Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024189 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chanes, C. Chanes,Christina M UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Communities Overcoming Various Injustices to Defend Rural Health (COVID) is a pilot outreach program to inform the community of C-19 by leveraging access and information in health to limit the spread
1024183 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Letcher, A. Letcher,Amber SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Strengthening the Heartland: Empowering Rural Communities to Prevent Opioid Misuse
1024180 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cass, R. Cass,Randall IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Next Generation of Midwest Beekeepers: Leveraging Resources in Nebraska and Iowa to Reach New and Underserved Communities
1024179 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Huttenga, B. Huttenga,Becky OTTAWA, COUNTY OF MI Transferring Land and Downloading Knowledge: Catalyzing New Farmer Development in West Michigan.
1024171 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Muramoto, J. Muramoto,Joji UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Developing Suppressive Crop Rotations as a Non-Fumigant Soilborne Disease Management Strategy for Strawberries
1024170 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Groskopf, J. Groskopf,Jessica UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program
1024169 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Martin, J. L. Martin,Jennifer Lee UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Supplement - Solid Ground 2: Weaving Together Expert Trainings and Peer Networks for Sustained Beginner and Advanced-Beginner Farmer Success in Connecticut
1024162 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lewis, K. Lewis,Kendra UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Rural New Hampshire Building Community Resilience Project
1024159 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nelson, L. Nelson,Lori FORT BERTHOLD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Building Food Security through Challenging Times: Re-establishing Food Sovereignty and self-efficacy through local food production, home gardens, and social media communities
1024158 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dandurand, L. Dandurand,Louise-Marie UNIV OF IDAHO ID Development of Resistance and Trap Cropping for Control of Globodera pallida
1024152 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rivera, N. White,Kenneth SEGAR ADVOCACY INSTITUTE INCORPORATED PR Reviving Food Production in Puerto Rico through the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program- COVID19 Pandemic Relief Supplement Project
1024139 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Berntsen, M. Powell,Christiana PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Land Access & Saving for Long-Term Assets:Combining Two Approaches to Addressing a Common Barrier for New and Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
1024137 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Turner, S. C. Green,John J. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS FY 20 Integrated Activities
1024135 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rost, C. Rost,Caroline KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Kansas State University Veterinary Medicine SPRINTS (Specialized Programs for Recruiting Indigenous, Native, and Tribal Students)
1024134 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McMoran, D. McMoran,Don WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Program
1024124 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, D. F. Perkins,Daniel Francis PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State
1024118 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ranco, D. Ranco,Darren UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME New Beginning for Wabanaki Students at the University of Maine
1024105 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dermid, G. Dermid,Gerold UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Western Collaborative Rural Health Promotion Project
1024100 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hlubik, W. Hlubik,William RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ RU Ready to Farm:Getting Rooted in the Garden State
1024097 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bilen-Green, C. Bilen-Green,Canan NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Making Good: Delivering Educational Equity For & With Indigenous Tribal Students & Communities
1024096 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Harrell, R. Harrell,Reginal UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center Program FY2021
1024089 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jackson-Davis, A. Jackson-Davis,Armitra ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Enhancing food safety outreach to underrepresented communities through food microbiology and soil amendments related hands-on workshops
1024088 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Weybright, E. Weybright,Elizabeth WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Universal Prevention Approaches To Addressing Opioid Use: Building Capacity Within Rural Families And Extension Personnel
1024087 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bruce, J. Bruce,Jackie NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC New Beginning for Tribal Students
1024086 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Buys, D. R. Buys,David Russell MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Preventing Opioid Misuse In The Southeast Through Resiliency-Embedded Farm Management: Promise RFM Initiative
1024084 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moore, C. Nuckols,Michael S Cornell Cooperative Extension Association of Jefferson County NY Farm OPS: Advancing Agricultural Opportunities for Military Veterans in New York
1024081 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chandler, S. Haynes,Hal ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Facilitating Tribal Students' Retention and Persistence in College with Behavioral Health and Academic Support
1024079 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Martin, K. E. Martin,Kenneth E. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Family and Community Education to Prevent Opioid Misuse and Abuse
1024077 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sinnemaki, J. Entress,Amy FLORIDA IS FOR VETERANS, INC. FL Veterans Florida Agriculture Program
1024071 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Singer, A. Gordon,Matt ROGUE FARM CORPS. OR Beginning Farmer Veteran Training through Hands-on Collaborative Education