Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2010
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2013
Grant Year
Project Director
Demirci, A.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Agri & Biological Engineering
Non Technical Summary
Milking systems are commonly cleaned with a three-step CIP process: A warm water rinse, washing with a highly alkaline solution, and then rinsing with acidic solution followed by sanitizer rinse. The chemicals used in cleaning milking systems are costly and also handled and stored on the farm in concentrated form. Both the concentrated alkaline cleaner and acid can cause serious burns of the skin and eyes on contact. They may not be environmentally friendly. Electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water is a novel cleaning and sanitizing agent. EO water is produced via electrolysis of a weak salt solution into sodium and chlorine, using a membrane between the electrodes to help with the separation of the ions from each other, yielding an alkaline solution and an acidic solution. Therefore, it can fit easily into the accepted three-step washing process for CIP cleaning of milking systems. Moreover, preliminary studies suggested that temperature of EO water can be reduced to 60oC without compromising the outcome. Chemicals used for cleaning are expensive and represent an operating expense for the dairy producer. Once the initial investment is made to purchase a machine to make EO water, the only operating expenses are water, sodium chloride, and electricity. This is an economical gain for dairy farmer and milk producers Pennsylvania and the U.S. The sale of raw milk, which is legal in a number of states, has been increasing, and will likely continue to increase in the foreseeable future, and disease outbreaks attributed to the consumption of raw milk (and raw milk products) have been well-documented. This trend of increasing sales could potentially result in an increased probability and magnitude of disease outbreaks in consumers. However, it is not known if the prevalence, incidence and epidemiology of potentially harmful pathogens are the same on legal raw-milk operations as in herds that produce milk strictly for the pasteurized market. Therefore, a comprehensive risk assessment of this emerging issue should be undertaken, so that effective interventions might be recommended to improve the safety of raw milk, and to minimize any negative public health consequences. In the United States, widespread use of pasteurization began in 1938. Outbreaks associated with the consumption of raw milk occur routinely every year. In 2007, the outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium infection associated with raw milk and cheese consumption in Pennsylvania received national attention. The source of raw milk in this outbreak was from a dairy herd with a permit to sell raw milk. These outbreaks accounted for well over 1,500 illnesses, 100 hospitalizations, and at least two deaths. Unidentified or unreported cases of human illness associated with raw milk consumption likely add substantially to these numbers. Therefore, this project involves two important aspect of milk safety; i) Improvement of CIP cleaning for on-farm milking systems and processing equipment, and ii) Evaluating and improving the safety of raw milk production by licensed dairy producers in Pennsylvania.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The main goal of project is to enhance milk safety via improvements for milking equipment and raw milk production. Following objectives have been established for CIP cleaning of milking equipment. 1. To further optimize operating parameters such as temperature, time, and EO water volume, and compare with conventional method by using the pilot-scale milking system. 2. To conduct a pilot trial at a Penn State and/or a commercial dairy farm for long term evaluation by using determined optimum parameters. 3. To determine optimum operating parameters such as treatment temperature, time, and EO water volume, and compare with conventional method for CIP cleaning of milk processing equipment. 4. To conduct a cost analysis and compare EO water with conventional method. 5. To conduct outreach activities to transfer this technology to the dairy farms. Following objectives have been established for improvement of raw milk production. 6. To conduct a survey about the production, sale and consumption of raw milk in Pennsylvania and the implementation of best management practices on licensed raw milk farms. 7. To conduct a longitudinal study to determine the prevalence, diversity, and epidemiology of foodborne pathogens, and the quality of raw milk on licensed raw milk farms in Pennsylvania. 8. To determine the change in, and major factors affecting the presence and type of foodborne pathogens under simulated, in-home storage conditions. 9. To develop a comprehensive risk assessment model of the production, sale, and consumption of raw milk in order to estimate: 1) the risk associated with production and consumption of raw milk and, 2) the potential public health burden of foodborne illnesses due to consumption of raw milk. 10. To use the findings of the risk assessment to drive a risk communication (extension/ professional education) effort aimed at producers and consumers of raw milk, the veterinary and medical communities and other allied professionals.
Project Methods
Further optimization of CIP cleaning by EO water for the pilot-scale milking system (# 1): The optimum conditions will be determined. Pilot trial on a Penn State and/or a commercial dairy farm ((# 2): The optimum condition determined in Objective 1 for CIP cleaning of milking system will be validated on Penn State and/or commercial dairy farm by using real system for a period of one to three months depending on the results. CIP cleaning of milk processing equipment ((# 3): EO water will be compared to conventional chemical detergents for cleaning a refrigerated tank, a processing tank and a pilot-scale high temperature short time pasteurization system. Cost analysis and comparison of EO water with conventional method ((# 4): In order to demonstrate the economic benefit of EO water, a cost analysis will be performed by using operating cost such as water, electricity, salt, and maintenance and depreciation costs of the EO water generator and will be compared with costs of conventional cleaning method for both milking and milk processing systems. Outreach activities to transfer this technology to Dairy Farms ((# 5): Research results will be presented to the scientific and farming community. Conduct surveys about the production, sale and consumption of raw milk in Pennsylvania and the implementation of best management practices on raw milk farms ((# 6). Review questionnaires & survey instruments will be developed to establish their content and face validity and will pilot test the survey with a group of target audience volunteers. Conduct a longitudinal study to determine the incidence, prevalence and variety of foodborne pathogens, and the quality of raw milk on licensed raw milk farms ((# 7): This study will determine the frequency and distribution of foodborne pathogens and milk quality in licensed raw milk herds over time. Determine the change in, and major factors affecting the presence and type of foodborne pathogens under simulated, in-home storage conditions, and as well as the effect of simulated in-home heat treatment of experimentally-inoculated raw milk ((# 8): This part of the study will investigatethe change in the presence and type of naturally-occurring foodborne pathogens under simulated in-home storage and handling conditions and the major factors associated with the shelf-life of raw milk. Perform a comprehensive risk assessment of the legal production, sale, and consumption of raw milk in order to estimate the risk associated with production and consumption of raw milk and the public health burden of foodborne illnesses due to consumption of raw milk ((# 9): Better understand the consumer's exposure risks resulting from the consumption of raw milk, and what the main risk drivers are for the consumer's exposure. Use the findings of the risk assessment to drive a risk communication (extension/ education) effort aimed at producers and consumers of raw milk, as well as the veterinary and medical communities (# 10): Consumers will be provided with factual information on the probability of exposure to harmful pathogens in raw milk from licensed raw milk producers.

Progress 09/01/10 to 08/31/13

Target Audience: For objectives 1-5, the target audience will be the dairy producers and processors as well as researchers in the field. For objectives 6-10, the target audiences reached during the project included dairy farmers, dairy farm consultants and advisors, PA Department of Agriculture officials (Bureau of Food Safety, Bureau of Animal Health), raw milk consumers, and veterinarians. Changes/Problems: The evaluation of a plate heat exchanger was not completed. The reason this objective was not completed is that based on our results for the heated milk tank there was reason to expect this treatment would not clean effectively. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Developed a lab session using the pilot scale test system to demonstrate principals of CIP cleaning in a senior level course: Science and Technology of Dairy Foods. Discussed this work at Food Science Microbiology Group Meeting. Veterinarians and other industry professionals were educated regarding the major findings of the project at the Applied Animal and Public Health Research and Extension Symposium in San Diego, CA. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The results have been disseminated by means of invited presentations at professional meetings such as the annual meetings of the American Dairy Science Association, Society American Agricultural and Biological Engineers; workshops held for permitted raw milk producers in PA, meetings with the PA Department of Agriculture officials, as well as fact sheets and other written reports. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1 was completed which covered CIP cleaning optimization of the pilot-scale milking systems in terms of operating parameters of Electrolyzed Oxidizing (EO). After cleaning, the effectiveness of the EO water treatment was evaluated by ATP bioluminescence test and microbiological analysis through enrichment culture. The effect of different temperatures of the alkaline EO water and acidic EO water were investigated and optimized. By determining the logarithmic mean temperature for the treatment for both the alkaline and acidic EO water and by comparing values obtained from conventional heat transfer calculation versus the actual experimental data, a generalized mathematical model was built as a set of algebraic equations in order to determine the effective treatment temperatures for different configurations of the milking equipment based on the maximum reduction in ATP bioluminescence values. Logarithmic mean temperatures of 58.8 and 39.3? for the alkaline and acidic EO water, respectively, were established as the optimal temperature for effective CIP of the milking system. Then, a pilot trial was conducted at a commercial dairy farm for long term evaluation by using determined optimum parameters (Objective 2). During four- month long study at a mid-size commercial dairy farm, the EO water achieved same or better cleaning effectiveness compared with the conventional CIP method on this representative commercial dairy farm for most sampling locations and milking system components, by using ATP bioluminescence and bacterial enrichment methods. It was determined that EO water CIP cleaning is as good as conventional CIP cleaning. Progress toward objective 3 includes optimum operating parameters such as treatment temperature, time, and EO water volume, and compare with conventional method for CIP cleaning of milk processing equipment. To achieve this, a pilot scale test system for soiling and CIP cleaning by spray ball was constructed and characterized. The use of the system for evaluation of effectiveness of CIP procedures was validated by CIP cleaning with conventional chemical detergent and sanitizer. For cleaning a refrigerated milk storage tank, an effective CIP procedure using electrolyzed water was developed. Briefly, after soiling a pilot-scale test vessel with inoculated whole milk for 18 hours at refrigerated temperature, the test vessel was cleaned following a four-step CIP procedure. Cleanliness was assessed using ATP bioluminescence assay, protein detection, and microbiological enrichment method. Compared to conventional chemicals, this CIP procedure using EO water was able to achieve cleaning effectiveness using a lower wash temperature. For cleaning of a heated milk processing tank, a CIP procedure using electrolyzed water was developed and optimized. The pilot-scale test vessel containing whole milk was heated to 165°F and held for 15 min). A response surface modeling was completed for optimization of parameters used for CIP procedure. Parameters evaluated were wash temperature, wash time, sanitizing temperature, and sanitizing time. The optimized four-step CIP procedure is given as: 1) rinse the vessel with water for 3 min at ambient temperature; 2) wash the vessel with alkaline electrolyzed water by circulating for 20.4 min at 57.3°C; 3) rinse the vessel with water for 3 min at ambient temperature; 4) sanitize the vessel with acidic EW for 5.8 min at 25°C. Overall, 77.8% of the RSM trials returned the tank to a cleaning condition following complete four-step CIP cleaning. Compared with conventional cleaning chemicals, electrolyzed water was less effective as a CIP cleanser when the tank had been used to heat the milk. For Objective 4, the cost analyses for each CIP method has been performed to show the advantage of using EO water for CIP of milking systems. In general, using the EO water CIP was about 25% less expensive than using the conventional CIP of milking system. When comparing the cleaning agent costs for both methods, using the EO water CIP showed an apparent advantage over using the conventional CIP. The cleaning agent cost of conventional chemical was almost nine times higher than that of EO water solutions. If the conventional method followed the same cleaning procedure of the EO water CIP, an additional cost would be added to the total cost of the conventional CIP process. Moreover, if the conventional CIP was conducted with the sanitizer circulation prior to the next milking as recommended, an additionalcost would be added to the total cost of the conventional CIP process. Together these two items would result in EO water to be about 40% less expensive than using the conventional CIP of milking system. Objective 5 was to conduct outreach activities to transfer this technology to the dairy farms, which was done through presentations at the conferences, press releases, new articles on dairy magazines as well as personal e-mail communications and phone conversations with the interested dairy processors in U.S. The second part of the project is the improvement of raw milk production, which includes Objectives 6-10. Objective 6 included the survey of PA permitted raw milk farms and their customers, which was successfully completed. The results of the survey have provided researchers and regulators a much clearer understanding of the description and demographics of this segment of the dairy industry, including the implementation of best management practices. An excellent response rate on the customer survey provided substantial information about segment of the population that purchases milk from these permitted farms. Objective 7 included the longitudinal component of the study, which provided very valuable information about the prevalence of pathogens in raw milk farms in Pennsylvania that was used to inform the development of the risk assessment model. The results of the study, as well as the findings of the survey (obj. 6), were also used to drive the risk communication effort (obj. 10). Objective 8 focused on factors affected the survival of pathogens in milk from permitted raw milk herds, since there was such an unexpectedly low prevalence of pathogens found in the milk samples, which was not possible to determine, if any,. However, a detailed investigation into the factors associated with the shelf of raw milk was carried out, using product collected from the participating farms. This provided novel and useful information to the farmers, researchers, regulators, and consumers. Objective 9 was accomplished with the collaboration with risk modeling experts, a comprehensive model was developed that included critical factors involved in the production, sale, transport, and consumption of raw milk from permitted raw milk farms in Pennsylvania. The model is being updated with recent information available from a survey of consumers who currently do not consume raw milk. Finally, objective 10 accomplished a substantial effort to communicate the findings and implications of the investigation to producers and consumers of raw milk. This included providing feedback individually to each herd, so that farmers could compare themselves with their peers in terms of milk quality and management practices. Summary information and training on best management practices were provided to raw milk producers across Pennsylvania by means of four well-received workshops. Numerous farms made improvements in practices and techniques as a direct, or indirect, result of participating in the project. Educational resources were prepared and provided to permitted raw milk producers for distribution to their customers. Interest in the project findings and extension efforts has also been expressed by extension educators and farmers in other states. This has provided the investigators an opportunity for on-going collaborations to improve the safety and quality of raw milk in other states.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2013 Citation: Dev, S. R. S., A. Demirci, R. E. Graves, and V. M. Puri. 2013. Optimization and modeling of an electrolyzed oxidizing water based clean-in-place technique for farm milking systems using a pilot- scale milking system. Journal of Food Engineering.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Wang, X., S. R. S. Dev, A. Demirci, R. E. Graves, and V. M. Puri. 2013. Electrolyzed oxidizing water for cleaning-in-place of on-farm milking systems  Performance, evaluation and assessment. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 29(5): 717-726.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Xinmiao Wang, Satyanarayan R.S. Dev, Ali Demirci, Robert E. Graves, and Virendra M. Puri. Evaluation of Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water for Cleaning-In-Place of On-Farm Milking Systems. North East Agricultural and Biological Engineers Conference. Altoona, PA. Abstract # 13-050.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Xinmiao Wang, Ali Demirci, Virendra M. Puri, and Robert E. Graves. 2013. Mechanisms of Deposit Removal from Milking System Materials during Cleaning with Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water. North East Agricultural and Biological Engineers Conference. Altoona, PA. Abstract # 13-076.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Satyanarayan R.S. Dev, Ali Demirci, Robert E. Graves, and Virendra M. Puri. 2013. Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Clean-In-Place by Using Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water for A Pilot- Scale Milking System. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Kansas City, MO. ASABE Paper No. 131592861. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 23 pp.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Satyanarayan R.S. Dev, Ali Demirci, Virendra M. Puri, and Robert E. Graves. 2013. Optimization of Clean-In-Place (CIP) Process for Cleaning Pipelines in a Farm Milking System Using Finite Element Modeling and Simulation of a Turbulent Multiphase Flow System. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Kansas City, MO. Abstract # 131592893.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Xinmiao Wang, Satyanarayan R.S. Dev, Ali Demirci, Robert E Graves, Virendra M Puri. 2013. Evaluation of Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water for Cleaning-In-Place of On-Farm Milking Systems. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Kansas City, MO. ASABE Paper No. 131594214. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 13 pp.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Xinmiao Wang, Ali Demirci, Virendra M. Puri, and Robert E. Graves. 2013. Mechanisms of Deposit Removal from Milking System Materials during Cleaning with Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Kansas City, MO. July 21-24. Abstract # 131594229.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Yu Y, Roberts RF. 2013. Development of a pilot test system for demonstration and evaluation of CIP cleaning. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Suppl. 1. Poster session presented at: 2013. American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) annual meeting. July 8-12, Indianapolis, IN
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2013 Citation: Hovingh, E., and Wolfgang, D. 2013 Improving the Quality & Safety of Raw Milk in Pennsylvania. USAHA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2013 Citation: Hovingh. E., Wolfgang, D., VanKessel, and J., Karns, J. 2013. Characteristics of Permitted Raw Milk Dairy Farms in Pennsylvania. (In preparation.)
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2013 Citation: Hovingh. E., Wolfgang, D., VanKessel, J., Karns, J. 2013. Milk Safety Practices and Prevalence of Pathogens on Permitted Raw Milk Dairy Farms in Pennsylvania. (In preparation.)

Progress 09/01/11 to 08/31/12

OUTPUTS: Objective 1 was completed last year, which included CIP cleaning optimization of the pilot-scale milking systems in terms of operating parameters of Electrolyzed Oxidizing (EO). Then, a pilot trial was conducted at a commercial dairy farm for long term evaluation by using determined optimum parameters (Objective 2). During four- month long study, the effectiveness of the EO water CIP was compared with conventional CIP. It was determined that EO water CIP cleaning is as good as conventional CIP cleaning. Based on our observations and experiences on the farm trials, we are planning to do some more experiments by using pilot-scale milking system in order to describe and further analyze some of the issues that we have observed on the farm. Also, we are planning to study further to make the CIP process more cost effective. Progress toward objective 3 includes optimum operating parameters such as treatment temperature, time, and EO water volume, and compare with conventional method for CIP cleaning of milk processing equipment. To achieve this, a specially designed pilot-scale dairy processing test system was constructed. A 4-gallon stainless steel vessel equipped with a jacket for cooling or heating of milk. The vessel is connected to a stainless steel pipeline circuits equipped with a high volume rotary vane pump that feeds a spray-ball that provides 360 degree coverage during the CIP process. A four-step CIP procedure using conventional cleaning chemicals was developed for the test system based on the CIP procedures used in the Penn State Berkey Creamery. The response surface experiments are currently underway for EO water CIP. We still need to complete the objectives 4 and 5, which were to conduct a cost analysis and compare EO water with conventional method and to conduct outreach activities to transfer this technology to the dairy farms. The second part of the project is the improvement of raw milk production, which includes Objectives 6-10. For objective 6, customer surveys have been distributed and returned. Data entry has been completed, with summary reports and publications being prepared. Distribution of consumer surveys is imminent. Data collection concerning management practices of participating herds has been completed. For objective 7, the collection of samples and data was completed. Monthly reports were distributed to all participating producers. Preliminary results were shared with attendees at the "One Health Symposium" held in conjunction with the 2012 U.S. Animal Health Association Meeting. For objective 8, since a very low prevalence of pathogens was found in the monthly raw milk samples, further consultation will be held with the risk analysis modelers to determine the cost:benefit of simulation survival studies. Somatic cell count, pH, brix value, bacteria count, preliminary incubation count, and other information were determined. For objective 9, the framework of the model has been developed. Finally, for objective 10, the producers have individually been communicated with extensively to provide feedback and preliminary findings of the study. PARTICIPANTS: Ali Demirci (PI) had spearheaded CIP cleaning. He recruited and supervised Satyanarayan R.S. Dev (Postdoc) to conduct pilot scale CIP cleaning research on milking equipment with help of R. Graves (PSU) and V. Puri (PSU). Xinmiao Wang (Ph.D. Student) was hired to conduct the farm study. Robert Roberts were headed the dairy processing equipment cleaning part and supervised an M.S. student (Yun Yu). Stephen Spencer (retired PSU faculty) was consulted on milking system design. E. Hovingh (co-PI) has spearheaded the raw-milk component of the project, with assistance from D. Wolfgang (PSU). With advice provided by R. Radhakrishna (PSU), he has developed the initial drafts of the survey. H. Groenendaal and F. Zagmutt (EpiAnalytix), who have begun development of the risk assessment model, were also consulted during the development of the project surveys. J. VanKessel and J. Karns (USDA:ARS, Beltsville, MD) have been consulted regarding to the milk-borne pathogens, and have provided laboratory assistance for some aspects of this project. B. Jayarao and C. DebRoy (PSU) have been consulted for their expertise in milk bacteriology and E. coli O157:H7. Project technician H. Lysczeck (PSU) has been heavily involved in almost all aspects of the project, including farm visits, sample collection and processing, survey development, etc. Technician C. Burns (PSU) has also provided some assistance with laboratory duties. Lancaster DHIA has provided valuable assistance with the acquisition of farm production records, and Dairy One has performed milk quality and composition analyses. TARGET AUDIENCES: For objectives 1-5, the target audience will be the dairy producers and processors as well as researchers in the field. For objectives 6-10, a large percentage of the participants are Amish dairy farmers. The farms also tend to be smaller than average, and quite a few are "non-electric." A more formal education/extension effort will be made once data analysis is complete, but an informal, on-going educational effort is being made by providing the participants with test results as they are available and offering advice on how to maintain and improve their product quality. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: No major changes have been necessary in this component of the project. For efficiency and expediency, initial testing for O157:H7 is being performed by collaborators at USDA:ARS, although any isolates will be confirmed, further identified, and bio-banked at the Penn State E. coli Reference Center (DebRoy). Based on discussions with participants, pH and brix testing have been added to the monthly milk analysis, since these can be performed without incurring any additional operational expenses.

FFor objectives 1-5, the overall outcome is to provide an alternative, effective, and economical cleaning/sanitizing method for the equipment used in dairy industry. Both pilot and farm scale systems have been successfully used. However, the project is still in progress. Upon successful completion of the projects, the outcome of the study will be shared with the dairy producers and processors. For objectives 6-10, Collection of samples from the participating permitted raw milk farms has been completed. All milk samples have been analyzed for the presence of pathogens and the data are being collated and processed for further analysis and publication of results. The raw-milk customer survey was developed and extensively tested before being distributed to the producers, who made them available to their customers. The results of the survey will be shared with the producers, and prepared for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.


  • Wang, X., S. R. S. Dev, A. Demirci, R. E. Graves, and V. M. Puri. 2012. Electrolyzed oxidizing water for cleaning-in-place of milking systems on dairy farms; performance evaluation and assessment, an update. Conference of Food Engineering, April 2-4. Leesburg, VA. p. 146.
  • Dev, S. R. S., A. Demirci, R. E. Graves, and V. M. Puri. 2012. Computational fluid dynamics simulation of a turbulent multiphase flow system for optimization of clean-in-place (CIP) technique for pipelines using farm milking system as a model. North East Agricultural and Biological Engineers Conference. Orillia, Ontario. July 15-18. Paper #12-063.
  • Wang, X., S. R. S. Dev, A. Demirci, R. E. Graves, and V. M. Puri. 2012. Electrolyzed oxidizing water for cleaning-in-place of milking systems on dairy farms; performance evaluation and assessment, an update. North East Agricultural and Biological Engineers Conference. Orillia, Ontario. July 15-18. Paper #12-022.

Progress 09/01/10 to 08/31/11

OUTPUTS: Progress toward objective 1 includes CIP cleaning optimization of the pilot-scale milking systems in terms of operating parameters of Electrolyzed Oxidizing (EO) water such as temperature, time, and volume. Pilot-scale milking system with all the major components of a typical pipeline milking system was constructed. A pilot-scale pipeline milking system was soiled using raw milk inoculated with four common microorganisms found in milk. The milking system was then washed with alkaline EO water followed by acidic EO water. After cleaning, the effectiveness of the EO water treatment was evaluated by ATP bioluminescence and microbiological analysis through enrichment culture. The effect of different temperatures of the alkaline and acidic EO water were investigated and optimized. Moreover, this overall approach needs to be tested at the farm level by conducting long term validation studies in a representative dairy farm (Objective 2). Progress toward objective 3 includes optimum operating parameters such as treatment temperature, time, and EO water volume, and compare with conventional method for CIP cleaning of milk processing equipment. To achieve this, creation of a suitable test-bed for evaluating the effectiveness of the EO water in dairy manufacturing conditions has begun. The test bed consists of a jacketed stainless-steel vessel of approximately 10 liters that can be heated and cooled. Progress towards objective 6 includes preparation of the consumer and customer surveys with final beta-testing currently underway. Surveys will be distributed via participating farms (customer) and by mail (consumers) in the fall/winter. The implementation of best management practices has been assessed on all thirty-eight herds permitted raw-milk dairy herds in Pennsylvania that have been enrolled. Additional monthly follow-up surveys are carried out during the monthly visits to determine any important changes that have occurred since the previous month. Progress towards objective 7 includes monthly sample and data collection, with samples cultured for the pathogens of interest and assessed for milk quality. Feedback is provided to each participant when available. There is a substantial amount of variation in milk quality amongst participating farms. Since no samples have been found to be contaminated with the foodborne pathogens of interest, it has not been possible to determine their survival over time (Objective 8). However, the shelf life of samples were evaluated to determine factors associated with shelf-life of raw milk. Somatic cell count, pH, brix value, bacteria count, preliminary incubation count, and other information was determined, and a preliminary analysis has been carried out. A series of meetings and conference calls have been held with the consultants who are primarily responsible for the risk assessment model outlined in objective 9, in order to develop the initial framework of the model, and to ensure that the data being collected are appropriate. The bulk of the risk communication effort (Objective 10) is dependent on having the data analyzed and the risk assessment model developed. PARTICIPANTS: Ali Demirci (PI) had spearheaded CIP cleaning. He recruited and supervised Satyanarayan R.S. Dev (Postdoc) to conduct CIP cleaning research on milking equipment with help of R. Graves (PSU) and V. Puri (PSU). Robert Roberts were headed the dairy processing equipment cleaning part and supervised an M.S. student (Yun Yu). Stephen Spencer (retired PSU faculty) was consulted on milking system design. E. Hovingh (co-PI) has spearheaded the raw-milk component of the project, with assistance from D. Wolfgang (PSU). With advice provided by R. Radhakrishna (PSU), he has developed the initial drafts of the survey. H. Groenendaal and F. Zagmutt (EpiAnalytix), who have begun development of the risk assessment model, were also consulted during the development of the project surveys. J. VanKessel and J. Karns (USDA:ARS, Beltsville, MD) have been consulted regarding culture of milk-borne pathogens, and have provided laboratory assistance for some aspects of this project. B. Jayarao and C. DebRoy (PSU) have been consulted for their expertise in milk bacteriology and O157:H7. Project technician H. Lysczeck (PSU) has been heavily involved in almost all aspects of the project, including farm visits, sample collection and processing, survey development, etc. Technician C. Burns (PSU) has also provided some assistance with laboratory duties. Three Penn State students assisted with various aspects of this project before leaving for veterinary school in August. Lancaster DHIA has provided valuable assistance with the acquisition of farm production records, and Dairy One has performed milk quality and composition analyses. TARGET AUDIENCES: For objectives 1-5, the target audience will be the dairy producers and processors as well as researchers in the field. For objectives 6-10, A large percentage of the participants are Amish dairy farmers. The farms also tend to be smaller than average, and quite a few are "non-electric." A more formal education/extension effort will be made once data analysis is complete, but an informal, on-going educational effort is being made by providing the participants with test results as they are available and offering advice on how to maintain and improve their product quality. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: No major changes have been necessary in this component of the project. For efficiency and expediency, initial testing for O157:H7 is being performed by collaborators at USDA:ARS, although any isolates will be confirmed, further identified, and bio-banked at the Penn State E. coli Reference Center (DebRoy). Based on discussions with participants, pH and brix testing have been added to the monthly milk analysis, since these can be performed without incurring any additional operational expenses.

For objective 1-5, the overall outcome is to provide an alternative, effective, and economical cleaning/sanitizing method for the equipment used in dairy industry. The project is still in progress. Upon successful completion of the projects, the outcome of the study will be shared with the dairy producers and processors. For objectives 6-10, relatively few outcomes and impacts have been realized to date since project is still under investigation. However, the participants are receiving a substantial amount of feedback on a monthly basis, and this has resulted significant change in knowledge for many of them. We have also observed a change in action in a number of herds, which have made various management changes in order to improve raw milk quality and safety. It is too early to determine if these changes will result in long-term, sustained improvements in milk quality and safety, but it appears, at least initially, that some positive outcomes have been realized.


  • Satyanarayan, R. S. D., A. Demirci, and R. Graves. 2011. Mathematical modeling of CIP of milking systems using electrolyzed oxidizing water. Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineers Conference 2011. Burlington, VT. July 24-27, 2011. Paper number 11-016.