Source: UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
May 1, 2005
Project End Date
Apr 30, 2008
Grant Year
Project Director
Chamie, J. P.
Recipient Organization
TUCSON,AZ 85719-4824
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The International Arid Lands Consortium (IALC) works to achieve research and development, educational and training initiatives, demonstration projects, workshops, and other technology transfer activities applied to the development, management, restoration, and reclamation of arid and semiarid lands in North America, the Middle East, and elsewhere in the world. The purpose of this study is to support all the research, demonstration, and technology transfer activities of the IALC's member institutions through their collective and ongoing programs aimed at sustaining arid and semiarid land ecological systems, implicitly including humankind.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The International Arid Lands Consortium (IALC) works to achieve research and development, educational and training initiatives, demonstration projects, workshops, and other technology transfer activities applied to the development, management, restoration, and reclamation of arid and semiarid lands in North America, the Middle East, and elsewhere in the world. All activities are supported by the 9 IALC member institutions through their ongoing applied research and demonstration projects aimed at sustaining arid and semiarid land ecological systems, implicitly including humankind.
Project Methods
During FY2005 the IALC will fund projects based following an extensive scientific review, ranking, and selection process that fall under the themes of the IALC mission and goals. A general list of the IALC themes includes: 1) land use & reclamation; 2) soil & water resources development & conservation; 3) ecosystem processes supporting & enhancing the management & restoration of ecological systems; 4) inventory and measurement techniques; and 5) the human and institutional dimensions of themes #1 - #4. The IALC established a Research and Demonstration Advisory Committee (RADAC) made up of one scientist from each IALC member institutions. The RADAC reviewed all proposals based on guidelines listed in the FY2005 request for proposals. The final projects were approved by the IALC Board at their March 2005 meeting. Each project will be reviewed by the IALC RADAC on a semi-annual basis. One or more publications are expected from each funded project upon completion of the study.

Progress 05/01/05 to 04/30/08

OUTPUTS: The anticipated outputs of each funded research and demonstration project will include semiannual progress reports, a final report, an executive summary, and a list the anticipated outputs. These anticipated outputs may include: articles in journals, books, theses, dissertations, book chapters, presentations, DVDs, CD-ROMS, and Websites. A detailed list will be provided to the USDA CSREES after receiving the final reports from the principal investigator of each project. PARTICIPANTS: Demonstration Project: Runoff, Flood & Non-Sewage Wastewater for Native Tree Propagation Project number: 06D-05 PI: Solowey, Elaine, Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, ISRAEL. Co-investigator: Ali Shtayeh, Biodiversity & Environmental Research Center, Nablus West Bank, ISRAEL. Co-investigator: Leu, Stefan, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker, ISRAEL. Research Project: Wastewater Organic Matter and Metal Effects on Aromatic Compounds in Soil Project number: 06R-01 PI: Chorover, Jon, Department of Soil, Water & Environmental Science, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ. Co-investigator: Chefetz, Benyamin, Department of Soil & Water Science, Hebrew University, ISRAEL. Co-investigator: Polubesova, Tamara, Department of Soil & Water Sciences, Hebrew University, ISRAEL Research Project: Anaerobic Sewage Treatment for Sustainable Water Reclamation in Jordan Project number: 06R-02 PI: Field, Jim A., Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ. Co-investigator: Halalsheh, Maha M.I., Water and Environment Research & Study Center, University of Jordan, Amman JORDAN. Research Project: Global Change & Ecosystem H2O and CO2 Fluxes in the Mojave and Negev Desert Project number: 06R-08 PI: Arnone III, John A., Desert Research Institute, Reno NV. Co-investigator: Fenstermaker, Lynn, Desert Research Institute, Reno NV. Co-investigator: Grunzweig, Jose M., Institute of Plant Sciences & Genetics in Agriculture, Hebrew University, Rehovot ISRAEL. Co-investigator: Jasoni, Richard, Desert Research Institute, Reno NV. Communications Project: IALC Website Maintenance and Update Project number: 06C-01 PI: Carla Casler, Office of Arid Lands Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ. Communications Project: IALC Public Relations Project number: 06C-02 PI: Jodi Bodner, Jewish National Funds, New York NY. TARGET AUDIENCES: The target audience for 1 demonstration project and the 3 research projects were identified in each of the original proposals submitted to the USDA CSREES at the beginning of this special grant. The target audience for each of the 2 communications projects was the general public, the science community, and any others who requested information about the projects. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Several no-cost extensions were approved for the demonstration and research projects.

The IALC believes that the impact of these projects has produced sound research results and important demonstration projects. The collaboration between the researchers and demonstrators in the U.S. and Israel has had a very positive impact on the ongoing peace process in the Middle East. All activities were aimed at sustaining arid and semiarid ecological systems. The International Arid Lands Consortium (IALC) works to achieve research and development, educational and training initiatives, demonstration projects, workshops, and other technology transfer activities applied to the development, management, restoration, and reclamation of arid and semiarid lands in the U.S., Israel, and elsewhere in the world. All activities are supported by the IALC's Member institutions through their ongoing applied research and demonstration projects aimed at sustaining arid and semiarid land ecological systems, implicitly including humankind.


  • A complete list of published materials to date from the above-funded projects will be provided. At least one or more publications are anticipated from each of these funded projects upon completion of the study after 2008.
  • Each project has been peer reviewed by the IALC Research and Demonstration Advisory Committee on a semiannual basis since 2005.

Progress 05/01/06 to 05/01/07

The International Arid Lands Consortium (IALC) works to achieve research and development, educational and training initiatives, demonstration projects, workshops, and other technology transfer activities applied to the development, management, restoration, and reclamation of arid and semiarid lands in the U.S., Israel, and elsewhere in the world. All activities are supported by the IALC's member institutions through their ongoing applied research and demonstration projects aimed at sustaining arid and semiarid land ecological systems, implicitly including humankind. The 9 Member Institutions of the IALC are: The University of Arizona; Desert Research Institute , Nevada; the Higher Council for Science & Technology, Jordan; The University of Illinois; the Jewish National Fund; the Ministry of Agriculture & Land Reclamation , Egypt; New Mexico State University; South Dakota State University; and Texas A&M University-Kingsville. The IALC awarded support using appropriated funds from the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) account no: 2005-34326-15539 for 3 peer-reviewed research and development projects and 1 demonstration project during FY2005 in the United States, Jordan, Israel, and/or Egypt. All studies involve collaborative research between scientists located both in the United States, Jordan, Israel, and/or Egypt.

The IALC believes that, thus far since most of the projects are not yet completed, the impact of these projects has produced sound research results and important demonstration projects. The collaboration among the researchers and demonstrators in the U.S. and Israel has had a very positive impact on the ongoing peace process in the Middle East. All activities were aimed at sustaining arid and semiarid ecological systems.


  • A list of published materials to date from the above-funded projects will be provided in the final report. One or more publications are anticipated from each of these funded projects upon completion of the study. Each project will be peer reviewed by the IALC Research and Demonstration Advisory Committee on a semi-annual basis. This is as of 2007.

Progress 05/01/05 to 04/30/06

The International Arid Lands Consortium (IALC) works to achieve research and development, educational and training initiatives, demonstration projects, workshops, and other technology transfer activities applied to the development, management, restoration, and reclamation of arid and semiarid lands in the U.S., Israel, and elsewhere in the world. All activities are supported by the IALC's member institutions through their ongoing applied research and demonstration projects aimed at sustaining arid and semiarid land ecological systems, implicitly including humankind. The 9 Member Institutions of the IALC are: The University of Arizona; Desert Research Institute , Nevada; the Higher Council for Science & Technology, Jordan; The University of Illinois; the Jewish National Fund; the Ministry of Agriculture & Land Reclamation , Egypt; New Mexico State University; South Dakota State University; and Texas A&M University-Kingsville. The IALC awarded support using appropriated funds from the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) account no: 2005-34326-15539 for 3 peer-reviewed research and development projects and 1 demonstration project during FY2005 in the United States, Jordan, Israel, and/or Egypt. All studies involve collaborative research between scientists located both in the United States, Jordan, Israel, and/or Egypt.

The IALC believes that, thus far since most of the projects are not yet completed, the impact of these projects has produced sound research results and important demonstration projects. The collaboration among the researchers and demonstrators in the U.S. and Israel has had a very positive impact on the ongoing peace process in the Middle East. All activities were aimed at sustaining arid and semiarid ecological systems.


  • A list of published materials to date from the above-funded projects will be provided in the final report. One or more publications are anticipated from each of these funded projects upon completion of the study. Each project will be peer reviewed by the IALC Research and Demonstration Advisory Committee on a semi-annual basis. This is as of 2006.