Source: NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2010
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2015
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Plant Pathology
Non Technical Summary
Mycotoxins are toxic and carcinogenic compounds produced by fungi growing on food and feed. Mycotoxin contamination is a worldwide problem causing losses exceeding 1 billion dollars annually. The major mycotoxins on maize are aflatoxins produced by Aspergillus flavus and fumonisins produced by Fusarium verticillioides. Losses in the US to aflatoxin contamination alone results in direct losses of 200 million dollars annually. This loss is compounded by indirect losses due to contaminated by-products, such as distillers grains. Plant resistance is the most economical strategy for resistance to plant diseases. Unfortunately, 30 years of breeding efforts has not resulted in maize genotypes with adequate resistance to fumonisin or aflatoxin accumulation. A limitation to commercial plant breeding for resistance is the lack of a way to rapidly identify resistant genotypes and easily follow this resistance in breeding populations developed to move resistance into agronomically desirable genotypes. The focus of the outlined research is to understand the dynamics of the disease in maize seed and locate the important defenses, either physical or chemical, that can be enhanced by plant breeding.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Myctoxin contamination of food and feed is a worldwide problem causing human and animal diseases as well as death. Losses to growers exceed $1 billion annually. In the US the two major mycotoxin-producing fungi on maize are Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides. Aflatoxins produced by A. flavus and fumonisins produced by F. verticillioides commonly contaminate of maize in North Carolina and the southeastern US. The overall goal of this project is to develop stable and economically sustainable control practices for these diseases. Despite breeding efforts over the last 30 years, no commercial maize genotypes have adequate resistance to A. flavus or F. verticillioides or to the accumulation of the toxins they produce. A limitation to commercial plant breeding for resistance to aflatoxin contamination is the lack of a way to rapidly identify resistant genotypes and easily follow this resistance in breeding populations developed to move resistance into agronomically desirable genotypes. The focus of the outlined research is to better characterize the host parasite interactions between these two fungi and maize seeds to develop scorable traits for resistance and to identify candidate genetic markers for use in marker assisted breeding. The specific objectives are: 1) Characterize infection and colonization of maize kernels by A. flavus and F. verticillioides; 2) Characterize tissue-specific host responses to wild type and characterized mutants of A. flavus and F. verticillioides; 3) Analyze gene expression at the maize seed-A. flavus interface; 4) Evaluate seeds from Near Isogenic Line (NIL) populations of maize for susceptibility to A. flavus; 5) Profile the extracellular proteins produced during pathogenesis of maize kernels.
Project Methods
We will carefully follow the colonization of developing maize kernels by A. flavus and F. verticillioides. Maize inbred B73 will be planted in plots and grown under standard cultural practices, including the application of insecticides. Each ear will be hand pollinated. Individual kernels will be inoculated by wounding kernels in the early dough stage of development (R4). Inoculated kernels will be removed and treated one of three ways depending on the objective. One subset will be fixed in ten percent Buffered Formalin Phosphate Fixative for histological studies. Another subset will be quick frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at negative 80C until either extracted for DNA quantification of fungal growth or used for Laser Capture Microscopy and RNA sequencing. To assess fungal growth in endosperm and embryo tissue, the embryo will be removed from the seed and growth will be quantified in both tissues using specific primers for A. flavus. Kernels will be fixed using ten percent Buffered Formalin Phosphate fixative followed by paraffin embedding, sectioning, and staining with Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS). We will utilize a Carl Zeiss PALM Laser Microbeam system for micro-dissection and capture of both fungal and maize tissue. We will use the Picopure RNA isolation procedure for isolation of RNA. We propose to use the Illumina Genome Analyzer II to sequence captured RNA from the LCM studies outlined above. To profile the extracellular proteins produced during pathogenesis of maize kernels we will use the vacuum infiltration and centrifugation techniques to remove the apoplastic wash fluid. Sample preparation will be based on a diethylamine extraction adapted for analysis of proteins by LC/MS/MS without the need for precipitation or ultrafiltration cleanup. Peptide analyses will be performed with a Thermo Surveyor liquid chromatograph coupled to a Thermo LTQ linear ion trap mass spectrometer. Proteins in the extracts will be identified by searching tandem mass spectra against protein databases in FASTA format using Bioworks Browser software (version 3.3, Thermo). Data from all the studies above will the analyzed with the goal of identifying key genes involved in the interaction of maize seeds with the two mycotoxin producing fungi. These genes will then be given to plant breeders to determine if they can be associated with resistance to mycotoxin contamination.

Progress 10/01/11 to 09/30/12

OUTPUTS: Mycotoxins are toxic and carcinogenic compounds produced by fungi growing on food and feed. Mycotoxin contamination is a worldwide problem causing losses exceeding 1 billion dollars annually. The major mycotoxins on maize are aflatoxins produced by Aspergillus flavus and fumonisins produced by Fusarium verticillioides. Losses in the US to aflatoxin contamination alone results in direct losses of 200 million dollars annually. This loss is compounded by indirect losses due to contaminated by-products, such as distillers grains. Plant resistance is the most economical strategy for resistance to plant diseases. Unfortunately, 30 years of breeding efforts has not resulted in maize genotypes with adequate resistance to fumonisin or aflatoxin accumulation. A limitation to commercial plant breeding for resistance is the lack of a way to rapidly identify resistant genotypes. To better understand host pathogen interactions of mycotoxin producing fungi, we studying factors in the fungus that govern pathogenicity and mycotoxin production, and we are studying the dynamics of the disease in maize seed to identify important defenses, either physical or chemical, that can be enhanced by plant breeding. PARTICIPANTS: Greg OBrian, technician; Xioamei Shu, graduate student, Farhana Runa, graduate student TARGET AUDIENCES: Producers and utilizers of maize PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

A collaborative study between my lab and Massimo Reverberi's lab at the Universita` Sapienza, Roma, Italy showed a correlation between peroxisome proliferation, fatty acids b-oxidation and aflatoxin biosynthesis. Aspergillus flavus was transformed with a vector containing P33, a gene from Cymbidium ringspot virus, which causes peroxisome proliferation, and the promoter for a Cu-Zn SOD gene of A. flavus, which responses to oxidative stress. The transformant showed an upregulation of lipid metabolism and a higher content of both intracellular ROS and oxylipins. The combined presence of a higher amount of fatty acids, a hyper-oxidant cell environment and of hormone-like signals (oxylipins) enhanced the synthesis of aflatoxins. These finding provide support to earlier observations that reactive oxygen species and certain fatty acids are conducive for aflatoxin production. In other studies examining the pathogenicity of A. flavus, we found diploids to be more virulent than the parental haploids to the wax moth, Galleria mellonella. Similarly, overexpression of a homolog of NepA increased pathogenicity to G. mellonella. These studies show that insect model systems may be an effective way to evaluate pathogenicity in A. flavus.


  • Reverberi M, Punelli M, Smith CA, Zjalic S, Scarpari M, Scala V, Cardinali G, Aspite N, Pinzari F, Payne G, Fabbri A, Fanelli C. (2012) How Peroxisomes Affect Aflatoxin Biosynthesis in Aspergillus Flavus. PLoS ONE 7(10): e48097. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048097.

Progress 10/01/10 to 09/30/11

OUTPUTS: Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides are the dominant mycotoxin producing fungi on maize in North Carolina. Pathogenesis of these two fungi was compared on developing maize seeds in field studies. After an initial colonization of the seeds at the site of inoculation, mycelia of two fungi appeared next in the aleurone layer. A. flavus destroyed the cells in the process of colonization whereas cells colonized by F. verticillioides initially retained their integrity during the early stages of colonization. In situ RNA hybridization showed the plant defense related genes PRms (pathogenesis related protein, maize seeds) and UGT (UDP-glucosyltransferases) to be induced in maize seed tissues before fungal colonization. PRms was differentially expressed in the aleurone and the scutellum by A. flavus and F. verticillioides infected maize seeds. UGT was expressed only in the scutellum of A. flavus and F. verticillioides infected maize seeds. Results from these studies show that these fungi colonize specific seed tissues and trigger plant defense response in tissues before fungal colonization. In another study, genotypes from a B73 X TX303 near isogenic population were evaluated for their resistance to A. flavus and aflatoxin accumulation after wound inoculation with A. flavus. Ear rot ratings did not correlate well with aflatoxin concentrations in the kernels. Tex303 showed some resistance in North Carolina in 2011, a year very conducive to aflatoxin formation. Over a three year period, TX303 showed lower levels of aflatoxin than B73. Five lines from the population that showed lower levels of aflatoxin after three years of evaluation are being tested again in 2012. PARTICIPANTS: Greg OBrian, technician; Xioamei Shu, graduate student TARGET AUDIENCES: Producers and utilizers of maize. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

A research protocol was established to compare the colonization of maize seeds by A. flavus and F. verticillioides. An understanding of similarities and differences in their patterns of colonization and the host's response to infection may provide information on the classes of resistance genes effective for these two fungi. Two genes associated with host resistance were induced by the fungi. By changing the timing or absolute expression of these genes, or other genes identified in these studies it may be possible to confer resistance to this fungus during stressed conditions.


  • Reese, B.N. Payne, G.A., Nielsen, D.M. and Woloshuk, C.P. 2011. Gene Expression profile and response to maize kernels by Aspergillus flavus. Phytopathology 101:797-804. Wu, F., Bhatnagar, D., Bui-Klimke, T., Carbone, I., Hellmich, R., Munkvold, G., Paul, P., Payne, G., Takle, E. 2011. Climate Change Impacts on Mycotoxin Risks in US Maize. World Mycotoxin Journal 4: 79-93.