Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1004502 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wiman, N. G. Wiman,Nik G OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Planning Grant to develop research and Extension priorities for brown marmorated stink bug in western US specialty crops
0220252 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilusz, J. Wilusz,Jeffrey COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Animal Biosecurity Pathology Training Grant
0215587 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, R. S. Wilson,Robyn S OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Designing watershed-based education and extension efforts through a mental models research approach
1007409 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, R. S. Wilson,Robyn S OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Quantifying and predicting the effects of ecological weed management strategies on organic agroecosystems to inform farmer decision making
1027236 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, M. R. Wilson,Marshal NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM New Mexico Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network
0211367 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, L. T. Wilson,Lloyd T TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Integrated Post-Harvest Rice Management and Information Delivery: Optimizing Insect Control and Grain Quality
0222282 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, K. M. Wilson,Kristen UNIV OF MARYLAND MD AGsploration - The Science of Maryland Agriculture
1027085 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, B. Wilson,Bradley WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Developing a Community Food System Development Certificate: Cultivating human resources for place-based food system development in Appalachia
1013884 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, A. E. Wilson,Alan E. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Biomanipulation as a tool to enhance aquaculture through the management of toxic cyanobacteria
0197462 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, L. R. Wilson, L. R. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME The Northern New England Lake Education and Action Project
1017512 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilner, S. Wilner,Seth UNH Cooperative Extension NH Benchmarks for Northeast High-Value Agricultural Sectors
1009865 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Willsrud, S. A. Willsrud,Susan CALYPSO FARM AND ECOLOGY CENTER AK Growing Self-Reliant Farmers
1023915 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Willsrud, S. Willsrud,Susan CALYPSO FARM AND ECOLOGY CENTER AK Expansion of the Growing Self Reliant Farmers in Alaskan Villages and Beyond Project
0190293 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wills, J. Wills, J. B. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Alternative Production Systems for Mid-South Fruit and Vegetable Growers
0225740 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Willis, M. S. Willis,Mary S UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE It`s All About TEF: Internationalizing Teaching, Extension and Farming Research in Ethiopia
1010059 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kiyabu, D. Willich,Melanie THE KOHALA CENTER HI Beginning Farmer-Rancher Training Program: Hawaii Island
0225495 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williamson, M. M. Williamson,Meghan M Staunton Creative Community Fund, Inc. VA Staunton Creative Community Fund Planning Project
0214258 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williamson, S. J. Williamson, S. J. WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT INSTITUE VT 73rd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
0226311 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams-Wheeler, M. Williams-Wheeler,Meeshay NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Educating Healthy Children: A Gardening Education and Nutrition Curriculum
1006016 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, R. B. Williams,Ryan B TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Enhanced Education and Expanded Research Capabilities though Experimental Economics Laboratories
1003728 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, R. Williams,Robert Texas A&M University-Commerce TX Agricultural Courses for Dual Credit (AC/DC)
1026274 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, R. Williams,Robert Texas A&M University-Commerce TX Developing Urban Agricultural Educators for the 21st Century
1007398 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, L. L. Williams,Leonard Lamont NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Retraining the Immune System: Mitigating allergic responses using hypoallergenic peanut protein-polyphenol aggregates
1000507 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, K. Williams,Kimberlyn CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY CA Ecological Restoration in a Changing World
1013542 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, K. A. Williams,Kimberly A KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Online Modules for High School Teachers that Hybridize Horticulture and Science Curricula while Promoting Horticulture as a Career
0224123 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, J. R. Williams,Jeffery KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Meeting the Need for M.S. and Ph.D. Scholars Trained in the TESA of Agricultural Management and Economics
1006969 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, H. Williams,Harmonee SUST`AINA BLE MOLOKAI HI Molokai Food Hub
1015863 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, H. Williams,Harmonee SUST`AINA BLE MOLOKAI HI Double Bux SNAP Incentive Program
0197718 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, S. K. Williams, S. K. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Production Systems to Improve the Efficiency and Profitability of Small and Economically Disadvantaged Livestock Family Farms