Source: CLEMSON UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2014
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2015
Grant Year
Project Director
White, S.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Access to high quality water for irrigation is increasingly limited. Growers need to develop alternative sources of water (e.g. recycled water). Stakeholder reluctance to use recycled water is motivated by the presence of pathogens and agrichemical contaminants, and the lack of readily available information about treatment technologies in terms of economic viability and efficacy. Our objectives are to: (1) publish an online decision support system (system-wide model) to aid growers with identification and implementation of innovative technologies to recycle water for reuse or release from containerized crop production systems, (2) reduce contaminant loading into recycled water sources by (a) managing irrigation volume and chemical inputs and (b) installing treatment technologies; (3) identify and develop biological and physical treatment technologies, which (a) effectively remediate pathogen, pesticide, and nutrient contaminants and (b) integrate into existing operations with negligible reductions to production area and minimal energetic or chemical inputs; and (4) effectively communicate project outputs to stakeholders to encourage adoption of defined practices to reduce, remediate, and recycle production runoff. Direct project outcomes include development of a decision support system model(s), a web-based clearinghouse, treatment technologies installed at grower facilities, and informed and educated stakeholders and students. Long-term project outcomes involve helping (1) producers of nursery and floriculture crops to obtain and retain sustainable, alternative sources of water, enhancing their long-term economic viability while decreasing dependence on potable water, (2) communities by reducing competition for potable water resources, and (3) the environment by reducing runoff of agrichemicals from production wastewater.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overarching long-term goal of our research is to help producers of nursery and floriculture crops in containers obtain and retain sustainable, alternative sources of water, to decrease dependence on potable water and to enhance their long-term economic viability. Thus, our overall project goal is to encourage recycling and reuse of remediated irrigation runoff by developing an online decision support model available for grower use, to research and select runoff treatment (remediation) technologies (TTs) suited for implementation at the individual site level. This will be accomplished via these grower-directed project objectives:(1) develop and publish an online decision support system (system-wide model) to aid growers with identification and implementation of innovative technologies to recycle water for reuse or release from containerized crop production systems;(2) reduce contaminant loading into recycled water sources by (a) installing TTs and (b) managing production inputs to reduce pathogen and agrichemical presence;(3) identify and develop biological and physical TTs, which (a) effectively remediate pathogen, pesticide, and nutrient contaminants and (b) integrate into existing operations with negligible reductions to production area and minimal energetic or chemical inputs; and(4) effectively communicate project outputs to stakeholders to encourage adoption of defined practices to reduce, remediate, and recycle production runoff.
Project Methods
MethodsStakeholder involvement and feedback to direct our research and outreach components are critical. Active involvement of Collaborating Growers and the Advisory Board in research evaluation and assessment, including initial economic and real-world feasibility assessments for Treatment Technologies (TTs) before on-site evaluations begin.Identify specific factors that influence growers' decision making, using a mixed method research design that included quantitative and qualitative methods.An Internet survey will be developed and conducted in Y1 and Y3, shortly after the peak demand for nursery products, with a scientific probability sample of 5000 (Y1) and 3000 (Y3) households in each state of individuals who made a plant purchase in the year prior to the survey.Estimate the initial capital investment, production costs, and product prices for the baseline and alternative nursery and greenhouse water management with an economic engineering approach. Model simulation with representative characteristics of nursery and greenhouse operations and proper water management protocols for the crops being studied. Partial budgeting modeling procedures then used to measure the costs and potential benefits of short-run changes in cultural practices in the production systems analyzed.Operation-scale model framework developed and adapted from existing prototypes (constructed wetlands and container nursery and greenhouse production inputs, outputs, and key water quality parameters). Extend the benefits of and generalize this tool, to support both growers and researchers. The life cycle inventory and impact assessment (LCA) will be conducted in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) LCA- Requirements and Guidelines. The inventory will be validated by the team and stakeholders first then by the science community through refereed publications. A robust, function-based model with WF and CF will be developed based on this information to allow for system query.To ensure refined control of irrigation volume and timing, sensor networks will be installed in three research sites (VT - Hampton Roads; pesticide and nutrient load reduction), MSU (pesticide and nutrient load reduction) and OSU (pathogen load reduction), increasing the investigators' capacity to give controlled and quantifiable results for outreach to nursery and greenhouse managers and extension educators. This technology was developed as a direct outcome from a successfully completed SCRI project from 2009 - 2014 (Lea-Cox et al).To reduce contaminant loads in irrigation runoff water, we will first conduct a hazard analysis for pathogen contamination at three nursery and two greenhouse operations, mapping incidence of Phytophthora and Pythium and evaluating production practices to determine critical control points for managing contamination.To evaluate the effects of precision irrigation on pathogen survival and sporulation, we will identify treatments that maximize fungicide ´ precision irrigation-mediated reduction in survival, while minimizing precision irrigation-enhanced susceptibility to infection, which could lead to secondary inoculum production.Efficacy of treatment technologies to remove agrichemical and pathogen contaminants will be evaluated at multiple institutions and on-site with collaborating growers. The treatment technologies slated for treatment efficacy evaluation include:· rapid physical filters - suspended particles and reducing sanitizing agent demand· granular activated-carbon filters - agrichemical residues from irrigation water· filter socks - total suspended solids, phosphorus and nitrogen· mixed bed reactors (MBR) - agrichemical contaminants· treatment train bioreactor system - N and P removal via manipulating oxidation-reduction potentials· floating treatment wetlands - nutrient and pathogen contaminants· vegetated buffers - pathogen contaminantsPilot scale evaluation for all TTs will occur in Y1-Y2 with pilot-scale implementation at grower collaborator facilities in Y3-Y5.Efforts & EvaluationExtension programs and materials will be developed based on the cognitive map. The resulting programs and materials will be tested using experimental methods with a random sample of growers, focusing on enhancing impact and utilization outcomes.Consumer research available to producers and retailers is sparse, largely because they lack the skills and resources to conduct this type of research. Implementing information from national averages will greatly improve their capacity to understand and serve the local market in which they operate. Plant producers and garden centers can use market segment information to capture added value of plants produced using the improved water management procedures.The project team identified opportunities to develop and deliver evaluation tools that document meaningful short-term outcomes and long-term impacts of our research and extension efforts. The economic team will oversee development and implementation of standardized evaluation tools used to document changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills, and aspirations regarding nursery and floriculture water management strategies. A variety of traditional and web-based surveys and survey tools, assessments, and interviews will be used prior to and following presentations, workshops and programs to provide feedback, measure outcomes and ultimately assess long-term impacts. Audience response systems will be used to gauge industry perceptions and practices during industry presentations made during the project to determine growers' unbiased reactions to current findings and to collect confidential data with regard to changes that they would make. Participants will be surveyed after the water management TT workshops presented at industry events to assess practice change (specifically adoption of TTs and resulting benefits) and to help determine if the end result of our project was a more efficient and effective use of water resources.Modeling production systems will contribute to long-term profitability and sustainability of specialty crops and help growers and researchers better understand the impacts of current practices and the potential impact of practice changes on efficient water use/reuse, profitability, and environmental quality. Predicted impacts (WF, CF, and economic consequences) of model parameters will help identify components for more intense investigation and assess modifications as they are identified by the research team and collaborating growers. The LCA results incorporated in the decision support system will help communicate the benefits of recommended system modifications to production managers for improved decision-making.Impacts will be measured through adoption and quantification of changed practices, calculation of socio-economic benefits, and LCA; along with development of the decision support system with information gained packaged into learning modules, management tools, and economic returns for changed practice.Data from basic and applied experiments will be used to populate the model to assist with grower selection of TTs to best manage agrichemical and pathogen contaminants. Assurance of plant safety is a major component of grower acceptance of runoff remediation technologies.Given that much of this project requires commercial and large demonstration sites to appropriately scale the TTs, this research should be considered as direct impact evaluation as well-documented case studies showing the economic and technical impacts of water treatment technologies will support grower adoption by reducing uncertainty. This should result in prolonged profitability for container operators, as well as reduced competition for potable, high quality water resources, and protection of the environment from agrichemicals in production wastewater.

Progress 09/01/14 to 08/31/15

Target Audience:Target audiences include greenhouse and nursery producers, and irrigation mangers; as well as Extension agents and specialists, and graduate and undergraduate students. Changes/Problems:One pitfall that adversely affected progress on all objectives was delay of fund distribution, as the award face sheet was not received by Clemson Office of Sponsored Programs until November 2014. Thus, distribution of funds to sub-awardees was delayed by four months. This delay in fund distribution limited project capacity to advertise and fill positions, procure research equipment, and begin experimental setup and design. Project personnel completed all tasks possible, and prepared all documentation so that job descriptions and research projects could proceed immediately upon receipt of funding. Objective 1.1A. Operations on the east coast were very busy this spring, and the team had some difficulty getting interviews scheduled. Operations on the west coast seem to be more receptive to research and speaking about water in general. Objective 1.2. Survey and data collection results may contain pitfalls related to sample selection and result bias. The team members working on this objective have extensive experience with the accepted methodologies for conducting and analyzing surveys and have structured survey and data collection processes to mitigate these potential biases. To date, the single largest pitfall has been receiving feedback from growers in a timely manner. Due to year 1 funding being delayed, we missed the opportunity afforded by the winter season to collect as much data as possible. The spring season is particularly chaotic for industry participants and thus data collection has been difficult. This should ease somewhat when the summer season hits. Objective 1.3. The HYDRUS model is difficult to validate using existing methodologies due to the porous nature of soilless substrate and the limited resolution/sampling area of known sensors/technologies. It is difficult to represent the multiple management areas of nurseries/greenhouses in the STELLA® modeling and simulation software and account for the variety of inputs (i.e. agrichemicals) for broad use by nursery and greenhouse industry. Given the variability in size and complexity of operations among regional production systems, we are working to avoid inconsistent types of monitoring equipment, and data formats, while also striving to measure as many water flow paths as possible within each operation. Sampling - Nurseries have proven difficult to have operational water managed to a singular point. Flux in runoff from storm events has proven an obstacle for constructing monitoring sites and measuring flow. Furthermore, the individuality of each operation, in addition to the number of management areas, has made meaningful collection difficult. We must determine how to quantify flow rates in a manner that is accurate, so that concentration based data collected as composite samples can be transformed to per unit area load values. Seasonal (winter) runoff water was not tested for pesticides because 1) the pesticide analytical lab is still being established, and 2) instrumentation needs to be installed for the calculation of contaminant load so that data are meaningful. The hiring of a postdoc was delayed from April to July due lack of availability of the most qualified applicant. Finding a cooperator nursery in northern California was delayed because of concern over identification of Phytophthora ramorum. Objective 3. Variation in operational water to storm water flow on stakeholder sites is a challenge for filter socks. The ponding, or "damming", of runoff increased to the extent of runoff flow diverting around the socks. Socks moved in large storm events because they were not anchored or staked, with an understanding that should they cause adversity for nursery work they would be removed. Nutrient Contaminant Central Analytical Lab The annual increase in the cost of the service contract for the ion chromatography system is greater than allowed/budgeted. This has created a monetary shortfall in the Virginia Tech budget for contractual services. Dollars will be reallocated to ensure budget can be filled annually. Experimental Nursery Facilities Chesapeake Bay Site (VA). The initial estimate of cost requested in grant proposal is not adequate to meet changing scope as decided in 2015 VA project winter meeting. Virginia Tech has reallocated budget dollars to overcome any shortfall and ensure experimental nursery is completed. Furthermore, Virginia Tech will seek additional internal and extramural funding. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?We planned and team members presented at the "It's All About Water...Water Management Conference in MI in July 2015. This day-long workshop covered water quality and management issues. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Presentations were made at trade-shows, educational seminars, and workshops. The website was released in partnership with the Water Education Alliance for Horticulture - giving the CleanWater3 team access to existing subscribers. The team newsletter was sent to subscribers to the website. Web traffic since Sept. 2014: 2,107 site visits of which 80.3 were new visitors and 19.7% new visitors. More than 30% international visitors. The Water Education Alliance YouTube channel (where CleanWater3 videos hosted) has had more than 8,070 view (67% international). The top 4 videos are Introduction to Phytophthora (18%), ORP-Oxidation Reduction Potential (17%), Water quality issues: 1 Water pH and alkalinity (14%), Ecological approaches to water treatment: Constructed Wetlands (9.1%). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? During year 1, project conference calls and meetings among researchers and our advisory board were utilized to develop a feedback mechanism to enhance utility of project deliverables. Eleven undergraduate and 9 graduate students were hired. Educational resources were developed and published to the project website A Water Management Workshop was held for stakeholders in MI. Twenty growers were interviewed to determine water management barriers and enablers. Economic management protocols for cost estimation in economic models were established, and a Life Cycle Inventory at a collaborating nursery was developed, identifying contributors to water footprints (WFs) and carbon footprints (CFs). Three central laboratories were established for nutrient, pathogen, and pesticide analyses, and two experimental research nurseries were designed and are being constructed. Sensor networks were installed at 3 research sites and 2 grower facilities. A container production model in STELLA was evaluated. To gain foundational data for the model, water flow paths at seven production systems were mapped, and water was sampled at critical control points. Treatment evaluations began for rapid filters, granular activated carbon filters, floating-treatment wetlands, and filter socks for select contaminants. Objective 1: Develop and publish an online decision support system to help growers decide how to recycle water 1.1A: Understanding and overcoming barriers to change practice Based on preliminary data analysis of grower interviews, primary barriers of water conservation technology adoption are (1) financial costs and human resources needed to implement new technology, (2) mentality that change is not needed, and (3) mentality that we will not run out of water. The primary enablers are (1) need to do the right thing, (2) water critical for business, (3) internal need to set an example, and (4) external motivators-receiving recognition and awards innovation. These data will inform development of extension programs and the online decision support. 1.1B: Consumer preference for plants produced using alternative water sources Preliminary IRB approval for the consumer study designated as 45CFR 46.118 was received. 1.2: Economic analysis of water management strategies Key data collection points and data management protocols were established to ensure capture of appropriate data during each phase of the project for economic analyses. Meetings were held with research team members to identify appropriate ex ante economic cost parameters to assess and develop data collection forms. An economic engineering approach was developed to estimate initial capital investment, production costs, and product prices for baseline and alternative nursery and greenhouse irrigation models. Models are being simulated with representative characteristics of nursery and greenhouse operations and proper irrigation equipment and protocols for the crops being studied. Preliminary analytical results of a model container nursery on the eastern U.S. coast in terms of CF and WF of each protocol component were presented at the 2015 annual project meeting. Input products and non-irrigation processes contribute little to the WF or the CF of water management of this product; plastics appear to be an important contributor to the CF. 1.3: Development of a generalized model framework to characterize container production systems A HYDRUS Model was used to simulate water/solute movement through #1 fallow containers containing soilless substrate. A container nursery STELLA® model is being evaluated to identify knowledge and information gaps when compared to conventional nurseries. These data will drive monitoring and data collection at cooperating nursery sites. A web-based method for building and running the core STELLA model is being designed. The site design for the 2 experimental nursery facilities (Chesapeake Bay Site & Great Lakes Site) was completed by three undergraduate students studying engineering at Virginia Tech, and the design won the Senior Design Excellence award. Collaborating nursery sites were visited, operational water flow-path was mapped, and monitoring points selected. Monitoring for the presence of inorganic nutrients and Phytophthora spp. was conducted every two weeks (Feb. - April, 2015), and is currently being analyzed. Monitoring of nurseries in SC, CA, and MI was initiated in summer 2015. Objective 2: Reduce contaminant loading Basic sensor networks were installed at 3 research sites (VA, MI, OR) and at 2 commercial operations in MD that recycle irrigation water. Commercial demonstration sites extend our pathogen management research from controlled conditions in the UMD greenhouse to commercial settings. Data from a commercial nursery study on effects of pathogen x irrigation treatments on plant growth, pathogen infection, and disease development are being collected. Hazard Analysis for pathogen contamination to identify Critical Control Points of a collaborating nursery in Oregon were conducted in late June 2015, a time optimal for pathogen recovery. In addition, baseline data on pathogen loads in irrigation runoff is being collected every two weeks in varied seasons, depending on geographic location. These data support before and after comparison of treatment technology remediation efficacy for contaminants of concern. Objective 3: Treatment Technology evaluation to remediate contaminants The efficacy of rapid filters (e.g. sand/glass, paper/media, screen and reverse osmosis systems) before and after filtration was analyzed at 11 greenhouse and nursery operations with 37 sampling sites. Onsite data were collected in NJ greenhouse on the effects of ozone treatment on paclobutrazol changes in irrigation water. We have worked with three growers (CA, FL, IN) and developed case studies based on rapid water filtration and treatment issues. Planning and design for the two, regionally-based (Piedmont SC and Coastal Plain VA) floating treatment wetland projects has been completed, experiments initiated, and data collection is ongoing. Filter Treatment Socks (Filtrexx® envirosoxx®) were deployed at two VA container nurseries in 2014. Filter socks retained 541 kg m-3 of sediment when deployed effectively, ensuring water passed through the mesh and compost media. When filter socks were bypassed by storm events or high flow rates of water, allowing a portion of runoff to bypass the treatment technology, they retained only 194 kg m-3 - a 64% reduction in efficacy. Objective 4: Communicate project outputs to stakeholders The ( website was updated with project contacts, and main pages include the project description and personnel. The website is compatible for use on mobile devices. Thirteen best management practice videos were added to the website. An FAQ component on home page was added for stakeholder interaction. A bilingual poster (English and Spanish) on management of Phytophthora diseases in nurseries, including the use of clean irrigation water, was produced and is being distributed to nurseries in Oregon. The first newsletter was sent out in May 2015, introducing the Clean WateR3 grant. The first newsletter included an article by SC on water remediation and FL on water treatment.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Raudales, R.E., J.L. Parke, C.L. Guy, and P.R. Fisher. 2014. Control of Waterborne Microbes in Irrigation: A Review. Agricultural Water Management 143:928.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Hoskins T., J.S. Owen, Jr., J.S. Fields*, J.E. Altland, Z. Easton and A.X. Niemiera. 2014. Solute transport through a pine bark-based substrate under saturated and unsaturated conditions. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 139: 634-641.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Park, DM, SA White, N Menchyk. 2014. Assessing Irrigation Water Quality for pH, Salts, & Alkalinity. Journal of Extension. 52(6): 6TOT8.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Lynch J.*, L.J. Fox, J.S. Owen, Jr., and D.J. Sample. 2015. Evaluation of commercial floating wetland mats for remediation of stormwater. Ecol. Eng. 75: 61-69.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2015 Citation: Raudales, R.E., P.R. Fisher, and C.R. Hall. Submitted to Irrigation Science. May 2015. The cost of irrigation sources and water treatment in greenhouse production.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Meador, D.P., P.R. Fisher, C.L. Guy, P.F. Harmon, N.A. Peres, Max Teplitski. Submitted to Journal of Environmental Quality Mar 2015. Comparison between standard and dehydrated agar media to quantify fungi, Phytophthora cactorum and Xanthomonas campestris in water samples.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Ridge, GA, SA SN Jeffers, WC Bridges, Jr., SA White. 2015. Potential susceptibility of four wetland plant species to five species of Phytophthora found in runoff water at nurseries in the southeastern United States.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2015 Citation: Huang, J. and P.R. Fisher. 2015. Survey of Filtration Systems in Recirculated Irrigation Water.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2015 Citation: Fields, J.S.*, J.S. Owen, Jr., J.L. Heitman, and R.D. Stewart. 2015. Evaluating Conventional soilless substrates by measuring and modeling Ext.water dynamics. HortScience (Abstr.) In Press. Presented at the Southern Region Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Ann. Mtg.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, SA, JS Owen, B Behe, B Cregg, RT Fernandez, P Fisher, CR Hall, D Haver, DR Hitchcock, DL Ingram, S Kumar, A Lamm, JD Lea-Cox, LR Oki, JL Parke, A Ristvey, D Sample, LS Warner, PC Wilson. 2015. Clean WateR3 - Reduce, Remediate, Recycle: A Specialty Crops Research Initiative Project Focused on Management of Recycled Water for Ornamental Crop Production. HortScience (Abstr.) In Press. Southern Region-American Society for Horticultural Science, Atlanta, GA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, SA, GA Ridge, K Van Kampen, SN Jeffers. 2015. Recovery of Phytophthora spp. from the roots of wetland plants in water conveyance structures at a plant nursery. HortScience (Abstr.) In Press. Southern Region-American Society for Horticultural Science, Atlanta, GA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Owen, Jr., J.S. 2014. Opportunities and implications of current containerized ornamental crop nutrient management practices and subsequent nutrient use efficiency. In workshop: The fate of fertilizer formulations and applications for nurseries and landscapes under increasing composition-and use-restrictions imposed by governmental agencies in Florida and beyond: Problems, perspectives and solutions. HortScience 49(9):S103-S104.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: White, SA. 2014. Overview of Water Treatment Technologies for Remediating Runoff Water of Excess Nutrients. In workshop: The fate of fertilizer formulations and applications for nurseries and landscapes under increasing composition-and use-restrictions imposed by governmental agencies in Florida and beyond: Problems, perspectives and solutions. HortScience 49(9):S103-S104.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2015 Citation: Shreckhise, J.H.*, J.S. Owen, Jr., J.C. Brindley, A.X. Niemiera. 2015. Evaluating growth response of three containerized ornamental taxa to varying low pore-water concentrations of phosphorus. HortScience (Abstr.) In Press. Presented at the Southern Region Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Ann. Mtg.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Fisher, P.R., J.C. Vallejo, A.W. Hodges, and C.R. Hall. Submitted to Acta Horticulturae March 2015. Tracking Losses in Floriculture Crop Production. ISHS 18th International Symposium on Horticultural Economics and Management, Sweden, June 2015.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Submitted Year Published: 2015 Citation: Donovan, C.M., P.R. Fisher, and J. Huang. Submitted to Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society June 2015. Phytotoxic Effects of Hypochlorous Acid, Chloramines, and Chlorine Dioxide in Irrigation Water Applied to Bedding and Vegetable Plants. Annual Conference of the Florida State Horticultural Society, FL, June 2015.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Fisher, P.R. and B. MacKay. 2015. Bench over troubled water. GrowerTalks April 2015:68-69.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Fisher, P.R., J. Huang, R. Freyre, and R. Dickson. 2015. Too wet or too dry. GrowerTalks March 2015:76-77.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Fisher, P.R. and C.R. Hall. 2015. Costing at your fingertips: New apps in Back Pocket Grower. GrowerTalks. June 2015: 80-82.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Lea-Cox, J.D. 2015. The Economic Impact of Better Irrigation Decisions. Chesapeake Green Horticultural Annual Symposium. February 19, 2015 - Linthicum, Maryland, USA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Ristvey, A.G., C.L. Swett, B.E. Belayneh, J. Zazanis, and J.D. Lea-Cox. 2015. Investigating Alternative Pathogen Management through Sensor-driven Irrigation  Part II. Chesapeake Green Horticultural Annual Symposium. February 19, 2015 - Linthicum, Maryland, USA.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Ristvey, A.G., C.L. Swett, B.E. Belayneh, J. Zazanis, and J.D. Lea-Cox. 2015. Investigating Non-Chemical Pathogen Management with Sensor-Controlled Irrigation. VIII International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. June 08-11, 2015 - Lleida, Spain. (Poster, Abstract).
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Submitted Year Published: 2015 Citation: Raudales R.E., P.R. Fisher, J. Huang , and D.P. Meador. Submitted to the International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), Germany, August 2015. Water disinfestants interacting with nutrient solutions and substrates.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Fields, J., J. Brindley, J. Owen, and J. Altland. 2015. Understanding Growing Media. Grower Talks 78(10). Published online 1/31/2015 at
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Raudales, R., B. MacKay, and Fisher, P. 2014. Waterborne Solutions: Access research on water treatment. GrowerTalks Nov 2014: 72, 74.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Fisher, P.R. and C.R. Hall. In 2015. Are your crops making money? GrowerTalks May 2015: 68-69.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: White, SA. 2015. Clean WateR3? Dirty water really matters. Chesapeake Green  Horticultural Symposium for Marylands Green Industries. February 19, 2015 - Linthicum, MD.