Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0207447 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Massingill, J. L. Massingill, J. L. Advanced Materials and Processes TX High Yield, High Efficiency Bio-Refining
0199775 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Serio, M. A. Serio, M. A. ADVANCED FUEL RESEARCH, INC. CT Processing of Poultry Manure for Fuel Gas Production
0204224 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Serio, M. A. Serio, M. A. ADVANCED FUEL RESEARCH, INC. CT Processing of Poultry Manure for Fuel Gas Production
0206580 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Serio, M. A. Serio, M. A. ADVANCED FUEL RESEARCH, INC. CT Methodology for Identification of High Value Biomass Feedstocks
1031745 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Meduri, P. Kannapu,Hari ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS LLC KY Modular Production of Liquid Fuels and Chemicals from Biogas
1012673 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schwartz, B. F. Schwartz,Brian Franklin ADVANCED COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PA Low Cost, Dust Resistant Poultry House Heat Exchanger
1015881 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cao, F. Cao,Fangyu ADVANCED COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PA Brackish Water for Condensation Irrigation
1024274 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hoenig, S. H. Van Velson,Nathan ADVANCED COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PA Brackish Water for Condensation Irrigation
1025901 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Charles, J. Charles,Josh ADVANCED COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PA Thermal Regulation with Salt Hydrates for Biodigester Isothermality
1031866 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xiao, Y. Xiao,Yue ADVANCED COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PA Post-Harvest Produce Sanitation Using Novel Energy-Efficient Nonthermal Plasma Reactor
0199900 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vaidyanathan, R. Ranji Vaidyanathan Advanced Ceramics Research, Inc AZ Soybean Oil Based High Performance Nanocomposites
0199538 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kreitzer, W. Kreitzer, W. Advanced Biotechnology Inc. IL Encapsulated Earthworm Cocoon (eggs) Viability Studies for Sustainable Soil Management
0199503 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Harel, M. Moti Harel ADVANCED BIONUTRITION CORP. MD Protective Probiotic Microbes Against IHNV Infection in Rainbow Trout
0206463 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Harel, M. H. Moti Harel ADVANCED BIONUTRITION CORP. MD Development of Ara Feed Formulation for Improving Growth and Survival of Atlantic Salmon Smolt
0202960 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Custis, D. B. Daniel B. Custis ADVANCED BIOLOGICAL MARKETING, INC. OH Improved Agricultural Sustainability through Microbial Enhanced Disease Resistance and Yield in Corn
0213736 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Custis, D. B. Custis, D. B. ADVANCED BIOLOGICAL MARKETING, INC. OH Improved microbial formulations, strains and systems to increase crop yield and control disease.
0219025 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Custis, D. B. Custis,Daniel ADVANCED BIOLOGICAL MARKETING, INC. OH Improved Agricultural Sustainability through Microbially Enhanced Nitrogen Fertilizer Use Efficiency and Yield
0199699 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rodriguez, R. Rodriguez, R. Advanced Animal Diagnostics, Inc NC The Inflammatory Cell Differential Counter, A New Tool to Combat Mastitis On-Site
0196506 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Thompson, R. Thompson, R. Adenosine Therapeutics, LLC VA A2a Adenosine Receptors and Equine Sepsis
0207654 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Thompson, R. D. Thompson, R. D. Adenosine Therapeutics, LLC VA A2A Adenosine Receptors and Equine Sepsis
0197094 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lovell, J. S. Lovell, J. O. ADA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CO Chemically Active Fruit Label for the Visual Estimation of Fruit Ripeness
0233474 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mulvihill, M. L. Mulvihill,Maureen L Actuated Medical, Inc. PA Active Needle Technology for Cattle to Reduce Insertion Force, Pain and Meat Loss from Injection Scarring while Facilitating Vascular Access
1031915 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Topolski, C. Topolski,Collin ACREAGE FARMS LLC FL Scalable Crop Monitoring System for Traversing Vertical Farms Autonomously
0225190 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Anderson, S. K. Anderson,Scott K Acclima, Inc ID Soil profile water content sensing system based on TDR
0229867 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Anderson, S. K. Anderson,Scott K Acclima, Inc ID Soil profile water content sensing system based on TDR
1015848 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Anderson, S. K. Anderson,Scott Acclima, Inc ID A Novel Thermo-Time Domain Reflectometer for Unprecedented Soil Property Determination
1006221 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Reilly, T. H. Reilly,Thomas Henry ACCESS SENSOR TECHNOLOGIES LLC CO A Low-Cost Pathogen Detection System for Food Safety
1010258 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Reilly, T. H. Reilly,Thomas H ACCESS SENSOR TECHNOLOGIES LLC CO A low-cost pathogen detection system is proposed comprising an incubator-reader unit as well as a low-cost consumable paper-based indicator test strip.
1009790 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Krone, T. Krone,Todd ACCELERATED AG TECHNOLOGIES, LLC IA Development of Rigorous and Reliable Methods to Preserve Maize Pollen
1013664 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Krone, T. Krone,Todd ACCELERATED AG TECHNOLOGIES, LLC IA Scaling and Broad Application of PowerPollen: A Reliable Method to Preserve Maize Pollen