Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Nov 5, 2014
Project End Date
Feb 15, 2016
Grant Year
Project Director
Van der Ryn, MI, GA.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Experiment Station
Non Technical Summary
The combined overweight and obesity prevalence in American Samoa currently stands at roughly 94%, making American Samoa the most overweight and obese country in the world. This epidemic can be largely attributed to lifestyle changes in American Samoa over the last three decades. The astoundingly high rates of overweight and obesity directly associate with the high prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other chronic life-style related diseases currently plaguing American Samoa. This health crisis is debilitating to the physical, social, and economic wellbeing of American Samoa and her people. The solution can only come through persistent wide spread healthy lifestyle changes among American Samoan residents, and through developing healthier environments to support and encourage this change.A number of American Samoan agencies and programs have begun to address this major health problem, including the American Samoa Community College (ASCC) Wellness Research Center at the Division of Community and Natural Resources (CNR). Yet, as of now, no wide spread, continual health communications and social marketing campaigns to combat the problem locally have been designed nor implemented.The newly established Health Communications Research and Media (HCRM) program at CNR is posed with commitment to fulfilling this need. The proposed HCRM research project will collect valuable formative data about American Samoan audiences - their media behaviors, health beliefs and attitudes, and so forth - information that will inform the design and development of effective and culturally relevant health communication and social marketing campaigns to help combat the obesity and NCD problem in American Samoa.A specific additional objective is to measure the reach and effect of the recent broadcast on public television in American Samoa of The Weight of the Nation (TWON): To Win, We Have to Lose. In 2014 HCRM negotiated permission from HBO for American Samoa's KVZK-TV to air this documentary series (produced and released in 2012). This effort has been one of the initial steps taken by CNRs HCRM to get more messaging out in the media, television in particular, on the health consequences of obesity. Evaluation of the reach and effect of this project is necessary and informative towards future HCRM projects.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The main goal of the proposed research is to gain formative data to inform the design and development of effective and culturally appropriate healthy lifestyle promotion campaigns in American Samoa through various media communication channels (radio, television, newspaper, etc.). The data to be collected can be divided into five categories: 1) demographic attributes; 2) perceptions and knowledge about obesity and associated health issues; 3) audience usage of different communication channels (television, radio, television, etc.) by which American Samoans acquire health information; 4) data specifically about television access and viewing behavior; and 5) reach and effect of the TWON broadcast.In terms of the survey component on the reach and effect of the TWON broadcast (category 5), the survey will examine how many people watched the broadcast, why they did or did not watch it, and what effect watching it had on their perceptions, knowledge or behaviors with regards to obesity, overweight and the related health problems. Two key considerations here are: 1) the English language of the HBO TWON series (which is a second language for the most American Samoans); and 2) the extent to which American Samoan audiences could relate to the overweight, obese and ill people depicted in the programs. The survey will inform decisions about whether this type of broadcast should continue to be pursued locally in American Samoa to raise awareness and enact local actions to improve the prevalence of healthy lifestyles. It will also help us know what parts of the program can be evaluated as most useful and why.Analysis of the rest of the survey will examine any emergent patterns that emerge in terms of associations between various demographic attributes and the other categories of data sought. This effort will assist profiling and possible segmentation of targeted audiences, which will inform the design and development of effective and culturally appropriate social marketing and health communication campaigns to positively impact health outcomes in the population.
Project Methods
A bi-lingual (Samoan and English) scripted survey will be developed with five sets of questions to collect data on the various categories of information sought. It will be written in English first, tested in English, revised accordingly, then translated to Samoan, and retested. After the instrument is finalized in both languages, an interviewer will be trained to assist the conduct of the telephone survey. The two staff doing the survey will be the principle investigator and the trained interviewer.Phone survey method has been chosen as the most appropriate (over face to face interviews, mail surveys or other methods) because phone surveys minimize costs, assure high response rates, are relatively fast, and typically facilitate more frank answers from respondents than do personal interviews. Nonetheless, it will be recognized that there will be some response bias caused by not every household in American Samoa having a landline.Four hundred working residential telephone numbers will be randomly selected from the American Samoan phone directory to establish a randomly selected representative sample (based on applying the chi-square-adjusted formula with a 5% confidence interval) of the 9,688 households in American Samoa. Respondents to the telephone survey will need to be eighteen or over and be a permanent resident of the household. The interview will maintain anonymity of the respondents in all published reports, and it will not be necessary for respondents to ever mention there name.The quantitative data will be statistically tabulated to determine the reach of the broadcast in American Samoa and its effect (did it alter people's understandings or behaviors in any way). The quantitative data will also be analyzed to find any patterns between attributes of those who watched the program and those who did not. This effort contributes to the profiling of American Samoan audiences. This will help provide an axis for viewing differences in the various attributes between those who watched the program and those who did not. To determine the effect of the TWON broadcast on American Samoan audiences, those who watched any of the broadcast will be asked if it caused any change in knowledge or behavior for them, and if so, what those changes were and how sustained are they. This data will be compared with the data they provided previously in the survey in the section on health beliefs and perceptions, which all respondents will answer. This research design provides a cross reference system for understanding and validating if effects actually occurred.While the majority of the questions in the survey are closed ended aimed at getting quantitative data, about five questions will be open ended, seeking qualitative data from respondents. This qualitative information will help the interpretation of the quantitative data, and give additional insights for the study. These will be audio recorded with permission of the respondent.

Progress 11/05/14 to 09/30/15

Target Audience:The specific target audiences reached in the efforts of this project over the reporting period may be divided into three groups. The first are the 255 randomly chosen respondents who participated in the interviews of the survey. Theyrepresenta representative randomsample of Tutuila Island householders inAmerican Samoa. The second group consists of the 45 students who were trained to conduct and participate as interviewers in the conduct of the survey. The third group are the four American Samoa Community College instructors of the Nursing Derpartment, the Health Science Department, the Social Science Department, and the Communicty and Natural Resources Divisionwith whom a partnership was formed to incorporate this project into their class curriculums.College students in these instructors classes received class credit to be trained toassist this project as interviewers for the household based survey. This training and experinece added an important educational value to this project, and also faciliated the project's ability to shift from a phone based survey to a more valuable face to face household to household survey. It may be noted that the primary target audience of this project will be the professional health care providers in American Samoa who may use the data from this study to help design effective health communication interventions to promote healther disease reducing behaviors in the population. This target audience will start being reached once the dissemination of the results from the project begins in the second year of the project. Changes/Problems:The biggest change in the project was a beneficial one - which was to change from doing the survey using telephone to doing the survey face to face at the site of each household. Doing it this way was seen as particularly better in American Samoa where residents generally value face to face communication much more then any other type, thus providing the opportunity for more accurate and thoughtful answers to the questions in the survey. It also provided the opportunity to gain additional visual understandings of the environments of every household, observations which could be noted. We were able to do the survey face to face through the use of training student teams to help conduct the survey (which has already been described in the section on "Training opportunities provided"). This change is not one of approach, but only methodology. Reaching the full target sample of 264 households was a challenge, but with 255 household interviews conducted, the study did come close the reaching this sample size. In more remote villages, we found that sometimes a number of the houses that were randomly selected were abandoned houses. The project experienced also some delays as it is concurrent with other projects, but given that all the data is collected, and results are almost completed, it is now to the stage of final analysis, conclusions and final write up, which can all be finalized wtihin the next reporting period. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A beneficial addition to the original project was the training of American Samoan Community College students to assist the conduct of the survey as interviewers. For this purpose ASCC instructors were consulted in advance to incorporate both the training and the experienceof conducting the survey into the course syllabi resulting inthree 2 hour training sessions held for four ASCC courses in four differentASCC Departments and Divisions: Nursing, Health Science, Social Science, and Community and Natural Resources. Students were familiarized with the films series, The Weight of the Nation, with the problems of obesity in American Samoa, they were trained in the methods of doing the survey - using the research instruments, and each research team had to perform a mock up interview, including going through the consent process before going to the field.They were formed into teams of two to four students each to carry out the research under the supervision of the principal investigator. Most students noted that this was a very valuable experience for them from which they learned a lot. They also gained many insights about the American Samoan public and their attitudes about obesity, health and lifestyle. They gained skills as social science interviewers. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The plan over the next reporting period is to diseminate the results of this project into the commujity and especially to the target audience of American Samoan health service providers,such as employees of American Samoa Department of Public Health, and others working on NCD prevention in American Samoa by promoting healthier lifestyles and choices in the population. This will be done through two methods - presentation of a powerpoint presentation multiple times to this target audience and the publication of a final report describing the project and its results. This publication will also generally promote an increased development of evidenced basedhealth communiations interventions and media campaigning in American Samoa together with evaluative systems that foster effective development of such programs. The other goal to accomplish over the next reporting period is the production of a manuscript for peer reviewed journal about this research.

What was accomplished under these goals? The collection of data on five areas of inquiry listed in the initiation proposal were accomplished. A six component of inquiry in the survey was added, which was self-reporting assessments by each resondent about their own level of health, and the healthfulness of their lifestyle, with specific sets of questions about their dietary habits and physical activity, and perceptions about challenges to practicing healthy behaviors in American Samoa. One important result found in the research was that television is an important channel for health communications in American Samoa, and KVZK-TV is a popular channel watched. However, broadcasting English language based program, such as The Weight of the Nation, even after we have broadcast rights to do so, on KVZK-TV is problematic, since this station must prioritize broadcast of Samoan or bi-lingual based programming. This channel is, however, essentially, the only public access television station in American Samoa. This means that more channels need to be opened up to use for health communication programming, and a variety of other effective and creatively produced televsion programming in health communications areas need to be produced in Samoan or bi-lingual to be shown on KVZK-TV.
