Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1022891 NEW HATCH Vyn, TO, . Vyn, TO, . PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Cropping System Opportunities to Improve Nutrient Use Efficiencies and Stress Resiliency in Sustainable Corn Production
1022536 NEW HATCH Smith, AA, . Smith, AA, . PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Darkling beetle phylogenomics, biogeography, and the development of larval identification tools
1025424 NEW HATCH Wilson, CH, H. Wilson, CH, H. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Development of management decision support systems based on remote sensing and improved biogeochemical models to optimize delivery of ecosystem services and sustainability in pasture production in Florida, USA.
1023238 NEW HATCH Beckerman, JA, L.. Beckerman, JA, L.. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Disease and Insect Management of Horticultural Crops
1023265 NEW HATCH Brophy-Herb, HO, . Brophy-Herb, HO, . MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Emotion Socialization Behaviors in Parents/Caregivers and Teachers: Supporting Early Healthy Development
1024224 NEW HATCH Bartlett, ME, . Bartlett, ME, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Evaluating traits to improve grapevine drought tolerance and water-use efficiency
1002754 NEW HATCH Hackmann, TI, J. Hackmann, TI, J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Unravelling metabolic function of natural bacterial communities with fluorescent compounds
1013418 NEW HATCH Weber, JA, . Weber, JA, A.. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME "Clean Sheep”: Changing the Culture of Infectious Disease Management in the U.S. Sheep Industry
1013653 NEW HATCH Igel, AD, . Igel, AD. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA "Improved understanding of clouds and precipitation for weather and climate."
1026278 NEW HATCH Ehrhardt, RI. Ehrhardt, RI. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI "Improving the management of highly productive sheep to optimize lamb production efficiency and minimize its environmental impact"
1013706 NEW HATCH Chen, S. Chen, S. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA "The Application of Mesoscale Numerical Model"
1015906 NEW HATCH Chen, J. Chen, J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL (HR) Exploring Specialty Crops for Novel Ornamental Value and Bioactive Phytochemicals
1019421 NEW HATCH Fix, PE, . Fix, PE. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK 19-06 Hatch Regular: Understanding Human and Community Benefits and Mechanisms
1013656 NEW HATCH Lin, SH. Lin, SH. UNIV OF HAWAII HI 3D Body Scan with One Kinect or Structure
1024362 NEW HATCH Jensen, KI, L.. Jensen, KI, L.. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN : Economic Impacts of and Opportunities for Value-added Agriculture and Forest Products Industry Development
1021916 NEW HATCH Maurer, JO, . Maurer, JO, J.. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA A bacterial genetics approach to understanding the ecology and epidemiology of pathogens, commensals and symbionts of poultry
1026204 NEW HATCH Sagues, WI, JO. Sagues, WI, JO. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC A Carbon-Negative Bioeconomy: Leveraging Bioprocess Synthesis, Applied Engineering, and Techno-Economic-Life Cycle Analysis to Utilize and Sequester Carbon Dioxide
1018814 NEW HATCH Kan, EU, . Kan, EU. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX A closed-loop dairy system by an integrated anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis process for food-energy-water nexus
1011274 NEW HATCH Beckstead, RO, BY. Beckstead, RO, BY. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC A Comprehensive Approach to Diagnose and Prevent Blackhead Disease in Poultry
1017988 NEW HATCH Pietrantonio, PA, . Pietrantonio, PA, V.. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX A Comprehensive Physiology - Toxicology Program for Arthropod Pests Significant to Texas
1023156 NEW HATCH Kaplan, KE. Kaplan, KE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA A cross-species analysis of septins in response to cell stress
1018788 NEW HATCH Judge, J. Judge, J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL A downscaling-assimilation framework to obtain high-resolution crop yields using remote sensing
1019737 NEW HATCH Flaherty, EL, . Flaherty, EL. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN A framework for professional development curriculum for natural resource science undergraduate students
1025276 NEW HATCH Hasselquist, LA, . Hasselquist, LA, . SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasize the STEM content in agriculture
1000819 NEW HATCH Thompson, G, . Croom, BA. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1000981 NEW HATCH Hains, B. Epps, RE. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1014434 NEW HATCH Sorensen, TY, J.. Sorensen, TY, JO. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1014555 NEW HATCH McKim, AA, . McKim, AA. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1014650 NEW HATCH Stofer, KA, AN. Stofer, KA, AN. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture