Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1007894 TERMINATED HATCH Garcia, EL, . Garcia, EL. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Protected Agriculture Technologies for Specialty Crop Diversification and Integration Research to Assist Small Acreage Farms
1007893 TERMINATED HATCH Adedeji, AK, AD. Adedeji, AK, AD. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Engineering for food safety and quality
1007888 TERMINATED HATCH Tuinstra, MI, . Tuinstra, MI. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Gene discovery and functional validation in sorghum
1007885 TERMINATED HATCH Park, YE, . Park, YE, . UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Food bioactives for protection against inflammatory diseases
1007884 TERMINATED HATCH Hairston, NE, G. Hairston, NE, G. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Effects of Climate Warming on New York's Shallow Large Lakes: Temperature Stratification and Water Quality
1007879 TERMINATED HATCH Rojas, CL, . Rojas, CL. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Molecular Approaches to Understand Interactions Between Bacterial Pathogens and Their Host Plants
1007878 TERMINATED HATCH Farrell-Poe, KA, L.. Farrell-Poe, KA, L.. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Assessing the Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change
1007873 TERMINATED HATCH Johnson, D. Johnson, DO, T. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Development of Practices for Sustainable, Local Production of Specialty Crops in the South
1007871 TERMINATED HATCH Bluhm, B. Bluhm, B. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR A Pathogenomics Approach to Elucidate Target Leaf Spot of Sorghum
1007867 TERMINATED HATCH Tomaso-Peterson, M. Tomaso-Peterson, M. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Ecological and genetic diversity of soilborne pathogens and indigenous microflora
1007863 TERMINATED HATCH Jablonski, RE, BR. Jablonski, BE. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Renewing an Agriculture of the Middle: Value Chain Design, Policy Approaches, Environmental and Social Impacts
1007862 TERMINATED HATCH Miller, R. Miller, R. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Dairy Production systems: C,N, and P management for production, profitability and the environment.
1007861 TERMINATED HATCH Combs, DA, K. Combs, DA, K. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Dairy Production systems: C,N, and P management for production, profitability and the environment.
1007859 TERMINATED HATCH Buys, DA, . Buys, DA, . MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Changing the Health Trajectory for Older Adults through Effective Diet and Activity Modifications
1007857 TERMINATED HATCH Wattiaux, MI, A. Wattiaux, MI, A. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Dairy Production systems: C,N, and P management for production, profitability and the environment.
1007855 TERMINATED HATCH Bayer, MA, . Bayer, MA, . UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Water Management and Quality for Ornamental Crop Production and Health
1007850 TERMINATED HATCH Ashrafi, HA, . Ashrafi, HA. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Sustaining the supply of high quality blueberry by leveraging applied breeding, genetics and genomics
1007849 TERMINATED HATCH Mclaughlin, R. Mclaughlin, R. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Reducing the Water Quality Impacts of Urbanizing Landscapes
1007848 TERMINATED HATCH Li, LI, WA. Li, LI. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Engineering Solutions for Monitoring and Controlling Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs) in North Carolina
1007847 TERMINATED HATCH Gatlin, DE, . Gatlin, DE. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Fish Nutrition and Feeding
1007843 TERMINATED HATCH Purdum, S. Purdum, S. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Poultry Production Systems and Well-being: Sustainability for Tomorrow
1007842 TERMINATED HATCH Zack, R. Zack, RI. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Biological Diversity Studies of Arthropod Taxa
1007839 TERMINATED HATCH Stewart, RY, DA. Stewart, RY, D.. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Quantifiying the Role of Soil Structure in the Transport of Water, Nutrients, and Pollutants
1007837 TERMINATED HATCH Darby, HE, . Darby, HE, MA. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Disease Management Strategies for Downy Mildew (Pseudoperonospora humuli) of Hops (Humulus Lupulus)
1007835 TERMINATED HATCH Pohlman, F. Pohlman, F. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Antimicrobial effects of lauric arginate, peroxyacetic acid, active bromine and buffered sulfuric acid against pathogenic bacteria populations in beef trimmings destined for ground beef
1007830 TERMINATED HATCH Meyer, W, . Meyer, WI. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Turfgrass Breeding and Evaluation
1007829 TERMINATED HATCH Mustapha, AZ. Mustapha, AZ. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Increasing the safety of foods by rapid molecular detection of foodborne pathogens and the use of novel antimicrobials
1007828 TERMINATED HATCH Mehl, HI, L.. Mehl, HI, L.. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Development and Optimization of Foliar Disease Advisories for Soybean
1007827 TERMINATED HATCH Xue, Q. Xue, Q. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Food, Feed, Fuel, and Fiber: Security Under a Changing Climate