Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0199740 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Riskey, F. J. Frank Riskey TENXSYS, INC. ID Energy-Scavenging Animal Telemetry Device
0199734 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Buresh, R. R. Soumyanath, A. Oregon's Wild Harvest OR Reducing Microbial Load in Organically Farmed Medicinal Herbs
0199733 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rardin, T. R. Rardin, T. R. Green-Ag, LLC WY A Recycling System to Convert Urban/Suburban Waste to Livestock Feed
0199732 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wyban, J. A. Wyban, J. A. HIGH HEALTH AQUACULTURE, INC. HI Selective Breeding Marine Shrimp for Low Salinity Culture
0199731 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nemser, S. M. Lester, N. COMPACT MEMBRANE SYSTEMS, INC. DE Enhanced Control of Fruit Ripening
0199730 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Drennan, D. G. Drennan, D. G. AQUACULTURE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES, LLC LA Passive Self-Regulating Denitrification Technology for Aquaculture
0199728 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Taberna, Jr., J. P. John P. Taberna Jr WESTERN AGRI RES CENTER ID Precision Chemigation with Center Pivot Irrigation for Improved Production Efficiency
0199712 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Shortt, B. J. Barry J. Shortt DIVERGENCE, INC. MO A New Safer Class of Agricultural Nematicides Targeting a Specific Gene
0199711 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, W. L. White, M. A. Apple Acres Farm, Inc. ME Diversification Toward Cooperative Processing of Innovative Value-Added Apple Product
0199710 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Batt, C. A. BATT, C. A. Illuminaria NY Development of the NanoDETECT Hand-Held PCR-Based Biosensor
0199709 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nelson, B. S. Nelson, B. S. BouMatic WI Testing the Efficacy of a Novel Lameness Detection System in Commercial Dairy Herds
0199700 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sand, T. T. Sand, T. T. DISAN, Inc. CA Feasibility Assessment of a Pressure Sensor-Based Detection of a-Amylase Activity
0199699 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rodriguez, R. Rodriguez, R. Advanced Animal Diagnostics, Inc NC The Inflammatory Cell Differential Counter, A New Tool to Combat Mastitis On-Site
0199684 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fidric, B. G. Steve Sanders Picarro, Inc. CA Ultrasensitive Ethylene Sensors for Horticultural Product Protection
0199683 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Van Eaton, V. E. Heath Van Eaton Heartland BioComposites, LLC WY Market Development for Wood Substitute Composites Made from Agriculture Biomasses and Recycled Plastics
0199681 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Edwards, J. Philipp Kirsch IPM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OR Semiochemical-Based Management Tactics for Varroa Mite
0199680 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kirsch, P. Philipp Kirsch IPM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OR AVID- An Automated Vector Identification Detector for Rural Communities
0199679 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schultheis, A. J. Schultheis, A. J. Diamond-S Farms, Inc. WA Development of a Device to Cost Effectively Produce Bluegrass Seed Without Field Burning or Tillage
0199678 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bradley, C. A. Bradley, C. A. MONTANA MICROBIAL PRODUCTS MT Bacillus Mycoides: Systemic Induced Resistance to Control Cucurbit Pathogens
0199676 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Godinez, V. Richard Finlayson Physical Acoustics Corporation NJ Acoustic Emission for Characterization of Leather
0199675 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Czokajlo, D. Philipp Kirsch IPM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OR Remote Insect Sensing Technology for Wireless Automated Pest Monitoring Networks
0199674 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McLaughlin, J. R. John McLaughlin IPM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OR Early Warning Systems to Detect, and Suppress, Eastern Tent Caterpillar on Horse Farms
0199655 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lawton, T. Trebor Lawton New England Rare Reagents ME Novel Reagent Development for Chronic Wasting Disease
0199654 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Brandt, A. E. Alan E. Brandt Insect Biotechnology, Inc. NC Novel Pesticide Delivery System for Insects: Next Generation Protein Insecticide
0199653 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Templeton, F. E. Templeton, F. E. INDUSTRIAL NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES ID An Ultra-Sensitive Detector for On-Line Measurement of Volatile Molecules Produced by Diseased Potato Tubers
0199652 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Gingrich, J. N. Gingrich, J. N. Portsmouth Scuba NH Refining Juvenile Grow Out Techniques for a Sea Urchin Hatchery System
0199651 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Gocal, G. Gocal, G. Cibus Genetics LLC CA Eliminating Preharvest Dehiscence in Canola Using Genoplasty Technology
0199638 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Meikle, T. Meikle, T. BITTERROOT RESTORATION, INC. MT Range Tech DSS: Decision Support System for Rangeland Health Monitoring
0199637 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Petrick, W. R. Petrick, W. R. Industrial Imaging Co., Inc. UT A New Passive Technique to Monitor, and Discover, Agricultural Groundwater Resources
0199636 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ricks, C. A. Ricks, C. A. EMBREX, INC. NC Enhancement of Early Development in Turkeys by in Ovo Feeding