Source: UNIV OF MINNESOTA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
Agricultural Research Service/USDA
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Aug 1, 2008
Project End Date
Mar 31, 2011
Grant Year
Project Director
Recipient Organization
ST PAUL,MN 55108
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
201 - Plant Genome, Genetics, and Genetic Mechanisms;

Subject Of Investigation
1820 - Soybean;

Field Of Science
1080 - Genetics;
Goals / Objectives
Our objective is the identification and utilization of exotic germplasm to improve U.S. soybean productivity. We will deliver high yielding lines derived from exotic germplasm that are available to all U.S. soybean breeders developing new cultivars.
Project Methods
Develop high yielding experimental lines derived from exotic germplasm accessions and release those lines to breeders, especially in private industry, to be used as parents in cultivar development programs. Identify exotic germplasm and experimental lines derived from exotic germplasm that can improve yield and seed quality in the early planting production system in the midsouth. Develop and test genetic mapping populations that can identify genomic regions from exotic germplasm that can increase yeild in U.S. cultivars. Use SNP marker technology to characterize ancestral lines and modern cultivars to determine genetic changes that have occurred as a result of 70 years of soybean breeding in the U.S. and compare those changes to the genetic changes that have occurred in our breeding of high yielding lines from exotic germplasm.

Progress 08/01/08 to 03/31/11

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) Our objective is the identification and utilization of exotic germplasm to improve U.S. soybean productivity. We will deliver high yielding lines derived from exotic germplasm that are available to all U.S. soybean breeders developing new cultivars. Approach (from AD-416) Develop high yielding experimental lines derived from exotic germplasm accessions and release those lines to breeders, especially in private industry, to be used as parents in cultivar development programs. Identify exotic germplasm and experimental lines derived from exotic germplasm that can improve yield and seed quality in the early planting production system in the midsouth. Develop and test genetic mapping populations that can identify genomic regions from exotic germplasm that can increase yeild in U.S. cultivars. Use SNP marker technology to characterize ancestral lines and modern cultivars to determine genetic changes that have occurred as a result of 70 years of soybean breeding in the U.S. and compare those changes to the genetic changes that have occurred in our breeding of high yielding lines from exotic germplasm. Several high yielding lines in maturity groups 0 and I that were derived from exotic germplasm were developed during the three years of this project. Cooperative tests with two private companies tested 62 of these lines. In 2008 in the United Soybean Board (USB) Diversity 0 test, M03-192024 from the cross of MN0304 x PI612708C was equivalent to the check variety in maturity group 0 and three additional lines were within 2 bu/a of the check. In the USB Diversity I test the highest yielding line was an experimental line, M03-381022, from MN0902CN x LG98-1445. LG98-1445 has two introductions in its pedigree. There were three lines from this project entered in the Northern Uniform Tests in 2009. M02-495076 was entered in the Uniform 0 Test and ranked 7th of 18 entries and yielded 52.4 bu/a. It has a pedigree of 50% exotic germplasm. The two maturity group 0 checks were ranked 6th (53.2 bu/a) and 10th (50.0 bu/a). M03-192010 was in the Preliminary Test 0 and ranked 24th of 33 entries and yielded 48.5 bu/a. It is also 50% exotic germplasm. The group 0 checks ranked between 10th (53.5 bu/a) and 26th (47.2 bu/a). MN03-193054 was entered in Preliminary I Test and ranked 36th of 36 entries but was the earliest entry in the test and probably should be maturity group 0. It yielded less than 2 bu/a less than the Sheyenne, the maturity group 0 check. In 2009, there were 14 lines in the maturity group 0 test that were evaluated at 8 locations. Nine of the 14 lines exceeded the yield of the group 0 check (39.0 bu/a). The highest yielding line, MN04-413031, yielded 42.9 bu/a and has a pedigree that is 50% exotic germplasm. Four lines exceeded 41 bu/a acre with different exotic germplasm lines in each pedigree. There were 6 entries in the maturity group I test that were tested at 9 locations. Three of the entries exceeded the yield of the check (45.1 bu/a) with the highest entry, MLG03-4069017 reaching 53.3 bu/a. Again the top 3 lines all had different exotic parents. In 2010 in the USB cooperative tests in maturity groups 0 and I, two private companies participated in testing 14 experimental lines. In the USB cooperative 0 test, M06-382043 with a 50% exotic pedigree, was equal to the group 0 check. M06-382110 with a 50% exotic pedigree yielded 97% of the best check. Both of these lines have PI 347550B as a parent. M03-189083 was in 2010 Uniform 0 test. It was lower yielding than the yield check Cavalier with later maturity. It was among the highest in protein content. In the 2010 UT 0, line M02-495076 (two year average) was 0.3 bu lower and about 2 days later than the check Sheyenne. Activities of this project were monitored through quarterly reports, an annual planning meeting, and periodic phone calls and e-mails.



    Progress 10/01/09 to 09/30/10

    Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) Our objective is the identification and utilization of exotic germplasm to improve U.S. soybean productivity. We will deliver high yielding lines derived from exotic germplasm that are available to all U.S. soybean breeders developing new cultivars. Approach (from AD-416) Develop high yielding experimental lines derived from exotic germplasm accessions and release those lines to breeders, especially in private industry, to be used as parents in cultivar development programs. Identify exotic germplasm and experimental lines derived from exotic germplasm that can improve yield and seed quality in the early planting production system in the midsouth. Develop and test genetic mapping populations that can identify genomic regions from exotic germplasm that can increase yeild in U.S. cultivars. Use SNP marker technology to characterize ancestral lines and modern cultivars to determine genetic changes that have occurred as a result of 70 years of soybean breeding in the U.S. and compare those changes to the genetic changes that have occurred in our breeding of high yielding lines from exotic germplasm. There were three lines from this project entered in the Northern Uniform Tests in 2009. M02-495076 was entered in the Uniform 0 Test and ranked 7th of 18 entries and yielded 52.4 bu/a. It has a pedigree of 50% exotic germplasm. The two maturity group 0 checks were ranked 6th (53.2 bu/a) and 10th (50.0 bu/a). M03-192010 was in the Preliminary Test 0 and ranked 24th of 33 entries and yielded 48.5 bu/a. It is also 50% exotic germplasm. The group 0 checks ranked between 10th (53.5 bu/a) and 26th (47.2 bu/a). MN03-193054 was entered in Preliminary I Test and ranked 36th of 36 entries but was the earliest entry in the test and probably should be maturity group 0. It yielded less than 2 bu/a less than the Sheyenne, the maturity group 0 check. This project organized two yield tests with private industry. There were 14 lines in the maturity group 0 test that were evaluated at 8 locations. Nine of the lines exceeded the yield of the group 0 check (39.0). The highest yielding line, MN04-413031, yielded 42.9 bu/a and has a pedigree that is 50% exotic germplasm. Four lines exceeded 41 bu/a acre with different exotic germplasm lines in each pedigree. There were 6 entries in the maturity group I test that were tested at 9 locations. Three of the entries exceeded the yield of the check (45.1 bu/a) with the highest entry, MLG03-4069017 reaching 53.3 bu/a. Again the top 3 lines all had different exotic parents. Activities of this project are monitored through quarterly reports, an annual planning meeting, and periodic phone calls and e-mails.



      Progress 10/01/08 to 09/30/09

      Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416) Our objective is the identification and utilization of exotic germplasm to improve U.S. soybean productivity. We will deliver high yielding lines derived from exotic germplasm that are available to all U.S. soybean breeders developing new cultivars. Approach (from AD-416) Develop high yielding experimental lines derived from exotic germplasm accessions and release those lines to breeders, especially in private industry, to be used as parents in cultivar development programs. Identify exotic germplasm and experimental lines derived from exotic germplasm that can improve yield and seed quality in the early planting production system in the midsouth. Develop and test genetic mapping populations that can identify genomic regions from exotic germplasm that can increase yeild in U.S. cultivars. Use SNP marker technology to characterize ancestral lines and modern cultivars to determine genetic changes that have occurred as a result of 70 years of soybean breeding in the U.S. and compare those changes to the genetic changes that have occurred in our breeding of high yielding lines from exotic germplasm. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations Several experimental lines derived from exotic germplasm were tested in The Uniform Soybean Tests, Northern Region organized by USDA-ARS. In the Uniform 0 test M01-242042, which has 50% exotic germplasm, ranked 23 of 25 entries. In the Preliminary 0 test, M02-495076, which is also 50% exotic germplasm, ranked 13 of 41 entries. In the Uniform I test, M01- 242025 with a pedigree that is 50% exotic germplasm ranked 12 of 12 entries but it was the earliest maturing experimental line in the test. There are regional tests that are organized by this project. In the maturity group 0 test, an experimental line was equivalent to the check variety and three additional lines were within 2 bushels of the check. In the maturity group I test the highest yielding line was an experimental line with two introductions in the pedigree. Activities of this project are monitored through quarterly reports, an annual planning meeting, and periodic phone calls and e-mails.

