Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

For updates, please refer to the NIFA Reporting System or email

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1020694 NEW HATCH Debaryshe, BA, . Debaryshe, BA, . UNIV OF HAWAII HI Individual and Family Wellbeing
1020693 NEW HATCH Banna, JI, . Banna, JI, . UNIV OF HAWAII HI Parental practices supporting positive eating behaviors during independent eating occasions among early adolescent children
1020692 NEW HATCH Hue, NG, V.. Hue, NG, V.. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Beneficial Use of Residuals to Improve Soil Health and Protect Public, and Ecosystem Health
1020691 NEW HATCH Will, K, . Will, K, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Carabid beetles of the Californian Floristic Province and their relationships to the world carabid fauna
1020690 NEW HATCH Taga, MI, E. Taga, MI, E. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Corrinoid cross-feeding as a model to uncover bacterial nutritional interactions from the molecular to population level
1020689 NEW HATCH Sul, HE, . Sul, HE, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Nutritional and hormonal regulation of lipogenesis and adipogenesis
1020688 NEW HATCH Meckling, JO, . Meckling, JO, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA The politics of clean energy transitions in Europe and the United States
1020687 NEW HATCH Glass, N, . Glass, N, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA The development of high throughput functional genomics in filamentous fungi: Using Neurospora crassa to unravel the molecular determinants of nutrient sensing, communication, cooperativity and programmed cell death
1020686 NEW HATCH Fung, IN. Fung, IN. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Ecosystems in a Changing HydroClimate
1020685 NEW HATCH Elias, D. Elias, D. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Complex communication strategies, temperature, and species evolution in spiders
1020683 NEW HATCH Aponte, G, . Aponte, G, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Characterization of sensory nerves of the neurolymphocrine system.
1020680 NEW HATCH Youngs, CU. Youngs, CU. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Germ Cell and Embryo Development and Manipulation for the Improvement of Livestock
1020677 NEW HATCH Curry, KE, CU. Curry, KE, CU. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Multistate Agricultural Literacy Research
1020672 NEW HATCH Zhang, YO, . Zhang, YO. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Climate change effects on wild blueberries and trees in Maine
1020669 NEW HATCH Simunovic, JO, . Simunovic, JO, . NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Advanced Thermal and Continuous Microwave Processing of Foods and Biomaterials
1020664 NEW HATCH Di Gioia, FR, . Di Gioia, FR. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Improving Vegetable Production Systems Sustainability and Vegetable Quality
1020662 NEW HATCH Edwards, ER, C.. Edwards, ER, C.. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Management and Policy Challenges in a Water-Scarce World
1020659 NEW HATCH Welbaum, G. Welbaum, G. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Environmental and Genetic Determinants of Seed Quality and Performance
1020658 NEW HATCH Van Beneden, R. Van Beneden, R. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Effects of Environmental Contaminants on Finfish: Molecular Pathways to Behavioral Changes
1020657 NEW HATCH Tuller, MA, . Tuller, MA. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Soil, Water, and Environmental Physics to Sustain Agriculture and Natural Resources
1020653 NEW HATCH Yadegari, R, . Yadegari, RA. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Environmental and Genetic Determinants of Seed Quality and Performance
1020652 NEW HATCH Molnar, I, . Molnar, IS. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Bioactive Natural Products for Agriculture and Medicine from Arid Land Plants and Microorganisms
1020648 NEW HATCH Toth, AM, L. Toth, AM, L. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Sustainable Solutions to Problems Affecting Bee Health
1020645 NEW HATCH Wills, BI, D. Wills, BI, D. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL The role of ants and their insect mutualists in agricultural landscapes
1020642 NEW HATCH Jackson, B. Jackson, B. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Soilless Substrate Engineering, Characterization, and Management in Container Production Systems
1020640 NEW HATCH Peterson, JE, . Peterson, JE. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Management and Policy Challenges in a Water-Scarce World
1020638 NEW HATCH Parish, JA, . Parish, JA, . MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Evaluation of Integrated Beef Cattle, Forage, and Row Crop Systems in the Mississippi Black Prairie Region
1020637 NEW HATCH Raudales, RO, . Raudales, RO. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Resource Optimization in Controlled Environment Agriculture
1020636 NEW HATCH Lopez, RI, . Lopez, RI. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Consumer preferences for local milk: Implications for producers
1020633 NEW HATCH Cox, M. Cox, M. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Land use and management practice impacts on soil carbon and associated agroecosystems services