Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021891 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Abdelrahim, G. Abdelrahim,Gamal Eden ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Experiential Learning in the Animal Bio-Health Sciences: Sustainable Control of Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants
0215428 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Abdollahi, K. Abdollahi, K. SOUTHERN UNIV LA Enhancing the Teaching Capacity of Urban Forestry Program at Southern University and A&M College
1026207 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Abebe, W. Abebe,Woubit TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Integrated Approach To Advance Food Safety Teaching, Research & Extension Using Nano-Biosensor, Genomics, And Microbiome At Tuskegee University
0196592 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Abrahamsen, M. Abrahamsen, M. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN Research Training of Veterinary Students in Microbial and Animal Health Genomics
0225922 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Abreo, C. Abreo,Christina Latino Farmers Cooperative of Louisiana, Inc LA The Farmer Incubator Program as a component of the Community Food Security System for Latino Families in Orleans Parish
1017155 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Abuelo Sebio, A. Abuelo,Angel MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Improving food-animal veterinary service shortage situations in rural bovine practice through recruitment and continuing education of early-career veterinarians
1028841 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Acimovic, S. Acimovic,Srdan VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Creating Next-Gen controls for fire blight cankers, blossom and shoot blight with copper, PGR-s, plant activators and anti-biofilm enzymes.
0201411 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adams, B. L. Adams, B. L. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship: A Program to Develop Agribusiness Entrepreneurs
1026120 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adams, B. L. Adams,Barbara L SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Agricultural and Entrepreneurial Leadership: An Integrated Model to Enhance the Sustainability of Small Agricultural Producers in South Carolina
1023403 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Addesso, K. Addesso,Karla TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Flatheaded Borer Management in Specialty Crops
1017156 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adhikari, A. Adhikari,Achyut LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Develop hands-on training to evaluate and reduce microbial food safety risk associated with agriculture water
1023746 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adkins, P. R. Adkins,Pamela R.F. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Show-Me VET ECHO: Veterinary Education and Training (VET) through Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Program
1028624 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adu-Addai, B. Adu-Addai,Benjamin TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Impact of a combination of polyclonal chicken anti-SpA immunoglobulin Y (IgY), cholecalciferol, and peptide RP on Staphylococcus aureus mastitis using a mouse model
1028640 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ahmed, K. Ahmed,Khaled SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV IL Artificial Intelligence for Greener Livestock: Educational and Research
1016884 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ahmedna, M. Hymon-Parker,Shirley NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Enhancement of Teaching, Research and Extension Facilities at North Carolina A&T State University
1022572 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ahmedna, M. Ahmedna,Mohamed NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC 1890 Centers of Excellence to Motivate and Educate for Achievement (MEA)
1026486 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ahmedna, M. Hymon-Parker,Shirley NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC 1890 Center of Excellence for Student Success and Workforce Development
1031220 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ahmedna, M. S. Hymon-Parker,Shirley NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Enhancement of Teaching, Research and Extension Facilities at North Carolina A&T State University (2023)
1029080 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Akers, C. R. Akers,Christopher Ryan MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS National Youth Preparedness Initiative: Preparing Teens; Preparing Communities - Phase 4 & Final Expansion
0229989 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Akey, B. Dubovi,Edward CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY National Animal Health Laboratory Network: NY
1029382 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aksenov, A. Aksenov,Alexander UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT SP: A method for generating an optimally attractive scent for Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) biocontrol
1007221 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. Albrecht,Don Earl UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center
1019982 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. E. Albrecht,Don Earl UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center 2020
1019983 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. E. Albrecht,Don Earl UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center 2018
1024475 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. E. Albrecht,Don Earl UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center 2021
1029587 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. E. Newman,Elizabeth A UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center FY22
1031847 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aldridge, D. Aldridge,David SOUTHEASTERN CONNECTICUT REGIONAL RESOURCES RECOVERY AUTHORITY CT Building a Regional Composting Facility for Southeastern Connecticut
1029369 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Alferez, F. M. Alferez,Fernando Miguel UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Combining Individual Protective Covers (IPCs) and brassinosteroids to prolong health and improve fruit yield and quality in newly planted trees under HLB
1027198 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Allard, M. Allard,Molly NORTHERN RHODE ISLAND CONSERVATION DISTRICT RI Supporting Urban Growers Through The Providence County Urban Growers Leadership Program (UGLP)