Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0218395 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Song, B. Song, B. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Modeling of long-term dynamics of coastal plain forests following Hurricane Hugo
0220405 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Chow, A. Chow, AL. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Characterizing changes in natural organic matter influenced by climate change, coastal development, and forest management
0223610 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Cushing, T. L. Cushing, T. L. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Southern pine management options considering genetic improvements and emerging markets
0225759 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Schlautman, M. A. Schlautman, M. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Management practices to enhance carbon sequestration in Piedmont forests of the Southeastern United States
0225806 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Conner, W. H. Conner, W. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Long-term trends in forested wetland ecosystems of southern United States
0230867 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Hitchcock, D. R. Hitchcock, D. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Guiding sustainable land use strategies with green infrastructure: an assessment of ecohydrological function in Coastal forested watersheds
1001355 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Jayakaran, A. Jayakaran, A. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Evaluating anthropogenic and climate-change related impacts on streamflow and sediment transport in the South Carolina Lower Coastal Plain
1004058 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Straka, T. Straka, T. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC South Carolina's sustainable forest: analysis of state timber supply and incremental multiple-use allocation and valuation of forest resources
1004860 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Wang, G. Wang, G. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Differences in loblolly and longleaf pine in their growth and responses to disturbances
1005151 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Song, B. Song, B. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Long-term response of coastal forested wetlands of the Southeastern United States to natural and anthropogenic changes
1010441 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Wang, G. Wang, G. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC South Carolinaâ¿¿s Future Forest: Silvicultural, Economic, and Operational Analysis of Forest Management Alternatives Impacting Sustainable Forestry
1010634 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Conner, W. Conner, W. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Long-Term Responses of Coastal Freshwater Forested Wetland Ecosystems to Climate Change
1009202 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Sritharan, SU, . Nedunuri, KR, . Central State University OH Ecosystem Sustainment of the Appalachian Forest Regions under Natural Gas Exploration in Ohio
0186875 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dietterick, B. C. Pillsbury, N. H. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Geomorphic and Habitat Evaluation Following Selection Timber Harvesting on the Little Creek Watershed - The Little Creek Study
0190920 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dietterick, B. C. Cal Poly CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Lower Scotts and Queseria Creeks Channel and Habitat Restoration
0193620 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Pillsbury, N. H. Tonik, S. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Long-Term Growth, Sudden Oak Death Assessment and Economic Viability of Coast Live Oak in Three California Counties
0193621 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dicus, C. A. Tonik, S. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Potential Wildfire Behavior after Harvest in a Coast Redwood Forest
0197877 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Thompson, R. P. Tonik, S. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Development of Product Quality Criteria for California Urban Solidwood Materials
0197878 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Gill, S. J. Tonik, S. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Simulating Tree Crown Profiles Using Principal Component Analysis
0197879 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dicus, C. A. Tonik, S. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Effects of Post-harvest Fuel Loading on Fire Behavior and Soil Erosion in a Coast Redwood Forest
0205115 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dicus, C. A. Tonik, S. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Effects of Differing Slash Treatments on Potential Fire Behavior and Soil Erosion in a Selectively Harvested Coast Redwood Forest
0205116 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dietterick, B. C. Tonik, S. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Pre-harvest Calibration of a Paired and Nested Watershed Study to Evaluate Event-Based Suspended Sediment Export
0205117 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Goldenberg, M. Tonik, S. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Longitudinal Research of Wilderness Participation in Forested Areas Using Means-End Analysis
0205118 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Mark, W. R. Tonik, S. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Potential of Restoration Forestry to Accelerate Attainment of Late Seral Stage Characteristics in Second Growth Redwood Forests
0211921 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Greenwood, J. Tonik, S. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA A Statewide Opinions and Attitudes Survey on Outdoor Recreation in California
0211922 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dietterick, B. C. Dietterick, BR. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Calibration Analysis and Post-treatment Phasing of a Paired and Nested Watershed Study to Evaluate Event-based Suspended Sediment Export
0215936 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Goldenberg, M. Goldenberg, MA. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Examining Use of Forest Land: A Pacific Crest Trail Example
0219799 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Thompson, R. P. Thompson, RI, P. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Identification of Forestland Mgt and Market Conditions for Profitable Investment in Carbon Storing Forestry-offset Projects using the CA Climate Action Registry Protocols
0223344 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Piirto, D. Piirto, DO. CAL POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIV CA Administrative Planning and Direction