Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1032668 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Khakhar, A. Khakhar,Arjun COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Agricultural Biosecurity: Using Ribozymes to Design Safe and Effective Viral Herbicides
1032669 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tesfaye, D. Tesfaye,Dawit COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Modulation of embryonic oxidative stress response to mitigate oxidative damage during the preimplantation period and beyond
1032670 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Snider, J. Snider,John UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA PARTNERSHIP: Accelerating the development of targeted heat tolerance selection in upland cotton
1032672 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hardiman, B. Hardiman,Brady PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Improving Forest Management Through Automated Measurement of Tree Geometry
1032673 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bragg, M. Bragg,Morgan AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Unraveling cotton seedling diseases and microbial interactions in the cotton belt
1032674 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mattson, N. Mattson,Neil CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Empowering Greenhouse Resiliency with an Optimized Workforce (E-GROW)
1032675 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Song, J. Song,Jiuzhou UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Single-Cell Chromatin Status and Fates of Cell Lineages in Chicken Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation
1032676 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Traylor, Z. Traylor,Zachary UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO A Survey Of Metabolites Associated With Flavor In New-Make Whiskey Using Landraces Of Maize
1032677 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Nguyen, H. T. Nguyen,Henry T. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Molecular Mechanism of A Novel Transcriptional Regulator For Broad Based Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode
1032679 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wright, D. Wright,David TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Urban Bio-tec Environmental Agriculture Model (UBEAM)
1032682 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Masoud, S. Masoud,Sara WAYNE STATE UNIV MI Nonformal Training of Michigan Youth on Intersection of Agriculture and Data Science
1032685 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Brown, A. Brown,Andrea UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Winter-induced grapevine recovery from Xylella fastidiosa infection: investigating the mechanism behind a natural disease-curing process
1032686 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hudson, A. Hudson,Asher NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC The genetic basis and evolution of defense traits in maize
1032687 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Foster, D. D. Foster,Daniel Douglas PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Educators Empowering Educators for Global Agricultural Literacy
1032688 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Min, B. R. Min,Byungrok Rok University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Development of Egg Yolk Fractions with Enhanced Nutritional and Functional Properties as Novel Food Ingredients
1032689 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Luxton, I. M. Luxton,India Mary SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY NY Enhancing Interagency Collaborations and Food System Resiliency (code A7201)
1032693 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alward, K. Alward,Kayla VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Investigating Melatonin Supplementation in vivo and in vitro to Improve Oocyte Quality and Embryo Development in Cattle
1032694 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Culver, J. Culver,James UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Mobile mRNAs: Components of Graft Induced Virus Resistance
1032696 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Torrion, J. Torrion,Jessica MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT PARTNERSHIP: Improving and Managing Adaptation of Barley to Abiotic Stress with Stay-Green Trait
1032697 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Namuth-Covert, D. Namuth-Covert,Deana COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO A Youth-Driven Approach to Micro-credentialing: Sustainable Agriculture meets IoT, Hands-on Learning, and Data Science
1032699 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Crutchfield, W. A. Crutchfield,William A. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA National Urban Agriculture Conference USDA Training -Producer Education Bridging the Gap - The Future of USDA in Urban Agriculture
1032702 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lichtenberg, E. Lichtenberg,Erik UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Setting Priorities for Managing Pollinator Habitat
1032703 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Al Shoffe, Y. Al Shoffe,Yosef CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Pre and Postharvest Physiology and Etiology of Physiological Disorders in ‘Honeycrisp’ Apples
1032705 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Barnwell, J. Barnwell,Julie MT STATE UNIVERSITY GREAT FALLS COLLEGE O MT Design Vet Tech program to meet Montana workforce demands consisting of 3 stackable credentials that culminate to an Associates of Applied Sciences for grads to become Licensed Vet Techs (LVT).
1032711 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yoon, S. Yoon,Su'ad UNIV OF HAWAII HI Utilizing phytochemical diversity and microbes for effective nematode control
1032717 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Horan, R. Horan,Richard MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Managing Jointly Determined Agri-Environmental And Production Risks: An Application To Agricultural Nonpoint Pollution With Climate Change
1032719 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jardeleza, M. Jardeleza,Marcel COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Assessing Herbivory And Predation On Herbivorous Arthropods On Crops After The Loss Of Birds
1032721 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ruggiero, D. Ruggiero,Diana OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Quantitative And Developmental Genetics Of Small Veins In Zea mays
1032722 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vieira, C. Vieira,Canella Caio UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR PARTNERSHIP: Broadening Soybean Resistance To Southern Root-Knot Nematode
1032723 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Esquivel, C. Esquivel,Christina MCLENNAN COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT TX Sustainable Agriculture for the Future: Developing Agri-Environmental Technicians