Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1018655 NEW HATCH Gurr, I. Gurr, I. AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Evaluation of newly developed taro (Colocasia esculenta) varieties for taro leaf blight resistance, salt tolerance, nutritional composition, eating quality, and yield
1018658 NEW HATCH Gurr, I. Gurr, I. AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Identification of Vegetable Crops, Varieties and Production Methods Ideal for American Samoa Conditions.
1019069 NEW HATCH Schmaedick, M, . Schmaedick, MA. AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Invasive Ants In American Samoa
0218228 NEW HATCH Morse, W. Morse, W. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Private landholder motivations to sell or rent ecosystem services
0221680 NEW HATCH Locy, R. D. Locy, R. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Genomic Approaches to Breeding Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance
0229709 NEW HATCH Bilgili, S. F. Bilgili, SA. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Impact of environmental Stressors on Susceptibility of Salmonella in Processing Plants
0230418 NEW HATCH Hagan, A. K. Hagan, AU, K. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Sweet Sorghum Cultural Practices toward Ethanol production in Alabama
0231458 NEW HATCH Wang, L. Luxin Wang AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL The effects of current agricultural practices on the survival and transfer of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella on small multi-functional farms in Alabama
0233842 NEW HATCH Curtis, P. A. Curtis, PA. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Auburn University Food Systems Institute plan for enhancing Auburn's food system programs
1002091 NEW HATCH Berry, WA, DE. Berry, WA, DE. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Postnatal diet, age at sexual maturity, and risks for uterine fibroids
1002704 NEW HATCH Lawrence, K, . Lawrence, K, . AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Variability, Adaptation, and Management of Nematodes Impacting Crop Production and Trade
1003056 NEW HATCH Murphy, JO. Murphy, JO, FR. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL The nature of Tobacco etch virus infection in bell pepper plants (Capsicum spp.) and management of plant virus diseases in Alabama
1003104 NEW HATCH van Ginkel, FR, . van Ginkel, FR, W. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Genetic Bases for Resistance and Immunity to Avian Diseases
1003128 NEW HATCH Coneva, E. Coneva, E. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Improving Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Tree-Fruit Production Through Changes in Rootstock Use
1003130 NEW HATCH Kinnucan, H. Kinnucan, H. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL The importance of U.S. food and agricultural trade in a new global market environment
1003722 NEW HATCH De La Fuente, LE. De La Fuente, LE. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Bacterial plant pathogens: basic knowledge on infection processes and novel control methods
1004307 NEW HATCH Flanders, K. Flanders, K. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Management of Insect Pests of Grain Crops and Perennial Grass Forages in Alabama
1004665 NEW HATCH Howe, JU. Howe, JU, A. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Effect of agronomic practices on soil properties in Alabama
1004782 NEW HATCH Newby, AD, F. Newby, AD, F. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Improving Environmental and Economic Sustainability of Nursery Crop Production Through Improved Irrigation Management
1006126 NEW HATCH Suh, SA, . Suh, SA, . AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Developing a comprehensive approach for pathogen control
1006522 NEW HATCH Dozier, W. Dozier, W. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Dietary Amino Acid Responses of Broilers
1006523 NEW HATCH Bullard, S. Bullard, S. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Phase 2: Systematics, pathogenesis, and natural history of parasites afflicting Alabama's aquatic resources and aquaculture industry
1007071 NEW HATCH Molnar, JO, . Molnar, JO. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL The Great Recession, Its Aftermath, and Patterns of Rural and Small Town Demographic Change
1008441 NEW HATCH Wada, HA, . Wada, HA, . AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Development of a rearing protocol to improve heat tolerance in laying hens
1009098 NEW HATCH Giambrone, J, . Giambrone, J, . AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Control of Emerging and Re-emerging Poultry Respiratory Diseases in the United States
1009322 NEW HATCH Szedlmayer, ST. Szedlmayer, ST. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Ecology, assessment, and management of marine and coastal fisheries in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
1009530 NEW HATCH Wilson, A. Wilson, AL, E.. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Forecasting harmful algal blooms in freshwater systems throughout the southeastern U.S.
1009639 NEW HATCH Biase, FE, . Biase, FE. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Conceptus-endometrial signaling during attachment in cattle
1009794 NEW HATCH Gulsby, WI, D. Gulsby, WI, D. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Effects of common silvicultural techniques on wildlife habitat and demography in the southern United States and economic tradeoffs associated with these actions