Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0218128 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Ward, K. Ward, KE. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Administration of the McIntire-Stennis Program at Alabama A&M University and Development of Institutional- and State-Level Strategic Plans for Forestry Research
1001270 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Hill, WA, A.. Hill, WA, A.. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Administration Of Research Supported By Mcintire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research Program
1004628 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Christian, C, . Christian, C, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Barriers to Minority Participation in Outdoor Recreation on Public Lands In Northern Alabama
1010746 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Han, HA, . Kane, JE. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Research Planning and Administration
1014695 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Christner, BR, . Christner, BR. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Exploring Microbial Bioaerosol Effects on Rainfall (EMBER)
1009985 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Lincoln, NO, . Lincoln, NO, K. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Establishing a Breadfruit Agro-forestry Baseline
1015700 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Schulte, LI, . Schulte Moore, LI. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Evaluating conservation structures to improve the delivery of ecosystem services from Midwestern farms
1018044 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Eitel, JA, . Eitel, JA. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Novel remote sensing approaches for improved monitoring and protection of forest lands
0176497 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Shao, G. Shao, G. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Advancing Geospatial Algorithms and Modeling Techniques for Assisting Forestry Decisions
1017975 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cristan, RI, . Zamora, DI. KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Geospatial characterization and assessment of forest recreation participation and emerald ash borer impact in Kentucky.
1015624 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS McConnell, TH, ER. McConnell, TH, ER. LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITY LA Wood Utilization in a Changing Economic Environment: A Social Accounting Perspective
1017796 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Lichtenberg, E. Lichtenberg, E. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Empirical and Economic Model of Precision Irrigation and Nutrient Management in Intensive Tree Production
1018007 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Pavao-Zuckerman, MI, . Pavao-Zuckerman, MI. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Assessing nutrient cycling in urban forest patches to support stormwater management
1018694 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Burghardt, KA, . Burghardt, KA. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Role of tree planting diversity in determining productivity, susceptibility to insect herbivores, and natural enemy communities in managed forests
1019534 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Fernandez, I. Fernandez, I. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Forest Soils and Ecosystems in an Environment of Change
0166132 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Potter-Witter, K. Potter-Witter, K. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Economic Analysis of Forest Management Opportunities in Michigan
0172833 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Leefers, L. Leefers, L. A. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Sustaining Forest Resources: Public Institutions and Impacts
0180725 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS McDonough, M. McDonough, M. A. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Citizen Expectations From Public Participation
1024729 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Busov, VI. Busov, VI. MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV MI Regulation of dormancy release and bud-break in trees
1013147 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Edgar, CH, . Edgar, CH. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN On the path to seamless rural-to-urban forest monitoring: Evaluation of Urban FIA methods and techniques
1013165 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Fleischman, FO, . Fleischman, FO. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Participation and expertise in the making of sustainable and equitable forest policies in Minnesota and around the world.
1015916 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Li, CH, . Li, CH. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Enhancing Civic Engagement and Collaborative Management of Forest Lands for Healthy Habitat and Outdoor Recreation
1009140 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Lashley, MA, . Demarais, S. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Investigating interactions between management tools and wildlife to guide management of forest resources in Mississippi
1014025 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Lim, HY, . Lim, HY. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Development of structural engineered wood products suitable for the Southeastern United States
1021605 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Jencso, KE, . Jencso, KE. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT Developing Tools and Data Services for Forest and Rangeland Management
1021980 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Thomsen, JE, . Thomsen, JE. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT Human-Wildlife Interactions and Recreation Management on the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail
1025517 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Peterson, M., NI. Peterson, M., NI. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Title: Optimizing Landscape Planning for Co-benefits among Wildlife Populations and Agricultural Communities
1014112 REVISED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Grabosky, JA, . Arbab, NA. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Spatially Explicit Forest Ecological Assessment (SEFEA) Decision Support Tool to Aid in Forest Management and Land Use Planning: New Jersey as a Model