Source: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jun 20, 2007
Project End Date
Jun 19, 2013
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Poultry Science
Non Technical Summary
Poultry are susceptible to numerous pathogens of avian and human health concern. This project will examine techniques that may reduce pathogen levels in poultry. The project will also have an extension component to dessiminate the information to the poultry industry.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Objectives: a.Bismuth Citrate Studies: These studies will determine the efficacy of bismuth citrate in reducing incidence of Camplyobacteriosis and necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens. b.Disinfectant Efficacy: This project will determine the efficacy of commonly used disinfects when treated with heat, time, organic matter and adulterants. These studies will simulate conditions present in the poultry industry. The data generated will help poultry integrators improve their biosecurity plans and prevent disease. c.Probiotic / Vaccine Study: This study will evaluate the effectiveness of immune potentiating probiotics on improving vaccine responses. d.Correlation of Immunosuppressive Viruses with Incidence of Foodborne Pathogens: This field trial will evaluate the interaction of immunosuppressive viruses with incidence of foodborne pathogens on poultry farms. e. Litter Study: This study will examine the ability of steam and quicklime to reduce Salmonella typhimurium inchicken litter. f. Disaster / Disease Response: This program will help the poultry industry with disaster and disease response by providing educational seminars and coordinating with disaster response companies, state agencies and federal entities. g. Public Service: The public service objective will entail reaching out to individual poultry hobbyists, 4H programs, FFA programs, Jr. High Students and High School Students via one-on-one interactions, livestock shows and speaking engagements. h. Academic Service: Academic service includes teaching classes, publishing data, peer reviewing papers, mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, serving on committees, attending meetings and giving talks. i. Service to the Commercial Poultry Industry: This objective will be met by providing information to the commercial industry through public speaking engagements, email, phone conversations, trade publications, student recruitment, educating their labor force, publishing peer reviewedjournal articles and applied research (objectives a-h).
Project Methods
Research Approach: a.Objective a Bismuth Citrate: This project will challenge broilers with Campylobacter jejuni or Clostridia perfringens to evaluate if a bismuth citrate treatment will reduce gut colonization by these pathogens or the level of tissue damage. Pathogens will be quantitated with both pathogen challenges and lesion scores will be determined for the Clostridia perfringens treatment. b.Objective b Disinfectant Efficacy: This project will examine disinfectant efficacy in simulated field conditions against two indicator organisms. Staphylococcus aureus will serve as the Gram positive indicator organism and Salmonella typhimurium will serve as the Gram negative indicator organism. c.Objective c Probiotic/Vaccine Study: This project will examine the immune potentiating effects of probiotics on mucosal immunity and ultimately vaccine response. Phase I will consist of the following groups: negative control, vaccine only, probiotic only and a vaccine / probioticcombination. Lymphocyte proliferation, antibody titers and monocyte function will be evaluated to determine if innate, cell mediated or humoral stimulation was improved. Phase II will be a much larger trial to determine feed conversion and efficacy of the Phase I treatments against a pathogenic challenge. In addition to quantitation of immune parameters, lesion scoring and animal productivity will be determined. d.Objective d Correlation of Immunosuppressive Viruses with Incidence of Foodborne Pathogens: This field trial will be conducted at the request of a major Texas Broiler Integrator. It will determine if there is a correlation between immunosuppressive viruses and incidence of foodborne bacteria such as Salmonella or Campylobacter. Comparisons will be made between new houses vs. old houses, intervention strategies, and differences in husbandry techniques. Viral and bacterial samples will be collected throughout two complexes, from the broiler breeder houses to the processingplant. e.Objective e Litter Study: This study will examine the efficacy of steam and lime treatments on reducing numbers of Salmonella in chicken litter. Market aged broilers will be challenged with bacteria, placed on new bedding material and allowed to seed the litter for two weeks. Approximately 100 pounds of litter will be removed and mixed for homogeneity. Litter will be weighed and treated with steam or quicklime and sampled for bacterial colonization. f.Objectives f-i: These objectives do not contain a research component, but will be met by other means. My research will support many of these objectives.

Progress 06/20/07 to 06/19/13

Target Audience: Live Production Managers of Poultry Companies Veterinarians State and Federal Agencies involved with Animal Health and Emergency Management Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? - Scientific Meetings - Production Oriented Trainings/Demonstrations - Participation on State and Federal Planning Committees. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Bismuth Citrate - Found that bismuth citrate can ameliorate the negative effects of necrotic enteritis and Campylobacteriosis. Disinfectant Efficacy - Found that long term storage and environmental conditions can have a negative of diluted disinfecatant efficacy. Probiotic/Vaccines - Found that probiotics can potentiate immune response, but may not be the best vaccine adjuvant for cocci. Correlation of Virus w/ Incidence of Foodborne Pathogens - Unfortunately, incidence of foodborne pathogens in "the field" were too low to make a valid comparison. Additionally, isolation of viruses was more difficult than anticipated. Litter Study - Found that quicklime and steam can significantly reduce levels of Salmonella in chicken litter to undetectable levels. Disaster/Disease Response - Developed a means to rapidly and humanely euthanize layer chickens in cages in the event of a reportable disease outbreak. Also developed a means to rapidly clean and disinfect agricultural facilities. Public Service - Made presentations at several 4H, Master Gardener and County Agent Trainings on Poultry Husbandry. Academic Service - Teach two poultry production classes at Texas A&M and participate on numerous committees. Service to Industry - Serve as an industry advisor and support industry by conducting applied research to find solutions to new challenges in the industry.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2012 Citation: Klein, J., M. Farnell, M. Williams, J. Hoffman, S. Kellner, T. Hopson and J. Lee. 2012. Effect of Dietary Inclusion of a Botanical Blend on Growth Performance and Processing Yield in Broiler Chickens. Poultry Science Association Meeting. Athens, GA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2012 Citation: Pieniazek, J., B. Stipanovic, M. Farnell and J. Lee. 2012. Evaluation of Pressed, Dehulled Cottonseed Meal as an Alternative Protein Source in Broiler Diets. Poultry Science Association Meeting. Athens, GA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2013 Citation: Iselt, S., J. Lee, M. Farnell, R. Latham, K. Naehrer, U. Hofstetter, R. Beltran, G. Schatzmayr, and D. Caldwell. 2013. Effects of Feeding Diets Naturally Contaminated with Deoxynivalenol (DON), Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), and / or Fumonisin (FUM) on Parameters of Mycotoxicosis Evaluated at Necropsy. International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, GA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2013 Citation: Iselt, S., J. Lee, M. Farnell, R. Latham, K. Naehrer, U. Hofstetter, R. Beltran, G. Schatzmayr, D. Caldwell. 2013. Effects of Feeding Diets Naturally Contaminated with Deoxynivalenol (DON), Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), and / or Fumonisin (FUM) on Laying Hen Performance. International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, GA.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2012 Citation: Chen, C., D. Abi-Ghanem, S. Waghela, W. Chou, M. Farnell, W. Mwangi and L. Berghman. 2012. Immunization of Chickens with an Antagonistic Monoclonal Anti-Chicken CD40 Antibody-Hapten Complex: Rapid and Robust IgG response induced by a single subcutaneous injection. Journal of Immunological Methods. 378:116-20.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2012 Citation: Moyle, J.R., F. Solis de los Santos, G.R. Huff, W.E. Huff, N.C. Rath, M. Farnell, A.C. Fanatico, S.C. Ricke, C. Enders, U. Sonnenborn, D.J. Donoghue and A.M. Donoghue. 2012. The Probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 Enhances Early Gastrointestinal Maturation in Young Turkey Poults. International Journal of Poultry Science. 11:445-452.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2012 Citation: **Pohl, S., D. Caldwell, J. Lee, J. Coppedge, S. Dunn-Horrocks, K. Stringfellow, K. Jessen, and M. Farnell. 2012. Effects of Dietary Calcium Formate Inclusion on Broiler Performance, Skeletal Development and Gut Maturation. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 21:311-317.
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2013 Citation: Carolee Hinojosa-Garza. 2013. Texas A&M University M.S. Thesis. Use of Disinfectants and Cleaners to Reduce Bacterion on Poultry Transportation Coops with a Compressed Air Foam System.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2012 Citation: Caldwell, D., J. Lee, M. Farnell, K. Ameiss and A. McElroy. 2012. Non-Traditional Elements of Mucosal Immunity in Chickens and Dietary Influences on Coccidiosis Vaccination. Midwest Poultry Consortium. St. Paul, MN.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2012 Citation: Iselt, S., J. Lee, M. Farnell, M. Ficken, U. Hofstetter, R. Beltran, G. Schatzmayr, and D. Caldwell. 2012. Effects of Mycotoxin Contaminated Diets on Histopathology and Antibody Titer Following Viral Vaccination in Young Replacement Layer Pullets. Poultry Science Association Meeting. Athens, GA.

Progress 01/01/12 to 12/31/12

OUTPUTS: Drs. David Caldwell, Allen Byrd and I continued efforts on the USDA-APHIS sponsored foam euthanasia and cleaning and disinfection projects. Trials were conducted at the Texas A&M University Poultry Research Center, USDA-ARS-Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center and multiple field trials. Demonstrations were conducted for high school, Texas A&M, and Sam Houston State students, as well as poultry industry personnel. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: We are continuing to interact with our poultry stakeholders to improve our technology and to hopefully produce something that will be of use to the industry. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: We recently received an equipment trailer which will allow us to produce the volume and pressure of carbon dioxide that we will need to continue the euthanasia trial. We hypothesize that substituting compressed air with carbon dioxide will result in less stress for the birds.

We found that a compressed air foam system may be used to humanely depopulate chickens during a reportable disease break. Additionally, the system may be used in combination with disinfectants to rapidly clean and disinfect agricultural facilities and equipment. We have affect behavior and increased knowledge due to multiple presentations and field demonstrations.


  • Hoffman, J., D. Caldwell, K. Stringfellow, D. Abi-Ghanem, L. Berghman, J. Byrd, J. Lee and M. Farnell. 2012. Corticosterone Levels and Cessation of Movement Evaluated Using Compressed Air Foam in White Leghorn Chickens. International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, GA.
  • Hinojosa, C., D. Caldwell, M. Ross, S. Iselt, J. Garcia, J. Hoffman, K. Stringfellow, R. Latham, J. Lee, J. Byrd, and M. Farnell. 2012. Use of Foaming Disinfectants and Cleaners to Reduce Aerobic Bacteria on Poultry Transport Coops. Hispanic Leaders in Agriculture and the Environment Research Symposium. San Antonio, TX.
  • Hinojosa, C., D. Caldwell, M. Ross, S. Iselt, J. Garcia, J. Hoffman, K. Stringfellow, R. Latham, J. Lee, J. Byrd, and M. Farnell. 2012. Use of Foaming Disinfectants and Cleaners to Reduce Aerobic Bacteria on Poultry Transport Coops. Poultry Science Association Meeting. Athens, GA.
  • Ross, M., D. Caldwell, M. Farnell. 2012. Efficacy of Foam Treatments Against Salmonella Typhimurium on Poultry Contact Surfaces. International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, GA.
  • Ross, M., D. Caldwell, J. Byrd, J. Lee, S. Islet, J. Garcia, J. Hoffman, C. Hinojosa, K. Stringfellow and M. Farnell. 2012. Efficacy of Foam Treatments Against Salmonella Typhimurium on Poultry Contact Surfaces. Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences - 27th Annual Career Fair and Training Conference. Atlanta, GA.
  • Farnell, M., J. Byrd, J. Hoffman, M. Ross, K. Stringfellow, D. Abi-Ghanem, L. Berghman, J. Lee and D. Caldwell. 2012. Use of Firefighting Foam for Mass Depopulation and Improved Cleaning and Disinfection of Poultry Premises. Asociation De Especialists En Ciencias Avicolas Del Centro De Mexico AC. Queretaro, Queretaro, Mexico.

Progress 01/01/11 to 12/31/11

OUTPUTS: - Conducted research to develop a means to rapidly and humanely depopulate layer chickens within cages in the event of a reportable disease outbreak. - Conducted research to improve methods of cleaning and disinfecting poultry facilities and equipment using fire fighting foam and equipment. - Conducted research on alternative feedstuffs and antibiotic alternatives in support of the poultry industry. PARTICIPANTS: - Dr. David Caldwell - Co Investigator - Texas A&M Poultry Science - Dr. Jason Lee - Co Investigator - Texas A&M Poultry Science - Dr. Allen Byrd - Collaborator - USDA,ARS - Colllege Station, TX - Dr. Bob Stipanovic - Collaborator - USDA, ARS - College Station, TX - Dr. Jeff Harwell - Co Investigator - OU Surfactant Laboratory - Norman, OK. - Mr. Kendre Stringfellow - TAMU Ph.D. Candidate - Ms. Martia Ross - TAMU Ph.D. Student - Mr. John Hoffman - TAMU B.S. Student TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audience would include: - Researchers, poultry industry stakeholders, allied poultry industry, government agencies PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: We will continue the foam disinfection and foam euthanasia projects. Improvements will be made with both such as adding carbon dioxide to our euthanasia foam and testing our disinfectants in the field.

Farnell, M. (2011) Poultry Biosecurity. Mississippi Poultry Association. Starkville, MS. Farnell, M. (2011) Animal Care Guidelines - Poultry Industry Overview. Sysco Systems Meeting. College Station, TX. Ross, M. et al. (2011) Evaluation of Foaming Agents for Improved Cleaning and Disinfectionwithin Poultry Premises. Poultry Science Association. St. Louis, MO. Ross, M. et. al. (2011) Evaluation of Compressed Air Foam to Clean and Disinfect Poultry Rearing Facilities. Poultry Science Association. St. Louis, MO. Stringfellow, K. et. al. (2011) Evaluation of a Compressed Air Foam System for Euthanasia of Caged Layer Chickens. Poultry Science Association. St. Louis, MO.


  • Stringfellow K, Caldwell D, Lee J, Mohnl M, Beltran R, Schatzmayr G, Fitz-Coy S, Broussard C, Farnell M. (2011) Evaluation of probiotic administration on the immune response of coccidiosis-vaccinated broilers. Poult Sci. 90(8):1652-8.

Progress 01/01/10 to 12/31/10

OUTPUTS: Probiotic/Cocci - The authors hypothesized that probiotic bacteria may be used as a vaccine adjuvant, improving the immune response of broiler chickens to coccidia. Foam Disinfection - Conducted two field trials at a Texas quail farm to evaluate the effects of using foaming chemicals to clean and disinfect poultry facilities. - Conducted a foam disinfection trial within a BSL2 building using Salmonella typhimurium and Campylobacter jejuni seeder birds to contaminate building surfaces - Currently conducting coupon trials to evalute these methods in a controlled laboratory setting. Foam Euthanasia - Conducted multiple trials to evaluate the use of fire fighting foam to humanely euthanize caged layer chickens. Evaluated gross pathology, corticosterone levels and different products. Calcium Formate - Conducted a broiler growout to evaluate the effect of calcium formate on production parameters, gut morphology and skeletal integrity. Lighting Trial - Conducted a trial that evaluated the effect of LED lighting on broiler live production parameters in comparison to incandescent lighting. PARTICIPANTS: Drs. David Caldwell (Texas A&M), Jason Lee (Texas A&M) and Allen Byrd (USDA-ARS) were collaborators on these projects and contributed to our sucesses. TARGET AUDIENCES: The target audience would include poultry veterinarians, emergency management officials with state and federal agencies, live production managers and other researchers. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Probiotic/Cocci - Coccidiosis costs the poultry industry millions of dollars in lost revenue each year. Drugs have been used in the past, but they have been less effective due to drug resistance. Therefore, vaccines are being used. Unfortunately, vaccination isn't an exact science and improvements may be made by potentiating the immune system to improve immunity and to better protect the bird from disease. Foam Disinfection - Once the technique is perfected, foam disinfection can be used to rapidly clean and disinfect poultry facilities allowing for better control of reportable and zoonotic diseases. Foam Euthansia - Current means of euthanasia allow for health officials to humanely euthanize a typical layer farm in 45-60 days. A more rapid means of euthanasia, such as foam, may significantly reduce this timepoint, thereby preventing the spread of a economically and socially costly disease. Calcium Formate - Calcium formate has been demonstrated to be more biologically available than other calcium sources in other species. We have demonstrated that the compound is at least as effective as calcium carbonate and may actually improve skeletal integrity. Lighting Trial - Incandescent lighting will be phased out in coming years. Additionally, poultry growers are looking for ways to reduce energy consumption and costs. Alternatives, such as LED, cold cathode and compact fluorescents are being used in production agriculture. However, the effect on production parameters has not been evaluated. We hope to determine what that relation is in future trials.


  • Immune response of broiler chickens fed different levels of arginine and vitamin E to a coccidiosis vaccine and Eimeria challenge. Perez-Carbajal C, Caldwell D, Farnell M, Stringfellow K, Pohl S, Casco G, Pro-Martinez A, Ruiz-Feria CA. Poult Sci. 2010 Sep;89(9):1870-7.
  • Bacterial clearance, heterophil function, and hematological parameters of transport-stressed turkey poults supplemented with dietary yeast extract. Huff GR, Huff WE, Farnell MB, Rath NC, Solis de Los Santos F, Donoghue AM. Poult Sci. 2010 Mar;89(3):447-56.

Progress 01/01/09 to 12/31/09

OUTPUTS: The investigator obtained funding and conducted research in the following areas: - Foam euthanasia of caged layer chickens - Foam disinfection of poultry facilities - Evaluation of calcium formate on broiler production - Use of probiotics as a vaccine adjuvant PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: The investigators conduct applied research. It is their hope that these data may be used by production agriculture to improve poultry health, biosecurity, food safety and emergency response to disease. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: The investigators have expanded the scope of the probiotic adjuvant study and are evaluating the effects of vaccine and probiotic treatments on defensin expression, antibody titers and gut development. They will continue work on the foam euthanasia and foam disinfection projects.

List of Presentations at Scientific Meetings 2009: Dunn, S.L., et al. 2009. Influence of Probiotic Administration, Coccidiosis Vaccination, Eimeria Challenge, or Ionophorous Coccidiostat Administration on Gut Morphology in Broilers. Poultry Science Association. Raleigh, North Carolina. Farnell, M.B., et al. 2009. Immunomodulation of the Avian Gastrointestinal Tract with Probiotics and Coccidiosis Vaccine. International Poultry Exposition. Atlanta, Georgia. Klein, A., et al. 2009. Effects of probiotic administration during coccidiosis vaccination on lesion development in broilers exposed to field strain Eimeria: comparison to monensin administration. Poultry Science Association. Raleigh, North Carolina. Klein, A., et al. 2009. Effects of probiotic administration during coccidiosis vaccination on performance in broilers exposed to field strain Eimeria: comparison to monensin administration. Poultry Science Association. Raleigh, North Carolina. Klein, A.E., et al. 2009. Evaluation of Probiotic Administration during Coccidiosis Vaccination in Broilers: Evaluation of Protection Against Clinical Eimeria Challenge. International Poultry Exposition. Atlanta, Georgia. Klein, A.E., et al. 2009. Evaluation of Probiotic Administration on Coccidiosis Vaccination in Broilers: Effects on Performance Parameters and Oocyst Output. International Poultry Exposition. Atlanta, Georgia. Lee, J.T., et al. 2009. Interactions of Probiotic Administration and Coccidiosis Vaccine on Avian Mucosal Immunity in Broilers. International Poultry Exposition. Atlanta, Georgia. Liu, X., et al. 2009. Immune Response and Salmonella Clearance in Broiler Chickens Fed Arginine, Vitamin E, and Prebiotics. International Poultry Exposition. Atlanta, Georgia. Perez-Carbajal, et al. 2009. Immune Response of Broiler Chickens Fed Different Levels of Arginine and Vitamin E to a Coccidiosis Vaccine and Eimeria Challenge. Poultry Science Association. Raleigh, North Carolina. Stringfellow, K., et al. 2009. Effect of Bismuth Citrate, Lactose and Citric Acid on Necrotic Enteritis in Broilers. International Poultry Exposition. Atlanta, Georgia. Stringfellow, K. et al. 2009. Effects of probiotics and a coccidiosis vaccine on avian leukocyte function. Student Research Week. Texas A&M University. Stringfellow, K. et al. 2009. Immunomodulatory effects of a commercially available probiotic on vaccinated broilers. Poultry Science Association. Raleigh, North Carolina.


  • Stringfellow, K., P. Anderson, D. Caldwell, J. Lee, J. Byrd, J. McReynolds, J. Carey, and M. Farnell, 2009. Evaluation of Disinfectants Commonly Used by the Commercial Poultry Industry Under Simulated Field Conditions. Poultry Science. 88: 1151-1155.
  • Stringfellow, K., J. McReynolds and M. Farnell, 2009. Effects of Bismuth Citrate, Citric Acid and Lactose on Broilers Experimentally Challenged with Necrotic Enteritis. Poultry Science. 88: 2280-2284.

Progress 01/01/08 to 12/31/08

OUTPUTS: 1- A project that examined the effects of storage conditions and time on disinfectant efficacy was completed. Data from the project was presented at the Poultry Science Association's Annual meeting in Atlanta. The project has been submitted and accepted to the journal of Poultry Science. 2- A project that examined the effects of bismuth citrate and acidifiers against necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens was completed. Data from the project was presented at the 2009 Southern Poultry Science Symposium. The project has been submitted to the journal of Poultry Science and is under revision. 3- A project that evaluates the effect of probiotic and coccidiosis vaccine on broiler chickens is 80% completed. Data has been presented at two international meetings for a total of four presentations. Papers are currently being written. 4- A foam euthanasia grant was awarded for ~ $125,000. The project will develop a means to euthanize layer chickens in cages that are infected with Avian Influenza. 5- A project that evaluated the interaction of immunosuppressive viruses and foodborne pathogens in the field was completed. Unfortunately, no immunosuppressive viruses were isolated and the levels of foodborne pathogens were remarkably low. However, a novel paper on fungi in poultry houses was submitted. 6- Helped a layer company with egg quality issues. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences include: scientists, the poultry industry, allied industry, students and poultry growers. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

1- Disinfectant Study - Determined that long term storage of diluted disinfectants have play a minor role in disinfectant efficacy. Storage at high temperatures can have a negative effect. The presence of organic matter can reduce disinfectant efficacy. These finding should help the poultry industry improve biosecurity programs. 2- Bismuth Study - Determined that bismuth citrate can provide protection against necrotic enteritis. Found that acidifiers did not always improve efficiency of the additive. These finding should help the poultry industry better manage necrotic enteritis in the field. 3- Probiotic/Vaccine Study - Determined that probiotics and coccidiosis vaccine can improve the avian immune response. However found no synergystic effects between the two. These data will help the poultry industry to improve probiotic and vaccine development to improve bird health. 4- Foam Grant - Designed and built a $40,000 foam euthanasia trailer. Future research will continue in 2009. 5- Immunosuppressive Viruses - Were not able to find immunosuppressive virus in the field to test our hypothesis. However, collected and published novel fungi data. 6- Omega 3 Study - Conducted a study to help a company improve egg quality from birds fed a flaxseed and fish oil diet. Determined that the addition of vitamin B6 significantly improved yolk quality.


  • Byrd, J.A., M.B. Farnell, M.X. Sanchez, J.L. McReynolds, H.M. Scott, M.A. Davis, D.J. Nisbet, and D.J. Caldwell. 2008. The Identification of Fungi Collected from Commercial Broiler Houses using an Automated rep PCR System. Biomin World Nutrition Forum. Austria.
  • Caldwell, D.J., A.E. Klein, M. Farnell, J. Lee, L. Oden, S. Pohl, M. Mohnl, R. Beltran, G. Schatzmayr, S. Fitz-Coy and C. Broussard. 2008. Probiotic Administration during Coccidiosis Vaccination in Broilers: Effects on Performance Parameters. Biomin World Nutrition Forum. Austria.
  • Farnell, M.B., J.T. Lee, A.E. Klein, K.D. Stringfellow, M. Mohl, R. Beltran, G. Schatzmayr, S. Fitz-Coy, C. Broussard and D.J. Caldwell. 2008. Probiotic Administration During Coccidiosis Vaccination in Broilers: Effects on Immune Parameters. Biomin World Nutrition Forum. Austria.
  • Huff, G.R., W.E. Huff, N.C. Rath, A.M. Donoghue, V. Dutta and M.B. Farnell. 2008. Yeast Extract Modulation of Stress Response, Heterophil Activity, and Bacterial Infection in Poultry. Avian Immunology Research Group. Queensland, Australia.
  • Klein, A.E., J. Lee, M. Farnell, L. Oden, S. Pohl, M. Mohnl, R. Beltran, G. Schatzmayr, S. Fitz-Coy, C. Broussard and D. Caldwell. 2008. Effects of Probiotic Administration on Coccidiosis Vaccination in Broilers. Poultry Science Association Meeting. Niagara Falls, Canada.
  • Lee, J. T., D. J. Caldwell, M. Mohnl, R. Beltran, G. Schatzmayr, S. Fitz-Coy, C. Broussard and M. B. Farnell. 2008. Interactions of Probiotic Administration and Coccidiosis Vaccine on Avian Mucosal Immunity in Broilers Fed Two Diets Varying in Protein Concentration. Biomin World Nutrition Forum. Austria.
  • Pichardo, M., J. Lee, C. Creger, C. Ruiz-Feria, J. Carey, D. Hyatt and M. Farnell. 2008. Supplemental Vitamin B6 Improves Yolk Strength in Layer Hens Fed a Flaxseed Ration. Poultry Science Association Meeting. Niagara Falls, Canada.
  • Stringfellow, K, P. Anderson, D. Caldwell, J. Lee, J. Byrd, J. McReynolds, J. Carey, and M. Farnell. 2008. Consequences of Long Term Storage Conditions and the Addition of Organic Matter on the Antimicrobial Activity of Diluted Disinfectants. Poultry Science Association Meeting. Niagara Falls, Canada.

Progress 01/01/07 to 12/31/07

OUTPUTS: The investigators had a very productive year. A) They found that feeding bismuth citrate to broilers reduced the severity of necrotic enteritis. The addition of citric acid to improve bismuth efficacy caused no differences. B) Dr. Farnell's graduate student is continuing his work on the disinfectant efficacy project. He has found that disinfectants maintain efficacy for much longer than originally thought. The phenolic stored at a high temperature is starting to lose some efficacy, but the other disinfectants are still bacteriacidal. Mr. Stringfellow is currently conducting organic matter studies to evaluate the short term effect of chicken litter on disinfectant efficacy. C) Drs. David Caldwell, Jason Lee and Morgan Farnell received funding for a project that evaluates the effect of probiotics on improving vaccine responses. They have completed the first phase (mechanism study) of the project and are currently working on the phase II (grow out and challenge studies). D) Dr. Farnell is currently working with several collaborators on a broiler integrator project that will determine if immunosuppressive viruses increase incidence of foodborne illness. Several hundred samples have been collected so far this summer, but unfortunately no immunosuppressive viruses have occured to test our hypothesis. We will continue our search. E) The litter pasteurization study was completed this year. Steam and quicklime sucessfully reduced Salmonella levels in fresh broiler litter. Dr. Farnell is currently writing that paper. F) Dr. Farnell gave several presentations on disaster preparedness and avian influenza to the public and to the poultry industry. He is currently working with several disaster response companies as well. He currently serves on the Texas State Animal Response Team's Board of Directors at the request of the Texas Poultry Federation. G) Dr. Farnell met his goals of public service by assisting with livestock shows, wingbandings, 4H presentations, answering phone calls and emails from stakeholders and mailing extensive information packets. H) Dr. Farnell met his goals for academic service by presenting his data at professional meetings, teaching an undergraduate class entitled "Instincts and Behavior" POSC 333, guest lecturing and advising students. I) Dr. Farnell met his goals for service towards the commercial sector by paying integrators site visits, answering questions, conducting research, serving as program chair for the Texas Broiler Symposium, helping with the Texas Egg Clinic, educating personell on pertinent topics, grower meetings and helping with student job placement. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. David Caldwell - Texas A & M University Department of Poultry Science Dr. Jason Lee - Texas A & M University Department of Poultry Science Dr. Jackson McReynolds - USDA - Agricultural Research Service - College Station, TX. TARGET AUDIENCES: Public school students Poultry industry Backyard flock owners Organic growers Game bird industry Layer industry Broiler industry Turkey industry 4H groups

A) Dr. Farnell, in collaboration with Jackson McReynolds of USDA, demonstrated that Bismuth Citrate reduces the effect of necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens. B) Mr. Kendre Stringfellow, a M.S. student under the advisement of Dr. Farnell, demonstrated that disinfectants maintain efficacy for more than 90 days post mixing and while stored at high temperatures. These data will help the poultry industry to improve their biosecurity programs. Once all of the data has been collected a publication will be written and presentations will be made. C) Phase I of the probiotic/cocci study has been completed. The assays worked properly and the data is under analysis. These data will help improve vaccination strategies within the broiler industry. D)Work is continuing with the immunosuppressive virus and foodborne pathogen study. No immunosuppressive viruses have been found to test our hypothesis. These data may be used to improve food safety for poultry. E)The quicklime and litter pasteurization study was a success. A publication is in preparation. This project provides a method to recycle litter reducing the environmental impact of broiler waste and the pathogen load. F)Work continues with the disaster and disease preparedness goal. The investigator expects to receive a significant grant to develop a means of euthanizing caged layers with fire fighting foam. He currently serves the state by working on the TXSART board of directors. G)Numerous presentations were made to Texas stakeholders to fulfill my public service goal. H)Dr. Farnell taught his Instincts and Behaviors class this year and served as a guest lecturer to meet his academic service goal. I)Dr. Farnell set up meeting and several site visits to assist the Texas Poultry Industry and to fulfill his service to commercial industry goal.


  • No publications reported this period