Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0228266 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Sharma, G. Sharma, GO. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Application of advances in genomics and proteomics to the improvement of cotton
1000761 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Caples, VI, . Malone, AL, A. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Expanding Facilities Support for Human Capital Development Through Teaching, Research and Extension in the Food and Agricultural Sciences
1002288 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Davis, DE, . Davis, DE, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Coupled Heat And Water Transfer In Biochar Amended Soils
1002289 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Davis, AR, J. Jackson-Davis, AR. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Investigating the efficacy of natural antimicrobials to inhibit the growth of Salmonella in natural and organic apple cider and apple juice
1002291 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Moss, EL, MO. Moss, EL, MO. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Identification and Enumeration of E. coli and the Impact of Climate Change and Variability to determine the Water Quality in the Flint Creek Watershed (FCW)
1002308 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Anasuri, SA, . Anasuri, SA, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Effects of Mass Media on Overweight and Obesity Among Young Adults
1005838 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Abdelrahim, GA, . Abdelrahim, GA. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Evaluating the Potential for Small Ruminant Production in Silvopasture and Open Pasture Grazing Systems in North Alabama
1005842 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Herring, JO, . Herring, JO, L.. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Reduction of antimicrobial resistance in poultry product production utilizing probiotics
1006260 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Overton, AN, . Howell, HE, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Food Safety of Aquaponic Products
1006280 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Cebert, ER, . Cebert, ER. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Circles of Sustainability: Integration of Food and Renewable Energy
1008993 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Tadesse, WU, . Tadesse, WU. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change, Population Growth, and Land Use Change on Water Availability in Tennessee River Basin
1008999 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Okafor, FL, . Okafor, FL, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Bacterial Community Structure and Biochemical Transformation of Phosphorus in poultry litter biochar-amended highly weathered soil
1009002 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Sistani, N, . Sistani, N, . ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Supermarket Tour-Based Intervention to Increase Fruit and Veg Choices and Intake
1011633 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Farmer, TY, . Farmer, TY. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Evaluating TOR signaling in rapamcin sensitive and resistant plants using transgenic models of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
1011634 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN London-Thomas, LA, Y. London-Thomas, LA, Y. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Identification of Small RNA'S as Novel Regulatory switches in the Envelope Stress Response in Escherichai Coli
1011635 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Yuan, QU, . Yuan, QU. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Effects of tillage and residue managements on soil microbial community, carbon dioxide effluxes and soil physical properties in a biofuel sorghum feedstock
1013058 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Boateng, JU, A. Boateng, JU. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL An Integrated Study on Solanum Alkaloids in Selected Novelty Potato Cultivars
1017271 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN VERGHESE, MA, . VERGHESE, MA. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Evaluation of Health Promoting Properties of Selected Spices and Plant Extracts Against Obesity Induced Diabetes
1017315 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Erickson, EM, . Erickson, EM. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Latino Immigrant Travel Behavior and Planning Responses in Alabama & Georgia
1017326 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Cebert, RH, MI. Miller-Cebert, RH, LE. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Perception of the Barriers and Benefits of Consuming a Vegetarian Diet in Madison County, Alabama Residents
1004754 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Diaz, JA, . Kibet , LE, . ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Southern Mississippi Watersheds.
1004777 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Funtikova-White, AL, . Whittaker, WE, LL. ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Structural Influences of Economic Conditions in Southwest Mississippi: Challenges of food Insecurity, Changes in Labor Market Conditions and Capacity Building through Education and Training
1008805 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Sritharan, SU, . Johnson, AL, B.. Central State University OH Research Administrative Infrastructure
0222622 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Ozbay, G. Ozbay, GU. DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Monitoring Aquatic Health and Habitat Value of Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Gardening and Restoration through Community Based Oyster Enhancement Efforts
1006096 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Hankoua, BE, BA. Hankoua, BE, BA. DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Developing Novel Bio-energy Grasses with Improved Bio-Processing Characteristics through Biotechnology
1006347 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Gardner, CA, . Mbuya, OD, . FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Preserving and Protecting Water and Air Quality – Land use Practices and Natural Occurrences
1021415 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Mbuya, OD, . Kanga, LA, H.. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Strategic Research for the Management of Invasive Pest Species
0222421 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Styles, ER. Nelson, MA, . FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA An Assessment of Nutrition Knowledge and an Elementary School Nutrition Education Program in Selected Rural Black Belt Counties
0224973 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Williams, A. Williams, A. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Biodiesel Feedstock Determination Using an Electronic Nose and Neural Networks
0229649 REVISED EVANS-ALLEN Joshee, NI, . Biswas, BI, K. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Employing Green Technology and Best Management Practices to Mitigate Peach Tree Short Life (PTSL) for Sustainable Peach Production in Georgia