glaucoma and parkinson's disease at an early stage. 4. Further development of a THz spectroscopic detector and an ultrasonic imager for bacterial contamination inside eggs. 5. Development of nano-vaccine delivery systems for more effective vaccines. Our work focuses on biosensor and diagnostic imaging technology development. The advance in these field significantly enhances our capability to detect, characterize and analyze a variety of biological samples, and can lead to major progress in disease diagnosis, environmental surveillance and food safety control. Impacts: 1. The Raman spectroscopic Imaging techniques developed during this period are highly accurate; they have the potential to bring a breakthrough in central neural system disease diagnosis through the eye. 2. The development of a nano-functionalized antimicrobial biodegradable coating for food safety control utilizes biodegradable films made from soy and corn proteins, and functionalizes them with antimicrobial nanoparticles to improve their mechanical strength and to impart in the film antimicrobial functionality. We have demonstrated the potential to create inexpensive coating materials that are antimicrobial and can be used in food processing/food handling places to improve food safety, such as fresh produce and meat. 3. The single cell SERS-microfluidic sensor can detect waterborne pathogens at 1 cell/L level; it greatly improves our capability to monitor water contamination onsite in real time. 4. The THz spectroscopic screening of internal bacterial contamination of eggs potentially can revolutionize food safety control in the egg industry. 5. The nano-vaccine delivery system that we are developing has the potential to significantly enhance vaccine efficacy against a variety of infectious diseases, including influenza, PRRS, HIV, etc.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Wang, C., C.G. Yoo, Chenxu Yu, T. Kim. Raman Spectroscopic characterization of Photonanocatalyst Aided Alkaline Pretreated Corn Stover biomass. Advanced Materials Research 877:1576-1580.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Yao, L., W. Zhou, M. Liu, C. Yu and T. Wang. Quantification of egg yolk contamination in egg white using UV/Vis spectroscopy: prediction model development and analysis. Food Control 43:88-97. 2014.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Liu, M., L. Yao, T. Wang, J. Li and C. Yu. Rapid determination of egg yolk contamination in egg white by VIS spectroscopy. Journal of Food Engineering 124C:117-121. 2014.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Suleiman, R. A., C. Yu, K. Rosentrater. Techno-economic analysis (TEA) of Extruded aquafeeds. ASABE Annual International Meeting, Montreal, Canada, (July 13-16, 2014).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Yu, C., Q. Wang, R. Campos, K. Hamouche. Raman spectroscopic evaluation of Meat quality. AgEng 14, Zurich, Switzerland, (July 6-10, 2014).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Wang, C., F. Madiyar, J. Li and C. Yu. A Multiplex Self-Referencing Detection of Pathogens Using Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Nanoprobes with a nano-DEP Microfluidic concentrator. Biosensors World Congress, Melbourne, Australia, (May 25-28, 2014).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Yu, C. Exploring Raman Spectroscopy for the evaluation of glaucomatous retinal changes. The 3rd annual conference and EXPO of AnalytiX, Dalian, China, (April 24-27, 2014).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Wang, C., F. Madiyar, J. Li and C. Yu. A self-referencing detection of pathogens using SERS nanoprobes in a nano-DEP microfluidic biosensor. IEEE-NEMS, Honolulu, Hawaii, (April 14-16, 2014).

Progress 01/01/13 to 09/30/13

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? These findings were presented in several peer reviewed conferences and journal articles. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Continue ongoing research on nano-enabled biosensor development.

What was accomplished under these goals? 1.Development of next-generation biosensors for food safety and environmental surveillance Pathogens exist in food and water and are one of the major threats to public health. To minimize the risk of major food-borne or water-borne outbreaks, and to control their impacts, the first task is always to find them at the earliest possible time. Biosensors have become one of the technical solutions to address this critical need. An ideal biosensor should be easy to use, accurate, fast, and support multi-tasking, i.e., can be used to detect a variety of pathogens. Our work in developing a nano-enabled Raman spectroscopic biosensor platform aims to meet this need. In our approach, we used nanoparticles to create probes that interact with pathogens at a single-cell level, hence it can detect individual bacteria; we also deploy multiple probes that are designed to detect different “fingerprinting” cell surface markers simultaneously, to improve the detection accuracy. Our platform uses a microfluidic device the size of a cell phone, hence it is very portable and can be used for on-site detection. The technology that we are developing has led to a change in knowledge in the past year as we have published our technology in technical journals and presented our relevant work in conferences. Our goal is to cause a change in action in user communities as the new technology being adopted by public health workers and government regulatory authorities to improve our ability to face the threat of foodborne and waterborne diseases. 2. Development of new technology for food safety control One of the challenges the food processing industry faces is to maintain a clean, pathogen-free environment for food processing and storage at low cost; this is particularly true for developing countries where cost is a prohibiting factor that limits the ability to maintain strict hygiene rules for food processing operation. We developed a nano-enabled technology to use sunlight as the primary means for controlling bacterial growth. In our approach, we embedded nanomaterials in biodegradable films that use sunlight to create a hostile environment against bacterial growth on the surface. Using these films to coat a processing surface can effectively maintain a bacteria-free environment as long as the surface is exposed to sunlight. We published our findings in technical journals that led to a change in knowledge in the past year. With further development and potential commercialization, we expect to lead to a change in action in food industry, especially in developing countries. 3. Development of new imaging techniques for disease diagnosis Glaucoma is chronic neurodegenerative disease that can cause blindness. Early detection of glaucoma is critical to prevent permanent structural damage and irreversible vision loss. We have been developing Raman spectroscopic imaging technique that can lead to a quick diagnosis of glaucoma much earlier than any technology what currently exists. In this past year we have been making steady progress in our understanding of the Raman spectroscopic markers that are correlated to the onset and progression of glaucoma. We published our findings in technical journals which led to a change in knowledge in this field. We are continuing working on developing diagnostic tools based on our Raman imaging techniques.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Yoo, C. G., C. Wang, C. Yu, T. H. Kim. 2013. Enhancement of enzymatic hydrolysis and lignin removal of corn stover using photocatalyst-assisted ammonia pretreatment. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 169:1648-1658.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Kadam, D. M., M. Thunga, S. Wang, M. R. Kessler, D. Grewell, B. Lamsal, Chenxu Yu. 2013. Preparation and Characterization of Whey Protein Isolate Films Reinforced with Porous Silica Coated Titania Nanoparticles. Journal of Food Engineering 117:133-140.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Wang, C., Chenxu Yu. 2013. Detection of chemical pollutant in water using gold nanoparticles as sensors: a review. Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 32(1):1-14.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Wu, H. T., D. M. Li, B. W. Zhu, J. H. Cheng, J. J. Sun, F. L. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. K. Song, and C. Yu. 2013. Purification and characterization of alkaline phosphatase from the gut of sea cucumber Stichopus japonicas. Fisheries Science 79(3):477-485.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Yang, J., B. Zhu, J. Zhang, L. Sun, D. Zhou, X. Ding, and C. Yu. 2013. Stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation by oyster glycogen sulfated at C-6 position. Carbohydrate Polymers 94:301-308.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Kadam, D.* M, Thunga, C. Wang, D. Grewell, M. R. Kessler, C. Yu, B. Lamsal. 2013. Mechanical, microstructural and antimicrobial properties of nanoenhancer-reinforced corn zein protein film. AACC International Annual Meeting, Albuquerque (September 29-October 2, 2013).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Yu, C., Q. Wang, E. Campos, K. Hamouche. 2013. Evaluating meat quality using Raman spectroscopy. 3rd World Congress of Agriculture, Hangzhou, China (September 23-25, 2013).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Yu, C. 2013. Raman biosensors for multiplex screening of food pathogens. Emerging Technologies Symposium, International Association for Food Protection (IAFP), Charlotte, NC (July 30, 2013).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Wang, C., C. Yu, F. R. Madiyar, J. Li. 2013. Nano-dielectrophoresis chip integrated with Raman spectroscopic self-referencing detection of foodborne pathogens. 3rd International Conference on Bio-sensing Technology, Sitges, Spain (May 12-15, 2013).
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Wang, Q., S. Grozdanic, M. H. Harper, K. Hamouche, N. Hamouche, H. Kecova, T. Lazic and C. Yu. 2013. Detection and characterization of glaucoma-like canine retinal tissues using Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(6), 067008, 2013.

Progress 01/01/12 to 12/31/12

OUTPUTS: The activities during this period included: 1. Further development of dual-recognition Raman sensing scheme for single step pathogen detection in a lab-in-a-tube platform, detection limit is improved to 100 CFU/mL, with a multiplex target identification scheme. 2. The development of nanophotocatalyst for pretreatment of biomass to improve its digestibility for biofuel/biorenewables production. 3. The development of Raman spectroscopic imaging-based characterization of glaucomatous retinal tissues. The Raman imaging technique may serve as the basis for a method to diagnose glaucoma at an early stage, which will greatly benefit glaucoma patients. 4. The development of a nano-functionalized antimicrobial biodegradable coating for food safety control. 5. The development of a rapid UV spectroscopic detector for monitoring trace amount of egg yolk contamination in egg white. 6. The development of a THz spectroscopic detector for bacterial contamination inside eggs. Dissemination: These findings were presented in several peer reviewed conferences and three journal articles. PARTICIPANTS: Chenxu Yu, Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Tong Wang, Professor, Iowa State University, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition; David Grewell, Associate professor, Iowa State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Buddhi Lamsal, Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition; Chien-Ping Chiou, Associate Scientist, Center for Non-destructive Evaluation. Graduate Students: Qi Wang, Iowa State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Chao Wang, Iowa State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Undergraduate Students: Karl Hamouche, Iowa State University, Department of Biomedical Sciences; Shaowei Ding, Iowa State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Muhua Liu, visiting scholar, Iowa State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Dattatreya Kadam, postdoc, Iowa State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Linxing Yao, postdoc, Iowa State University, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. TARGET AUDIENCES: These works were presented in five peer reviewed conferences/workshops. The audience included engineers and scientists developing novel nanomaterials and sensing platform/technologies for various applications in agriculture, biological and biomedical engineering, chemistry, environmental engineering. The five conferences are also open to industrial personnel as well as general public. Our target audience also includes people who are interested in identifying novel technologies to address their needs for monitoring chemical contaminations as well as biological hazards in water, food and environments, as well as people who are interested in identifying novel ways to evaluate food quality nondestructively. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

1. The spectroscopic sensing techniques developed in this project are highly accurate; they have the potential to meet the needs in various disciplines for high-accuracy target sensing, including early diagnosis of diseases (i.e., glaucoma), and rapid screening for foodborne pathogens. 2. The utilization of nanophotocatalyst to pretreat biomass with reduced water and chemical usage will make biofuel and biorenewables production more environmentally friendly and less costly. 3. The development of a nano-functionalized antimicrobial biodegradable coating for food safety control utilizes biodegradable films made from soy and corn proteins, and functionalizes them with antimicrobial nanoparticles to improve their mechanical strength and to impart in the film antimicrobial functionality. The goal is to create cheap coating materials that are antimicrobial and can be used in food processing/food handling places to improve food safety, such as fresh produce and meat. 5. The UV spectroscopic sensor for egg yolk contamination in egg white addresses a important industrial need, it can detect 0.001% yolk contamination in egg white in less than 5 seconds. 6. The THz spectroscopic screening of internal bacterial contamination of eggs potentially can revolutionize food safety control in the egg industry.


  • Wang, Q. and Chenxu Yu. 2012. Chapter 3. Chemical and Biological Sensing and imaging using plasmonic nanoparticles and nanostructures. In: Biomedical nanosensors, edited by J. Irudayaraj, pp. 59-96, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd.
  • Kadam, D. M, Thunga, M., Srinivasan, G., Grewell, D., Kessler, M., Chenxu Yu, Lamsal, B. 2012. Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Nano Functionalized Corn Zein Protein and Whey Protein Isolate Biopolymers. Biopolymers & Bio composites Workshop, Ames, (August 13-15, 2012).
  • Wang, C., Yoo, C., Chenxu Yu, Kim, T. 2012. Photocatalyst aided alkaline pretreatment and Raman spectroscopic characterization of corn stover biomass. ASABE annual meeting, Dallas, (July 29-August 3, 2012).
  • Chenxu Yu. 2012. Spectroscopic Biosensing for food quality and safety control, Jiangxi Agriclutural University, Invited talk, (May 28, 2012).
  • Kadam, D. M, Thunga, M., Wang, C., Grewell, D., Kessler, M., Chenxu Yu, Lamsal, B. 2012. Protein based nano-functionalized antimicrobial films and their properties. 11th Conference of Food Engineering CoFE 2012, Leesburg, (April 1-4, 2012).
  • Sun, L., Chenxu Yu, J. Irudayaraj. 2012. Profiling slternative splicing in breast cancer cells by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Nano-2012, International Conference and exhibition on nanotechnology and nanomedicine, Omaha (March 12-14, 2012).
  • Yoo, C., C. Wang, Chenxu Yu, B. Lamsal and T. Kim. 2011. Improved enzymatic hydrolysis of corn tover by nano photocatalyst aided ammonia pretreatment. AIChE Annual meeting, Minneapolis (October 16-12, 2011).
  • Wang, C., Chenxu Yu. 2013. Detection of chemical pollutant in water using gold nanoparticles as sensors: a review. Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 32(1), 1-14.
  • Zhu, B., X. Dong, Y, Gao, D. Zhou, J. Yang, D. Li, X. Zhao, T. Ren, W. Ye, H. Tan, Y. Murata and Chenxu Yu. 2012. Physicochemical properties and radical scavenging capacities of pepsin-solubilized collagen from sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus. Food Hydrocolloids, 28, 182-188.
  • Wang, Q., S. Lonergan and Chenxu Yu. 2012. Rapid determination of pork sensory quality using Raman spectroscopy, Meat Science, 91, 232-239.
  • Zhu, B., D. Zhou, J. Yang, D. Li, Y. Murata and Chenxu Yu. 2011. Effect of thermal treatment on the texture and Microstructure of Abalone muscle (Haliotis discus). Food science and biotechnology, 20(6), 1467-1473.