Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0206475 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Haubert, K. M. Kathryn Haubert VITAE LLC WI Development of a High-Throughput IVF System for Swine
0210077 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT DelVecchio, V. G. DelVecchio, V. G. VITAL PROBES, INC PA Bacterial Ghosts as a vaccine for the prevention of cold water disease affecting the salmonid aquaculture industry
1012661 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roth, T. Roth,Tom VITAMINSEA LLC ME Technical and market feasibility of kelp meal as a nutritional supplement in low-moisture foods
1016546 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roth, T. Roth,Tom VITAMINSEA LLC ME Technical and market feasibility of kelp meal as a nutritional supplement in low-moisture foods
1031867 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mondal, S. Mondal,Sudip VIVOVERSE, INC. TX C. elegans Based Assay to Identify the Health Benefits and Toxicity of Food Ingredients
0217730 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schaefer, P. R. Schaefer, P. R. VORTANT TECHNOLOGIES, LLC NC Self Contained Sensor and Telemetry for Remote Water Quality Monitoring
0226064 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schaefer, P. Schaefer,Philip VORTANT TECHNOLOGIES, LLC NC Self Contained Sensor and Telemetry for Remote Water Quality Monitoring
1009507 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Meisinger, D. Meisinger,David J VRM LABS SC Natural biodegradable flocculants derived from hemoglobin
1009508 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Meisinger, D. Meisinger,David J VRM LABS SC Novel Natural Antioxidants Extracted from Animal Red Blood Cells
1013192 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Meisinger, D. Meisinger,David J VRM LABS SC Natural biodegradable flocculants derived from hemoglobin
1030295 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wright, C. Wright,Casey VST LLC SD A protein subunit vaccine for control of Asian long-horned ticks in cattle
1032928 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wright, C. Wright,Casey VST LLC SD A protein subunit vaccine for control of Asian long-horned ticks in cattle
1012539 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Agarwal, S. Agarwal,Sandip VURONYX TECHNOLOGIES LLC MA Biobased BPA-Free Epoxy Coatings for Food and Beverage Applications
1016585 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Agarwal, S. Agarwal,Sandip VURONYX TECHNOLOGIES LLC MA Biobased BPA-Free Epoxy Coatings for Food and Beverage Applications
1012531 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ward, D. Ward,Daniel WARD AQUAFARMS LLC MA Optimized shellfish aquaculture production barge
1019751 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ward, D. Ward,Daniel WARD AQUAFARMS LLC MA Increasing Domestic Salmonid Production In An Economically And Environmentally Sustainable System
1009568 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yang, Z. Yang,Zixu WASHINGTON BIO-OILS INC. WA Bio-phenols production from lignocellulosic biomass
1009787 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ricci, S. M. Ricci,Stephen Michael WASTE HUB, LLC CO Value Extraction and Protein Recycle from Liquid Acid Whey Using Catalytic Electrolysis
0221807 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, K. J. Johnson,Kraig Wastewater Compliance Systems, Inc. UT Rural Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Enhancement with Dome Shaped Submerged Bio-film Devices
1032143 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yu, X. Yu,Xuejun WATER ILLUMINATION INC CA A chemical-free UV light-driven PFAS destruction technology to treat nontraditional water resources for agricultural irrigation
1012797 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Munoz, J. Munoz,Jose WATERSHED MATERIALS LLC CA Community-based Mobile Manufacturing of Structural Masonry Using Regional Materials
1020395 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Easton, D. C. Munoz,Jose F WATERSHED MATERIALS LLC CA SBIR Phase II: Community-based Mobile Manufacturing of Structural Masonry Using Regional Materials
1030094 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT May, A. May,Alexa WEAVER LABS LLC OK Investigation of Novel Fluor Mop Adsorbent for Prevention and Remediation of PFAS contamination in Livestock
0217930 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilson, L. B. Wilson,Lynn B. WEBFISH PACIFIC HI Early Childhood Oral Health Initiative for Rural Families
0222819 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilson, L. B. Lynn B. Wilson WEBFISH PACIFIC HI Early Childhood Oral Health Initiative for Rural Families
0203089 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, D. R. Johnson, D. R. Webwriters LLC MI Economic Development of the West Michigan Lakeshore Through Application of 3D Virtual Tourism
0196921 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fujii, J. S. Fujii, J. S. WEST MOUNTAIN VIEW INTERNATIONAL LLC WA Formation of a Structural Core Material from Wood Residuals and Recycled Fiber
0199728 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Taberna, Jr., J. P. John P. Taberna Jr WESTERN AGRI RES CENTER ID Precision Chemigation with Center Pivot Irrigation for Improved Production Efficiency
1025854 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tredennick, A. Tredennick,Andrew WESTERN ECOSYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, INC. WY Next-Generation Algorithms For Smart Curtailment Of Wind Turbines On Small And Mid-Size Farms