Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027837 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McGill, J. L. McGill,Jodi L IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Nanoparticle formulations to activate innate immunity and enhance resistance to bovine respiratory disease
1027836 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hamilton, C. Hamilton,Chris UNIV OF IDAHO ID Investigating the shifting distribution and outbreak potential of a Pacific Northwest coniferous forest pest - the Pandora Pine Moth
1027835 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, S. Chen,Shiyi UNIV OF IDAHO ID A Metacognition-Driven Professional Development Program for Educators of Farm to Early Care and Education in South Central Idaho
1027834 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Helms, A. Helms,Anjel TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Chemical cues from beneficial nematodes enhance plant resistance and strengthen biological control
1027833 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Krishnan, N. Krishnan,Niranjana UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Elucidation of arrested pupal ecdysis: a novel, newly discovered insecticidal mode of action to manage a diversity of insect pests
1027832 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dunlap, A. S. Dunlap,Aimee S. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI SYSTEM MO Maximizing Pollination Services In Urban Orchards
1027831 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shuai, D. Shuai,Danmeng GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY DC PARTNERSHIP: Development of Single- and Double-Atom Catalysts for Treating Agricultural Wastewater
1027830 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Acuff, J. Acuff,Jennifer UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Persistent Populations: Methods development to investigate harborage of pathogens in low-moisture food environments
1027829 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Minor, R. C. Minor,Radiah C. NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Using Cooling & Moringa oleifera to mitigate oxidative stress and inflammation in Heat stressed sows & improve milk production and performance
1027828 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shariat, N. Shariat,Nikki UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Salmonella population dynamics in surface water
1027827 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Choi, S. Choi,Sangyong UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Host-microbiota Factors Regulating Zinc Bioavailability Attenuated by Phytate
1027826 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tartar, A. Tartar,Aurelien NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY, INC. FL A proteomics approach to identify novel biopesticides in oomycete secretomes.
1027821 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Su, L. Su,Leona Yi-Fan UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Using Data-driven Approaches to Develop Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Farms
1027820 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Finkelstein, J. Finkelstein,Julia CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY PARTNERSHIP: Impact of Multiple Micronutrient-Fortified Salt on Gut Microbiome in Women of Reproductive Age
1027818 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, H. Chen,Huan CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Growing Microalgae In Livestock Wastewater - Benefits In Nutrient Recycle, Antibiotic Removal, And Potential Biofuel Production
1027816 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Apell, J. N. Silverman,Andrea New York University NY The Degradation of Pesticides: Moving Towards Mechanistic Understanding of Photodegradation for Predictive Modeling
1027815 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alocilja, E. Alocilja,Evangelyn MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI PARTNERSHIP: Development of a Nanoparticle-enabled Enrichment and DNA-Biosensing for Onsite Monitoring of Multiple Foodborne Pathogens in Large Samples
1027812 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Huang, J. Huang,Jingyi UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Combining affordable multi-functional multi-depth soil sensors and process models for real-time nitrate leaching monitoring and management
1027811 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, H. Wang,Haoying NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY NM Addressing agricultural drought in the New Mexico High Plains through soil & groundwater management and climate adaptation
1027810 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Diez-Gonzalez, F. Diez-Gonzalez,Francisco UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Antimicrobial Blue Light for Foodborne Pathogen Control
1027809 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Nitin, N. Nitin,Nitin UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Synergistic combination of polyphenolics with probiotics for enhanced delivery, persistence and functionality in the gut
1027808 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Nitin, N. Nitin,Nitin UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Light-activated self-sanitizing surface coatings to prevent cross-contamination from zone I and zone II surfaces
1027807 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Welborn, R. C. Welborn,Rachel C. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Bridging The Digital Divide In Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Communities In The South
1027802 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Xiao, F. Xiao,Fangming UNIV OF IDAHO ID Characterization of the cyst nematode effector and host susceptibility genes to develop nematode resistance in potato
1027794 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wilcox, B. Wilcox,Bradford TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Thicketization of Oak Savannas: Can Restoration Lead to Greater Regional Groundwater Recharge?
1027792 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wilson, B. Wilson,Blake LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Population Genetics and Adaptive Change in Gradual and Rapid Range Expansion of an Invasive Insect Herbivore
1027790 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ham, J. Ham,Jong Hyun LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Deciphering the role of the quorum-sensing master regulator, qsmR, in social behaviors of Burkholderia glumae for bacterial pathogenesis in rice plants
1027788 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Silver, K. S. Silver,Kristopher S KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Exosomes As Intercellular Delivery Vehicles In Insects
1027787 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shuai, D. Shuai,Danmeng GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY DC Persistence and Inactivation of Vesicle-Cloaked Enteric Virus Clusters in Agricultural Reuse Water
1027786 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Libault, M. Libault,Marc UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Single Cell Characterization of the Transcriptional Programs Controlling Plant Root Organ Initiation