Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
May 1, 2009
Project End Date
Apr 30, 2012
Grant Year
Program Code
[LN.C]- Community Foods
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Situation or Problem Elfrida and Douglas are rural, ethnically mixed communities (Elfrida, 35% Hispanic, Douglas 86%) located near or on the U.S. Mexican border in Cochise County. They are both areas of high poverty, unemployment, and limited transportation options. 80% of students in ten Douglas Unified School District schools qualify for free or reduced lunch program and 62% of the population lives 200% below the federal poverty level. Elfrida is also an area of high poverty, with 53% living in poverty. Elfrida is located in a fertile agricultural valley that was once known for its chilies, onions and melons. In recent years, however, the agricultural base has suffered from high utility costs and scarce migrant agricultural labor. In contrast to the more rural Elfrida and the Sulphur Springs area, many people in Douglas live in town, with limited garden spaces. A recent survey in Cochise County reported nearly three quarters (72.3%) of respondents did not consume the recommended 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Purpose The proposed project increases the availability of nutritious organic food for low- income individuals and families in the Sulphur Springs Valley and Douglas areas of Southeastern Arizona. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) 2000 in Cochise County reported nearly three quarters (72.3%) of respondents did not consume recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Aside from the garden, there is only one small store that sells a limited amount of fresh produce in Elfrida. The project has the potential of both improving food security and nutrition for low-income families through home gardens, providing them the opportunity to participate in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program on a sliding scale, and sell excess produced in their backyard gardens at local farmers markets. Extending the growing season through the addition of two greenhouses on the existing four-acre community garden, and the establishment of full paying and sliding scale CSA memberships will enhance sustainability for the project. Further, this proposal increases low-income Hispanic participation in the garden, which to date has been low due to work schedules, limited transportation, and childcare responsibilities. Finally, the project will also address the need for local employment and provide organic method gardening training apprenticeships to students in the Valley Union High School in Elfrida. Students in Douglas High School will build the forms for raised vegetable towers, gain gardening skills, and experience valuable entrepreneurial experience by developing a business plan for the establishment of a Douglas Farmers market.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
704 - Nutrition and Hunger in the Population;

Subject Of Investigation
5010 - Food;

Field Of Science
1010 - Nutrition and metabolism;
Goals / Objectives
*Goal 1 - Increase food security of low-income residents *Objective 1. Provide 100 vegetable grow towers to 50 residents enabling them to produce their own food either at home or in the community garden. *Output: 100 additional grow towers will be placed in homes of low-income residents of Elfrida, and neighboring town of Douglas, AZ. adding to the 30 grow towers now in use for older adults in the community garden. *Objective 2. Teach local residents both how to grow organically through workshops and one-on-one instruction. *Output: Students participating in the assistantship program, as well as 50 families where towers will be placed will be taught both through workshops, individual instruction and a instructional DVD. *Objective 3. Provide 2 covered green houses in the garden to allow for year round gardening. *Output: 2 more greenhouses will allow additional seedlings can be grown, and production can be extended through a longer time period, producing more for sale. *Objective 4. Provide transportation to garden site for low-income individuals. *Output: It is anticipated that 20 additional low-income residents will be transported to the site, in addition to the 20 that are now being transported. *Goal 2. Provide local employment and ensure sustainability of the project *Objective 1. Develop a marketing plan and if feasible implement the plan for sale of excess vegetables *Output: Students in the Douglas High School Career and Technical Education program, Baja Arizona Sustainable Agriculture, the City of Douglas, and the Garden coordinator will work together to develop and plan for the establishment of a Farmers Market in Douglas. *Objective 2. Employ local low-income residents in the garden and sales *Output: One low-income community member assistant gardener will be hired and low-income farmers in both Elfrida and Douglas will continue to be invited to sell at the Farmers Markets. Students assistants will be chosen on the basis of financial need as well as interest in farming. *Objective 3. Provide apprenticeships for high school students to provide training in organic gardening, greenhouse management, drip irrigation, harvesting and marketing and utilize Douglas High School Students in construction of grow towers. Twelve students will be provided apprenticeships for a 30-hour course in organic gardening and will help set up towers in homes. Douglas High School agricultural students will be constructing the towers, and placing the towers in Douglas homes. *Objective 4. Establish a Community Supported Agriculture program. *Output: The garden coordinator, BASA, and CCHCI staff will work to establish a CSA for local residents for marketing of produce from the Elfrida garden. Ten CSA members are anticipated for the first year, 20 for the second, and 30 for the third year of operation. *Objective 5. Integrate other local growers in marketing with the community garden *Output: Additional local organic growers are currently selling at the Elfrida farmers market, and attempts are being made to include more. Growers in the Douglas area will be contacted to determine interest in establishing a farmers market in the city.
Project Methods
Efforts: This project is multi-faceted, with all activities aimed at increasing food security and providing economic opportunities for low-income residents of the Sulphur Springs Valley and Douglas, Arizona. It also includes a number of educational activities, gearing the project for long-term sustainability. Vegetable grow towers. The garden coordinator and assistant, and students from the Douglas HS agricultural program and the Assistantship program will begin placing the towers- multi-layered and five feet high - in homes. They will fill towers with compost and instruct residents on proper growing techniques, then return periodically to reinforce growing instructions. Residents will be charged a small fee for placement of the towers. Greenhouses for year round growing. To increase production and extend the growing season, this project includes the construction of two greenhouses on an additional acre contiguous to the current four-acre garden in Elfrida. A CSA, with a sliding scale and multiple payment option to allow low-income individuals to participate, will be formed to provide long-term sustainability of the project. It is anticipated that 10 full paying memberships ($300) will help to support the reduced membership fee ($150) of low-income families Paid apprenticeships will be provided for high school students from Elfrida, allowing them to learn different aspects of organic gardening, including drip irrigation, composting operations, greenhouse management, building and placing towers, and food harvesting, packaging and marketing. Students will be chosen on the basis of need as well as interest. Educational events and workshops are planned to teach principals of organic gardening. Areas. CSA members will also be invited to the garden for U-pick days, where they can choose their own fruits and vegetables. A marketing plan for the garden will be developed, and which will include a first year feasibility study for the development of a farmers market in Douglas to allow low-income residents availability to high quality fresh organic produce. Evaluated :The evaluation will be guided by the following null hypothesis: The CreciendoSano program does not increase the food security of persons in southeastern Arizona. 1. The process evaluation will take place through participant observation and will include collection and analysis of minutes, agendas of planning meetings and training activities; review of the marketing plan; interviews with staff members and participants.. The outcome evaluation will emphasize assessment of the level of achievement of the program objectives: Are 100 grow towers distributed to 50 persons Do 50 persons learn how to grow organic vegetables, as demonstrated by their harvests Is the local physical infrastructure improved through construction of two covered tunnels Are 2 community members employed through the program Are 12 student apprentices trained through the program Do the innovative marketing activities -generate income for participants -create income to sustain the project Is the CSA created and operating Do other growers participate in the marketing/sales activities

Progress 05/01/09 to 04/30/10

OUTPUTS: Progress is being made on accomplishing the majority of the goals and objectives proposed for Creciendo Sano/Growing Healthy. Goals included: 1 - Increase food security of low-income residents, and 2 - Provide local employment and ensure sustainability of the project. Although the grant start date for the Community Food Grant awarded to Chiricahua Community Health Centers, Inc. was May 1st, 2009, funding was not received until September 2009. Consequently, projects planned for the summer 2009 were postponed until the spring 2010 planting season. The following activities have taken place: Vertical grow towers for backyard gardens: In March, 2010, the outreach staff (2 women) began to speak to residents about the project and distribute applications for the backyard gardens for 50 low-income families called for in the grant. The vertical grow towers are 3 levels high and constructed of redwood. To facilitate completion, inmates from a federal prison completed the majority of towers. By April 30, 2010, 13 families in Elfrida, McNeal and Douglas had received towers. Transportation for low income participants is provided for educational events in the garden, to allow residents to tend their own gardens in the Elfrida Community garden, and to attend the Farmers Markets. Student Interns: Eight FFA students from the high school began working in the garden in March, 2010. The interns have been involved in all phases of gardening - constructing covered rows, planting, weeding, harvesting produce and selling at the Farmers Market. This practical learning experience has been invaluable for the youth, particularly in a rural area with extremely limited employment opportunities. Two low-income assistant gardeners were hired through the grant to help with vegetable production and sales in the farmers markets. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Inquiries into interest for a CSA program were made initially with the Chiricahua Community Health Centers, Inc., Board of Directors, and a number of Board members expressed interest in purchasing vegetables. The plan is to open this to the general community in the summer, 2010, when the heavy harvest begins. Educational demonstration events An organic method gardening workshop was held in October, 2009 at the Chiricahua Community Health Centers, Inc. c:ommunity garden in Elfrida. Presentations included tree planting, organic pest management, worm farming and construction of covered rows. Addition of 2 greenhouses: Building was completed on two greenhouses for the Elfrida Community Garden to allow for year round gardening. Electricity was extended to the greenhouses to allow for warm air extractors, and propane units will heat greenhouses during the winter. One greenhouse has been planted with tomatoes and summer squash, and harvest of these crops will precede those planted outdoors. Educational DVD: The fall education demonstrations mentioned above were videotaped and will be used as a portion of an instructional video that will be disseminated to backyard gardeners in the two communities being served. Additional filming needs to be completed for the project by midsummer, 2010. PARTICIPANTS: Individuals working on the project: Principal investigator, Anita Wood, Ph.D., oversees the project and assures fidelity to project goals and objectives. Dr. Wood is an applied anthropologist who has more than 30 years experience working with border populations. Louise Warrick, DPH. Lead evaluator responsible for training of interviewers, design of survey instruments, and analyzing outcomes. Anthony J. Alberta, Ph.D., was lead evaluator until February, 2010 when he left the project. Jennifer Ryan, Ph.D., is CEO of Chiricahua Community Health Clinic. Professional training: An organic method gardening workshop was held in October, 2009 at the Chiricahua Community Health Centers, Inc. community garden in Elfrida. Presentations included tree planting, organic pest management, worm farming and construction of covered rows. Additional educational events are scheduled for the future. FFA student interns at the high school have been involved in all phases of gardening - constructing covered rows, planting, weeding, harvesting produce and selling at the Farmers Market. As mentioned above, as possible, students have accompanied the garden coordinator to install vertical grow towers in the backyards of low-income families in the community. This practical learning experience has been invaluable for the youth, particularly in a rural area with extremely limited employment opportunities. Educational DVD: The fall education demonstrations mentioned above were videotaped and will be used as a portion of an instructional video that will be disseminated to backyard gardeners in the two communities being served. Additional filming needs to be completed for the project by midsummer, 2010. There are no partner organizations working with Chiricahua Community Health Centers on this grant. TARGET AUDIENCES: The proposed project increases the availability of nutritious organic food for low-income individuals and families in the Sulphur Springs Valley and Douglas areas of Southeastern Arizona. It targets two communities in Southeastern Arizona, Elfrida and Douglas. Elfrida, population 5,229, an entirely rural (U.S. Census 2000) and unincorporated community located in Cochise County at the southern end of the Sulphur Springs Valley (Arizona census tract 5), is the site of a four acre organic garden project on land owned by the Chiricahua Community Health Center, Inc. (CCHCI). Roughly 30% of households in Elfrida are living below the federal poverty level. Extending to the north beyond Elfrida and including the entire census tract 5, 53% are living in poverty. 30% of the population is Hispanic. Douglas is located on the U.S. Mexican border and is 86% Hispanic. 62% of the population lives 200% below the federal poverty level. Educational events held in the Elfrida Community garden, adjacent to the Elfrida Health Center teach organic gardening methods to participants. Gardeners also visit homes and provide one-on-one instruction in planting, soil composition, and harvesting. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Outcome evaluation The outcome evaluations will emphasize assessment of the program objectives and will answer the following questions: a. What are the results of the USDA's Food Security Core Module Questionnaire As the lead evaluator left the project in February, and a request for a new evaluator was made but not approved by USDA before April 30th, there was no baseline survey data available by May 1. A survey instrument was designed and will be administered along with the Food Security Core Module Questionnaire to families receiving the towers. b. Are 100 grow towers distributed to 50 persons Process evaluations have revealed that by May 1, 2010, 13 families or individuals have each received 2 grow towers installed in their backyards. Early responses have been positive. From comments of some families that received towers, and after preliminary inspection of soil in the towers, it was discovered that for some, at least, the soil placed in the towers became too hard after watering. To recify this, garden staff delivered compost and manure and worked it into the soil, realizing that not everyone receiving towers was able to afford to purchase compost or recognized poor soil. In spite of the hard soil received by some families, a number had wonderful gardens growing. Gardening is a family event, and grandchildren often help with planting of the towers. Changes in knowledge, actions, or conditions: To those new to gardening, the response to previous educational presentations, and the gardener's instructions was positive. For example, one young family with 2 small children had no gardening experience of their own. The mother had purchased a bottle of a poisonous insecticide and commercial plant food. After gardening education on organic methods, on a return visit she showed us a bottle of bug spray she had made from chili and garlic, and as we were leaving gave us a bottle of salsa she had made from the leftover chili spray. A number of other families also mentioned how they thought the towers would help them to be able to eat more vegetables. Of the 13 families interviewed, in 9 either the husband or wife or both had diabetes (70% of total families), and an additional person was diagnosed as borderline diabetic. These families were aware of the importance of eating properly to control their disease. Preliminary results reveal that some participants are hopeful that what they are growing will ease financial problems. Several families mentioned that they try hard to eat organically grown produce, but price and availability make it difficult. In summary, outreach efforts are effective at recruiting low income and/or disabled community members to install food towers, and the installation of the towers has begun. Greenhouses are installed, and transportation is provided to the Elfrida Community garden for educational events. Overall, the project is developing on schedule with progress in our goals to increase food security of low-income community members, to provide local employment, to ensure the project is sustainable.


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