Source: CORNELL UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Mar 15, 2011
Project End Date
Mar 14, 2014
Grant Year
Program Code
[A1301]- Foundational Program: Food-borne Pathogen Plant Interactions
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Population Medicine And Diagnostic Sciences
Non Technical Summary
We seek to identify the genetic networks required by Salmonella to proliferate on and within tomatoes, a common vehicle for transmission of the bacteria to humans, and to determine the means by which the plant responds to suppress Salmonella infection. This work is important as vegetables and produce have become major sources of human salmonellosis in this country. Additionally, little is known about the bacterial constituents required for growth in produce plants. We thus hypothesize that the expression of specific Salmonella genes is required for survival and replication of the pathogen in tomatoes. These genes will be differentially regulated, so that they can be identified through their specific induction upon infection of the plant. We further hypothesize that tomato detects Salmonella, and this limits infection by the bacterium. Our goals for this proposal are therefore to define Salmonella genes and genetic pathways that are essential for survival and proliferation in tomatoes. Such pathways are potential intervention targets for preventing produce contamination. In parallel, this project will characterize the molecular responses of tomato leaves and fruits to attempted Salmonella infection and will assess whether these responses play a role in inhibiting Salmonella survival and growth in these tissues.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This proposal seeks to elucidate the means by which Salmonella survives and multiplies on plants and how plants defend themselves against attempted infection by Salmonella, specifically in the leaves and fruit of tomatoes. Our goals for this proposal are four: 1) Identify Salmonella genes that are selectively expressed when the pathogen lives on tomato plants; 2) Determine whether differentially expressed genes provide Salmonella with a selective advantage for growth on tomatoes; 3) Identify the means by which Salmonella induces genes essential for its colonization of tomatoes, and; 4) Investigate the role of PAMP-triggered immunity in suppressing Salmonella infection of tomato leaves and fruits.
Project Methods
We will employ the following approaches to achieve the goals of this proposal: 1. We will use the recombinase-based system to identify Salmonella genes that are differentially expressed when bacteria are exposed to specific environmental conditions, such that transient expression causes a permanent and selectable change in the bacterial phenotype that remains even after gene expression has ceased. Fusion of promoters active only when exposed to the ripe fruit of the tomato will induce bacterial conversion to sucrose resistance only after the bacteria have been exposed to that environment, thus selecting for differentially expressed bacterial genes. 2. We will create mutants harboring deletions of the regulated genes and test them for their ability to survive within tomato fruit in competition with the wild type strain. Ripe round tomatoes will be inoculated with a mutant and the wild type, and tomatoes will then be incubated for 7 days prior to harvesting the internalized bacteria. 3. We will make random transposon insertions in the Salmonella chromosome of strains carrying in planta-induced promoter fusions to cre and lacZ, and screen for those that inappropriately express it when grown in laboratory medium. Our first effort will be to test each of these insertions for their effects on each of the induce genes that we have identified. We will next choose mutants of regulators for their ability (or inability) to survive in plants using competition assays. 4. We will characterize how the tomato immune system responds to attempted infection by Salmonella. Initial experiments will be performed using established assays of PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) in whole plants, isolated leaves, or leaf protoplasts. We will determine which PTI responses are induced by Salmonella and evaluate which PAMPs of the bacterium are most important for the immune response. Finally, we will use RNAi technology to silence genes known to be involved in tomato PTI against Pseudomonas syringae and assess whether these genes also play a role in inhibiting growth and survival of Salmonella in tomato tissues.

Progress 03/15/11 to 03/14/14

Target Audience: The target audience thus far for this work has been other scientists working in the field. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Fanhong Meng, BTI Postdoctoral Associate. Designed, analyzed and performed experiments. Prepared a manuscript and presented research at a conference. Zhilong Bao, BTI Postdoctoral Associate. Designed, analyzed and performed experiments. Staci Nugent, Cornell Technician. Designed, performed experiments and analyzed results. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Results have been disseminated to other scientists through publication of findings What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Investigations of the role of pattern-triggered immunity in suppressing Salmonella infection of tomato leaves. A series of experiments were performed to characterize how the tomato immune system responds to attempted infection by Salmonella. We found that Salmonella Typhimurium activates the plant immune system primarily due to its recognition of the flg22 region in Salmonella flagellin. Several previously identified plant genes that play a role in immunity were found to affect the host response to Salmonella. The Salmonella flg22 (Seflg22) peptide induced the immune response in leaves which effectively restricted the growth of Salmonella as well as the plant pathogenic bacterium, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Induction of plant immune responses by Seflg22 was dependent on the plant FLS2 receptor. Salmonella multiplied poorly in plant tissues similar to other bacteria which are non-pathogenic on plants. However, Salmonella populations increased significantly when co-inoculated with P. syringae pv. tomato but not with type III secretion system mutant of this pathogen. Our results suggest that Salmonella benefits from the immune-suppressing effects of plant pathogenic bacteria, and this growth enhancement may allow Salmonella to reach the necessary infective dose for humans. Requirement of iron for Salmonella survival in tomato fruit. To investigate the genetic means by which Salmonella is able to survive and proliferate within tomatoes, we conducted a screen for bacterial genes of Salmonella enterica serovar Montevideo specifically induced after inoculation into ripe tomato fruit. Among these genes, we found 17 members of the previously described anaerobic Fur (ferric uptake regulator) regulon. Fur is a transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulator known to sense iron, suggesting the importance of this mineral within tomatoes. To test whether iron acquisition is essential for Salmonella growth in tomatoes, we tested a deltafepDGC mutant, which lacks the ability to import iron-associated siderophores. This mutant grew significantly more poorly within tomatoes than did the wild type, but the growth defect of the mutant was fully reversed by the addition of exogenous iron, demonstrating the need for bacterial iron scavenging. Further, dependence upon iron was not apparent for Salmonella growing in filtered tomato juice, implicating the cellular fraction of the fruit as the source of iron required for bacterial proliferation.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Meng F, Altier C, Martin GB. (2013) Salmonella colonization activates the plant immune system and benefits from association with plant pathogenic bacteria. Environ Microbiol. 2013 Feb 27. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12113.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2014 Citation: Nugent SL, Meng F, Martin GB, Altier, C. Acquisition of iron is required for growth of Salmonella in tomato fruit.

Progress 03/15/12 to 03/14/13

Target Audience: The target audience thus far for this work has been other scientists working in the field. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? This work has been performed by two post-doctoral associates and so has been integral to their scientific training. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Results have been disseminated to other scientists through publication of findings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Our emphasis during the next reporting period will be to complete the two remaining goals of the project, to: 1) Determine whether differentially expressed genes provide Salmonella with a selective advantage for growth on tomatoes, and; 2) Identify the means by which Salmonella induces genes essential for its colonization of tomatoes. We are currently constructing and testing Salmonella mutants for their ability to survive in tomatoes and will be analyzing the control of the metabolic pathways required for these functions.

What was accomplished under these goals? We have thus far completed the goals of our project to: 1) Identify Salmonella genes that are selectively expressed when the pathogen lives on tomato plants, and; 2) Investigate the role of PAMP-triggered immunity in suppressing Salmonella infection. For goal #1, we used a reporter fusion assay to identify Salmonella genes that are expressed in tomato, but not laboratory medium, thus implicating those likely to be important for survival within this fruit. We found genes in a number of known metabolic assays to be selectively induced (for example, for the acquisition of iron and several carbohydrate sources). This work is currently being extended by making and testing Salmonella mutants of these pathways for their ability to survive and multiply in tomatoes. For #2, we found that the flagellin proteins of Salmonella are the primary source of PAMP-triggered immunity in tomatoes.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Meng F, Altier C, Martin GB. (2013) Salmonella colonization activates the plant immune system and benefits from association with plant pathogenic bacteria. Environ Microbiol. 2013 Feb 27. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12113.

Progress 03/15/11 to 03/14/12

OUTPUTS: Information in this report encompasses the dates 03/15/2011 to 03/14/2013 The primary output activity thus far accomplished for this proposal has come in conducting and analyzing the experiments proposed in the work. Additionally, there have been considerable efforts in training and mentoring the two Post-doctoral Associates who are conducting most of the studies. PARTICIPANTS: Craig Altier, PI/PD, has directed the aspects of the project that involve the use of Salmonella. Greg Martin, Co-PI, has directed the aspects of the project that involve pathogen infection of plants. Fanhong Meng, Post-doctoral Associate, has conducted the experiments investigating the plant immune response to infecting bacterial pathogens. Chien-Che Hung, Post-doctoral Associate, has conducted the screening experiments for Salmonella genes important in tomatoes. Staci Nugent, Research Technician, has performed experiments using plants and has participated in screens for important Salmonella genes. This project is being conducted as a partnership between Cornell University and the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI), a private non-profit research entity. Our collaborator and Co-PI, Greg Martin, serves on the faculty of BTI. TARGET AUDIENCES: The target audience thus far for this work has been other scientists working in the field. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

An important outcome of this work so far has come in better understanding the means by which tomatoes, an important produce plant, can respond to infection by Salmonella, a cause of human disease that can be transfer through produce. We show in published work (Meng et al, 2013) that tomato plants respond to a portion of the Salmonella flagella, creating an immune response in leaves that effectively restricts Salmonella proliferation. Importantly, however, co-infection with the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato allows Salmonella to grow. As this plant pathogen is commonly found on tomatoes, co-infection might provide a means for increased plant contamination. A second important outcome has been the development of novel techniques to study the interaction of Salmonella with produce plants. We have created a novel method to rapid screen the Salmonella genome for genes that are either beneficial or detrimental when growing in tomatoes, providing a complete characterization of gene expression at this site and identifying metabolic pathways needed for growth of the pathogen. Further characterization of the results of these assays is ongoing.


  • Meng F, Altier C, Martin GB. (2013) Salmonella colonization activates the plant immune system and benefits from association with plant pathogenic bacteria. Environ Microbiol. 2013 Feb 27. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12113.