Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031059 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yang, S. Yang,Stephen SILVEC BIOLOGICS, INC. MD Use of novel vector to defeat fungal pathogens using siRNAs
1009568 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yang, Z. Yang,Zixu WASHINGTON BIO-OILS INC. WA Bio-phenols production from lignocellulosic biomass
0197014 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yant, D. R. Chatakondi, N. G. HARVEST SELECT FARMS MS Spawning and Hatchery Technology to Improve Hybrid Catfish Production
0217758 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yant, D. R. Yant, D. R. HYBRID CATFISH COMPANY MS Channel Catfish Pituitary for use as a Spawning Aid in Aquaculture
0199750 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yeager, N. G. Yeager, N. G. Artifex Equipment, Inc. CA A New Method for Drying Wet Books Using Super Absorbent Polymers as Desiccant
0213545 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yelvington, P. E. Yelvington, P. E. MAINSTREAM ENGINEERING CORPORATION FL A Biogas - Tolerant Engine - Generator for Advanced Agricultural Waste Management Systems
0222962 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yelvington, P. E. Yelvington,Paul MAINSTREAM ENGINEERING CORPORATION FL A Biogas-Tolerant Engine-Generator for Advanced Agricultural Waste Management Systems
1025750 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yildirim, O. E. Jones,Ben STIXFRESH USA, INC. WA Dose response curves of essential oil compounds in postharvest spoilage prevention of fresh produce
0206495 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yonemura, R. K. Yonemura, R. K. IQF DREAM, LLC HI Improved Method of Processing Papayas for Food Safety and Quality
0215678 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yonemura, R. K. Yonemura,Rodney IQF DREAM, LLC HI Improved Method of Processing Papayas for Food Safety and Quality
1006387 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yoshitani, J. Yoshitani,Jun ALGAXPERTS LLC WI Cultivation of Filamentous Green Algae for High Value Industrial Products
0225292 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT You, K. You,Kyu Suk Geo-Spider, Inc FL Over the Top Citrus Harvesting Equipment for Process Market Fruit in High Density Citrus Groves
1000700 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT YOU, K. You,Kyusuk Geo-Spider, Inc FL Advancing Over the Top Citrus Harvesting Equipment for Juice Markets in High Density Groves
1009613 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT YOU, K. You,Kyusuk Geo-Spider, Inc FL Advancing Over the Top Citrus Harvesting Equipment for Fresh Markets: Vision Systems Development
1023278 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT You, K. You,Kyusuk Geo-Spider, Inc FL Advancing Over the Top Citrus Harvesting Equipment: On-board Fruit Yield and Quality Monitor
1033094 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yu, L. Newman,Susan INTEGRATED LIPID BIOFUELS LLC WA SBIR Phase II: Sequential Hydrothermal Extraction (SeqHTE) for Recovering Bioactive Compounds from Potato Peels and Agricultural By-products
1032143 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yu, X. Yu,Xuejun WATER ILLUMINATION INC CA A chemical-free UV light-driven PFAS destruction technology to treat nontraditional water resources for agricultural irrigation
0206438 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yuan, H. Yuan, H. KONA BAY MARINE RESOURCES, INC. HI Development of a Novel Cold-tolerant, Disease-resistant Shrimp by Intraspecific Hybridization
0211012 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT yuan, H. Yuan, H. KONA BAY MARINE RESOURCES, INC. HI Development of a novel, cold-tolerant, disease-resistant line of Pacific white shrimp
1030451 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zadshir, M. Zadshir,Mehdi PVT CLEAN ENERGY LLC NY Thermal management and energy harvesting in a solar geothermal greenhouse for improved plant production
0221852 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zanghellini, A. Zanghellini,Alexandre Arzeda Corp. WA Production of Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone (MEK) from Renewable Feedstock
0211425 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zaretzki, P. M. Zaretzki,Philip Martin QUINTEK MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS, INC TN Predictive modeling of industrial engineered wood quality parameters and processes using genetic algorithms and neural networks
1006266 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zatechka, D. S. Zatechka,Douglas Steven US BIOLOGIC, INC. TN Determination of best candidates for novel orally delivered therapeutic candidates to combat spread of coccidiosis in poultry
1010135 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zatechka, D. S. Zatechka,Douglas Steven US BIOLOGIC, INC. TN SBIR Phase 2: Determination of best candidates for novel orally delivered therapeutic candidates to combat spread of coccidiosis in poultry
1028489 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zeece, E. Zeece,Eric THYREOS, INC IL The first non-neuroinvasive live-attenuated bovine herpesvirus type 1 vaccine
0210032 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zeltner, W. A. Zeltner, W. A. AQUAMOST, LLC WI A Photoelectrocatalytic Device for Removing Ammonia from Water
1002879 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zhang, B. J. Zhang,Bong June NBD NANOTECHNOLOGIES INC. MA Superhydrophobic coatings for enhanced fog harvesting in arid coastal regions
1006918 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zhang, B. J. Zhang,Bong June NBD NANOTECHNOLOGIES INC. MA Bio-inspired fog nets for sustainable water resources in arid near coastal regions
1022922 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zhang, G. Floyd,John SOLMEM LLC TX A Low Cost Solar Desalination Method For Agriculture Drainage Management
1009503 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zhang, L. Zhang,Lihua INTELLIGENT OPTICAL SYSTEMS, INC. CA Deployable Low-Cost Device for Monitoring Nitrate Levels in Water