Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1023670 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Srinivas, G. Srinivas,Girish TDA RESEARCH, INC. CO Functionalized Wood Flours for Improved Composite Materials
1019656 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Beegle, J. R. Bova,Anthony GROW BIOPLASTICS, LLC TN Switchable Biodegradation: Development of an Enzyme-Accelerated Biodegradation System for Lignin-Polymer Alloys
1009610 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Watts, T. E. Watts,Thomas Eugene FOUNDATION INSTRUMENTS, INC. TN Evaluating the feasibility of a mobile drinking water laboratory for rural water treatment plants to improve water quality and reduce costs
1028492 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jackwood, D. J. Jackwood,Daral J LARAD INC. OH Differentiating between Marek’s Disease Virus infected and Herpesvirus of Turkeys vectored vaccinated poultry.
1006372 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pilgrim, R. A. Pilgrim,Robert A CONCURRENT SOLUTIONS, LLC TN Leaf-specific post-emergent herbicide application
1025837 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Thakur, A. Thakur,Aayush CONNECT DYNAMICS, INC. AR Feasibility of Relay Trucking Model to Benefit Rural Workforce
1022811 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tarnavchyk, I. Tarnavchyk,Ihor RENUVIX LLC ND Novel Biodegradable Biobased Polymers for Agricultural Applications
1019524 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ledebuhr, M. Ledebuhr,Mark APPLICATION INSIGHT, LLC MI Commercialization assistance for developing a high pressure chemical delivery system for aerial application platforms.
0210952 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McDonald, D. W. McDonald, D. W. PHENOTYPE SCREENING CORPORATION TN Poplar Root System Characterization Studies for Next Generation Root Research
0206580 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Serio, M. A. Serio, M. A. ADVANCED FUEL RESEARCH, INC. CT Methodology for Identification of High Value Biomass Feedstocks
0203119 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Baxley, J. Pace, A. Johnson Research & Development Co., Inc GA Microbiological Water Purifiers for Rural Communities
0230628 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Glass, B. W. Glass,Benjamin W Altaeros Energies, Inc. MA Robust Airborne Wind Turbine
0199527 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Gumbs, R. W. Gumbs, R. W. Gumbs Associates, Inc. NJ Low Cost Solventless Guayule Resin Adhesives
0226170 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Akiona II, W. Akiona II,William K. OMNIGREEN RENEWABLES, LLC HI An Integrated BioGas-Solar Dehydration System: Increasing Sustainability through Value-Added Agriculture
0221889 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zhao, M. Zhao,Mojun Brookings Biomedical SD Multivalent Mucosal Vaccine to Include Swine Influenza
1012516 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Gross, M. Gross,Martin GROSS-WEN TECHNOLOGIES, LLC. IA Production of selenium-enriched microalgae as an animal feed supplement
0217877 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lu, F. Lu, Fan ALGAEN CORPORATION NC Developing Innovative Photobioreactor and Extraction Technology For Production Of Biodiesel Feedstock Using Microalgae
1009471 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jaiprakash, V. C. Jaiprakash,Venkatachalam C. KAIROSYS INC. ID Development of grower applicable Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee incubation protocols to extend interruption duration for improved pollination management that improves seed yield and bee health
1006218 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cox, L. Henry,Catherine BLUE MEADOWS FARM LABS LLC WY Next-Generation Cost-Effective Small and Mid-size Farm GMP Compliance Process for Dietary Supplements
1024527 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Starr, E. Starr,Emily STARRMATICA LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC. IA STEM lesson creation coaching framework to improve the pedagogy of K-5 teachers implementing the NGSS
1002924 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Alumkal, L. Alumkal,Lisa METABAR, INC. CA Novel Nutrition Bar to Improve Metabolic Dysregulation and Reduce Obesity
1017420 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Malone, M. L. Malone,Michael Lee AQUACULTURE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES, LLC LA Development of a Hybrid Fixed Film - Biofloc System for Simplified Inland Production of Shrimp
1015875 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lowenstein, A. Lowenstein,Andrew AIL RESEARCH, INC NJ A Thermal Distillation Process for Expanding Water Resources
1028448 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wyatt, L. Wyatt,Levi YAKIMA CHIEF HOPS, INC. WA Feasibility Study for a BioCO2 and Renewable Natural Gas Anaerobic Digester Upgrading Plant
0206439 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Brooks, Z. L. Brooks, Z. L. RESTORATION TECHNOLOGIES, LLC NM Engineered Wood Composite Erosion Control Material
0202938 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Abdel-Hamid, I. Abdel-Hamid, I. MesoSystems Technology Inc. NM Portable System for Continuous Sampling and Concentration of Airborne Viral Bioterroism Agents
0196478 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Gill, R. Gill, R. LNK CHEMSOLUTIONS NE Nano- and Micro-Encapsulation of Food Additives and Agrochemicals (SBIR Phase I)
0225239 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mahawela, P. J. Mahawela,Prasana J. Engen Nanotechnology Inc. FL Development of an efficient solid state grow-light for Greenhouse/Urban agriculture based on a novel growth process and device architecture
0221763 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Palmer, R. F. Palmer, R. F. HM3 Energy, Inc. OR Forest waste contaminant removal for conversion into clean fuel for coal-fired power plants