Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0196746 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yang, J. Brown, J. W. UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Potential Application of Anthocyanins from Purple Sweet Potato Cultivars Originated from the Western Pacific Islands
0196744 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Leppla, N. C. Leppla, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL 10th Workshop of the IOBC Global Working Group on Arthropod Mass Rearing and Quality Control
0196742 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Theobald, D. M. theobald, D. M. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Maximizing Protection of Ecological, Agricultural, and Community Values at the Rural-Urban Fringe
0196738 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ducey, M. J. Ducey, M. J. UNIV OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Efficient Methods of Sampling Coarse Woody Material in Forest Ecosystems
0196734 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Leopold, D. J. Leopold, D. J. STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK NY Fertilizer From Pulp and Paper Waste: The Utility and Ecology of Fertilization with Biological Nitrogen-Enriched Waste
0196731 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sirkar, K. K. Dr. Sirkar, K. K. Foundation at New Jersey Institute of Technology NJ Novel Membrane Technology for Volatile Bioproduct Recovery from Fermentation Broths
0196730 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Polley, H. W. Polley, H. W. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE TX Water Balance and Forb: Grass Ratios on Mesic Grassland: Effects of Atmospheric C02 Precipitation Regime, and Soil Type.
0196727 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Heath, R. R. HEATH, ROBERT USDA-ARS-SAA-Subtropical Horticulture Research Station FL Meeting of the Working Group of Fruit Flies of the Western Hemisphere
0196726 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ribaya-Mercado, J. D. Ribaya-Mercado, J. D. JEAN MAYER USDA, HNRCA AT TUFTS UNIV MA Influence of Amounts of Dietary Fat on the Bioavailability of Plant Carotenes
0196721 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Singh, P. P. Singh, P. P. UNIV OF IDAHO ID A Multiscale Approach Towards Prediction of Stress-Cracking in Corn Kernels
0196719 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Trumble, J. T. Trumble, J. T. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Increased Availability of Mercury in Seleenium-Contaminated Agricultural Sites: Impact on Predator-Prey Dynamics
0196714 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Liu, N. Liu, N. A. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL A Real-Time DNA Amplification System for Insect Molecular Biology Research
0196711 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Betran, F. J. Betran, F. J. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX Development of Corn Germplasm to Reduce Aflatoxin Contamination and Genetic Characterization of Aflatoxin Resistance
0196708 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Koppenhofer, A. M. Koppenhofer, A. M. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Optimizing White Grub Control with Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Interspecific Variability in Host Parasite Interactions
0196703 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Pietrantonio, P. V. Pietrantonio, P. V. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX Functional Characterization and Target Validation of Tick (Boophilus Microplus) G Protein-Coupled Receptors
0196699 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Scott, M. P. Scott, Michelle UNIV OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH The Role of Juvenile Hormone in Reproduction by Burying Beetles
0196697 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Koetsier, P. Koetsier, P. BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY ID The Effects of Wildfire on Trophic Structure and Food Web Dynamics in Stream Ecosystems
0196695 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Huber, K. C. Huber, K. C. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Simultaneous Microstructural Calorimetric and Characterization of Food and Biomaterials using Thermal Microscopy
0196692 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Norsworthy, J. K. Norsworthy, J. K. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Role of Light Quality and Soil Temperature in Regulating Weed Seed Dormancy and Germination Beneath a Crop Canopy
0196690 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Datta, A. K. Decker, D. J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Smart Combination of Heating Modes for Improved Quality, Speed, and Safety of Food Processing
0196684 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strand, M. R. Michael Strand, M. R. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Suppression of the Insect Cellular Immune Response by a Polydnavirus-Carrying Parasitoid
0196683 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chorover, J. Chorover, J. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Coupled Cycling of Iron and Carbon Along a Climate Gradient of Forest Soils
0196682 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Reinhart, K. O. Reinhart, K. O. INDIANA UNIVERSITY IN The Role of Belowground Plant-Microbe Interactions in Plant Invasions
0196679 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McGuire, M. McGuire, M. UNIV OF IDAHO ID GC-MS for Multi-Disciplinary Ecological Studies
0196672 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Thompson, D. B. Thompson, D. B. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Novel Starch Ingredients from Molecularly Dispersed High Amylose Maize Starch
0196669 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Velleman, S. G. Velleman, S. G. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Role of Proteoglycans in Skeletal Muscle Growth and Development
0196664 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Rosell, R. C. Rosemarie Rosell UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS TX Whitefly Endosymbionts: Correlating Morphology and Phylogeny
0196663 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Harris, M. O. Harris, M. O. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Function and Fitness Costs of Grass R Genes and Hessian Fly Avr Genes
0196662 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, Y. L. Yi Li UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Biotech Approach to Neutralize the Potential Invasiveness of Rosa Multiflora and Euonymus Alatus