Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027537 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS French, D. French,Doran PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Early Learning Matters
0210774 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smith, M. O. Smith,Michael O. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Enhancing Educational Quality and International Competitiveness: Recruiting Traditionally Underrepresented Students into Global Agriculture
1031562 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mull, C. Mull,Casey PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Military Teen Adventure Camps
1023742 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Blackwell, S. M. Blackwell,Sarah Morgan ARK VETERINARY SERVICES LLC SC Veterinary Services Grant Program - Rural Practice Enhancement application(SC163)
0226964 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Green, T. A. Green,Thomas A. IPM WORKS WI "7th International IPM Symposium: IPM on the World Stage"
0223514 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Altshul, K. Altshul,Katarina Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ "A New Generation of O`odham Farmers" will train future tribal farmers and help revitalize the Tohono O`odham agricultural economy.
0230992 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schwertner, T. Schwertner,Thomas Wayne TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY - TIAER TX "Addressing Global Food Security and Hunger Through Integrated Research, Education, and Outreach in Resource Conservation and Sustainability
0214182 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Huber, D. H. Huber, D. H. WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV "Agricultural Waste Utilization and Bioenergy Production Using Anaerobic Digestion"
1002280 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Everett, R. G. Everett,Richard SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE MT "Climate, fire and people: implications of ancient and recent forest management"
1032803 NEW OTHER GRANTS Redondo, F. Redondo,Floribella ARIZONA COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS ASSOCIATION, INC AZ "Comiendo Fresco"/Eating Fresh Produce Prescription Program
1027034 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Best, M. Best,Maureen McNamara LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGRICULTURE PROJECT, INCORPORATED VA "COVID Relief 2018-70025-28156 Virginia Fresh Match: A Food Systems Approach to Expand Nutrition Incentives"
1028928 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Morton-Eggleston, E. Morton-Eggleston,Emma UNIVERSITY HEALTHCARE PHYSICIANS, INC. WV "Farm To You Mobile" Produce Prescription Program: Increasing Access To Local Produce And Nutrition/Cooking Education Via Mobile Outreach
1031975 NEW OTHER GRANTS Eggleston, E. Eggleston,Emma WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CORP WV "Farm To You Mobile" Produce Prescription Program: Increasing Access To Local Produce And Nutrition/Cooking Education Via Mobile Outreach
0221842 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Frey, J. Frey,John CENTER FOR DAIRY EXCELLENCE PA "Farms of the Future" will model best practices for business transformation in the Pennsylvania dairy production industry
0220036 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Scorza, R. Scorza,Ralph AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE WV "FasTrack" a revolutionary approach to long generation cycle specialty crop breeding
1013193 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sajovec Altshul, K. Sajovec Altshul,Katarina AJO CENTER FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AZ "Growing Our Own": A New Sonoran Desert Farmers Incubator Program" pilots a community-based collaborative approach to increasing the number and capacity of beginning farmers in Ajo, Arizona.
1024238 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Keith, J. Keith,Jill Fabricius UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY "Growing Season: Native student pathways to food system and sovereignty studies
1003737 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stewart, J. R. Stewart,Julian Ross ALMA BRYANT HIGH SCHOOL AL "Half-Shell High School": Using Oyster Aquaculture to Develop Curriculum, Improve Delivery Systems and Expand Student Career Opportunities
0228295 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Koci, M. D. Koci,Matthew NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC "Hatching" Tomorrow`s Luminaries: Recruitment, Education, and Mentoring of Future Multicultural Scholars and Leaders in Poultry Science
1026717 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morris, L. Morris,Lesley R. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV "Hidden Costs" of Fire: Working with Ranchers to Improve Rangeland Fire Preparedness
0218312 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Coleman, M. Coleman,Mitch Lewis Dayton High School OR "Motors on the Move"
1004278 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ellsworth, P. C. Ellsworth,Peter C. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ "Prospective" Resistance Management: Empowering Growers to Partition Chemistry in Space and Time
0221543 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Huber, D. H. Huber,David H. WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV "Strengthening the Integration of Agricultural Waste Utilization and Bioenergy Production Using Anaerobic Digestion"
0225898 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bullard, J. S. Bullard,Jill Staton Inter-Faith Food Shuttle C/O Katherine Andrew NC "Supporting New Farmers on the Piedmont: Workshops, Apprenticeships, Training, Network"
1028668 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hutchinson, J. Hutchinson,Jeffrey UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO TX #Eco-JEDI: Building a City-Wide Collaboration to Facilitate Career Readiness in FAS Through Science Literacy & Counter-Storytelling
1001151 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bacsujlaky, M. Bacsujlaky,Mara UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK (RACEP) Rural Alaska Citizens Emergency Preparedness
1023727 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mickelson, A. Mickelson,Abagail LEADING EDGE VETERINARY SERVICES LLC WI (WI203)Funding from the veterinary services grant program will be utilized at our rural, mixed-animal veterinary practice to enhance and expand our large animal veterinary services.
0222829 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Henry, L. R. Henry,Leslie Rae OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE SD 1) Increase Extension Program Capacity
1028853 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Himmelgreen, D. Himmelgreen,David UNIV OF SOUTH FLORIDA FL 15th Street-Farm Nutrition Education Program