Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024368 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rearden, K. Chartier-Hanson,Haley UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Building Tribal Resilience in Southwest Alaska
1024367 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lashley, M. A. Lashley,Marcus Alan UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Equipping Cooperative Extension Professionals to Better Meet CommunityWildland Fire Needs
1024366 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scott, M. Scott,Marci MICHIGAN PHYSICAL FITNESS, HEALTH AND SPORTS FOUNDATION, INC. MI Michigan Farm to Family: Community Supported Agriculture
1024364 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Klingeman, W. E. Klingeman,William E. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Sustainable Agricultural Products from Healthy Oaks: Protecting the economy of American oak resources
1024363 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dutta, A. Dutta,Aditya UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Acquisition of a Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer to Catalyze Research and Education
1024361 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Isaacs, R. Isaacs,Rufus MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Restocking the IPM Toolbox to Meet Insect Management Challenges in Highbush Blueberry
1024359 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Odom, K. Lipman,Jesse Kokua Kalihi Valley Comprehensive Family Services HI Produce Prescription Pilot Program
1024358 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kuo, T. Kuo,Tony COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CA Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Prediabetic and Diabetic Medicaid Recipients in Los Angeles County, California
1024357 NEW OTHER GRANTS Malmberg, M. Malmberg,Michael URBAN FOOD INITIATIVE INC, THE MA Double Up Food Bucks: Expanding Scope and Greater Access in the Boston Metro Area
1024352 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yang, C. Yang,Ching-Hong UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Virulence Inhibitors As Antibiotic Alternatives In Fire Blight Management
1024349 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Montgomery, M. Montgomery,Marcy Heritage Ranch, Inc. HI Same Canoe Veggie Rx
1024347 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McMechan, A. J. McMechan,Anthony Justin UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Understanding the temporal and spatial dynamics of soybean gall midge
1024346 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ramer-Tait, A. Ramer-Tait,Amanda UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Techniplast ISOcage P gnotobiotic mouse housing to accelerate microbiome discoveries at the nexus of agricultural and biomedical research
1024345 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wickings, K. G. Wickings,Kyle N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Utilizing Acoustics to Enhance the Monitoring and Management of Belowground Pests and Their Aboveground Predators
1024343 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hoeffler, S. Hoeffler,Sam REINVESTMENT PARTNERS NC Produce Prescription Program to encourage fruit and vegetable consumption by veterans served by the Durham VA Health System.
1024342 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Matthews, K. Meier,Hilary DELTA HEALTH ALLIANCE, INC. MS Delta Produce Rx Collaborative - Improving dietary health and wellness of low-income, rural individuals with diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other diet-related health conditions.
1024341 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, K. Zhu,Kun Yan KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Maximizing Adoption by Demonstrating the Compatibility of Insecticide Netting with Diverse Pest Management Tactics at Food Facilities
1024339 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ludescher, R. D. Ludescher,Richard D RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ A Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscope for Single Molecule Measurements in Food & Nutrition, Agricultural, and Environmental Research
1024333 NEW OTHER GRANTS Witt, K. Witt,Karla OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE SD OLC USDA New Beginnings/Woape Teca 2020
1024330 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caton, J. S. Caton,Joel S NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Strengthening research infrastructure in cellular and tissue metabolism through improving analytical capability and capacity in agricultural sciences
1024329 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Li, S. Li,Song VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Acquisition of long read, high-throughput sequencing device for food and agriculture research at Virginia Tech
1024328 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jones III, A. Jones III,Arthur MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Liquid chromatograph-tandem mass spectrometer for targeted metabolite profiling
1024322 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Champagne, D. Champagne,Donald UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Molecular basis of insecticide resistance in the Diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) in Georgia and Florida, USA.
1024321 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lazaro, L. Miller,Donnie LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Building Geo-Spatial Databases to Improve the Precision of Cover Crops as an IWM Tool
1024320 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS O`Neal, M. E. O`Neal,Matthew E IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Detecting Insecticide-Resistant Aphids before Field Failures Cost Farmers
1024318 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vollmer, K. Vollmer,Kurt UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Using Spring-Seeded Grass Cover Crops to Reduce Herbicide Inputs in Plasticulture Production
1024317 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gent, S. P. Gent,Stephen SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Advancing the National Bioeconomy Through Regional Sun Grant Centers: 2020-2024
1024306 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marlow, A. Worthing,Aundrea LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI “Weshki niigaanizijig: New Leaders into the Future”
1024298 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Liu, Z. Liu,Zhongzhe CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD CA Acquisition of a GC-TCD for Analyzing Agriculture-Derived Gases and Integrating Engineering with Natural Science in Research/Training/Extension