Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028666 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grubinger, V. P. Leslie,Teresa UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program FY2022
1028713 NEW OTHER GRANTS Newbold, E. J. Newbold,Elizabeth Jane UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Utilizing On-farm Inspectional and Educational Observations when Developing a Tailored Approach to Regional Produce Safety Education
1028785 NEW OTHER GRANTS Callahan, C. W. Callahan,Christopher William UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Understanding and Addressing Needs for On-Farm Produce Safety Education in Hydroponics and Aquaponics
1029692 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dombrowski, K. Coates,Patricia UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Vermont Institute for Rural Partnerships (IFRP-VT)
1030450 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grubinger, V. P. Leslie,Teresa UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Application to Serve as a Regional SARE Host Institution
1030899 NEW OTHER GRANTS Newbold, E. J. Newbold,Elizabeth Jane UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Creation of Food Safety Resource Clearinghouse Content Catalogs to Improve Access and Shared Knowledge
1030932 NEW OTHER GRANTS Grubinger, V. P. Grubinger,Vernon Phillip UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Community Accreditation for Produce Safety to Meet the Needs of Small and Mid-size Farms
1031024 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fanslow, Y. H. Fanslow,Yolanda H. Chen UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Field testing of pheromone mating disruption for swede midge in Brassica crops
1031205 NEW OTHER GRANTS Darby, H. M. Darby,Heather Marie UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Enhancing the Viability of Grass-Fed Dairy Production in the U.S.through Comprehensive Research and Extension
1031560 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bradshaw, T. L. Bradshaw,Terence Lee UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Master Planning and Infrastructure Improvements for UVM Horticulture Research and Education Center
1032648 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sands, B. O. Sands,Bryony O`Hara UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Developing an ecosystem level Grazed Pasture IPM assessment tool
1032649 NEW OTHER GRANTS Leslie, T. E. Leslie,Teresa Elizabeth UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT SARE Regional Host
1032662 NEW OTHER GRANTS Newbold, E. J. Newbold,Elizabeth Jane UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Northeast Center to Advance Food Safety
1033057 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hazelrigg, A. L. Hazelrigg,Ann L. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Vermont IPM Extension Implementation Program (VT EIP): 2024-2027
1026730 NEW OTHER GRANTS Moskal, L. M. Moskal,Ludmila Monika UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Bridging the gap between data and forest sciences
1029069 NEW OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 33rd Annual Work Plan (FY22)
1031121 NEW OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 33rd Annual Work Plan (FY23)
1032087 NEW OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 34th Annual Work Plan (FY24)
1031251 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stanton, L. Stanton,Lee UNIVERSITY OF WEST ALABAMA AL Partners in Agribusiness and Conservation Enterprises (PACE)
1028577 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sanford, J. Sanford,Joseph UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI The Wisconsin Biochar Research Hub: Building Biochar Research Capacity for Nutrient and Emission Management at Agricultural Facilities
1030983 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pralle, R. Pralle,Ryan UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI Developing a Collaborative Epicenter for Automated Milking System Research
1032768 NEW OTHER GRANTS Busch, D. Busch,Dennis UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI Choreographing Change in Agroecology: An NLGCA – Tribal College Network
0229541 NEW OTHER GRANTS Walters, B. Walters,Bonnie UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI NACTA/DOCE Project Directors Conference
1030935 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wiesner, S. Wiesner,Susanne UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI A multidisciplinary approach to investigate the OneHealth perspective for grazing and confinement dairy systems
1030916 NEW OTHER GRANTS Holly, M. Holly,Michael UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Agricultural Runoff Treatment Research and Education Center: Capacity Building to Research Sustainable Treatment Systems and Create Design Recommendations
1031313 NEW OTHER GRANTS Yang, C. Yang,Ching-Hong UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Revolutionizing Organic Fire Blight Management: Harnessing the Power of Novel Biocontrol Bacterium Pseudomonas soli T307
1031571 NEW OTHER GRANTS Yang, C. Yang,Ching-Hong UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI SP: Evaluate the effectiveness of RAA, a natural metabolite, in controlling HLB through foliar spray and a combination of RAA with Oxytetracycline via trunk injection
1033177 NEW OTHER GRANTS Larson, S. Larson,Sarah UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI Filing the Equity Capital Gap in Financing Beginning Farmers
1032904 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schell, S. Schell,Scott UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY University of Wyoming Extension Implementation Program Team
1033120 NEW OTHER GRANTS Keith, J. F. Keith,Jill Fabricius UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Sustaining Pathways for Tribal Student Recruitment, Engagement, and Success