Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033306 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Magnuson, A. D. Magnuson,Andrew D UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Enriching Poultry Eggs With Buttermilk-Sourced Sphingomyelin
1033311 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Romano, R. Romano,Rosina Entomological Society of America MD Entomology 2024: Empowering Tomorrow with Insect Science
1033315 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhao, J. Zhao,Jikai KANSAS STATE UNIV KS TRIPARTITE: Sustainable Production of 3-Hydroxypropionic Acid and Biopolymers from Biomass
1033326 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, Y. Zhang,Yuanhui UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Acquisition of a continuous catalytic hydrotreating reactor for transportation fuels
1033331 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Machado, G. Machado,Gustavo NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC DSFAS: Novel Multilevel Model of Swine Disease Spread to Assess the Effectiveness and Feasibility of African Swine Fever Control and Eradication Strategies
1033332 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Pallickara, S. Pallickara,Sangmi COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO DSFAS: Enabling Effective Decision-Making In Dryland Farming For Arid And Semi-Arid Regions Using Field-scale Soil Moisture Content (SMC) Maps
1033340 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kne, L. Kne,Len UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN DSFAS: Development of Latent Scale Machine Learning Models to Improve the Accuracy of Crop Evaluation Using Subjective Spatio-Temporal Data
1033343 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ferrarezi, R. Ferrarezi,Rhuanito UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA CPS: Medium: Controlled Wastewater-Hydroponic Systems for Enhanced Nutrient and Water Efficiency Using Real-Time Sensing and Data-Driven Technologies
1033346 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kansman, J. Kansman,Jessica MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT The smell of fear: Utilizing natural enemy odor cues to reduce aphid populations and improve pest management