Source: UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Dec 15, 2008
Project End Date
Dec 14, 2012
Grant Year
Project Director
Hutkins, R.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Prebiotics are "nondigestible food ingredient(s) that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon, and thus improves host health''. Prebiotics are now added to many foods, including nutritional bars, breakfast cereals, and beverages. Manufacture of these foods exposes prebiotics to potentially severe processing conditions, leading to degradation or loss of prebiotic activity. We previously developed a method to assess the functional activity of prebiotics under model conditions. In general, only heating at low pH caused a reduction in prebiotic activity. However, determining how prebiotics interact with food components and how they survive actual food processing condition is of considerable industrial importance. The goal of this proposal is to assess the prebiotic stability of oligosaccharides in actual foods. Specifically, we will: (1) validate our analytic procedures for measuring prebiotics; (2) manufacture foods containing prebiotics (3) determine the prebiotic activity of prebiotics in these processed foods; and (4) assess the chemical fate of prebiotics in a range of processing conditions. Food treatments will include baked foods, pasteurized low pH beverages, nutrition bars, and extruded cereals. Analyses will be performed by HPLC; degradation products will be analyzed by Mass Spectrometry. The results from this project should be of significant interest to food formulators and manufacturers. This proposal is consistent with the overall goals of Program 71.1 and specifically addresses one of the main priorities, the "chemistry and fates of proven bioactive compounds in foods and food ingredients during processing".
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overall goal of this project is to assess the stability of prebiotic oligosaccharides in foods during actual food processing conditions. Food products will include a pasteurized low pH sports drink, baked muffins, cookies and bread, a snack/nutrition bar, and extruded breakfast cereal. Specifically, we will: (1) develop extraction and analytic procedures for measuring FOS, inulin, RS, GOS, and polydextrose; (2) formulate prototype food products containing prebiotics; (3) determine the prebiotic activity of the formulated prototype foods; and (4) assess the chemical fate of these prebiotics in prototype foods during various processing treatments. Overall, the results from this research will provide a practical basis for manufacturers to formulate foods with prebiotics. Specifically, we expect that the stability of prebiotics in actual food systems will be dependent on the conditions and constituents in the foods, as well as the prebiotic itself. Ultimately, the results from this research should provide valuable information for manufactures on the functional characteristics of this important group of bioactive food ingredients.
Project Methods
The overall goals of this proposal are to assess and enhance stability of prebiotic oligosaccharides in selected foods during processing. We will use six commercially available prebiotics, two types of FOS (GFn and FFn types), inulin, GOS, resistant starch (a RS2/RS3 blend), and polydextrose. Stability, as defined in the proposal, refers not only to chemical stability, but also to biological stability. That is, is the prebiotic altered or degraded by processing, such that there is a loss of prebiotic activity Based on our previous research using strictly model systems, we hypothesize that stability in actual food systems will depend on the conditions and constituents in the foods, as well as the prebiotic itself. When present in low pH beverages, extruded breakfast cereals, or in baked foods, in which Maillard reactions occur, such as cookies or bread, prebiotics might be expected to least stable. In contrast, prebiotics added to nutrition- or snack-type bars, that are not heated and that have low water activity, would be expected to be more stable.

Progress 12/15/08 to 12/14/12

OUTPUTS: Now that prebiotics are being added to many processed food, assessing their stability has become an important issue to the food industry. This research provides a basis for predicting how prebiotics will behave in foods exposed to high temperature, low pH, extrusion, and other conditions common to food processing. This research also provides insights into the effects of food matrices as well as processing on stability of prebiotics. The results from this research have been presented at several regional, national, and international conferences and manuscripts have been prepared submitted for publication in journals. PARTICIPANTS: Project Participants included: Robert Hutkins, PI, Professor, University of Nebraska Randy Wehling, Co-PI, Professor, University of Nebraska Vicki Schlegel, Co-PI, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Richard Zbasnik, Research Scientist, University of Nebraska Rebeca Duar, Graduate Student, University of Nebraska Kristina Moore, Graduate Student, University of Nebraska Emily Ang, Graduate Student, University of Nebraska TARGET AUDIENCES: The Target Audiences included researchers and product development scientists in industry and academia. Efforts included presentation at national meetings. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

The goal of this proposal was to assess the chemical and biological stability of commercial prebiotics in processed foods. Included were fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), inulin, polydextrose (PDX), and resistant starch. Nine prototype products were developed to represent typical foods to which prebiotics could be adeed. These included baked foods (muffins, bread, cookies), acidified foods (two types of sports beverages), two types of nutrition bars, and an extruded breakfast cereal. Prebiotics were added at 1%; controls were also produced. The effects of the prebiotics on various physical properties (color, rate of staling, internal structure) were determined. In general, significant differences were observed browning for GOS in the cookies and cereal, for gas formation in the FOS bread, and for tackiness in the nutrition bars for FOS, GOS, and PDX. For chemical analysis of prebiotic stability, methods to measure prebiotics in complex food materials were developed and validated. These methods were based on the recovery of prebiotic spiked samples and measurement by HPLC and comparison to the prebiotic incorporated in the food samples. Recovery rates for ranged from 81 to 100%. For some products, the matrix consistently affected recovery. For biological analysis of prebiotic stability, a prebiotic activity assay was used. The output of this bioassay is a score that is based on the change in growth of a test strain of bacteria relative to growth of a control strain using the food as a substrate. Assays were performed before and after processing. Reductions in the activity score means that the prebiotic lost activity and was no longer prebiotic. Initial results revealed that all of the scores were low (< 0.1), indicating that at 1% prebiotic concentrations, the chemical methods were more sensitive than biological methods. However, when the prebiotic concentration was increased, the prebiotic activity assay could be used to assess the effects of processing. These results showed that the fructans, FOS and inulin, were stable when exposed to moderate heating, but were degraded when exposed to an acidic environment and moderate heat. In contrast, GOS was stable when exposed to heat, low pH, and a combination of moderate heat at low pH. For all of the products tested, resistant starch and PDX had low prebiotic activities. Matrix effects also existed for some products.


  • Duar, R.M., R. Wehling, R. Hutkins, and V. Schlegel. 2011. Adaptation and validation of existing analytical methods capable of monitoring prebiotics present in extruded ready-to-eat breakfast cereal. Presented at the American Association of Cereal Chemists Annual Meeting.
  • Duar, R.M., R. Wehling, R. Hutkins, and V. Schlegel. 2011. Adaptation and validation of food-specific analytical methods capable of monitoring prebiotics present in different types of processed food matrices. Presented at the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting.
  • Duar, R.M. 2011. Adaptation and validation of food-specific analytical methods capable of monitoring prebiotics present in different types of processed food matrices. M.S. Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  • Duar, R.M, R. Wehling, R. Hutkins, and V. Schlegel. 2013. Adaptation and validation of food-specific analytical methods capable of monitoring prebiotics present in different types of processed food matrices. Presented at the American Association of Hispanics-USDA-NIFA- Annual Meeting.
  • Moore, K. 2011. Biological analysis of prebiotics in various processed food matrices. M.S. Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  • Moore, K., R. Duar, P.T. Ang, R. Wehling, V. Schlegel, and R. Hutkins. 2011. Chemical and biological stability of prebiotics in processed foods. Presented at the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting.
  • Ang, P.T. 2011. Adaptation and validation of existing analytical methods for monitoring prebiotics present in different types of processed food matrices. M.S. Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  • Duar, R., R. Wehling, R. Hutkins, and V. Schlegel. 2013. Chemical stability of prebiotic carbohydrates in different types of processed food matrices. Journal of Food Science. Submitted.

Progress 12/15/10 to 12/14/11

OUTPUTS: The overall goal of this proposal was to assess the prebiotic stability, chemically and biologically, of five commercial prebiotics, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), inulin, polydextrose (PDX), and resistant starch, in processed foods. These prebiotics were formulated into nine prototype products (two types of muffins, bread, cookies, two types of sports beverages, two types of nutrition bars, and breakfast cereal) using standard formulas. The effects of the prebiotics on physical properties (color, rate of staling, internal structure) were determined. Significant differences were observed for cookie and cereal browning for GOS, gas formation for FOS in bread, and for tackiness in the nutrition bars for FOS, GOS, and PDX. Analytical HPLC methods capable of measuring prebiotics were developed and validated using customized extraction methods. These methods were based on the recovery of a sample spiked with 1% prebiotic. The recovery of prebiotic in the food samples was compared with the recovery of the spiked samples to determine the fate of prebiotic. Recovery rates for FOS products tested range from 81 to 100% based on severity of matrix effects. Next, a previously developed prebiotic bioassay was used to measure residual prebiotic activity in these products. The assay generates a prebiotic activity score based on the change in growth of a test strain of bacteria relative to growth of a control strain using the food as a substrate. For products that contained 1% prebiotic, scores were low (< 0.1), indicating that at these low prebiotic concentrations , chemical methods are more sensitive than biological methods. However, for foods that contained higher concentrations (10%) and limiting background sugars, prebiotic activity scores were appreciably higher (>0.4). The results showed that FOS and inulin were stable when exposed to mild to moderate heating, but were biologically degraded when exposed to an acidic environment and moderate heat. GOS was stable when exposed to mild to moderate heat as well as when exposed to an acidic environment that was processed with moderate heat. Resistant starch had a low standard prebiotic activity and low scores when tested in food products. In addition, there were still food matrix effects for some products. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

The methods we have developed and validated for assessing stability of prebiotics in foods should be of considerable value to the food industry. Our research group has been approached by several food companies regarding this project. Overall, this research has been able to provide insight of the effects of food matrices as well as processing on stability of prebiotics. The data generated from this research is generally in agreement with previously published data using both chemical and biological methods to test for prebiotic activity.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 12/15/09 to 12/14/10

OUTPUTS: Prebiotic carbohydrates are now added to many foods, including nutritional bars, breakfast cereals, and beverages. Manufacture of these foods exposes prebiotics to processing conditions which may cause them to degrade or lose prebiotic activity. The overall goal of this proposal, therefore, was to assess the prebiotic stability, both chemically and biologically, of five commercial prebiotics, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), inulin, polydextrose (PDX), and resistant starch, in processed foods. These prebiotics were formulated into six prototype products (muffins, bread, cookies, sports beverage, nutrition bar, and breakfast cereal) using standard formulas. The effects of the prebiotics on physical properties (color, rate of staling, internal structure) were determined. Significant differences were observed for cookie and cereal browning for GOS, gas formation for FOS in bread, and for tackiness in the nutrition bars for FOS, GOS, and PDX. Analytical HPLC methods capable of measuring prebiotics were developed and validated using customized extraction methods. These methods were based on the recovery of a sample spiked with 1% prebiotic. The recovery of prebiotic in the food samples was compared with the recovery of the spiked samples to determine the fate of prebiotic. Recovery rates for FOS products tested range from 81 to 100% based on severity of matrix effects. Next, a previously developed prebiotic bioassay was used to measure residual prebiotic activity in these products. The assay generates a prebiotic activity score based on the change in growth of a test strain of bacteria relative to growth of a control strain using the food as a substrate. In general, scores were low (< 0.3) for all products, indicating that at low prebiotic concentrations (1%), chemical methods are more sensitive than biological methods. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

The methods we have developed and are now validating for assessing stability of prebiotics in foods should be of considerable value to the food industry. Our research group has been approached by several food companies regarding this project.


  • Abstract at IFT, 2010 Assessing and enhancing stability of prebiotic oligosaccharides in foods R. Hutkins, M. Hoffman, E. Ang, R. Duar, K. Moore, R. Zbasnik, R. Wehling, and V.Schlegl.

Progress 12/15/08 to 12/14/09

OUTPUTS: The results from the first year of this study have been submitted as an IFT Abstract to be presented in July at the IFT Annual Meeting. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Roberet Hutkins, PI, responsible for coordinating the project and specifically for conducting the microbiological analyses. Dr. Vicki Schlegel, Co-PI, responsible for conducting the chemical analyses. Dr. Randy Wehling, Co-PI, responsible for developing food prototypes. Three graduate students (all M.S. in food science) are working on this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Prebiotic carbohydrates are now added to many foods, including nutritional bars, breakfast cereals, and beverages. Manufacture of these foods exposes prebiotics to processing conditions which may cause them to degrade or lose prebiotic activity. The overall goal of this proposal, therefore, was to assess the prebiotic stability of five commercial prebiotics, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), inulin, polydextrose (PDX), and resistant starch, in processed foods. These prebiotics were formulated into six prototype products (muffins, bread, cookies, sports beverage, nutrition bar, and breakfast cereal) using standard formulas. The effects of the prebiotics on physical properties (color, rate of staling, internal structure) were determined. Differences were observed for cookie and cereal browning for GOS, gas formation for FOS in bread, and for tackiness in the nutrition bars for FOS, GOS, and PDX. Analytical methods based on existing assays were also established. However, application of these tests to the processed foods showed matrix affects that compromised accuracy. Therefore, we are developing sample handling procedures and modifying the testing procedures to increase the accuracy for each system. Next, we validated that a prebiotic bioassay could be used to measure residual prebiotic activity in these products. The assay generates a prebiotic activity score based on the change in growth of a test strain of bacteria relative to growth of a control strain using the food as a substrate. For each prebiotic, suitable test and control strains were identified. Prebiotic activities for extruded breakfast cereal and the nutrition bar containing FOS were determined, giving scores within an expected range. The results obtained during this first year indicate that prebiotics can be incorporated into processed foods, but that color and texture may be affected. Prebiotic activity appears to be stable to the processing conditions we have evaluated, although more assays are now in progress.


  • No publications reported this period