Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0202917 TERMINATED HATCH Supalla, R. Supalla, R. J. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Interfacing technological, economic, and institutional principles for managing inter-sector mobilization of water
0132987 TERMINATED HATCH Grove, G. G. Grove, G. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Etiology, Epidemiology, and Sustainable Management of Powdery Mildew of Tree Fruits, Grapes, and Hop
0228662 TERMINATED HATCH McIntosh, C. S. McIntosh, C. S. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Economic Evaluation and Modeling of Agricultural Production and Responses to External Factors
1007172 TERMINATED HATCH Norland, J. Norland, J. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Effects of energy development in western North Dakota emphasis on road dust and pipeline reclamation
0231071 TERMINATED HATCH Trubek, A. Trubek, A. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Consumer sensory perception of Vermont artisan cheese: a mixed-methods approach
0182758 TERMINATED HATCH Dekkers, J. C. Dekkers, JA, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Genetic Enhancement of Domesticated Animal Species
1001738 TERMINATED HATCH Lavine, L. Lavine, LA. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Understanding the Genetic Basis for Trait Growth & Change
0209760 TERMINATED HATCH Harris, N. R. Harris, N. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Economic, Social, and Ecological Issues of Rangeland Fragmentation that Affect Rangeland Sustainability and Rural Communities
0196650 TERMINATED HATCH Dougher, T. A. Dougher, TR. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Commercializing Production of Native Montana Plant Species
0221423 TERMINATED HATCH Sideman, R. G. Sideman, R. G. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Varieties and Cultural Practices for Vegetables and Small Fruit Production in New Hampshire
1011148 TERMINATED HATCH Lamba, JA, . Lamba, JA. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Evaluation of Agricultural Best Management Practices on Water Quality in the Southeast US
1002727 TERMINATED HATCH Van Driesche, R. Van Driesche, R. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Biological Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds
1013470 TERMINATED HATCH Schulthess, C, . Schulthess, C, . UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Competitive Retention of Ions in Clay Interlayer Environments
0192051 TERMINATED HATCH Charudattan, R. Charudattan, R. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Development of Plant Pathogens as Bioherbicides for Weed Control
0216745 TERMINATED HATCH Obendorf, RA. Obendorf, RA. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Environmental and Genetic Determinants of Seed Quality and Performance
0205366 TERMINATED HATCH Hsieh, F. Hsieh, F. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Improvement of Thermal and Alternative Processes for Foods
0162190 TERMINATED HATCH Privalsky, M. Privalsky, M. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Impact of c- and v-Erb A oncogenes in growth and disease in domesticated animals
1006942 TERMINATED HATCH Allen, P, . Allen, P. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Hill Area Aquaculture
0216529 TERMINATED HATCH Devareddy, L. Devareddy, L. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR How to motivate parents to promote intake of calcium rich foods among early adolescents (from W1003)
0230823 TERMINATED HATCH Aly, S. Aly, S. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA A Cumulative Temperature Heat Index to predict the effect of heat stress on milk yield in dairy cattle
0184945 TERMINATED HATCH Gloy, B. A. Decker, D. J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Structural Change in Agriculture and Agricultural Finance
0211469 TERMINATED HATCH Wiecko, G. Wiecko, G. UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Research Capacity Improvements on Guam.
0198656 TERMINATED HATCH Pollock, K. Pollock, K. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Estimation of Animal Abundance and Related Parameters for Fisheries & Wildlife Polutions
0223780 TERMINATED HATCH West, D. R. West, DE. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Cereal Crop Breeding
0182279 TERMINATED HATCH Potter, D. A. Potter, D. A. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Biology and Management of Insects Attacking Turf and Woody Landscape Plants
1001565 TERMINATED HATCH Liu, SI, . Liu, SI. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA New Methods for the Analysis of Intensive Longitudinal Data
0209538 TERMINATED HATCH Roth, G. W. Unger, R. L. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Improving Corn Silage Small Grain and Canola Production in Pennsylvania
0196246 TERMINATED HATCH Franti, T. Franti, T. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Storm Runoff Simulator to Evaluate Conservation Buffers
0221118 TERMINATED HATCH Bissonnette, G. Bissonnette, G. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Detection of Waterborne Pathogens from Water and Wastewater as Related to Emerging Infectious Diseases
1010932 TERMINATED HATCH Bhalerao, K. Bhalerao, K. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Nanotechnology and Biosensors