Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/15
Outputs Target Audience:Food processors, produce growers, produce processors, juice processors, extension educators, consumers Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two PhD graduate students have been responsible for this projects research component. The graduate students are learning basic research skills that they will be able to use once they complete their graduate degrees How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The research results have been presented as extension education talks to food processors, growers, and extension educators. In addition, the results have been presented as posters and published as peer reviewed articles for peer scientists, researchers, and regulatory agencies What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
The inactivation kinetics for Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 were determined for spinach and green onions as model systems. The maximum threshold for UV exposure of 500 mJ/cm2 and higher UV exposure levels do not result in any additional pathogen reduction. Gaseous treatments of ethyl pyruvate at 125 ppm, alone or in combination with UV, resulted in a greater than 5 log reduction for both pathogens. Consumer acceptability was assessed for the various treatments and the threshold concentrations of ethyl pyruvate to guarantee consumer acceptability were identified. Consumer acceptability tests were conducted with the combination treatments and showed no significant difference compared to the control samples. Chemical analysis of the treated juice showed no significant difference compared to the untreated control juice. The non-thermal decontamination of apple cider using microfiltration (0.8 and 1.4 micron) and ultraviolet light (1.75 mJ/cm2) as multiple hurdle treatments was assessed for E. coli O157:H7 and Cryptosporidium parvum. The combination treatment of microfiltration and UV was shown to achieve a greater than 5-log reduction with higher flow rates than treatments alone. The degradation kinetics of patulin in apple juice from concentrate using ultraviolet light (14.2 mj/cm2) resulted in a 10% reduction of patulin in apple cider without product loss or change in finished quality. In an attempt to establish the validation frequency required for UV treatment units, the validation data from 1998 to 2013 of commercially used quartz tubes underwent comprehensive statistical analysis. A total of 400 tubes were validated one time, and 212 of those units were revalidated at least once over the evaluated time frame. Validations were performed at 14 mJ?cm22 UV dose and under turbulent flow conditions. Every validation showed a greater than 5-log reduction of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, a nonpathogenic surrogate for pathogenic E. coli O157:H7, in each of three replicates. For initial validations, a mixed-effect model with log reduction of E. coli as response was constructed (400 tubes analyzed in triplicate). The model showed that the year of analysis and the initial inoculum level significantly affected the log reduction of E. coli (P , 0.0001), which on average was 7.0+/-0.7. A quadratic relationship between the year of analysis and the response was found. Likewise, for revalidations (212 tubes analyzed in triplicate), the constructed random coefficient model showed that the year of analysis, quadratic effect of year of analysis, and initial inoculum level significantly affected the log reduction of E. coli (P , 0.0001). For this model, the major source of variance was explained by the year of analysis. The models describe the UV reactor's performance over time and suggest that a validation frequency of every 3 years would be conservatively adequate. The effects of varying acids were examined for their effects on pathogen die off in acidified and acid foods. For juices acidified to the same endpoint pH with different acids, E. coli was found more tolerant in samples acidified with malic acid, followed by lactic, and acetic. Increasing the soluble solids content from 9.4 to 11.5°Brix showed no significant effect on the thermal tolerance of E. coli (P > 0.01). With eggs as a model system, E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and L. monocytogenes were undetectable (,1 CFU/g) in pickled eggs in 2% AA at 72 h; S. aureus was undetectable after 7 days. In 1% AA eggs, Salmonella was undetectable after 10 days. No pathogens were detectable after 14 days. No pathogens were detectable on lids within 72 h for the 2% AA treatment. Only S. aureus was detectable on lids after 72 h in the 1% AA treatment and died off rapidly at ambient temperature. Although pathogens began die-off under refrigeration, heat treatment (ambient temperature storage) was required to reach undetectable levels. Minimal inversion was adequate treatment for lids. Pickled eggs should be held under refrigeration for the length of time needed to acidify them to pH 4.6 and then held at ambient temperatures to ensure pathogen inactivation
Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/14
Outputs Target Audience: Food processors, produce growers, produce processors, juice processors, extension educators, consumers Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Two PhD graduate students have been responsible for this projects research component. The graduate students are learning basic research skills that they will be able to use once they complete their graduate degrees. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The research results have been presented as extension education talks to food processors, growers, and extension educators. In addition, the results have been presented as posters and published as peer reviewed articles for peer scientists, researchers, and regulatory agencies. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? The coming year we plan to focus on heat penetration studies to establish minimum safety requirements while optomizing the quality of acidified and acid foods. In addition, we will continue evaluating the use of UV for fruit and vegetable products as a means to enhance the safety of these high risk foods.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Over the past year we have focused on evaluating important parameters for ultraviolet light treatment of juices and beverages, and critical parameters relating to the survival of foodborne pathogens in acid foods. For the UV treatment of juices, the CiderSure 3500 is one of the most commonly used UV juice processing units in the United States for the nonthermal processing of apple cider and fulfills the 5-log performance standard established by the federal juice HACCP regulation. However, the appropriate validation frequency of this machine’s quartz tubes is currently unknown by juice processors and regulatory agencies. Historical validation data from 1998 to 2013 of commercially used quartz tubes underwent comprehensive statistical analysis. A total of 400 tubes were validated one time, and 212 of those units were revalidated at least once over the evaluated time frame. Validations were performed at 14 mJ?cm22 UV dose and under turbulent flow conditions. Every validation showed a greater than 5-log reduction of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, a nonpathogenic surrogate for pathogenic E. coli O157:H7, in each of three replicates. For initial validations, a mixed-effect model with log reduction of E. coli as response was constructed (400 tubes analyzed in triplicate). The model showed that the year of analysis and the initial inoculum level significantly affected the log reduction of E. coli (P , 0.0001), which on average was 7.0¡0.7. A quadratic relationship between the year of analysis and the response was found. Likewise, for revalidations (212 tubes analyzed in triplicate), the constructed random coefficient model showed that the year of analysis, quadratic effect of year of analysis, and initial inoculum level significantly affected the log reduction of E. coli (P , 0.0001). For this model, the major source of variance was explained by the year of analysis. The models describe the UV reactor’s performance over time and suggest that a validation frequency of every 3 years would be conservatively adequate. For the foodborne pathogen response to processing environment stresses, gradual exposure to moderate acidic environments may enhance the thermal tolerance and survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in acid and acidified foods. Limited studies comparing methodologies to induce this phenomenon have been performed. The effects of strain and physiological state on thermal tolerance and survival of E. coli in apple juice were studied. The decimal reduction time (D-value) at 56C [D56C] was determined for E. coli O157:H7 strains C7927 and ATCC 43895 and E. coli O111 at four physiological states: unadapted, acid-shocked (two methodologies used), and acid-adapted cells. The effect of acidulant was also evaluated by determining the D56uC for the O157:H7 strains subjected to acid shock during 18 h in Trypticase soy broth (TSB), with pH 5 adjusted with hydrochloric, lactic, and malic acids. Survival of the three strains at four physiological states was determined at 1 ¡ 1uC and 24 ¡ 2uC. Experiments were performed in triplicate. For thermal inactivation, a significant interaction was found between strain and physiological state (P , 0.0001). Highest thermal tolerance was observed for the 43895 strain subjected to acid shock during 18 h in TSB acidified with HCl (D56uC of 3.0 ¡ 0.1 min) and the lowest for the acidshocked C7927 strain treated for 4 h in TSB acidified with HCl (D56uC of 0.45 ¡ 0.06 min). Acidulants did not alter the heat tolerance of strain C7927 (D56uC of 1.9 ¡ 0.1 min; P . 0.05) but significantly affected strain 43895 (P , 0.05), showing the greatest tolerance when malic acid was used (D56uC of 3.7 ¡ 0.3 min). A significant interaction between strain, storage temperature, and physiological state was noted during the survival experiments (P , 0.05). E. coli O111 was the most resistant strain, surviving 6 and 23 days at 24 and 1uC, respectively. Our findings may assist in designing challenge studies for juices and other pH-controlled products, where Shiga toxin–producing E. coli represents the pathogen of concern.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Usaga J, Churey JJ, Padilla-Zakour OI, Worobo RW. 2014. Determination of the Validation Frequency for Commercial UV Juice Processing Units. J Food Prot. Dec;77(12):2076-80. doi: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-14-158.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Jones LA, Worobo RW, Smart CD. 2014. Ultraviolet Light Inactivation of Human and Plant Pathogens in Unfiltered Surface Irrigation Water. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2014 Feb;80(3):849-54.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Usaga J, Worobo RW, Padilla-Zakour OI. 2014. Effect of Acid Adaptation and Acid Shock on Thermal Tolerance and Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and O111 in Apple Juice. J Food Prot. Oct;77(10):1656-63. doi: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-14-126.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Usaga J., Worobo RW, and Padilla-Zakour OI. 2014. Thermal Resistance Parameters of Acid-adapted and Unadapted Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Apple Carrot Juice Blends: Effect of Organic Acids and pH. J Food Prot. 77(4):567-73
- Type:
Year Published:
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Pivarnik, L., Richards, N., Gable, R., and R. Worobo. Attitude and knowledge assessment of shellfish and produce industries, and outreach educators regarding non-thermal processing and its applications. IFT Annual Conference 2014. New Orleans, LA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Zhao, D., Churey, J.J., Padilla-Zakour, O.I., Worobo, R.W., and C.I. Moraru
Efficient Reduction of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris from Apple Cider by Combining Microfiltration with Ultraviolet Treatment. IFT Annual Conference 2014. New Orleans, LA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Usaga J, Worobo RW, Padilla-Zakour OI. Variability of Commercial UV Juice Processing Units Over Time for the Establishment of Validation Frequency to Ensure the Safety of Juices. IFT Annual Conference 2014. New Orleans, LA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Acosta, O., Worobo RW, Padilla-Zakour OI. Evaluation of a Hot-Fill-Hold Process: Effects on Accumulated Lethality on the Underside of the Lid and Vacuum Formation. IAFP Annual Conference 2014. Indianapolis, IN.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Usaga J, Worobo RW, Padilla-Zakour OI. Effect of Acid Adaptation and Acid Shock on Thermal Tolerance and Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and O111 in Apple Juice. IAFP Annual Conference 2014. Indianapolis, IN. P2-23
Progress 10/01/12 to 09/30/13
Outputs Target Audience: Food processors, produce growers, produce processors, juice processors, extension educators, consumers Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Two PhD graduate students have been responsible for this projects research component. The graduate students are learning basic research skills that they will be able to use once they complete their graduate degrees. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The research results have been presented as extension education talks to food processors, growers, and extension educators. In addition, the results have been presented as posters and published as peer reviewed articles for peer scientists, researchers, and regulatory agencies. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? The coming year we plan to focus on heat penetration studies to establish minimum safety requirements while optomizing the quality of acidified and acid foods. In addition, we will continue evaluating the use of UV for fruit and vegetable products as a means to enhance the safety of these high risk foods.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Additional research has been conducted to enhance the safety of fruit and vegetables and their products. The thermal resistance of juice associated pathogens at varying pH values is lacking. A significant emphasis of the research over the past year has been directed to establishing D and z values for various pertinent pathogens for a variety of food products. The effect of varying pH with different organic acids on the thermal inactivation of non-acid adapted and acid-adapted E. coli O157:H7 (strain C7927) was determined. D and z-values were calculated for non-acid adapted E. coli in an apple-carrot juice blend (80:20) adjusted to three pH values (3.3, 3.5, and 3.7) by addition of lactic, malic, or acetic acid, and at a pH of 4.5 adjusted with NaOH. Thermal parameters were also determined for acid-adapted cells in juices acidified with malic acid. The effect of soluble solids content on the thermal tolerance was studied in samples with a pH of 3.7, at 9.4 to 11.5°Brix. D-values were determined at 54, 56, and 58°C, and trials were conducted in triplicate. Non-acid adapted E. coli exhibited the highest thermal tolerance at pH 4.5 (D54°C = 20 ± 4 min, z-value of 6.2°C), although on average D-values increased significantly (P < 0.01) due to acid adaptation. In acidified juices, the highest tolerance was observed in acid-adapted E. coli in samples adjusted to pH 3.7 with malic acid (D54°C = 9 ± 2 min, z-value of 5.4°C), and the lowest in unadapted E. coli at pH 3.3 acidified with acetic acid (D58°C = 0.03 ± 0.01 min, z-value of 10.4°C). For juices acidified to the same endpoint pH with different acids, E. coli was found more tolerant in samples acidified with malic acid, followed by lactic, and acetic. Increasing the soluble solids content from 9.4 to 11.5°Brix showed no significant effect on the thermal tolerance of E. coli (P > 0.01). Data from this study will be useful for establishing critical limits for safe thermal processing of pH controlled juices and similar products. Acidified foods represent a significant proportion of products produced by small food processors in the US. In an attempt to enhance the safety of these acidified foods, pickled eggs were used a model food to establish production conditions to guarantee the safety of these products. Based on current U.S. Food and Drug Administration acidified foods guidelines, regulatory approval of commercial pickled egg production without a final heat treatment requires challenge studies. We conducted challenge studies to verify common pickled egg processing parameters. Hard-boiled eggs were acidified in ambient temperature brine at a 60:40 egg/brine ratio. Four acidification treatments were studied in triplicate: 5% acetic acid (AA) or 2.5% AA brine with and without 0.05% sodium benzoate. These treatments resulted in 2% or 1% AA with or without 0.02% sodium benzoate, respectively, in the total system. Samples were stored at 7uC until pH at the yolk center was #4.6; subsequently, samples were held at ambient temperature. Egg pH was measured at 24- to 48-h intervals until equilibrium pH was reached (4.0 and 4.4). Eggs and jar lids were challenged with separate pathogen cocktails (six strains and/or serovars) of Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus. After 5 and 9 days, the pH fell below 4.6 in 2% AA and 1% AA eggs, respectively. Sodium benzoate did not affect acidification rate for these brine treatments (P $ 0.05), nor did sodium benzoate affect pathogen die-off. E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and L. monocytogenes were undetectable (,1 CFU/g) in pickled eggs in 2% AA at 72 h; S. aureus was undetectable after 7 days. In 1% AA eggs, Salmonella was undetectable after 10 days. No pathogens were detectable after 14 days. No pathogens were detectable on lids within 72 h for the 2% AA treatment. Only S. aureus was detectable on lids after 72 h in the 1% AA treatment and died off rapidly at ambient temperature. Although pathogens began die-off under refrigeration, heat treatment (ambient temperature storage) was required to reach undetectable levels. Minimal inversion was adequate treatment for lids. Pickled eggs should be held under refrigeration for the length of time needed to acidify them to pH 4.6 and then held at ambient temperatures to ensure pathogen inactivation.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
JESSIE USAGA, Randy Worobo, Olga Padilla?Zakour. Thermal Resistance Parameters for Stationary Phase and Acid?adapted Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Apple and Carrot Juice Blends. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC. P2?41
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Siricururatana P, Iyer MM, Manns DC, Churey JJ, Worobo RW, Padilla-Zakour OI. 2013.
Shelf-life evaluation of natural antimicrobials for Concord and Niagara grape juices.
J Food Prot. Jan;76(1):72-8.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Sullivan EK, Manns DC, Churey JJ, Worobo RW, Padilla-Zakour OI. 2013. Pickled Egg Production: Inactivation Rate of Salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus during Acidification Step. J Food Prot. Nov;76(11):1846-53. doi: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-13-132.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Usaga J., Worobo RW, and Padilla-Zakour OI. Thermal Resistance Parameters of Acid-adapted and Unadapted Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Apple Carrot Juice Blends: Effect of Organic Acids and pH. J Food Prot. JFP 13-371. Accepted Nov 20, 2013. In press.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
From Challenges come opportunities. IAFP Webinar. September 10, 2013.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
From Grapes to the Glass: Food Safety Issues That Affect Wine throughout the Production Chain. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC. S8
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Jessie Usaga, DONGJUN ZHAO, Qing Wang, Sarah Markland, Olga Padilla?Zakour, Randy Worobo, Kalmia Kniel, Carmen Moraru. 2013. Efficient Reduction of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts from Apple Cider by Combining Microfiltration with Ultraviolet Treatment. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC. P1-28
Progress 10/01/11 to 09/30/12
Outputs OUTPUTS: We have continued to evaluate non-thermal processing for fruits, vegetables and foods to enhance their safety and quality. We are currently investigating combination treatments of microfiltration with post-ultraviolet light treatment of apple cider. The combination treatment will allow for the higher processing rates to meet the demands of larger juice processors. The microfiltration has shown to achieve a greater than 5-log reduction with E. coli O157:H7 and the ultraviolet light treatment has already been shown to be effective in past studies. The C. parvum work is currently being conducted. The ultraviolet and ethyl pyruvate decontamination of leafy greens has been completed. Ultraviolet light treatment alone only was capable of achieving a 1.8 log reduction with 62.5 mJ/cm2 of exposure. Combinations with acidified hypochlorite improved the reduction but only an additional 2.8 log CFU/g. To evaluate the effectiveness of ethyl pyruvate, additional studies using seed sprouts is being performed in combination with high pressure carbon dioxide. The evaluation of ultraviolet light on the effectiveness for reducing patulin levels in apple juice concentrate was conducted over the past year. Commercial apple juice concentrate was spiked with patulin of varying concentrations and exposed to varying levels of ultraviolet light exposure. The inactivation kinetics of patulin degradation with cumulative ultraviolet light exposure were determined and compared to the degradation rates in apple cider. The degradation kinetics were found to be different for the different juices and the non-turbid apple juice from concentrate resulted in a higher degradation rate compared to unfiltered apple cider with the same ultraviolet light exposure. PARTICIPANTS: Kitipong Assatarakul, PhD student; Zeki Durak, PhD student; John Churey, Research Support Specialist; Randy Worobo, PI; Olga Padilla-Zakour, Co-PI Juice Processors Association; United Fresh Cut Association TARGET AUDIENCES: Produce growers, produce processors, juice processors, extension educators, consumers PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.
Impacts The findings of the UV and chemical disinfection of produce have been published and have potential application by the produce industry and produce processors as effective pathogen control methods in the finished packaged. The non-thermal decontamination of apple cider will provide validation of the microfiltration-ultraviolet light process for both E. coli O157:H7 and Cryptosporidium parvum. The validation is necessary for the juice and beverage industries to be used as an equivalent 5-log process as part of the Juice HACCP requirement. The degradation kinetics of patulin in apple juice from concentrate using ultraviolet light allows for industrial remediation of apple juice from concentrate that has greater than 50 ppb without product loss or change in finished quality. The findings for the leafy greens decontamination will be used to synthesize best practice recommendations for produce growers and processors. These recommendations will be incorporated into updated GAPs training materials and disseminated to all GAPs train the trainers and trainers thru the National GAPs Program hosted at Cornell University. The extension materials will be evaluated by GAPs national experts prior to incorporation into GAPs training materials.
- Durak, M. Z., Churey, J.J., Gates, M., Sacks, G.L., and Worobo, R.W. 2012. Decontamination of green onions and baby spinach by vaporized ethyl pyruvate. J. Food Prot. 75(6): 1012-22.
- Durak, M.Z., Churey, J.J., and Worobo, R.W. 2012. Efficacy of UV, acidified sodium hypochlorite, and mild heat for decontamination of surface and infiltrated Escherichia coli O157:H7 on green onions and baby spinach. J. Food Prot. 75(7): 1198-206.
- Assatarakul, K., Churey, J.J., Manns, D.C., and Worobo, R.W. 2012. Patulin Reduction in Apple Juice from Concentrate by UV Radiation and Comparison of Kinetic Degradation Models between Apple Juice and Apple Cider. J. Food Prot. 75(4): 717-24.
Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/11
Outputs OUTPUTS: Several research projects relating to food safety, quality and engineering have been initiated. These projects are focused on non-thermal processing methods to improve safety and quality of processed fruits and vegetables. The non-thermal processing methods are ultraviolet light and chemical disinfection for the inactivation of microbial pathogens and spoilage microorganisms. Ultraviolet light is being investigated as a means of pathogen disinfection for fresh produce, alone or in combination with gaseous compounds. Fresh spinach and green onions are being used as model systems to examine the effects of the various non-thermal treatments against E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp. Acidified hypochlorite is being used as the industry comparison for what is currently used in the produce industry. The inactivation kinetics for the cocktails of both pathogens have been determined for spinach and green onions. There is a maximum threshold for UV exposure of 500 mJ/cm2 and higher UV exposure levels do not result in any additional pathogen reduction. Gaseous treatments of ethyl pyruvate, alone or in combination with UV, resulted in a greater than 5 log reduction for both pathogens. Consumer acceptability was assessed for the various treatments and the threshold concentrations of ethyl pyruvate to guarantee consumer acceptability were identified. UV light and dimethyl dicarbonate were assessed for their disinfection potential against Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris strains, a chronic spoilage bacterium, in juice and beverages. A greater than 5 log reduction was achieved against A. acidoterrestris vegetative cells but only a one log reduction was observed with spores. Consumer acceptability tests were conducted with the combination treatments and showed no significant difference compared to the control samples. Chemical analysis of the treated juice showed no significant difference compared to the untreated control juice. PARTICIPANTS: Kitipong Assatarakul, PhD student; Zeki Durak, PhD student; John Churey, Research Support Specialist; Randy Worobo, PI; Olga Padilla-Zakour, Co-PI Juice Processors Association; United Fresh Cut Association TARGET AUDIENCES: Produce growers, produce processors, extension educators, consumers PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.
Impacts The findings of the UV and chemical disinfection of produce will have potential application by the produce industry and produce processors as effective pathogen control methods. The findings will be used to synthesize best practice recommendations for produce growers and processors. These recommendations will be incorporated into updated GAPs training materials and disseminated to all GAPs train the trainers and trainers thru the National GAPs Program hosted at Cornell University. The extension materials will be evaluated by GAPs national experts prior to incorporation into GAPs training materials. The ultraviolet and dimethyl dicarbonate treatments to reduce juice and beverage spoilage by A. acidoterrestris will be published in peer reviewed research journals and presented to juice and beverage industries at the annual Citrus and beverage conference as well as a research update through the Juice Processors Association.
- M. Zeki Durak, John J. Churey, and Randy W. Worobo. 2011. Decontamination of Green Onions and Spinach Using Gaseous Ethyl Pyruvate. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI
- M. Zeki Durak, John J. Churey, and Randy W. Worobo. 2011. Postharvest Intervention Methods and Combined Treatments to Decontaminate Spinach. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI
- K. Assatarakul, J.J. Churey, R.W. Worobo. 2011. Inhibitory effect of dimethyl dicarbonate on Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris and physicochemical properties of apple juice. IFT Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
- K. Assatarakul, J.J. Churey, R.W. Worobo. 2012. Patulin reduction in apple juice from concentrate by UV irradiation and comparison of kinetic degradation models between apple juice and apple cider. Journal of Food Protection. In press.