Source: UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Jul 15, 2007
Project End Date
Jul 14, 2010
Grant Year
Project Director
Mitra, A.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Our knowledge of existing plant genes is accumulating more rapidly than our understanding of their actual function. Sequencing of many crop plants is generating a lot of sequence data. There is an international effort underway for sequencing tomato genome. Therefore, one of the most challenging goals now is to assign function to the vast collection of sequences. In recent years RNA interference technology has become a powerful tool to assess the functions of genes. Gene silencing techniques now can be used for efficient and expedited gene identification and gene function analyses.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
201 - Plant Genome, Genetics, and Genetic Mechanisms;

Subject Of Investigation
1460 - Tomato;

Field Of Science
1040 - Molecular biology;
Goals / Objectives
The goal of this project is to develop and test Direct Repeat Induced Gene Silencing (DRIGS)as a tool for functional genomics approaches in tomato. Experiments are designed to devise strategies for practical application of DRIGS in tomato. Successful completion of this proposal will allow quick analysis of gene function and may help generate functional maps of tomato genome. The specific experimental objectives of this proposal are: 1) to generate and screen mutant tomato lines using our DRIGS based universal cassettes for random gene knock down / gene inactivation, (2) to silence sequences from tomato EST and cDNA libraries to determine function of unknown genes and (3) to identify genes from phenotypic mutants.
Project Methods
We have recently developed and tested a powerful direct repeat-induced gene silencing method (DRIGS) that is extremely efficient in plants. A striking feature of DRIGS is its high frequency silencing and exceptional genetic stability. Almost 100% silencing frequency in plants containing three or four repeats and stable inheritance of silenced phenotype in progenies clearly establish the importance and effectiveness of DRIGS for functional genomics studies. We have designed transformation vectors containing DRIGS based silencing loci that will be used to transform tomato to generate a large number of knock-down mutants. These mutants will be analyzed to identify genes and determine functions. This project will help us establish a novel and powerful gene silencing strategy in tomato. Successful completion of this project will allow quick analysis of gene function and may help generate a functional map of tomato genome.

Progress 07/15/07 to 07/14/10

OUTPUTS: The goal of this project is to develop and test Direct Repeat Induced Gene Silencing (DRIGS) as a tool for functional genomics approaches in tomato. Experiments were designed to devise strategies for practical application of DRIGS in tomato. We have generated a large number of Micro-Tom transformants using a DRIGS based universal vector for random gene knock down / gene inactivation. These transformants were visually screened for mutant phenotypes. Many putative mutants ranging from very early flowering and fruit formation to abnormal morphology were identified. We have also tested DRIGS for targeted silencing of known genes. During the course of this project we have identified a total of 121 phenotypic tomato mutants, 56 of which appear to be silencing induced. Obtained flanking DNA sequences of T-DNA insertion sites from 25 mutants. We have also established the utility of DRIGS SIL vectors for targeted silencing: Targeted silencing of Phytoene desaturase gene (PDS) produced all white photosynthesis deficient T1 progeny, while silencing of lycopene produced smaller yellow-green tomato fruits. However, silencing of 7 EST sequences did not generate obvious visual phenotype. PARTICIPANTS: Project Personnel: Amber Davis: Lab technician, worked on tomato tissue culture. Heather Janzen: Lab technician, worked on plant cell culture. Leny Galvez: Graduate student, worked on Tomato transformation. Trung Nguyen: Undergraduate student, worked on media preparation and Green House plant care. Collaborations: I have established new collaborations with labs at USDA, Beltsville, and Colorado State University, Fort Collins, to test and use our DRIGS based silencing system. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences for this project were research scientists and plant breeders. Data from the project were used in various seminars, class room teaching and training of graduate and under graduate students. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

Mutant phenotype-driven approach using DRIGS represent a potentially efficient route for generation of large number of transformants that can be screened for novel phenotypes. With the help of our DRIGS vectors silencing can be used to associate gene sequences with function. Utilization of a unique and efficient DRIGS based system is invaluable for functional genomic analysis in tomato. Successful completion of this proposal will allow quick analysis of gene function and may help generate functional maps of tomato genome.


  • Mitra, A., Ma, C., Han, Jigang, H., and Galvez, L (2010) Direct Repeat Induced Gene Silencing: A Versatile Functional Genomics Tool, Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry (in press).
  • Mitra, A, Han, J., Zhang, J.J., Mitra, A (2009) The intergenic region of Arabidopsis thaliana cab1 and cab2 divergent genes functions as a bidirectional promoter. Planta 229:1015-1022.
  • R. S. Ranu and Mitra, A (2009): Gene Expression by Translational-Coupling in Plant and Animal Viruses. Indian Phytopathology S:11
  • Mitra, A and Galvez, L (2009) Transgenic Plants for Disease Resistance: A Review, In M. K. DasGupta (Ed) Principles of Plant Pathology, Allied Publishers.

Progress 07/15/08 to 07/14/09

OUTPUTS: The goal of this project is to develop and test Direct Repeat Induced Gene Silencing (DRIGS) as a tool for functional genomics approaches in tomato. Experiments were designed to devise strategies for practical application of DRIGS in tomato. We have generated a large number of Micro-Tom transformants using a DRIGS based universal vector for random gene knock down / gene inactivation. These transformants were visually screened for mutant phenotypes. Many putative mutants ranging from very early flowering and fruit formation to abnormal morphology were identified. To determine if the mutations were silencing induced, the selected mutants were crossed with two tomato lines containing two different silencing suppressors. Seeds from these crosses were used to obtain plants that were screened for the suppression of the mutant phenotype observed before. If the mutations are silencing-linked, the genes involved can be identified by sequencing the chromosomal DNA flanking the T-DNA insertion sites and BLASTing against plant genome databases. We have obtained over 600 transgenic tomato lines using the DRIGS vector that generates random silencing based mutants. We have identified 78 putative mutants from these 600 transgenic lines. The mutants have a wide array of phenotypes affecting growth, flowering and fruit formation. All of these 78 mutants were crossed with silencing suppressor tomato lines expressing two different viral silencing suppressors. Forty nine mutants showed either partial or full reversion in the suppressor background. The flanking sequences at the point of insertion of these mutants are being determined by TAIL and Inverse PCR. The deduced sequences will be used to search databases for match with known genes. We have made the silencing vectors freely available to the research community. We will prepare a poster for the 2010 PAG that will have a description of all the putative mutants. We also have a limited supply of seeds of these mutants. PARTICIPANTS: The project was used to train a graduate student and a undergraduate student. In addition, two part-time technicians were also supported. Following is a list of project participants: Amber Davis: Lab technician, worked on tomato tissue culture. Heather Janzen: Lab technician, worked on plant cell culture. Leny Galvez: Graduate student, worked on Tomato transformation. Trung Nguyen: Undergraduate student, worked on media preparation and Green House plant care. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences for this project are scientists and breeders that are working on functional genomics and tomato breeding. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

Plant mutagenesis is a key element of gene function studies. We have established that a phenotype-driven approach using DRIGS represents a potentially efficient route for generating a large number of transformants that can be screened for novel phenotypes. With the help of our DRIGS vectors silencing can be used to associate gene sequences with function. Hence, DRIGS can be used for functional genomic analysis in tomato. On going analyses of the mutants will also identify genes associated with the observed phenotypes. These genes might be useful for modulating agronomic traits of tomato.


  • Mitra, A., Han, J., Z, Zhang and A. Mitra (2009). The intergenic region of Arabidopsis thaliana cab1 and cab2 divergent genes functions as a bidirectional promoter. Planta 229: 509-516

Progress 07/15/07 to 07/14/08

OUTPUTS: The goal of this project is to develop and test DRIGS as a tool for functional genomics approaches in tomato. Experiments were designed to devise strategies for practical application of DRIGS in tomato. We have generated a large number of Micro-Tom transformants using a DRIGS based universal vector for random gene knock down / gene inactivation. These transformants were visually screened for mutant phenotypes. Many putative mutants ranging from very early flowering and fruit formation to abnormal morphology were identified. Twenty mutants were selected from this pool for further study. To determine if the mutations were silencing induced, the selected mutants were crossed with two tomato lines containing two different silencing suppressors. Seeds from these crosses were used to obtain plants that will be screened for the suppression of the mutant phenotype observed before. If the mutations are silencing-linked, efforts will be made to identify genes from the phenotypic mutants. A poster is being prepared to describe this technique and outputs for an upcoming international scientific meeting. PARTICIPANTS: This project was used to train a graduate student Leny Galvez, and an undergraduate student Trung Nguyen. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences for this project are scientists and breeders that are working on functional genomics and tomato breeding. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

We obtained seeds from forty crosses with two suppressor lines. Seeds from all these crosses uniformly produced very big tomato plants. This is surprising, as wild type Micro-Tom plants as well as primary Micro-Tom transformants only grow to a height of about six inches. Although we purchased Micro-Tom seeds from a reputable and well known commercial outlet, it seems that the Micro-Tom lines were unstable and reverted to a tall phenotype. We have obtained seeds of a stable Micro-Tom line from a colleague and are repeating all the transformation experiments. We might, however, be able to use some of the existing crosses to determine the role of silencing in some mutants such as early flowering and fruit-set. Preliminary observations suggest that very early flowering and fruit formation in mutant Micro-Tom are induced by DRIGS. Plant mutagenesis is a key element of gene function studies. Phenotype-driven approaches using DRIGS represent a potentially efficient route for generation of large number of transformants that can be screened for novel phenotypes. With the help of our DRIGS vectors silencing can be used to associate gene sequences with function. Accordingly, utilization of a unique and efficient DRIGS based system is invaluable for functional genomic analysis in tomato.


  • No publications reported this period