Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1032996 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT York, D. A. York,De`Shoin A. SOUTHERN UNIV LA Nutrition Security: Moving from Conceptualization to Measurement
1033007 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bhardwaj, H. L. Bhardwaj,Harbans L VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Green Shell Beans to Enhance Agricultural Economy of Small and Medium-sized Farms in mid-Atlantic Region
1033017 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Miesel, J. Miesel,Jessica UNIV OF IDAHO ID Sustaining Critical Forest Ecosystem Functions from the Ground Up: Evaluating the Consequences of Burn Severity on Soil Health
1033024 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT SHI, G. SHI,GUANMING UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Safeguarding Agricultural Leadership: Policy Responses to Sustain Competitiveness, Innovation, and Resilience in the Biotech Crop Era
1033032 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Burch-Smith, T. Burch-Smith,Tessa DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER MO International Conference to study plasmodesmata and intercellular trafficking focusing on recent developments related to intercellular communication in plants and plasmodesmata.
1033034 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Law, E. Law,Eugene OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Advancing integrated weed management research with computer vision technology
1033049 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Havrilla, C. Havrilla,Caroline COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO STEERS: Strengthening Extension and Education in Rangeland Systems for Greater Climate Resilience
1033050 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Upadhyay, A. Upadhyay,Abhinav UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT CT Empowering Small And Medium Poultry Farms: Boosting Safety And Profitability With Oxygen Nanobubble Supplementation In Poultry Drinking Water.
1033058 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Pelosi, J. Pelosi,Jessie UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Functional genomic approaches to assess and improve the suitability of biological control agents for the invasive fern Lygodium microphyllum
1033069 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Benson, C. Benson,Christopher OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Chromosomal Dynamics in Weedy Poa: Deciphering the Genomic Basis of Environmental Adaptation
1033080 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Faloutsos, C. Faloutsos,Christos Carnegie Mellon University PA Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: EbeeVet: An Electronic Bee-Veterinarian Framework to Secure Honey Bees
1033082 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bettinger, P. S. Bettinger,Peter S UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Carbon additionality estimates and mixed species management in eYield
1033084 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kim, H. Kim,Hyoseung The Regents of University of California CA Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: EbeeVet: An Electronic Bee-Veterinarian Framework to Secure Honey Bees
1033090 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT SWART, A. SWART,ANNE UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Climate, Water, and Equity Workshop: Continuing the Conversation
1033102 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT DIGENNARO, P. DIGENNARO,PETER UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI QTL analyses identify genetic components regulating the interactions between plants, pathogens and the environment in the face of climate change
1033116 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bever, J. D. Bever,James David UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CENTER FOR RESEARCH, INC. KS Integrating ecological dilution and genetic resistance to predict pathogen transmission, dynamics and impact
1033129 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Thomson, R. Thomson,Ryan AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Gaining Ground: Advancing Agricultural Production by Addressing Heirs` Property
1033161 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Morley, P. S. Morley,Paul S. CONFERENCE OF RESEARCH WORKERS IN ANIMAL DISEASES OH The 2025 Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases: A Revitalized Interdisciplinary Conference on Animal Diseases and One Health
1033162 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tong, Z. Tong,Zhaohui GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GA CPS: Medium: Controlled Wastewater-Hydroponic Systems for Enhanced Nutrient and Water Efficiency Using Real-Time Sensing and Data-Driven Technologies
1033190 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT KARASOV, T. KARASOV,TALIA University of Utah UT UKRI/BBSRC-NSF/BIO: Interbacterial warfare in plant colonization: tradeoffs, structural complexity and evolutionary dynamics
1033201 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Parasuraman, R. N. Parasuraman,Ramviyas Nattanmai UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: AI-driven Cyber-Physical Heterogeneous Systems for Precision Poultry Farming
1033224 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT SUNYER, J. O. SUNYER,J. ORIOL UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA PA Induction of secondary and tertiary lymphoid microstructures in fish: Implications for the generation of B cell memory responses and development of adjuvants
1033236 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gallagher, D. Gallagher,Dusti INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR PHYTOBIOMES RESEARCH, INC. MO This project will partially fund the 2024 International Phytobiomes Conference - Harvesting the Future: Bridging Phytobiomes, Agriculture and Climate.
1033237 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cardoso Costa, J. H. Cardoso Costa,Joao Henrique H UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Sustainable precision dairy farming: Bridging animal welfare and stakeholder concerns about the use of precision dairy technologies
1033239 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Austin Cantu, M. S. Austin Cantu,Melanie Shea UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ From Knowing To Doing: Training The Community Nutrition Education Frontline Workforce To Enhance Nutrition Security Conference
1033246 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT TROWBRIDGE, A. TROWBRIDGE,AMY UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Collaborative Research: Unraveling secrets of Rapid Ohi`a Death resistance: assessing carbohydrates and chemical defenses in the response of Hawaiian forests to a fungal pathogen
1033259 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Anthony, T. G. Anthony,Tracy G. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology MD Nutrient Sensing and Signaling in Metabolism
1033262 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ray, C. Ray,Chittaranjan UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Fertilizers From Waste: Recovering And Reusing Nutrients Via Circular Processing Of Agricultural Residues
1033268 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stillson, P. Stillson,Patrick EMORY UNIVERSITY GA Can the Environment Alter the Vectoring Capacity of an Agricultural Pest?
1033269 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walsh, C. Walsh,Catherine MOTE MARINE LABORATORY FL Advances in Cultured Seafood Through Embryonic Stem Cells Of Commercially Relevant Marine Species