Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0232440 NEW OTHER GRANTS Field, K. G. Field,Katharine G OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR OSU Multicultural Scholars Program in BioResource Research
0232399 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wooster, D. E. Wooster,David E OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Promoting Diverse Ecosystem Services in Irrigated Agriculture in an Uncertain Future: A Novel, Experiential Graduate Training Program
0231296 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bailey, W. Bailey,Wayne UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI EXTENSION MO Pesticide Safety Education Program
0231029 NEW OTHER GRANTS FERGUSON, J. D. FERGUSON,JAMES D NEW BOLTON CENTER PA Awakening Students to Challenging Careers in Global Food Security
0229994 NEW OTHER GRANTS Magder, R. Magder,Rick Groundwork Hudson Valley NY Get Fresh Yonkers: Bringing Sustainable Food and Micro-Enterprise Opportunities to Yonkers
0229554 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brockington, D. C. Brockington,Deneene C. Resources for Human Development PA Strawberry Mansion Community Food Planning Project to Address The Food Insecurity Needs of Low-Income Households
0229541 NEW OTHER GRANTS Walters, B. Walters,Bonnie UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI NACTA/DOCE Project Directors Conference
0229298 NEW OTHER GRANTS Parker, K. Parker,Karen GROWING POWER, INC. WI Urban Farms for America with a Focus on Socially Disadvantaged Farmers in the Urban Agriculture Sector
0229065 NEW OTHER GRANTS Millard, J. R. Millard,James R. Craven Community College NC Sustainable Agriculture Certificate/Degree Program
0227278 NEW OTHER GRANTS Craig, C. Craig,Charmaine Knox Parks Foundation, Inc. CT Gardens to Groves: Tipping the Scale on Food Security in Hartford
0227113 NEW OTHER GRANTS OLMEDA, R. Olmeda,Rafael UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO EXTENSION PR Pesticide Safety Education Program
0226012 NEW OTHER GRANTS Doohan, D. Doohan,Douglas OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Reducing injury to fruit and vegetable crops caused by drift or volatility of herbicides applied to row crops
0225964 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nuri, K. Nuri,K. Rashid Truly Living Well GA Urban Oasis Beginning Farmer Training Program
0225898 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bullard, J. S. Bullard,Jill Staton Inter-Faith Food Shuttle C/O Katherine Andrew NC "Supporting New Farmers on the Piedmont: Workshops, Apprenticeships, Training, Network"
0225869 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kastan, C. A. Gehrt,Karen UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Master FCS Volunteer Proposal
0225617 NEW OTHER GRANTS Henry, M. Henry,Mary Milwaukee Teacher Education Center (MTEC) WI The Milwaukee Aquaponics Expertise Development Initiative (MAEDI)
0225611 NEW OTHER GRANTS Birkenholz, R. J. Birkenholz,Robert James OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Improving Food Safety and Security Instruction in Secondary Agricultural Education
0225535 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stulz, D. L. Stulz,Diane L. Worcester Technical High School MD Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom (SPECA) Challenge Grant Program
0225512 NEW OTHER GRANTS Robinson, D. Robinson,Doria Urban Tilth CA Raising Richmond: Growing Our Own
0224103 NEW OTHER GRANTS Keen, C. L. Keen,Carl L UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Nutrition and Childhood Obesity Training Program
0223561 NEW OTHER GRANTS Andaluz, K. Andaluz,Kevin Nuestras Raices MA Tierra de Oportunidades Project - Immigrant and Refugees Beginning Farmer Training and Incubation in Western and Central Massachusetts
0223532 NEW OTHER GRANTS Daniell, H. Daniell, H. UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FL Engineering plants for enhanced biomass production and degradation
0223531 NEW OTHER GRANTS Leech, J. Leech,Jacob Florida West Coast Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc. FL The Center for Integrated Agriculture: Building a Entrepreneurial Beginner Farmer Resource
0223505 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rader, H. B. Rader, H. B. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Rural Delivery: New Education Methods Promote Self-Reliant, Alaska Native Villages
0223181 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sequeira, E. Sequeira,E. Jemila CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Tompkins County Community Food Assessment Planning Project
0223107 NEW OTHER GRANTS Collins, D. J. Daniel J. Collins SOUTHERN UNIV LA Graduate Education and Training in Global food security and Agricultural bio-security
0222966 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fernandez, J. M. Fernandez, J. M. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Support of the USDA-SERD component at the NACTA/SERD Meeting
0222892 NEW OTHER GRANTS Turner, N. T. Turner,Nat Our School at Blair Grocery LA Our School at Blair Grocery: Toward a Viable and Sustainable Community Food Economy
0222850 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sharma, N. K. Sharma,Neelam Kumari Community Services Unlimited Inc. CA Community Services Unlimited Inc. - Community Food Village Project