Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030436 NEW OTHER GRANTS Abdelrahim, G. Abdelrahim,Gamal Eden ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Experiential Learning in Animal Bio-Health Sciences: Processing, Formulating and Feeding Sustainable Animal Feed
1028565 NEW OTHER GRANTS Omontese, B. Abdelrahim,Gamal ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Building Capacity in Large Animal Teaching and Research at Alabama A&M University: Performance of Beef Cattle Exposed to Stress
1033148 NEW OTHER GRANTS Abdelhamed, H. A. Abdelhamed,Hossam Abdelnabey MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Development of new strategy for preventing and controlling enteric septicemia of catfish
1032839 NEW OTHER GRANTS Abbaspour, N. Abbaspour,Nazanin FAMILY HEALTH CENTERS OF SAN DIEGO INC CA A Community-Centered Approach to Produce Delivery Program and Food as Medicine (PDP-FaM)
1029176 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dellorto-Blackwell, C. Aaberg,Nathan LAND CONNECTION FOUNDATION, THE IL Land Access Solutions for Illinois` Next-Generation Farmers
0188614 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tipping, P. W. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE FL Biological Control of Salvinia molesta and S. minima in the Southeastern United States