Source: CORNELL UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Aug 15, 2009
Project End Date
Aug 14, 2012
Grant Year
Program Code
[AA-G]- Homeland Security
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Diagnostic Laboratory
Non Technical Summary
This Grant provides funding for the maintenance and enhancement of the diagnostic capabilities of the Animal Health Diagnostic Center as an original member of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN). The NAHLN was established as a collaboration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's (APHIS) National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL), the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Services (CSREES), the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD), and State laboratory directors. The NAHLN is part of a national strategy to meld the nation's Federal and State laboratory resources into a comprehensive network that would allow authorities to respond to any type of animal health emergency including bioterrorist events, newly emerging diseases, and foreign animal disease (FAD) agents that threaten the nation's food supply and public health. Elements of the NAHLN system include the following: -standardized, rapid diagnostic techniques that can be used at the State, regional, and national level; -secure communications, alert, and reporting systems; -modern equipment and experienced personnel trained in the detection of emerging, foreign, and bioterrorist agents; -national training, proficiency testing, and quality assurance; -upgraded facilities meeting bio-containment and security requirements; -scenario testing for the network and as part of larger exercises.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Output 1: Diagnostics - The Cornell Animal Health Diagnostic Center (AHDC) will continue to provide testing for Avian Influenza, Exotic Newcastle Disease, BSE and Classical Swine Fever. In addition, as new NAHLN-sanctioned assays are rolled out, such as FMD, the AHDC will bring those on-line according to the prescribed protocols and time lines. NAHLN testing will be provided not only for New York but other states in the northeast and the rest of the US as needed. The AHDC will also provide reserve testing capacity for other NAHLN laboratories in the event of an emergency. Output 2: Training and Education - The AHDC will continue to support Foreign Animal Disease training for pathologists and other veterinarians in the laboratory. Appropriate faculty and staff will receive training and maintain proficiency certification for all NAHLN-approved testing. The AHDC will also initiate a new Diagnostic Sciences Residency Program to train post-DVM students in diagnostic sciences, including NAHLN testing. Output 3: IT and Data Management - The AHDC will continue to support a developer/programmer position in the Veterinary Medical Information Technology department to initiate full-time electronic messaging of NAHLN test results as soon as the USDA provides the data infrastructure to receive and store the data. The AHDC will also participate in the development and implementation of the HL7 test order message as well as all other applicable NAHLN IT development. The AHDC will develop and implement ad hoc query tools and associated reports to facilitate retrieval and analysis of test data. This effort has already begun with the installation of the Oracle Hyperion Business Intelligence suite of tools and the creation of data models to support standardized data retrieval and reporting.
Project Methods

Progress 08/15/09 to 08/14/12

OUTPUTS: Quality System - The SharePoint document management system was fully implemented and now serves as the official repository for all Quality System documents. All Quality System documents were reviewed and updated and new documents created in the run up to AAVLD five year site review for accreditation. The AHDC successfully passed the site review and has been re-accredited for testing of all species for another five years, through 2017. Staff Training for Foreign and Emerging Diseases - Two senior Pathology Residents attended the USDA Foreign Animal Disease School for Diagnosticians during this contract period. In addition, multiple AHDC faculty and staff attended the 2011 AAVLD/USAHA national meetings and received continuing education on a variety of both foreign and emerging disease topics. Laboratory Information Management System and NAHLN Messaging - The AHDC continued to successfully participate in the NAHLN IT messaging program. Both IT technical staff and faculty supported training and development of the NAHLN IT program through participation in the NAHLN IT Committee as well as providing direct support to other labs in the development of their messaging capabilities. Initial development work was also started on a State Animal Laboratory Messaging Service (SALMS) that will augment the NAHLNT IT messaging process, providing a common messaging pathway between NAHLN labs and other parties (other NALHN labs, State Animal Health Officials, USDA). PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

NAHLN Sample Handling, Processing and Testing Capacity and Biocontainment Capabilities - The AHDC maintained a complement of 14 trained and proficiency certified technicians and faculty to conduct NAHLN testing. During this contract period a total of 15,473 NAHLN program disease tests were conducted as follows: Avian Influenza (4,861 PCR/ 3,108 VI), Classical Swine Fever (782 PCR), Exotic Newcastle Disease (149 PCR), Foot and Mouth Disease (158 PCR), Chronic Wasting Disease (1,799 ELISA/ 1,833 IHC), Scrapie (2,783 IHC). Facilities certified for testing and sample handling at Biosafety Level 3 were maintained. Interlaboratory Activities in Support of the Goals of the NAHLN - The AHDC provided training for staff from the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory on PCR and QA techniques, policies and documents, supporting their efforts to meet NAHLN and AAVLD accreditation requirements. Staff also assisted other laboratories with implementation of NAHLN messaging.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 08/15/10 to 08/14/11

OUTPUTS: 1. Quality System - The AHDC has a mature Quality Assurance System (QAS). During FY 2010-2011, we have continued to enhance this system through continued development and review of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Work Area Procedures (WAPs). We have continued to implement Sharepoint as a document and information management tool and began formal training of laboratory staff in December 2010. 2. Staff training for Foreign and Emerging Diseases- Technical training at Plum Island for one individual to perform PCR assays for Rinderpeste and African Swine Fever Virus was accomplished and the laboratory passed proficiency tests related to these assays. The laboratory participated in a National negative cohort study for Foot and Mouth Disease Virus and Rinderpeste to further validate PCR assays for these agents. NAHLN 3. Laboratory Information Management System and NAHLN Messaging PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

2010/08 to 2011/06 AHDC Diagnostic Activity: Technical staff in the AHDC continue to maintain their technical proficiency and certification to perform assays to detect a variety of foreign animal diseases including Avian Influenza, Avian Paramyxovirus type 1 (END), Foot and Mouth Disease, Rinderpeste, African Swine Fever, and Classical Swine Fever viruses. The following is a summary of the NAHLN test numbers during the contract year, through May 31, 2011. Avian H5 Influenza Virus HI (12) Avian H5 Influenza Virus PCR (85) Avian H7 Influenza Virus HI (12) Avian H7 Influenza Virus PCR (85) , Avian Influenza Virus PCR (676) Avian Influenza Virus PCR, LBM (3,574), Avian Influenza Virus VI, LBM (3,728), Avian Paramyxovirus-1 (PM1) PCR ( 11), Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) ELISA (1,778), Classical Swine Fever PCR (431), Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus (11), Foot and Mouth Disease PCR (100), and Rinderpest PCR (100)


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 08/15/09 to 08/14/10

OUTPUTS: 1. Quality System - The AHDC has a relatively mature Quality Assurance System (QAS). As a result of the efforts made to implement the QAS, the AHDC was awarded full accreditation for 5 years for testing in all species by the AAVLD in 2008. During the 2009-2010 FY we contined to finalize, develop and review Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Work Area Procedures (WAPs). We also began the process of implementing Microsoft SharePoint as a document and information management tool for use within the AHDC. 2. Staff Training for Foreign and Emerging Diseases - The AHDC has applied to send three Pathology Residents to the Plum Island Foreign Animal Disease Course which is next scheduled to be held in Janurary of 2011. On July 21, 2010 the AHDC hosted a NAHLN tabletop emergency response training exercise simulating an FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease) outbreak in the northeast. The group participating in the exercise included participants from the laboratories, State and Federal veterinarians from Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, New Hampshire and Delaware as well as New York. The exercise was very productive and helped to further strengthen the lines of communication between these diverse groups. 3. Laboratory Information Management System and NAHLN Messaging - The AHDC continues to be at the forefront of development and implementation of the NAHLN messaging structure and system. Our staff participates in the NAHLN IT committee's continuing development and implementation efforts, including assisting other laboratories (NJ, SD) with their implementation of Rhapsody and the messaging system. This includes participation in the NAHLN IT Committee meetings and conference calls as well as maintaining training and proficiency in the use of Rhapsody, XML and HL7 messaging protocols. The AHDC is ready to implement additional messaging for Foot and Mouth Disease and any other NAHLN surveillance program. 4. NAHLN Sample Handling, Processing and Testing Capacity and Biocontainment Capabilities - The AHDC will maintain the training and proficiency of the existing staff certified to conduct NAHLN training. In addition, a training and proficiency testing plan is under development to expand on the number of certified technicians and faculty available to provide, if necessary, testing services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the event of an outbreak. The AHDC has also made significant progress in converting more of the routine, non-NAHLN PCR testing to high throughput formats to increase the routine use of those protocols and associated equipment. 5. Interlaboratory Activities in Support of the Goals of the NAHLN - The AHDC has been and will continue to provide support to other NAHLN labs for the implementation of the Rhapsody message broker application and HL7 messaging. Recently support has been provided to New Jersey and South Dakota labs for their implementation efforts. AHDC information technology staff will provide technical advice and support for these labs as they work to meet the requirements for electronic messaging of NAHLN test results. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: The Cornell Animal Health Diagnostic Center (AHDC) provided surveillance testing as directed by the NAHLN. In addition, the AHDC maintains the testing capacity necessary to respond to foreign animal disease outbreaks or provide reserve testing capacity for other NAHLN laboratories in the event of an emergency. The AHDC supports Foreign Animal Disease training for pathologists and other veterinarians within the laboratory and appropriate faculty and staff receive training and proficiency certification for all NAHLN-approved testing. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

1. AHDC Diagnostic activity: Technicians in the AHDC Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory continue to maintain their certification in proficiency testing for a variety of foreign animal diseases of concern to the NAHLN during the past year. This includes: Avian Influenza, Avian Paramyxovirus Type 1 (END), Foot and Mouth Disease and Classical Swine Fever PCR. A liquid handling robotic system (Beckman-Coulter Biomek NXp) initially acquired through the NAHLN program (FY 2008) continues to enhance the capacity of the laboratory to handle large volumes of testing. The following is a summary of NAHLN testing conducted during the contract year: Test Number of Tests Avian H5 Influenza Virus HI 2 Avian H5 Influenza Virus PCR 216 Avian H7 Influenza Virus HI 2 Avian H7 Influenza Virus PCR 216 Avian Influenza Virus Ab AGID 2,680 Avian Influenza Virus Ab AGID, Exp 630 Avian Influenza Virus PCR 1,404 Avian Influenza Virus PCR, LBM 3,923 Avian Influenza Virus VI, LBM 3,154 Avian Paramyxovirus-1 (PM1) PCR 94 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy ELISA 74 Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) ELISA 2,678 Classical Swine Fever PCR 623 Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus 72 The AHDC is also participating in the FMD Negative Cohort Study with a focus on testing dairy animals to provide statistically significant baseline data for the final validation of this test. These numbers are incomplete for the current 2009-2010 contract year, since there are still several weeks remaining in the current period of performance. 2. Funding All funding has been expended in order for us to meet the objectives set out for 2009-10 contract year. 3. Facilities During this period construction continued on the new, 125,000 gross square feet facility for the Animal Health Diagnostic Center. Completion of the new facility is expected in the late summer of 2010 with occupancy planned for early fall. This new state-of-the-art facility will include a BSL-3 large animal necropsy suite, approximately 600 square feet of BSL-3 lab space in both the Bacteriology and Virology sections, an additional 3,800 square feet of dedicated BSL-3 research space, and will also double the current space allocated to our molecular testing (PCR) efforts. A backup emergency generator power system and increased building security are also features of the new building.


  • No publications reported this period