Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0196422 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Smith, D. C. Smith, D. C. ALASKA GREEN GOLD AK Marketing Plan to Export, Plant, Monitor and Evaluate Seed Potatoes in China
0204369 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT SMITH, D. C. Smith, David ALASKA GREEN GOLD AK Growing, Evaluating and Marketing Seed Potatoes in China
0213523 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Simpson, P. K. Simpson,Patrick K SCIENTIFIC FISHERY SYSTEMS, INC. AK Rural Coastal Alaska Fish Waste Utilization
0218654 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Simpson, P. K. Simpson, P. K. SCIENTIFIC FISHERY SYSTEMS, INC. AK Phase II : Rural Coastal Alaska Fish Waste Conversion
1001817 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Worthington, M. Worthington,Monty ORPC ALASKA, LLC AK Harnessing Clean River Energy with the RivGen Power System to Replace and Offset Diesel Fuel Use by Rural Communities
1004867 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Worthington, M. Worthington,Monty ORPC ALASKA, LLC AK Harnessing Clean River Energy with the RivGen Power System to Replace and Offset Diesel Fuel Use by Rural Communities
1009591 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McBeath, J. H. McBeath,Gerald ALASKA AGRITECH INC. AK An innovative mechanized system for transferring tissue-cultured plantlets to propagation trays to revolutionize vegetable and floral crop production
1009759 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kuhn, T. Kuhn,Thomas CEREON BIOTECHNOLOGY LLC AK Harnessing the anti-inflammatory potency of Alaska berries as a functional food
1022691 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT GRABACKI, S. Grabacki,Stephen Thaddeus GRAYSTAR PACIFIC SEAFOOD LTD AK Rural Coastal Deep Ocean Mineral Water Production
1028477 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Simpson, P. K. Simpson,Patrick Kenneth PKS CONSULTING, INC. AK Mobile PET Plastic Ocean Waste Recycler (POWER) Module
0193193 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Weiland, P. L. Weiland, P. L. RADIANCE TECHNOLOGIES AL Vibration Assisted Clam Harvesting
0213521 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sarkisov, S. S. Sarkisov, S. S. SSS OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AL Sensor of ammonia emission from animal manure
0213565 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McNulty, S. McNulty, S. AQUATIC INNOVATIONS, INC. AL Sustainable Production of Pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) for the Live Bait Market
0218617 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sarkisov, S. Sarkisov, S. SSS OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AL Sensor of ammonia emission from animal manure
0218629 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT mcnulty, S. T. Shawn McNulty AQUATIC INNOVATIONS, INC. AL Sustainable Production of Pinfish for the Gulf of Mexico Live Bait Market
0221860 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sims, T. Sims, T. Sims Brothers, Inc. AL Pelleted sericea lespedeza diet for control of internal parasites and pathogens in goats and sheep
0225218 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Thoms, R. Thoms,Richard CFD Research Corporation AL Novel Dewatering Method for Cost Effective Harvesting of Microalgae Biomass
0225296 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sutterlin, W. Sutterlin,William Rusty Renewable Alternatives, LLC AL Enhanced Thermal Activity of Vegetable Oil Based Thermal Energy Storage Materials
0226193 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sims, T. H. Sims,Thomas H Sims Brothers, Inc. AL A Pelleted sericea lespedeza supplement for control of internal parasites on small farms
0228733 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schantz, H. Schantz,Hans Q-Track Corporation AL Q-Track Milk Operations Optimization System
1015929 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Teichert-Coddington, D. R. Teichert-Coddington,David Ray GREENE PRAIRIE AQUAFARM, L.L.C. AL Producing Shrimp In A Modified Partitioned Aquaculture System Using On-Shore Tanks And Earthen Ponds
1030086 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McNulty, S. McNulty,Shawn AMERICAN SPORT FISH HATCHERY MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC AL Production of largemouth bass for the food fish market using commercial split-pond systems
0199555 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cartwright, D. K. Cartwright, D. K. ARI, Inc. AR Enhancing Mycoherbicide Storage Capabilities Through Encapsulation Technology
0210201 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Horax, R. Wagstaff, M. NUTRACEUTICAL INNOVATIONS, LLC AR Low Cost Production of Yeast from Heat-stabilized Defatted Rice Bran
0217810 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xia, J. Q. Jun Q. Xia AC DIAGNOSTICS, INC. AR A Sensitive Immunocapture Real-Time One-Step RT-PCR for Early Detection of Plant Pathogens in Crops
0221786 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Shabatura, J. Shabatura, J. Sea Star International AR An Ozark Regional Pilot Program to Manufacture Economical, Value-Added Products Qualifying for USDA Certified Organic Status.
0222839 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xia, J. Q. Xia, J. Q. AC DIAGNOSTICS, INC. AR A Sensitive Single-tube Immunocapture Real-Time RT-PCR for Early Detection of Plant Pathogens in Crops
0225236 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hood, K. R. Hood,Kendall R. Infinite Energy, LLC dba Infinite Enzymes AR Formulating New Cellulases for Diverse Markets: Defining QA Parameters
0228842 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rubinelli, P. M. Rubinelli,Peter M. Sea Star International AR Production of a New Vaccine for Poultry to Prevent Salmonella