Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0220996 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Arnold, S. K. Arnold,Shannon MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Developing the Professional Capacity of Agricultural and Natural Resources on Native American Reservations
1008609 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aronson, K. R. Aronson,Keith Robert PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Cost Benefit/Effectiveness Analysis of Army Community Services
0223676 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Arrington, T. Arrington,Tywan Federation of Southern Cooperatives GA Development of Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and South Carolina
0214275 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Arritt, F. Arritt, F. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Developing a culturally appropriate, Spanish-language training curriculum on Good Manufacturing Practices for the meat and poultry industry
0213855 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ascerno, M. Ascerno, M. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Distance Delivery of Integrated Pest Management
0200072 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ascerno, M. E. Ascerno, M. E. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Distance Delivery of Integrated Pest Management Training for Federal Agencies, etc.
0223576 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ascerno, M. E. Ascerno,Mark E UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Distance Education Training to Develop NRCS Integrated Pest Management Conservation Activity Plans
0223602 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ascerno, M. E. Ascerno,Mark E UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Translation of IPM3 Program into Spanish
0231054 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aschenbrener, M. Aschenbrener,Mollie California State University, Chico CA Development of an Option in Agricultural Leadership and Communication as part of a MS in Agricultural Education
1004963 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ashley, O. Ashley,Olivia RESEARCH TRIANGLE INSTITUTE NC Development and Evaluation of an Intervention to Reduce Victims Risk of Repeat Sexual Abuse/Assault
1009862 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Asiabanpour, B. Asiabanpour,Bahram TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX EverGreen: A Cross-Disciplinary Research-Based Education Program for Hispanic Students at the Food-Water-Energy Intersection
0220375 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Asleson, C. M. Asleson,Catherine GEVO, INC. CO Cellulosic Isobutanol Fermentation Biocatalyst
1013327 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mays, B. L. Astorino,Joseph Anthony COMMUNITY ACTION CENTER WA Palouse Tables Planning Project
0223467 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Astroth, K. A. Astroth, K. A. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Re-Connecting Families and Kids with the Outdoors--Neighborhood Nature Clubs
0223172 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Atalay, A. Atalay,Asmare VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Establishing 1890s Land Grant Universities Water Center
1004648 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Atalay, A. Atalay,Asmare VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Simultaneous Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Animal and Municipal Wastewater
0230088 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Atallah, Z. Atallah,Zahi Hartnell Community College CA Hartnell College Agricultural Workforce Development HSI Project for Global Food Security and Hunger (Horticulture Technician Program) and Fo
0215744 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Atterberry, R. Atterberry, R. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Special Needs: Flooding
0226579 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Auer, C. Auer,Carol UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Perennial Grasses for Bioenergy: Pollen Aerobiology, Biocontainment, and Plant Genetics.
1007299 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Auer, C. Auer,Carol UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Improving ecological risk assessments for Camelina sativa through research on pollen dispersal, gene flow and weed populations
1024684 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Augare, H. Augare,Helen BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Growing and Sustaining Pathways in Agriculture for Tribal College Students (GaSPA)
1016382 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rogé, P. Augusta,Lauren MULTINATIONAL EXCHANGE FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE CA Growing the Bay Area Urban Food and Farming Web with Community-based Education, Land, and Market Access
0230453 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Augustine, Z. N. Augustine,Zanetta N. SOUTHERN UNIV LA Academy for the Academic Enhancement of High School Students in the Food and Agricultural Sciences
1015119 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hollins, K. Augustine,Zanetta N. SOUTHERN UNIV LA Cultivating Leadership Innovation by Motivating Agriculture through Education
0207261 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Berends, A. T. Aukje Tineke Berends HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE NORTHWEST, TOWN & COUNTRY CAMPUS TX Genetics Research Opportunities for Community Colleges
0214419 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Berends, A. T. Aukje Tineke Berends HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE NORTHWEST, TOWN & COUNTRY CAMPUS TX ENGAGE: Empowering the Next Generation in Agriscience with Genomics Education
0196826 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aune, P. Aune, P. UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND United Tribes Technical College's Integrated Food Safety Intiative for American Indian Communites
0207830 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aune, P. E. Aune, P. E. UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND UTTC Integrated Food Safety Initiative for American Indian Agencies, Businesses and Community Members
1010244 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aune, P. Aune,Patricia UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND Optimal Garden Establishment and Management