Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1001070 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Marshall, M. R. Marshall,Maurice R UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Southern Region Program to Clear Pest Agents for Minor Uses
0205112 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Smiley, S. T. Smiley, S. T. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Food Quality Program Special Grant Proposal FY2005
0222328 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Barbet, A. F. Barbet,Anthony F UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Reducing the threat of introduction of heartwater disease to the U.S.
1026988 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Vales, M. Vales,Maria Isabel TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest
0200154 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Smiley, S. Smiley, S. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK CSREES Special Grant: Food Quality Program FY2004
0213889 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Pollak, E. J. Hoffmann, M. P. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium
0195272 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Smiley, S. T. Smiley, S. T. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Seafood Harvesting, Processing and Marketing Program FY 2003
0204775 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Smiley, S. T. Smiley, S. T. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Seafood Harvesting, Processing and Marketing Program FY2005
0221220 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Griffith, R. Griffith, R. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Minor Use Animal Drug Program
1020773 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Vales, M. I. Vales,M Isabel TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest
0200078 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Smiley, S. Smiley, S. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Seafood Harvesting, Processing and Marketing Program FY2004
0208547 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Folta, K. M. Folta,Kevin M UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Bioengineering Strawberries for Nematode Resistance in Tropical and Sub-tropical Environments
0231369 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Koplinka-Loehr, C. Koplinka-Loehr,Carrie CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Administration of the Northeastern Region IPM Competitive Grants Program
0195189 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Nelson, N. D. Nelson, N. D. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Innovation in Wood Utilization Research
1031349 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Vales, M. Vales,Maria Isabel TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest
0204774 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Smiley, S. T. Smiley, S. T. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK CSREES Special Grant: Alternative Salmon Products Program FY2005
0219803 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Nuessly, G. S. Nuessly, G. S. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Development of Management Strategies for Integrated Control of Sri Lanka Weevil in Tropical Fruits and Ornamental Plants
1019882 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Baron, J. J. Carpenter,Deborah RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ IR-4 Northeast Region Crop Pest Management Program
1020634 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Douches, D. Douches,David MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Development of Multipurpose Potato Cultivars with Enhanced Quality, Disease and Pest Resistance – North Central Region 2019-21
0199811 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Shennan, C. Los Huertos, M. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA A Consortium-based Program for Sustainable Agriculture Along the Central Coast of California
0208247 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Smiley, S. Scott Smiley UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Alternative Salmon Products Program FY2006
0229435 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Regnier, E. E. Regnier,Emilie Elisabeth OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Identifying the Factors Promoting Resistant and Invasive Giant Ragweed: Building a Foundation for Regional Integrated Weed Management
0231094 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Grewal, P. S. Grewal,Parwinder S OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Sustainable management of grape root borer in commercial vineyards
0195095 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Preston, J. F. Preston, J. F. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL The Genome of Pasteuria penetrans: a Blueprint for Developing Pasteuria spp. for the Biocontrol of Plant-parasitic nematodes
1031307 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Andrade, M. M. Andrade,Mario Murad Leite UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Breeding and Developing Potato Varieties with Enhanced Resilience to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses in the Eastern United States
0204689 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Hilf, M. Hilf, M. USDA/ARS/USHRL FL Evaluation of Resistance in Grapefruit to CTV Infection by Aphid Transmission
0219673 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Clay, D. E. Clay,David SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Seed Technology for the Identification of Signaling Pathways Under Heat and Water Stress.
0219783 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Golino, D. Golino, D. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Viticulture Consortium, CA
1013846 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Holm, D. Holm,David COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest