Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029826 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT GRATTON, C. GRATTON,CLAUDIO UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI WiBee 2.0: An innovative app-based citizen science decision support system for crop pollination
1029850 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT WEIGEL, K. A. WEIGEL,KENT A UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The Resilient Cow: Next-Generation Selection using High-Frequency Phenotypes to Achieve Predictable Performance in Unpredictable Conditions
1029870 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Atucha, A. Atucha,Amaya UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI ColdSnap: An online bud cold hardiness prediction tool to assist grapevine management decisions
1029922 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wei, H. Wei,Haoran UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Real-time monitoring of pesticides in agricultural runoff using hot spot normalized surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
1029986 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Laporta Sanchis, J. Laporta Sanchis,Jimena UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Targeting environmental and nutritional factors in early life to achieve optimal mammary growth and future productivity
1030082 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT KHATIB, H. KHATIB,HASAN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The effects of paternal nutrition on early embryonic development and reproductive performance of the offspring
1030144 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Schlappi, M. Schlappi,Michael MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY WI Mechanisms of Cold Stress Tolerance Responses in Rice
1030179 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Talaat, A. M. Talaat,Adel M. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI PARTNERSHIP: Nanoparticle Vaccines Against Emerging Poultry Infections
1030200 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dawson, J. C. Dawson,Julie C UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Breeding for improved kernel quality characteristics in American hazelnut
1030269 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT ROSA, G. J. ROSA,GUILHERME J M UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Integrating Enviromics, Genomics, and Machine Learning for Precision Breeding of Resilient Beef Cattle
1030356 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Koch, P. L. Koch,Paul Lawrence UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Unraveling The Microbial Mechanisms That Mediate Disease Resurgence In Plants Following Fungicide Application
1030367 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dorea, J. R. Dorea,Joao Ricardo Rebouca UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Development and implementation of an economically viable computer vision system to monitor and control metabolic disorders in dairy cows
1030446 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ruark, M. D. Ruark,Matthew D UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Carbon farming: Does enhancing soil carbon boost soybean yield?
1030478 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hite, J. Hite,Jessica UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Harnessing Iron Metabolism to Limit Salmonella in Pre- and Post-harvest Poultry
1030525 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Huang, J. Huang,Jingyi UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI DSFAS PARTNERSHIP: ML-HRSM: Machine Learning High-Resolution Soil Moisture Product Development in Support of USDA NASS Crop Monitoring
1030601 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT CURTIS, K. J. CURTIS,KATHERINE J UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Economic connectedness and rural economic growth: the interaction between metro cores and rural hinterlands through the supply chain
1030642 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT PALMER, C. M. PALMER,CLAIRE M UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Leveraging the root microbiome for sustainable cereal crop production
1030758 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sommer, A. J. Sommer,Andrew Joseph UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The role of muscid flies in bovine pathogen dissemination
1030887 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hayden, D. Hayden,Daniel UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Plant-Microbial Feedbacks in Indigenous corn systems
1030888 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Deblois, C. L. Deblois,Courtney Lynn UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Testing competitive exclusion on a dairy farm: Salmonella Cerro as a protective agent against salmonellosis
1030988 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT CHOI, C. CHOI,CHRISTOPHER UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Improving air quality and mitigating heat stress using precision air jet ventilation systems for dairy cattle
1031079 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chin, N. Chin,Natalie UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Enhancing Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion at the 2023 National Extension Tourism Conference
1031730 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT SILVA, E. SILVA,ERIN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Returning to Our Roots: Rebuilding Native Farming Traditions and Food Sovereignty for Great Lakes Indigenous People
1031897 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT BABKIN, A. BABKIN,ANTON UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Dynamics in Agricultural Production: the relationship between farms and agricultural support services
1032010 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Plakias, Z. Plakias,Zoe AGRICULTURAL & APPLIED ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION WI Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Early Career Professionals Workshop: Supporting Scholars to Thrive in Applied Economics
1032045 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT KHATIB, H. KHATIB,HASAN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The Impact of the Combined Maternal and Paternal Nutrition on Offspring Phenotypes in Sheep
1032072 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT WHITE, H. WHITE,HEATHER UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Comprehensive Tissue Collection From High and Low Feed Efficient Cows: elucidating tissue metabolism and fetal programming of cow and fetus
1032114 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT RICKE, S. RICKE,STEVEN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Bioengineering Novel Bacteriophages to Target Salmonella in Poultry Production
1032132 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT SCHOVILLE, S. SCHOVILLE,SEAN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Spatiotemporal modeling for precision pest management of insecticide resistance