Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033356 NEW OTHER GRANTS Husain, M. Husain,Mashal WORLD FOOD PRIZE FOUNDATION IA Cooperative agreement for World Food Prize Foundations Borlaug Dialogue
1033350 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nazari, R. Nazari,Rouzbeh UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS, THE TN Catalyzing Local Food Value Chain Development through a Cross-functional Alliance and Economic Investment in Birmingham, Alabama
1033346 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kansman, J. Kansman,Jessica MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT The smell of fear: Utilizing natural enemy odor cues to reduce aphid populations and improve pest management
1033343 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ferrarezi, R. Ferrarezi,Rhuanito UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA CPS: Medium: Controlled Wastewater-Hydroponic Systems for Enhanced Nutrient and Water Efficiency Using Real-Time Sensing and Data-Driven Technologies
1033341 NEW OTHER GRANTS Whitesides, L. D. Whitesides,Louis D SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC NIFA-SCSU Partnership to Advance the Land-grant Mission
1033340 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kne, L. Kne,Len UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN DSFAS: Development of Latent Scale Machine Learning Models to Improve the Accuracy of Crop Evaluation Using Subjective Spatio-Temporal Data
1033336 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lewin, P. A. Lewin,Paul A UNIV OF IDAHO ID Western Rural Development Center FY2023
1033332 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Pallickara, S. Pallickara,Sangmi COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO DSFAS: Enabling Effective Decision-Making In Dryland Farming For Arid And Semi-Arid Regions Using Field-scale Soil Moisture Content (SMC) Maps
1033331 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Machado, G. Machado,Gustavo NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC DSFAS: Novel Multilevel Model of Swine Disease Spread to Assess the Effectiveness and Feasibility of African Swine Fever Control and Eradication Strategies
1033327 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rodgers, M. Rodgers,Michelle EXTENSION FOUNDATION KY EXCITE: Integrative Model of Sustainable Health Decision Making
1033326 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, Y. Zhang,Yuanhui UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Acquisition of a continuous catalytic hydrotreating reactor for transportation fuels
1033325 NEW OTHER GRANTS Markham, M. S. Markham,Melinda Stafford KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Department of the Air Force 4-H Military Partnership Outreach & Support Program Outside the Continental United States
1033324 NEW OTHER GRANTS Butler, M. Butler,Meredith KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Department of the Air Force 4-H Military Partnership Outreach & Support Program Continental United States
1033323 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dole, J. Dole,John NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Food Systems Leadership Institute Scholarship
1033320 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cobb, N. Cobb,Nila WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV NIFA Mentoring at Risk and Rural Youth 2025
1033319 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bunnell, J. B. Bunnell,Jolene B UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Utah 4-H Mentoring for Rural At-Risk Youth
1033318 NEW OTHER GRANTS Guimaraes, J. Guimaraes,Jennifer CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ASSOCIATION OF ESSEX COUNTY NY Mentoring Essex County, NY Youth with 4-H Thrive Model
1033317 NEW OTHER GRANTS West, T. West,Travis OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH PAYS (Pathways for Appalachian Youth Success)
1033316 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hudacs, A. Hudacs,Andrew UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME NorthStar 4-H Youth Mentorship Project
1033315 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhao, J. Zhao,Jikai KANSAS STATE UNIV KS TRIPARTITE: Sustainable Production of 3-Hydroxypropionic Acid and Biopolymers from Biomass
1033312 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mull, C. Mull,Casey PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Beyond Ready: Empowering Indiana`s Youth Through Career Discovery Mentors
1033311 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Romano, R. Romano,Rosina Entomological Society of America MD Entomology 2024: Empowering Tomorrow with Insect Science
1033309 NEW OTHER GRANTS Channaiah, L. Channaiah,Lakshmikantha UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Food Safety by Design: Adding Value, Ensuring Safety of Food Products Produced by Small Processors
1033308 NEW OTHER GRANTS Taylor, B. Taylor,Barry Land at Home Project, Inc. AZ Agriculture Internship and Education Program for Veterans
1033306 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Magnuson, A. D. Magnuson,Andrew D UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Enriching Poultry Eggs With Buttermilk-Sourced Sphingomyelin
1033305 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yu, J. Yu,Jiujiu Case Western Reserve University OH Dietary exosome-like nanoparticles and their impact on the gut microbiome in obesity
1033302 NEW OTHER GRANTS Marczak, M. Marczak,Mary UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN USDA WIC Workforce Initiative- A Collaborative Approach to Develop Staffing Model Recommendations and Training Materials
1033301 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ranco, D. Ranco,Darren UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME New Beginning for Wabanaki Students at the University of Maine System
1033300 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tribett, E. Tribett,Erika PROJECT OPEN HAND CA Project Open Hand SNAP Match Nutrition Incentive Pilot (POH SNAP Match pilot)