Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031951 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wang, Y. Wang,Yong ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Enhancing Graduate Biostatistical Program at Alabama A&M University
1031978 NEW OTHER GRANTS Garner, K. F. Garner,Karnita Faye ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Minimizing Climatic Impacts through the Environmental Education and Climate Outreach Initiative
1032028 NEW OTHER GRANTS Walker, L. T. Walker,Lloyd T ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL A Strategic Project to Support 1890 Scholars in Agricultural and Related Sciences at Alabama A&M University
1032812 NEW OTHER GRANTS Walker, L. T. Walker,Lloyd T ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL A Strategic Project to Support 1890 Scholars in Agricultural and Related Sciences at Alabama A&M University
1030681 NEW OTHER GRANTS Porter, B. Porter,Brooke AGROECOLOGY COMMONS CA Growing Cooperative Networks for Community Food Sovereignty, Nutrition, and Agroecological Land Stewardship
1028714 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harkleroad, N. Harkleroad,Nathan AGRICULTURE & LAND-BASED TRAINING ASSOCIATION (ALBA) CA Latino Immigrant-owned Farms Training in Food Safety (LIFT)
1031328 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harkleroad, N. Harkleroad,Nathan AGRICULTURE & LAND-BASED TRAINING ASSOCIATION (ALBA) CA Intensive on-farm training and access to resources to enable Latino farmworkers to transition to organic farm ownership
0188614 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tipping, P. W. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE FL Biological Control of Salvinia molesta and S. minima in the Southeastern United States
0216041 NEW OTHER GRANTS Finkenstadt, V. F. Finkenstadt,Victoria AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Agricultural polymers for corrosion inhibition
0219706 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gray, S. M. Gray,Stewart M Agricultural Research Service PA Development of comprehensive strategies to manage Potato Virus Y in potato and eradicate the tuber necrotic variants.
1026624 NEW OTHER GRANTS Simon, P. Simon,Philipp AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture: Leveraging On-Farm and Below Ground Networks
1027493 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ranger, C. M. Ranger,Christopher M. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops
1027536 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wu, V. C. Wu,Vivian C.H. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Prevention of Pathogen Contamination in Agriculture Water in the Lettuce Production Continuum
1029058 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mirsky, S. B. Mirsky,Steven Agricultural Research Service PA Building resilient organic weed management systems with precision smart sprayer technologies
1029239 NEW OTHER GRANTS Simon, P. Simon,Philipp AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Applying advanced phenotypic and genomic tools to improve flavor, nutrition, and production traits in carrot
1031217 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gordon, T. Gordon,Tyler Agricultural Research Service PA Evaluation and Breeding of Diverse Hemp Germplasm for Disease Resistance
1031470 NEW OTHER GRANTS Graham, K. K. Graham,Kelsey Katherine AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Novel approaches for pest management and pollinator protection during the production of alfalfa grown for seed
1031536 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lu, R. Lu,Renfu AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL AIMS for Apple Harvest and in-field Sorting
1032781 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cichy, K. Cichy,Karen AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Improving seed durability, processing quality and consumer acceptance of organic dry beans through breeding for sustainable value-added products
1032953 NEW OTHER GRANTS Leskey, T. C. Leskey,Tracy C Agricultural Research Service PA The title of this SREP is "Cultivating Tomorrow’s Orchard: Evolving and Enhancing IPM in Eastern Tree Fruit Systems" and is based on developing enhanced IPM practices for Eastern tree fruit growers.
1032786 NEW OTHER GRANTS Otienoh, L. Otienoh,Lydiah AFRITHRIVE INC MD Pathways to Stability: The African Food Access (ACFA) Project
1031605 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rose, D. Rose,Donald ADMINISTRATORS OF THE TULANE EDUCATIONAL FUND, THE LA Collaborating to Increase Diversity in Nutrition and Dietetics
1029909 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cremer, J. T. Cremer,Jay Theodore ADELPHI TECHNOLOGY INC CA Automated Air Monitoring, Disinfection and Purification System for Small and Mid-Size Poultry Processing Facilities
1026604 NEW OTHER GRANTS Buser, Z. Buser,Zena ADAMS STATE UNIVERSITY CO HSI Education Program: Experiential Education in Agriculture and Food Studies at Adams State University
1030735 NEW OTHER GRANTS Buser, Z. Buser,Zena ADAMS STATE UNIVERSITY CO Sowing Seeds for Success: Developing Diversity and Leadership for Careers in Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources
0197604 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ladanye, J. Ladanye, J. Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Implementing and Assessing the Environmental Technology Curriculum at Fort Belknap College
0201117 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ladanye, J. Ladanye, J. Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Improving Student Persistence in Natural Resources
1028696 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nelson, S. Nelson,Sarah 18 REASONS CA Nourishing Pregnancy Project
1029611 NEW OTHER GRANTS Burns, J. Burns,Jeremy 'AINA HO'OKUPU O KILAUEA HI Kauai Local Food Systems Supporting Vulnerable Populations