Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028737 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Richard, N. L. Richard,Nicole L UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Building Capacity: Customized Food Safety Education and Outreach in Rhode Island.
0196547 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS O'kelley, K. O'Kelly, K. LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Building Community One Garden at a Time""
1029255 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lane, J. Lane,Jessica KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Building community resilience to prevent suicide in vulnerable rural communities in Kansas through evidence-based mental health education
1026063 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Davis, K. J. Davis,Kimberly J FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Building Community Resilience To Strengthen To Climate Change And Natural Disasters
1028628 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jefferson-Moore, K. Jefferson-Moore,Kenrett NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Building Equitable and Inclusive Agriculture and Food Systems through an HBCU Agriculture Business Innovation Center
1028920 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Haynes, H. Haynes,Hal ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Building Equity at Ilisagvik College by Supporting Science and Cultural Pre-College and Postsecondary Education
1007845 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kock, T. Kock,Timothy NORTHERN MARIANAS COLLEGE MP Building Faculty Capacity to Meet the Northern Mariana Island's Instructional & Community Needs in Ag & Family & Consumer Sciences
1024159 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nelson, L. Nelson,Lori FORT BERTHOLD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Building Food Security through Challenging Times: Re-establishing Food Sovereignty and self-efficacy through local food production, home gardens, and social media communities
0229761 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Azure, L. Azure,Lane CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Building Framework for Food Literacy Research in a Tribal Community
1027323 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Holtzman, B. S. Holtzman,Beth S. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Building Labor Management Know-How Among Beginning Farmers
1031229 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jackson-Smith, D. Jackson-Smith,Douglas OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Building Partnerships for Farmer-Led Organic Research in Ohio
1020353 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Shafer, S. Shafer,Stuart JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE KS Building Pathways for Sustainable Agriculture Secondary and Post-Secondary Education in Kansas
1018219 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Milla, K. A. Milla,Katherine A. FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Building Research, Extension and Outreach/Education Capacity in Hydrologic Exchanges Between Human and Natural Systems
1026042 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Valliyodan, B. Valliyodan,Babu LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Building Research, Extension and Outreach/Education capacity to Establish Industrial Hemp Production in the Midwest
1029067 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nachappa, P. Nachappa,Punya COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Building resilient pest management strategies for organic hemp systems
0219054 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Roy, P. Roy,Pamela FARM TO TABLE, INC. NM Building Support and Success from Farm to Market
1006251 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Poland, W. Poland,Woodrow (Chip) DICKINSON STATE UNIVERSITY ND Building The Educational Capacity Necessary To Support Small Scale, Sustainable, Specialty Crop Alternatives In The Northern Great Plains
1024368 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rearden, K. Chartier-Hanson,Haley UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Building Tribal Resilience in Southwest Alaska
1028774 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McFarlane, Z. McFarlane,Zach CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Cal Poly Bull Test Research and Education Center: Improving education and outreach through research of novel traits in yearling bulls
1028592 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Boaitey, A. Creutzinger,Kate UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Calf Management Practices and the Social Sustainability of the Dairy industry: A Multi-stakeholder Assessment
1029449 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Marshall, S. E. Marshall,Susan Edinger HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA California Rangeland EDucation (CRED): Multi-Institutional Collaboration for Mission Critical Occupations
1026040 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Johnson, M. Johnson,Matthew D. HUMBOLDT STATE UNIV CA Camino al Rancho: Welcoming underrepresented students to agroecological science through innovative educational programming and wildlife conservation internships on California grazed rangelands
1024613 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Manker, D. C. Manker,Denise C. Citrus Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) FL CAP Collaborative approach between academics, growers and agrochemical industry to discover, develop and commercialize therapies for citrus huanglongbing (HLB)
1024604 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Roper, C. Roper,Caroline UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA CAP: Combining cultural and genetic approaches for grove success to unravel and enhance resistance/tolerance to Huanglongbing
1024564 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Shatters, R. G. Heck,Michelle Lynn USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS CAP: Therapeutic Molecule Evaluation and Field Delivery Pipeline for Solutions to HLB
0196598 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Campbell, M. Campbell, M. FORT PECK COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Capacity Building
1022431 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kopsell, D. Kopsell,David ILLINOIS STATE UNIV IL Capacity building for student research and education
1022531 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sikalidis, A. Sikalidis,Angelos CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Capacity Strengthening Undertaking - Farm Organized Response of Workers Against Risk for Diabetes: (C.S.U. - F.O.R W.A.R.D. with CalPoly)
0221242 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS LIu, W. Holladay,Johnathan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory WA Catalytic Conversion of Biomass to Fuels and Chemicals Using Ionic Liquids
1029753 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nazari, R. R. Nazari,Rouzbeh Ross UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM AL Catalyzing Local Food Value Chain Development through a Cross-functional Alliance and Economic Investment in Birmingham, Alabama